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3. What are your views on bullying?

 main causes
 effects
 what can be done about it
1. slajd

Any action that a person does intentionally to mentally or physically harm another person.

2. Slajd

Firstly, I want to talk about where we encounter bullying.

There is bullying in school where the bullies are the students with lower grades who bully students
with higher grades or opposite.

In sports many people judge girls that play sports like football and boys that train sport that is „for
women“ like dancing.

Some other examples of bullying is by physical appearance, look and price of the clothes, body color
and many more.

3. Slajd

Now let`s look at the slide three.

I will talk about main causes of bullying.

People that bully others most of the time have been treated like that in their life and they don`t
know how to deal with that so they belittle others.

Victims are introverted and shy persons.

Big problem in society nowadays is that in the films and series the bullies are represented cool and
famous but in the reality that is weakest group of people.

4. Slajd

When person gets bullied for a long time it damages its mental health.

When people can`t suffer anymore, some of them think they have no options left and that the
only option is suicide.

5 slajd

Because of that it is important to study bullying because having a better understanding of bullying
can help you identify children who need help.

We need to help people because you know the quote ˝If you turn and face the other way when
someone is being bullied, you might as well be the bully too!˝

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