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Name: Daniel Perez

Writing Unit 10
I picked up a piece of wood lying near my hiding place. As I got closer it didn't make any
sense, but when I was close enough, I saw that it was a trap, something caught me and took
me to the bottom of the river, I couldn't see anything and the air was running out, I started
kicking and trying to get loose with all my strength.
After several minutes I was able to surface and breathe, I could only see a large animal
under the water, I wasn't sure what it was but I felt very scared so I got out as fast as I could
and tried to hunt it down.
Suddenly I saw that the animal was coming at full speed from the seabed and was heading
straight for me, when I saw it come out of the water it was extremely long and with a very
strange shape, it had very sharp teeth and a very large tail, it tried to eat me because it was
chasing me until an idea occurred to me, I tried to use some salmon as bait to distract her,
and if it worked, I caught her in a net.
I tried to take it but it was too heavy but I didn't know what to do with that creature either,
so I thought maybe it was just hungry or needed something so I went looking for food. I
didn't really know what it was feeding on so I took several types of fish to feed it, when I
returned, I could see that this creature had babies, it was just trying to protect them and feed
them so I myself took care of feeding them and let them return to the water.
Every week I go to visit the river, I take several fish with me to be able to feed these
creatures, now they are like my family.

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