Amelia Sung MAternity VSIM Guided Reflection

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Meisha Thompson

Maternity VSIM Guided Reflection

April 9th, 2023

Maternity Case 6: Amelia Sung (Complex)

Guided Reflection Questions

Opening Questions
How did the simulated experience of Amelia Sung’s case make you feel?
Describe the actions you felt went well in this scenario.
Answer: This VSIM was not bad as the doctor’s orders were straight forward and
she assisted with the delivery by talking me through what was needed o be done.
In the beginning I felt slightly rushed to get her vitals done as everything was
happening way too fast but that goes to show that you have to be prepared for
everything. I also felt the interventions I did to aid with the shoulder dystocia went

Scenario Analysis Questions*

EBP What risk factors specific to shoulder dystocia were identified during Amelia
Sung’s case?
Answer: Ms. Sung had history of delivering a large baby in the past, she is diabetic
and the baby decent has been slow throughout labor and has shown the
turtle sign.
PCC/I Prioritize your nursing actions for Amelia Sung based on your
Answer: The first issue I addressed once I saw the delivery was becoming
complicated and fetal heart rate was decelerating I administered 10L of
oxygen through a non- rebreather mask, discontinued Oxytocin and

The Scenario Analysis Questions are correlated to the Quality and Safety Education for
Nurses (QSEN) competencies: Patient-Centered Care (PCC), Teamwork and Collaboration
(T&C), Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement (QI), Safety (S), and
Informatics (I). Find more information at:

From vSim for Nursing | Maternity. © Wolters Kluwer Health.

Meisha Thompson
Maternity VSIM Guided Reflection
April 9th, 2023

administered bolus LR 500ml. I also ensure that all the appropriate

equipment were available for delivery of the baby.
EBP List the possible complications for Amelia Sung and her baby related to the
shoulder dystocia.
Answer: The mother is at higher risk for postpartum hemorrhage which has the
potential to be fetal. The baby could experience a broken clavicle, nerve damage,
and paralysis of the arm, lack of oxygen and asphyxiation which also pose the
potential of being lethal.
T&C List the interprofessional health care team that should be involved in Amelia
Sung’s case.
Answer: I felt the charge nurse needed to be called as well as the NICU in this
situation in case any other complications.
S/QI/I Consider what points might be included in a safety checklist for
shoulder dystocia.
Answer: History of patient previous pregnancies for past complications, ensuring
proper equipment is ready and interpersonal healthcare team is notified for
Concluding Questions
Reflecting on Amelia Sung’s case, were there any actions you would do differently?
Describe how you would apply the knowledge and skills that you obtained in Amelia
Sung’s case to an actual patient care situation.
Answer: I would have called the charge nurse and NICU a little earlier as things
started to move really fast and I started to lose track of what was happening.
If I was to see a case of shoulder dystocia in the maternity ward whilst on clinical
rotation I would have a better idea of how to approach the situation and the
interventions that should be done per hospital policies.

From vSim for Nursing | Maternity. © Wolters Kluwer Health.

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