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 The total marks for this paper are

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 The numbers of marks for each question is shown in brackets [ ]

Q1. Jim has only 5p coins and 10p coins.

The ratio of the number of 5p coins to the number of 10p coins is 2 : 3
Work out the ratio of the total value of the 5p coins : the total value of the 10p coins.
Give your answer in its simplest form.

…………………………………. [4]

Q2. An adult ticket for a museum is £15.00 A child ticket costs 60% of the price of an adult
Mrs Jenkins and her three children go to the museum.
Mrs Jenkins pays with three £20 notes.
How much change will she receive? …………………………………………. [2]

Q3. Work out the following:

(a) Decrease 40 by 10% ……………………………..
(b) Decrease 30 hours by 50% …………………………….
(c) Decrease 8kg by 25% ………………………….. [3]

Q4. Work out

(a) 120 ÷ 0.3 .........................
(b) 14.04 ÷ 6 .........................
(c) 0.845 ÷ 5 …………………….. [3]

Q5. 320 of the 800 people are under 21 years old.

(c) Work out 320 out of 800 as a percentage.

………………………% [2]
Q6. There are 800 fans at a rugby match between Armagh and Malone.
30% of the fans support Malone.
How many fans support Malone? …………………………… [2]

Q7. Mary wins £400.

She gives 50% to her mother.
Mary gives 20% to her sister.
She keeps the rest.
Work out how much each person receives.
Mother £........................
Sister £........................
Mary £........................ [3]
Q8. Complete these additions
(a) 6.5 + 1.73 …………………….
(b) 0.56 + 1.6 ……………………….
(c) 2.45 + 7.8 ………………………
(d) 8.67 + 3.9 …………………….. [4]

Q9. The lengths of time that it takes to complete a jigsaw are below.
0.5 hours, 1.25 hours, 100 minutes, 0.75 hours, 40 minutes, 2 hours, 1.5 hours, 180 minutes, 61
minutes, 0.25 hours.
(a) Arrange the times in order, from quickest to longest. ……………………………..

(b) What fraction of the people completed the jigsaw in under 1 hour? …………………………….

(c) What percentage of people took 2 hours or longer? ………………………………. [6]

Q10. Place the correct sign, < or > between the following pairs of decimals

Q11. Ann and Bob shared £240 in the ratio 3 : 5

Ann gave a half of her share to Colin.
Bob gave a tenth of his share to Colin.
What fraction of the £240 did Colin receive? ………………………………… [2]

Q12. (a) (i) Write as a percentage. .....................................%

(ii) Write 0.8 as a percentage. .....................................% (2)
(b) Write 76% as a decimal. ..................................... (1)
(c) Write 45% as a fraction. Give your answer in its simplest form. ..................................... (2)

Q13. Holly is saving money.

In January, she saves £15.15
In February, she saves £8.82
In March, Holly saves £13.37
Work out how much she has saved in total. …………………………………. [2]

Q14. There are 220 students in Year 7.

15% cycle to school.

60% are driven to school.

The rest walk to school.

(a) How many students cycle to school?

(b) How many students are driven to school?

(c) How many students walk to school? ………………………….

Q15. Mrs Webb has a roll of ribbon that is 44.1m long.

She needs strips of ribbon that are 2.5m long
How many 2.5m strips will Mrs Webb get from the roll? ………………………

Q16. An adult ticket for the cinema costs £13.40

A child ticket is half the price of an adult ticket.
Mr and Mrs Henderson and their six children go to see a movie.
Mrs Henderson has a voucher for 18% off.
Work out how much Mrs Henderson pays for the tickets. ………………………………

Q17. Work out

(a) Decrease 55cm by 40% ……………………….
(b) Decrease 64 by 75% ………………………
(c) Decrease £3 by 10% …………………………..
(d) Decrease 1400 by 30% ………………………….
(e) Decrease 500g by 3% ……………………………
(f) Decrease 6kg by 5% …………………………….. [6]

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