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(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)


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R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru-560059.


Certified that the Assignment topic “SOLAR PANEL EFFICIENCY” is carried out
by Vijay kumar B (ME)–RVCE22BME400, Kshitj W(CE) – RVCE22BCV402, Pavan
gowda R (AE)-RVCE22BAS400, Shashidhar GK(AIML)–RVCE22BAI401 who are
students of RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru in partial fulfillment of the award of
assignment marks for the 3rd semester academic year 2021-22 in DESIGN THINKING
LAB. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for the internal assessment have
been incorporated in the report, and a soft copy is deposited in the department library. The
seminar/assignment report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirement in
respect of the work prescribed by the institution for the said course.
of the Staff-in-charge


Energy comes in different forms. Light is a form of energy. So is heat. So is electricity.
Often, one form of energy can be turned into another. This fact is very important because it
explains how we get electricity, which we use in so many ways. Electricity is used to light
streets and buildings, to run computers and TVs, and to run many other machines and
appliances at home, at school, and at work. One way to get electricity is toThis method for
making electricity is popular. But it has some problems. Our planet has only a limited supply
of oil and coal.In this method details about Endless Energy, Solar Cells Galore, Energy from
Sunshine , Understanding Electricity.
The heat then makes water boil and turn into steam. The steam runs a machine called a
turbine that produces electricity. Often, this electricity then goes into a public power system
that sends it out, through wires, to homes, schools, and businesses over a wide area. This
method for making electricity is popular. But it has some problems. Our planet has only a
limited supply of oil and coal.. Also, they give off gases when they are burned. These gases
may make the air dirty, or polluted, and some of them may change Earth’s climate. Another
way to make electricity uses sunlight. Sunshine is free and never gets used up. Also, there is
a lot of it[30-36]. The sunlight that hits the Earth in an hour has more energy than the people
of the world use in a year. A little device called a solar cell can make electricity right from
sunlight (“solar” means having to do with the Sun). A solar cell doesn’t give off any gases. It
doesn’t even make any noise. A solar panel is a group of solar cells that work together. The
heat then makes water boil and turn into steam. The steam runs a machine called a turbine
that produces electricity. Often, this electricity then goes into a public power system that
sends it out, through wires, to homes, schools, and businesses over a wide area. This method
for making electricity is popular. Also, there is a lot of it. The sunlight that hits the Earth in
an hour has more energy than the people of the world use in a year. A little device called a
solar cell can make electricity right from sunlight (“solar” means having to do with the Sun).

The Sun constantly gives off energy. The energy is carried through space as electromagnetic
radiation. There are several types of electromagnetic radiation. Light is one type. Radio
waves are another. Electromagnetic radiation travels like waves in water. Like water waves,
it is a series of ups and downs. One way various types of electromagnetic waves differ is in
their wavelengthPeople often think of electricity as something that fl ows. In fact, that is
pretty much right. Electricity is a stream of tiny particles called electrons. The stream is
called an electric current. There are two kinds of current. One is DC. This is direct current.
Batteries and solar cells make DC. The other kind of current is AC. This is alternating
current. It reverses direction many times a second.

Solar panels for buildings are no different from other panels. They must be able to receive
enough sunlight to be useful.Solar panels come in various colors and designs. They may be
put on a wall or roof and blend right in, so you don’t even notice them. Roof shingles and
tiles can be made using thin-fi lm panels.Usually solar panels and a few wires cannot by
themselves supply electricity to a building. More equipment is needed. Solar cells make DC
electricity. This is fi ne for some electronic devices. But home appliances and lights usually
run on AC. Houses are generally wired for AC. To change the DC to AC, a device called an
inverter is needed.


Solar panels have a lot of strong points. The silicon used in most of them is a very common
material. Sand is made up mostly of silicon. Solar panels are reliable. The “fuel” they use—
sunshine—is free. It is a renewable resource that will last nearly forever. Scientists expect
the Sun to keep shining for billions of years. Also, solar panels can make electricity right at
the place where it is used. This removes the need for wires or cables to carry electricity from
a distant power plant. When they are used, solar panels have almost no effect on the
environment. They are quiet. They don’t release dirty or harmful gases into the air. They
don’t cause water pollution. They don’t create hazardous waste. Cleaner Power Plants Power
plants using solar panels have several advantages. They can usually be built more quickly
than oil, coal, or nuclear power plants.while sunshine is free, solar panels are not. Getting a
solar system for a building costs money. In many cases today, the total cost may turn out to
be so high that it’s cheaper to get power from the grid. This may change in the future,
though, as the cost of electricity made by power plants using oil goes up. Also, as more solar
panels are used, the price of the panels may come down.

Scientists continue to hunt for ways to make better cells. They are trying new materials, such
as plastics. They are also looking for ways solar cells and panels can be more useful. For
instance, they have come up with a “photocapacitor.” This is a solar device that both makes
electricity and stores it for later use. Experimental models were not good for practical use.
But if the device can be improved, it might someday eliminate the need to have batteries to
store solar electricity, at least in some cases. Sun Plus Wind When the Sun doesn’t shine,
solar panels can’t make electricity. But there is a renewable energy source that can: the wind.
Some people have electric power systems that combine solar panels with a wind turbine.
Such a system is called a hybrid. Of course, the wind doesn’t always blow at night. So if the
system has no link with the grid, it will still need batteries for electricity on windless nights.

Photovoltaic modules consist of a large number of solar cells and use light energy (photons)
from the Sun to generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect. Most modules
use wafer-based crystalline silicon cells or thin-film. The structural (load carrying) member
of a module can be either the top layer or the back layer. Cells must be protected from
mechanical damage and moisture. Most modules are rigid, but semi-flexible ones based on
thin-film cells are also available. The cells are usually connected electrically in series, one to
another to the desired voltage, and then in parallel to increase current. The power (in watts)
of the module is the mathematical product of the voltage (in volts) and
the current (in amperes), and depends both on the amount of light and on the electrical
load connected to the module. The manufacturing specifications on solar panels are obtained
under standard conditions, which are usually not the true operating conditions the solar
panels are exposed to on the installation site.[10]
A PV junction box is attached to the back of the solar panel and functions as its output
interface. External connections for most photovoltaic modules use MC4 connectors to
facilitate easy weatherproof connections to the rest of the system. A USB power interface
can also be used.[11] Solar panels also use metal frames consisting of racking components,
brackets, reflector shapes, and troughs to better support the panel structure.

The efficiency of solar panels has improved dramatically in recent years, from an
average of around 15% conversion of sunlight to usable energy to around 20%. High-
efficiency solar panels can reach as much as nearly 23%. The power rating of a
standard-sized panel has likewise increased from 250W to 370W.  Solar panel
efficiency is determined by both photovoltaic cell efficiency (namely, cell type and
design) and total panel efficiency based on such considerations as cell type, layout and
size. An easy way to gauge the efficiency of solar panels is to look at the
manufacturer’s efficiency rating, which are based on standard test conditions and
provide a reliable indication of performance. The more efficient the panel, the more it
will produce compared to a less efficient panel, and the fewer panels you will need.

e-Home Solutions

Enabling smarter, better living through cutting-edge technology

Higher efficiency panels are more expensive, but may better help you meet your
energy needs if you have a small amount of space available. At the same time,  cost
efficiency of solar panels overall has tumbled, making them an increasingly attractive
solution for homeowners and businesses. In the real world, conditions may vary
according to weather, or dust on the panels.Solar panels can be combined with
an energy management system  that allows for the collection, comparison and analysis
of real-time data on energy consumption. Furthermore, the energy management
software can automatically identify potential savings by comparing actual
consumption with ideal energy usage, allowing clients to take corrective actions where



The total cumulative installations amounted to about 850 GWp at the end of year 2021. All
percentages are related to global installed PV capacity, including off-grid systems.
The Sun emits 3.8 x 10^33 ergs/sec or 3.8 x 10^26 watts of power...or each second, an
amount of energy equal to 3.8 x 10^26 joules. In one hour, or 3600 seconds, it produces 1.4
x 10^31 Joules of energy or 3.8 x 10^23 kilowatt-hours.


The efficiency of the photovoltaic (PV) cells that make up a solar panel is calculated
on the basis of energy from sunlight that is converted into electricity by
semiconductors. An efficient solar panel  is one that generates more electricity by
occupying less space. Manufacturers rate solar panels by their efficiency, which ranges
from around 15% to 20% of conversion of the sun’s energy transformed into usable
electricity. Many factors affect solar panel efficiency above and beyond the
manufacturers’ rating:
 The amount of light reflected away from the cell's surface.
 The intensity of the sun
 The amount of cloud cover
 Heat build-up, which affects the conductivity of the semiconductors in the PV


Solar panel design affects efficiency mainly by the way the cells are laid out and
configured along the panel.
The color of the protective backsheet also plays a role, because high temperatures
actually reduce efficiency. So colors like blue or green are more effective than black.
Solar panel inclination

Orientation of the solar panels –  called solar panel angle or tilt – is important to
obtain the full advantages of the sun’s radiation. Panels that are flat to the ground
won’t work as well as those tilted towards the sun. The optimal tilt depends on your
home or facility’s latitude, and the time of year. In practical terms, however, most
situations don’t allow for panel tilt to be adjusted each season. Instead, they can be
installed at a range of angles to accommodate different seasons and the pitch of the

There are three main types of solar panels:

 Monocrystalline: made of high-purity silicon, are generally seen as the most
efficient. These are more expensive and take up less space.
 Polycrystalline:  slightly less efficient, cost less, and may be a good option for
facilities that have more space.
 Thin-film: the least efficient, but their lighter weight makes them more adaptable
to a variety of uses including transportation.

Most people would assume the hotter the sun, the greater the solar panel
efficiency. Actually that’s not true.

The semiconductors in solar panels are sensitive to high temperatures.

According to the manufacturing standards, 25 °C or 77 °F temperature is the optimum

temperature range of photovoltaic solar panels.


Solar panels slowly degrade over time, meaning that they produce less electricity
from the same amount of sunlight. The causes of solar panel efficiency
degradation include wear and tear due to weather. The average productive life of
solar panels is 30 years. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL) , solar panels and their output degrade at a rate of about 0.5% per year: a 20-
year-old panel will produce approximately 90% of the electricity it produced in its first
year of life.


Solar panels generally only produce electricity when the sun is shining. Obviously,
there is less direct sunlight in winter than in summer, so solar panels in
winter produce less electricity during the cold season when days are shorter. Although
solar panels are more efficient in summer, they can still generate enough electricity to
heat your home in winter. One way to make sure of that is to pair solar panels
with energy storage systems  made up of batteries. This way you can store excess
energy produced by your solar panels to power your home at night, or on a rainy day.
• Wear & tear over time from exposure to UV rays & adverse weather conditions.
• Less man power –can overcome by using automatic solar panel

• Dust particles seating on the grids –

Decreases the amount of solaradiation reaching the cells
•Moisture present in the air - should be below 85 %, above 85 % leads to
metal grids corrosion.

•Temperature – Maximum ambient temperature 45°C

Minimum ambient temperature 8°C

•Reliability of electronics components
•Solar panel shading
Solar power is an immense source of directly useable energy and ultimately creates other
energy resources: biomass, wind, hydropower and wave energy.
Most of the Earth's surface receives sufficient solar energy to permit low-grade heating of
water and buildings, although there are large variations with latitude and season. At low
latitudes, simple mirror devices can concentrate solar energy sufficiently for cooking and
even for driving steam turbines.
The energy of light shifts electrons in some semiconducting materials. This photovoltaic
effect is capable of large-scale electricity generation. However, the present low efficiency of
solar PV cells demands very large areas to supply electricity demands.
Direct use of solar energy is the only renewable means capable of ultimately supplanting
current global energy supply from non-renewable sources, but at the expense of a land area
of at least half a million km2

Thin film of the solar cells can be put into cloth. The larger the area of the solar cells, the
more current they can make. If they were used in curtains, thin-fi lm solar cells could
provide a very useful amount of electricity.Ways of getting lots of sunlight to solar cells are
being studied. One proposed concentrator could be used on windows. It involves putting
special dyes into glass or plastic. Solar cells are put at the edges of the sheet of glass or
plastic. The dyes let some light through the window. They also capture some light energy,
which fl ows to the cells, By following proper maintenance can achieve higher efficiency.
1. Ramamoorthy, R., Kanagasabai, V., Kausalya, R., Impact of celebrities' image on brand,
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2. Ramamoorthy, R., Kanagasabai, V., Vignesh, M., Quality assurance in operation theatre
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3. Ramya, N., Arthy, J., Honey comb graphs and its energy, International Journal of Pure and
Applied Mathematics, V-116, I-18 Special Issue, PP-83-86, 2017
4. Ramya, N., Jagadeeswari, P., Proper coloring of regular graphs, International Journal of
Pure and Applied Mathematics, V-116, I-16 Special Issue, PP-531-533, 2017 5. Ramya, N.,
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Muthukumar, M., On coloring of 4-regular graphs, International Journal of Pure and Applied
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