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Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional (Automation 360) Assessment


/  Assessment Results

Automation Anywhere Certified Advanced RPA Professional (Automation 360) Assessment was completed
by Md Ehtesham on 09/01/2022 12:24:39 AM .

Attempts Time Taken

2 

Score (Passmark 80%)

93% - Passed

Weight: 1
An analyst wants to document the steps for the business process they own. The analyst
requests the Control Room administrator to create a user for them in the system. What is the
role that needs to be assigned to analyst's user?

 AAE_Bot Developer

 AAE_Basic

  AAE_Discovery Bot Analyst

 AAE_Discovery Bot User

Weight: 1
A bot developer has captured tabular data from a website and stored it in a "Table" variable.
They are trying to use the Data Table: Write to ?le action to write the information stored in the
Table variable into a CSV file. When they run the bot, they get this error: 'Folder is not
available'. What should the bot developer enable in the Data Table: Write to file action to
resolve this error?

 Overwrite the existing file

 Append to the existing file

  Create files/folders if it does not exist

 Choose the Desktop file option and provide the correct path
Weight: 1
A bot developer is writing up the requirements document for a use case where data
from a Microsoft Excel workbook is moved to a new worksheet within the workbook. What
packages should be specified in the requirements document?

 Excel basic package

  Excel advanced package

 Database package

 XML package

Weight: 1
A bot developer has recorded a process that edits user information via a web-based form. The
bot works fine for a certain user (the one who recorded), however, the bot fails for any other
user and displays an error message 'cannot find window or application that was open during
recording'. What should the bot developer do to allow the bot to be used with a variety of user

 Adjust the Object properties to be more generic

  Adjust the window variable created by the recording to accept a wildcard in the window title

 Create a variable to adjust the Object properties dynamically

 Create a bot for each user

Weight: 1
The virtual machines being used as bot runner devices have no applications installed. A bot
needs to open and modify an Excel file. How can the developer automate this process?

  By using the Excel basic package

 By using the Excel advanced package

 By using the CSV/TXT: Read command

 By using the File: Open command

Weight: 1
A bot developer is developing a bot that should lock the computer screen after the bot
execution. What is the most efficient way to achieve this?

 Use the Application: Open program/file action.

 Use the VBScript: Run function action.

  Use the System: Lock computer action.

 Use the SNMP: Set action.

Weight: 1
A bot developer needs to enter text into a form field on a web site. Which action is to be used
for this activity?

 Simulate keyboard

  Simulate keystrokes

 Insert keystrokes

 Insert keyboard

Weight: 1
A bot developer wants to preload packages in Automation 360 that will help them decrease
the time to run their first bot. Which of the following approaches is best suited for this

 Preload all the versions of all the packages

 Preload only the set of user specified packages

 Preload all available versions of commonly used and user specified (if any) packages

  Preload default versions of commonly used and user specified (if any) packages

Weight: 1
A clerk in an insurance office consolidates 100 customer details daily, which are scanned as
images and saved into a folder. These are processed by opening the files individually to
extract the text for further processing. To automate this portion of the task, which packages
from Automation 360 would help the bot developer automate reading these documents?

  Packages: OCR, Loop, String

 Packages: Image Recognition, Loop, String

 Packages: Image Recognition, Loop, Dictionary

 Packages: OCR, Loop, Dictionary

Weight: 1
The financial department of a multinational company wants to provide the RPA team a
business dashboard so they can have insights from the automated process. The developer
starts to make changes on the actual bot to meet the requirement. What package should the
developer add to the bot in order to generate the business dashboard?

  Analyze package

 Bot Insight package

 Data Table package

 Interactive forms package

Weight: 1
A bot developer is running a loop through each row in a table but needs to keep track of how
many iterations occur. There does not seem to be any system variable that keeps track of
iterations. Which two actions can be used in conjunction in the bot's code to address this
issue? Choose two.

  Create a Number variable to store the count

 Create a String variable to store the count

  Use the Number: Increment action to increment the number variable inside the loop

 Convert the Number variable to a string to record in a log to file

 Use the inline data conversion to log the Number variable to a file without needing to
convert it to a string

Weight: 1
A bot developer is creating a bot that performs the following steps: - Use the Browser: Open
action to open the web page: - Capture the
table from the web page - Write the contents of the table in a CSV file When the bot runs, it
launches Google Chrome and the following error appears: "Cannot find window or application
titled 'Sample Index Page - Internet Explorer' that was open during recording."
How can you
resolve this error?

 Run the bot again with all browsers closed prior to running.

 Recapture the table using the default browser.

  Specify a browser in the Browser: Open action.

 Use a Table variable instead of an Any type variable to capture the contents of the table.

Weight: 1
An information technology administrator builds an environment that will allow parallel users
to execute tasks on one host. Which two operating systems would support this requirement so
that it can be installed on the target host?

 Windows 7 Professional

 Windows 10 Professional

  Windows 10 Enterprise on Azure

  Windows 2019 Server

Weight: 1
The Commission Calculator bot reads rows from a Microsoft Excel worksheet one-by-one and
updates a form in SAP. The bot uses a Loop action with the iterator 'For each row in
worksheet' and assigns the current value to a String variable named 'current_Row'. However,
the variable does not seem to appear in the list for selection. What change should the bot
developer make to resolve this issue?

 Declare the variable as a system variable

 Remove the _ (underscore) symbol from the variable name

 Declare the variable as an 'Array' type

  Declare the variable as a 'Record' type

Weight: 1
A bot developer is trying to rename a bot but receives an error message. What are two
possible reasons for this failure? Choose two.

  The new name contains special characters like * (asterisk) and | (pipe)

  A bot exists with the same name

 The developer is not following the Software Development Lifecycle Standards as mandated
by the Solution Architect

 The bot is not checked-out

Weight: 1
A bot developer has a CSV file which contains five columns separated by commas. They
create a bot to extract data from the first column of the CSV using the CSV/TXT: Open and
Loop: Loop actions. However, the bot extracts five items in a row, not the first index item. Why
is this occurring?

 The 'Trim leading spaces' and 'Trim trailing spaces' check boxes are on in the Open action
of the CSV/TXT package

  The delimiter of the Open action in the CSV/TXT package was set to 'Newline'

 The delimiter of the Open action in the CSV/TXT package was set to 'Other' and ',' is
entered in the Specific Delimiter field

 The selected encoding in the CSV/TXT package Open action was not aligned to that of the
CSV file

Weight: 1
A developer requires to use Excel file operations while building a bot for data reconciliation.
The system does not have the desktop version of Microsoft Excel installed on it. Which Excel
package in Automation 360 can be used for this scenario?

  Excel Basic package

 Excel Advanced package

 Office 365 Excel package

 File operations package

Weight: 1
A user needs to append a CSV file with the daily sales numbers from an ERP application (one
data set per day). A bot developer would like to automate this operation. After getting the data
from ERP application what should the bot developer do next?

 Open an existing CSV file using Excel basic: Open action and add data using Excel basic:
Get cell action.

 Open an existing CSV file using Excel advanced: Open action and add data using Excel
advanced: Get cell action

  Add data using the Log To File: Log to file action.

 Open an existing CSV file using CSV/TXT: Open action and add data using CSV/TXT: Read

Weight: 1
A developer needs to create a bot to fetch information from a file in CSV format, loop through
the data in the CSV file and input the data to a system. Which variable type should the
developer use to iterate each row in the CSV file?

 Table

 String

  Record

 List

Weight: 1
A user is automating a claims process that involves opening different websites to read and
update claims related data. The user wants to store the application window title. Which
variable type is most suited for this operation?

 List

 File

  Window

 Credential

Weight: 1
A bot is found to fail on each run. The audit log indicates an error "Unable to find
TEXTBOX. Search Criteria did not match." at line 12. Troubleshooting reveals that a previous
line is entering a blank password resulting in a failed login. What can be done to resolve this
issue securely?

  Use a Credential variable and verify the bot runner user has values entered for this

 Enter the password in plain text in the Recorder command on line 11

 Read the password from a file on a shared file system into a String variable and enter the
String variable into the Recorder command

 Re-record the textbox on line 12

Weight: 1
A bot developer is developing a bot that must temporarily store a sequence of student names
within one variable for future lookups in a database. Which variable is best suited for this

  List

 String

 File

 Session

Weight: 1
A production department in an organization receives thousands of quotes in PDF format from
multiple vendors. The department manager is automating the extraction of fields using the
Automation 360 PDF package and assigning the outcome to a variable. Which type of variable
should be used to assign the outcome?

 Data table

 File

  Dictionary

 Record

Weight: 1
A financial reconciliation task requires the comparison of several spreadsheets. While running
the bot an error is encountered when attempting to edit one of the spreadsheets: 'Session'
error due to one or more of the following reasons. 1. Session name is blank 2. Local session
does not exist 3. Shared session does not exist. How can this issue be resolved?

  Verify each Excel command is configured with the correct Session name.
 Insert error handling commands to catch and report the error.

 Log Excel data to a local file.

 Create a new Session variable.

Weight: 1
Having finished recording several blocks of steps, a developer is reviewing the variable list.
Noticing a series of window and browser variable names that are automatically created and
have similar names, they want to clean up the Variables list such that only variables used in
the actions remain. What is the fastest way to clean up the Variables list?

 Use the Search variables box to find the names of known unused variables and delete them

 Use the fly-out menu to delete variables individually.

 Right-click on the Variables list and choose "Delete unused variables" from the menu.

  Click the trash can icon at the top of the variables list in the Variables palette.

Weight: 1
The IT security team of a company asks an RPA Solution Architect to securely connect their
EWS E-mail. What authentication type would the Solution Architect implement?

  OAuth 2.0

 SAML 2.0

 Basic


Weight: 1
A new developer has joined the RPA team and accidently deleted a bot from a public
repository while in training. The developer asks the RPA Solution Architect for assistance.
How should the RPA Solution Architect resolve this issue?

 Rollback from SVN

  Restore from GIT

 Copy from TFS

 Upload the CSV

Weight: 1
A bot developer needs to automate an application hosted on Citrix XenApp Server. While they
are aware of the Automation 360 Bot Agent's capability to automate such applications, they
observe that it fails to get the object details of the application. What are two methods for the
developer to troubleshoot and try to resolve the failure? Choose two.

 Check if AARemoteAgent.exe is running on the Bot Agent device.

  Check if AARemoteAgent.exe is running on the Citrix Server.

 Check if Citrix Receiver is installed on the Citrix Server.

  Check if AARemoteAgent.exe is registered as Virtual App on the Citrix StoreFront.

Weight: 1
Citrix is the primary delivery method for applications at a company. The IT department will
allow installation of new software on Citrix servers including the Automation Anywhere
Remote Agent for Citrix. After installation, a developer notes that the universal recorder is not
identifying objects in the Citrix Receiver window. How might this situation be resolved?

  Install the Automation Anywhere plug-in for Citrix on the developer�s device.

 Install target applications on developer and bot runner devices.

 Ask the IT department to open a port on the firewall.

 Upgrade to the latest version of Citrix Receiver.

Weight: 1
A company wants to automate their helpdesk ticket flow, and update the CRM application
using the bot. The bot developer recorded the flow using the recorder and automated the
process. When a user tries to run the recorded flow, the bot results in an error. On initial
analysis, the bot developer identified that the bot fails when it selects a specific window. How
would the developer resolve the issue?

 They did not capture the object properties correctly; recapture the recording accounting for
this object.

 Force select the window using the window package and recapture the recording.

  Use the window variable with the application title, as the window URL likely has dynamic

 The captured object contains unidentified property; resize the window and recapture the

Weight: 1
A user is capturing actions on an application that they want to automate using the Universal
Recorder. They observe the following behavior: - While recording, a 'shield' icon is displayed
in the Universal Recorder popup. - After the bot has been saved and later re-opened for
editing, the capture preview does not display the captured screenshot. What could be the
reason for this?

 The application is not supported by Universal Recorder.

 AISense recorder should be used instead of Universal Recorder.

  The administrator has enabled Secure Recording mode

 The administrator has set an older version of the Universal Recorder package as the

Weight: 1
A user is capturing actions on an application that they want to automate using the AISense
Recorder. The user scrolls down in the target application to capture a particular object. Now,
the objects in the application are not getting highlighted. How would the user resolve this

 Edit the Capture action once the recording has been completed.

  Select the Scan button to analyze the window objects.

 Define the object and the supporting anchor.

 Wait 20 seconds for the highlight to appear.

Weight: 1
A user is capturing actions on an application that they want to automate using the Universal
Recorder. After capturing an action on an object, the user wants to change the action
performed on it. How would the user accomplish this?

  Select the appropriate action in the Action to take on object field.

 Change the value of the HTMLInnerText field in Object properties.

 Turn off the Secure Recording Mode before recording.

 Actions can only be changed by using AISense Recorder.

Weight: 1
A user is trying to record a web application using the Universal Recorder but every time they
finish the recording and attempt to run it, the bot fails when clicking on certain objects. How
can the automation be made more robust when the bot cannot reliably identify an object?

 Use the Smart Recorder to capture the object

 Use the AISense recorder

  Link an object to a supporting anchor

 Use a command to refresh the page

Weight: 1
A citizen developer wants to record a simple task to upload data to a legacy application that is
used daily. Using the Universal Recorder option, the object text box cannot be captured.
Which recorder should be used to resolve this issue?

 Web Recorder

  AISense Recorder

 Capture Recorder

 Smart Automation

Weight: 1
A bot developer is using the Universal Recorder to automate a process. What precaution
should the bot developer take for this purpose?

 Ensure that you run the application after starting the Recorder

  Ensure that you run the application before starting the Recorder

 Set the scaling for the display to 200%

 Ensure that the application is not running�

Weight: 1
A bot developer is creating a bot that reads a table from a web page, writes the data into a
Microsoft Excel worksheet, and performs some calculations based on this data. What are the
two packages needed to accomplish this? (Choose two)

  Universal Recorder package

  Excel advanced package

 Log To File package

 Simulate keystrokes package

Weight: 1
A bot developer is creating a bot that would read data from a Microsoft Excel worksheet and
enter the data into a webpage using a recorder. The webpage is open on a remote application
at the client end. How can the bot developer ensure that the recording happens correctly and
without additional installation at the client end?

  Perform the recording using the AI sense recorder and ensure that the remote application is
present on the taskbar

 Perform the recording using the universal recorder and ensure that the remote application is
present on the taskbar

Ensure that the bot agent is installed on the remote desktop

 Use a combination of mouse clicks and simulate keystroke actions

Weight: 1
A developer has checked-out a bot "MainLogin-Sub" that logs into a system. She wants to use
this bot as a sub-bot for a process she wants to automate. Before making any changes or
using the checked-out bot, another developer wants to make some enhancements to the
"MainLogin-Sub" bot, and is asking her to check-in her bot so he can complete his changes.
How can the developer continue to work on her bot, while the other developer makes

 Cancel the Check-out to help the other developer complete his improvements.

 Check-in the bot without any changes, leaving a comment "checked in without changes".

 Cancel the Check-out and then Clone the bot to continue development of her bot using the
cloned bot in her private workspace.

  Cancel the Check-out and use the remaining Clone in her private workspace.

Weight: 1
An Automation Anywhere Developer found out that there is a bot on the Bot Store, that
converts an Excel file to CSV, that will help the developer save development time and effort.
Which role does the developer need to download the bot from the Bot Store to the Control
room repository?

  AAE_Bot Developer

 AAE_Basic

 AAE_Bot Migration Admin

 AAE_Discovery Bot Admin

Weight: 1
A developer is working on an application and learns that there is a pre-built bot in the Bot
Store for this application that can be downloaded. However, the developer is not able to
locate this bot in the Control Room even though it is displayed in the Bot Store tab in the
repository. What role should be assigned to the developer so that they can download and use
this bot?

  AAE_Bot Developer

 AAE_Basic

 AAE_Bot Store

 AAE_Bot Download
Weight: 1
A bot developer is looking to save time by leveraging pre-developed bots from the Bot Store.
When downloading a bot from Bot Store into the Control Room, which folder inside the
Control Room receives the download?

 Bot Store downloads

 My downloads

 My bots

  Bot Store

Weight: 1
A developer has used an Error Handler: Try action block and inserted actions for the main
logic of the bot. They left the Catch block field blank. While testing the logic on their bot agent
device, they noticed the playback is pausing on an action for about 15 seconds, then the "Bot
has completed successfully" dialog displays. They want to investigate the probable cause for
the 15 seconds delay. What should the developer do to ensure that errors are captured and
displayed while running the bot?

 Insert a Message Box: Message box at the bottom of the Try with a 5 second time out,
showing $ErrorMessage$.

 Ensure the Error Handler: Catch node assigns the error message and error line number to
local variables.

 Insert a Message Box: Message Box into the Error Handler: Catch block to display local
variables assigned by the Error Handler: Catch node.

 Add an Error Handler: Finally action and add logging to the bot structure.

Weight: 1
A bot developer is creating an automation that needs to consist of multiple bots. What are two
ways they can ensure that variable values from the parent bot are available in the child bots?
(Choose two.)

  Create variables in the sub-bots and tag them as input and output

  Create variables in the sub-bots and tag them as input

 Create variables in the sub-bots and tag them as input and constant

 Create variables in the sub-bots and tag them as constant

 All variables in the parent bot are automatically available in the child bots

Weight: 1
While testing for errors, a bot executes logic to login into a web-based application. The bot
enters a username and an invalid password, causing the user-interface to display an error
message, but the bot logic does not detect the error condition of an invalid password. What
should the developer add to the Error Handler: Try block to ensure that an invalid login
causes an error?

 Add an Error Handler: Throw action to the Try block.

 Add conditional logic to check for the error message, then add an Error Handler: Throw to
the Catch block.

 Add conditional logic to check for the error message, then add an Error Handler: Throw to
the Try block.

 Add an Error Handler: Throw in the Catch block to display the error message.

Weight: 1
A bot developer needs to provide a mechanism to log issues within a bot in a production
environment while providing an inline resolution for known fault scenarios. How can the bot
developer achieve this?

 Debug tool

 Variable watcher

  Error handler Package

 Analyze Package

Weight: 1
A developer is creating a child bot that will read an XLSX file that is stored in the path
c:\users\Developer.1\Bot_Input. This bot should also log the errors encountered in a log file
and return appropriate errors to the parent bot. What should the developer implement in the
code to ensure that the errors are logged?

  Use the Try, Throw, and Catch actions from the Error handler package

 Use the Try and Catch actions from the Error handler package

 Use the If: if and Loop: loop On error condition

 Error handling is available inherently

Weight: 1
A bot processes records within the Peoplesoft application. A manager wants to view the
information being processed without interrupting the bot. How can this be accomplished?

  Design the bot to log data to a text file after each record is processed and then the manager
can review the log file.

 The manager logs in to their account on the unattended bot runner device and watches the
bot run.
 Add error handling commands into the bot.

 The manager looks up the information on the Devices page in the Control Room.

Weight: 1
A bot needs to loop through a specific process 10 times. While executing the Loop, the
number variable used does not change value. What is used to keep track of the number of
iterations of the Loop?

 Use the '$Counter$' variable

 Use an Excel formula to loop through the cells

  In Loop: For n times create and select a number variable to assign the current value

 Use the value after the Loop and decrement it manually

Weight: 1
A developer is required to run a bot using input from an Excel file in a specific folder and end
the bot as soon as the file is no longer available. Which package can be used so that the bot
can stop the execution as soon as the dependent Excel file is no longer available?

 Use the If Package

 Use the Loop Package with File Iterator

 Use the Loop Package with the While loop type

 Use the File package

Weight: 1
A developer has designed an automation to open an application for a human resources
employee on an attended bot runner. The goal is to automate leave-management tasks so that
the next part of automation starts only after the user credentials are provided. How can this be

 Use the Loop While Window action

 Use the If Loop action

  Use the Wait for screen change action

 Use Delay

Weight: 1
A project manager is reviewing a bot designed by an RPA developer. The project manager
observes that network fluctuations result in the web application taking varied times to open,
and sometimes it fails to load the screen resulting in failure of the bot. What should the bot
developer do to resolve the issue?

 Use the Delay action for screen to load

  Use the Wait for Condition action

 Use the Activate Window action after screen is loaded

 Use the Random Delay action for screen to load

Weight: 1
A bot developer has created an automation that gets the current system date and time. In the
next step of the bot, one week needs to be added to this date. What type of variable should be
used for this purpose?

 A String Variable

 A Number Variable

  A Datetime Variable

 A Dictionary Variable

Weight: 1
A bot developer is building a bot to run daily reports. If any error occurs in the web
application while the report is running, a window titled "Error" with important information is
displayed. The developer would like to capture an image of this window when an error occurs
and save it to a local ?le on the desktop. Which action should the bot developer use to
capture the desired image?

  Screen: Capture Window

 OCR: Capture area

 OCR: Capture image by path

 Image Recognition: Find image in window

Weight: 1
A bot developer would like to extract table data from a web page and save it in a CSV file. The
bot developer has captured the table using a Recorder and has set the Action to 'Get table'.
What should they do next?

 Assign the output to string type variable and use Log to file package to write the data in the
string variable to a CSV file.

 Assign the output to table type variable and use Log to file package to write the data in the
table variable to a CSV file.

  Assign the output to table type variable and use the Data Table package to Write to file
action to write the data in the table variable to a CSV file.
 Assign the output to string type variable and use Loop and Log to file packages to write the
data in the string variable to a CSV file.

Weight: 1
A developer is calculating a value using several Number type variables and storing the
calculation in a Number variable named nTotal. When logging this value to a file, the value is
truncating to only the integer portion of the number. How can the developer get the entire
Number value to return two decimal places?

 Use the inline type conversion format $nTotal,Number:toString$ in a Log to File action.

  Use the Number: To string action and use 2 as the value for Enter number of digits after

 Use the Number: To string action, then use String actions to capture the integer and
decimal portions of the value.

 Use the Number: To string action and use the defaults for the explicit type conversion.

Weight: 1
To secure the invoice system access, a bot developer added system login credentials to the
invoice system locker in the Control Room. However, when creating the bot, the bot developer
is unable to view the locker for the login credentials. What would resolve this issue?

 Ask the Locker administrator to grant locker consumer permission.

 Ask the Locker administrator to grant locker participant permission.

 Ask the Locker administrator to grant locker manager permission.

 Ask the Locker administrator to grant locker owner permission.

Weight: 1
A bot built a long time ago uses old versions of packages yet continues to work properly. Why
should the package references not be updated to the latest versions?

 It will prevent the bot from being exported.

 It will prevent the bot from being checked in.

 It will prevent the bot from being checked out.

  It may change the parameters for some actions within the package affecting backward

Weight: 1
On the first of the month, Database package version 1.0.0 was the default version in the
Control Room. On the fifth of the month, Database package version 1.1.0 was uploaded and
set as default. Which statement is correct?

 All existing and future bots will use version 1.1.0 when executing the bots.

  Bots created after version 1.1.0 is set as default will initially use version 1.1.0.

 Every bot developer should set the default for themselves before executing the bots.

 Whenever uploading a newer version of a package, it must be set as default.

Weight: 1
While developing a bot, a bot developer notices that the bot continues the automation before
the target Excel file is opened, causing the bot to error out. This file contains 700,000 lines of
data and takes between 30-90 seconds to open. While the file is opening, a small loading
window appears and then closes just before the file is opened. How can the bot developer
make the bot most resilient and prevent the error at this stage?

 Use the �Wait for Condition� action to test if the file exists

  Use the �Wait for Window� action to wait for the loading window to close

 Use the �Wait for Window� action to wait for the loading window to open

 Use the �Delay� action to create a random delay between 30-90 seconds

 Use the �Delay� action to create a 90 second delay

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