Executive Expansion

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for Deniable Assets: The Cyberpunk
Villain RPG

By Conner Dejecacion
The Hench
Put others
Name Target before yourself

A hotshot loathes to be number two, but

being a step below the very top has its
own advantages. You have the ear of
Look Track the higher-ups, can act as their voice,

- Track Level 1
and on occasion, dip your hands into
their pockets. Just don’t let them catch
you trying to break the glass ceiling.
- Message from on

- Track Level 2

When you carry out the will of higher-ups

- (or at least claim to be doing so), roll

Stats Track Level 3 On a 10+, the peons jump into line. NPCs
[ ] +Beast with less authority than you follow your
orders unquestionably for the rest of the
[ ] +Grip
scene, even if they don’t make sense. If
[ ] +Eyes Track Level 4 you wish to command a PC, they may or
[ ] +Slick may not comply. Either way, get a Hook
[ ] +Outtabox on each other because you’re a
bootlicking prick.

Authority Add an Additional Move On a 7-9, the peons shuffle into line. The
result is the same as the above, but
- Executive Consultation Increase Authority and NPCs you order around grumble and
Allocation, and a stat of your grouse behind your back. Anyone you
- choice by 1 order around this way gets a Hook on
you, including PCs.
Goal Increase Authority and
Allocation, add an Additional On a 6-, the peons jump the line. NPCs
Successfully give a higher-up advice Move you order around will do as you ask, but
Roll Shoot the Devil complete the task in the worst way
Burn someone after they help you possible, leading to shoddy, late, or
sabotaged results. PCs can ignore you
Bluff your way into somewhere you don't completely. Everyone you try to boss
belong around get Hooks on you and may follow
up with the bosses to see if your orders
Assets and Budget were even legit (and report your

Deniable Assets
Choose (Or Create) additional moves and
Names: Ariadne, Seraph, Saint John, Jodo, Price,
Locke, Davide, Ruby, Yusef
scissors of god
Pronoun: He, She, They
When you attempt to cut through
Face: Heterochromia, Laugh Lines, Camera Smile, bureaucratic bullshit, roll +slick.
Secret Scowl On a 10+, the hiccups disappear through
the grace of the Executive.
Build: Flexible, Gangly, Spindly, Fit, Average, or
On a 7-9, the hiccups disappear, but
you’ll be expected to write a lengthy
Suit: Sharp Polo, Severe, Pressed, Fun Pin, report and submit it before the end of the
Handkerchief day.
On a 6-, the Executive calls you in to
Misc: Earpiece, Clipboard, Pocket Notebook, perform some trivial task before they help
Rolodex with your red tape. Retreat, or forge
pick a stat block ahead and face their wrath.

-2 Beast, +0 Grip, +2 Eyes, +2 Slick, +0 Outtabox the last favor

+0 Beast, +2 Grip, -2 Eyes, +2 Slick, +0 Outtabox
-1 Beast, +0 Grip, +1 Eyes, +2 Slick, +1 Outtabox When another player attempts to Shoot
+0 Beast, +1 Grip, +1 Eyes, +2 Slick, -1 Outtabox the Devil, you may add or subtract 1 from
their result. If they succeed in
Pick a bonus overthrowing the Executive and you
authority helped them, gain 3 Hooks on their NPC
form. If they choke or fail, they get 3
Executive Proxy Hooks on you, but you get 5 Track for
Inter-division Communications being a good little bootlicker if you left
Office Renovations them high and dry.

starting I'll see to it

portfolio personally
Whenever you spearhead the efforts of
Authority 1 competing a Project Goal, instead of
Office hotline that goes straight to the increasing Target, reduce the Prestige of
Division Executive (You better have a the Project by that much and gain that
good reason) much Track, because you took credit for it
The number to one of the Division’s before the Project even launched.
Swiss bank accounts. The account
gives you an effectively infinite Budget
but accessing it scrambles a 4 Target
hit squad (Harm/Defense (Violence 5),
+relentless +efficient +terrifying) unless
approved by the Executive.

Deniable Assets
This Resume is not officially
sanctioned by Adam DeCamp.

Created for Deniable Assets: The

Cyberpunk Villain RPG, by Adam
"Rutskarn" DeCamp

Writing and Design by Conner


Promotional Images by Canva

Deniable Assets
The fed
you used to be
Name Target one of them
Corporate relationships with the government are
strained at best and violent at worst, but the
megacorps often find it prudent to hire ex-
Look Track government agents, ostensibly to “ensure total
compliance with governmental regulations,” but

really to ensure those regulations can be
subverted whenever possible. The onboarding
Track Level 1 process wasn’t hard – you sold your soul at city

hall a long time ago.

the adjustment

- Track Level 2

Whenever you use legalese to evade the

- law or entangle someone else in the law,

roll +beast.
Stats Track Level 3 On a 10+, the law is on your side.
[ ] +Beast Whoever stands in your way retreats and
calculates another approach, and is
[ ] +Grip
otherwise dealt with for the remainder of
[ ] +Eyes Track Level 4 the crisis.
[ ] +Slick
[ ] +Outtabox On a 7-9, the law is dubious. Whoever
stands in your way is delayed while they
deal with your fuckery, but you aren’t out
Authority Add an Additional Move of the woods yet.

- Compliance Increase Authority and On a 6-, the hammer of justice falls upon
Allocation, and a stat of your you. Expect serious pushback against
- choice by 1 your fuckery, such as inquiries,
subpoenas, and raids by authorities.
Goal Increase Authority and Those that stand in your way shrug off
Allocation, add an Additional your attempt to ensconce them in
Have a rival arrested Move legalese.
Roll Shoot the Devil
Use a loophole to flagrantly skirt the law

Expose a rival for flagrantly skirting the law

Assets and Budget

Deniable Assets
Choose (Or Create) additional moves and
Names: Johnson, Nolan, Cassidy, Lupin, Tomyris,
Erica, Maria, Barlow, Sasha, Reyna
take em' away,
Pronoun: He, She, They
Face: Stony, Grim, Predatory, Gruff When another employee is arrested (with or
without your intervention), keep one:
Build: Angular, Average, Buff, Long Stride, Swaying
Bail em’ out using your government connections
(Get 2 Hooks on them and free them from jail).

Suit: Black-on-Black, Blood-red tie, American Let em’ stew for a while (For NPCs, The Board
flag/Shadowy organization pin offers something belonging to the character in
exchange for a bailout. Players make their own
Misc: Mirrorshades, gun holster, gold tooth, offers, and The Fed can take the offer,
Mysterious tattoo negotiate, or refuse).

Let em’ rot (Get 3 Track for purging the

pick a stat block detractor, or 2 if you weren’t directly involved)

+2 Beast, +2 Grip, +0 Eyes, +0 Slick, -2 Outtabox If the arrest was a result of “deadly” legal harm,
+2 Beast, -2 Grip, +0 Eyes, +2 Slick, +0 Outtabox they recover 2 Target if you bail them out.
+2 Beast, -1 Grip, +1 Eyes, +1 Slick, +0 Outtabox
+2 Beast, +0 Grip, -1 Eyes, +1 Slick, +1 Outtabox
9-1-1 what's your
Pick a bonus emergency?
authority You get advance notice when authorities,
lawyers, assassins, and others who mean
Copyright Enforcement you Harm are on the way.
Information Security
you're gonna
Government Liason want this one

starting When you leak compelling evidence of

portfolio wrongdoing to the press or authorities, roll
Authority 1
On a 10+, the story gets picked up by major
Every law and corporate regulation in
news networks. A major raid is staged on the
LA Altos memorized perpetrator’s location.
A concealable handgun from your time
at a certain three-letter agency (Harm On a 7-9, the story gets some notice.
3 (Violence), =mid +silenced Reporters harass the perpetrator. An
investigation is opened.
On a 6-, the story dies. The press won’t touch
your story. Your evidence is lost to the bottom
of a filing cabinet.

With any result, the perpetrator knows you’re

the leak, because of course you are. They
gain a Hook on you.

Deniable Assets
This Resume is not officially
sanctioned by Adam DeCamp.

Created for Deniable Assets: The

Cyberpunk Villain RPG, by Adam
"Rutskarn" DeCamp

Writing and Design by Conner


Promotional Images by Canva

Deniable Assets
The cleaner
wash hands before
Name Target returning to work
Stupid hotshots laugh at The Cleaner. Who
would want to run Sanitation? Then the
important flash drive for the project goes
Look Track missing. Then the damning correspondence
they tossed in the trash gets leaked to the
- Track Level 1
press. Then they go missing after entering a
maintenance corridor. They may look down

- upon you, but they will fear you.

- Track Level 2
powerwashing is

- When you destroy or alter physical evidence

of wrongdoing (including your own), roll
Stats Track Level 3 +outtabox.
[ ] +Beast
On a 10+, keep three.
[ ] +Grip On a 7-9, keep two.
[ ] +Eyes Track Level 4 On a 6-, keep one.
[ ] +Slick
[ ] +Outtabox The physical evidence is erased or
fundamentally altered. Whoever
produced it will not be incriminated.
Authority Add an Additional Move
The physical evidence is altered to
incriminate an unrelated party.
- Sanitation Increase Authority and You’re able to glean something from the
Allocation, and a stat of your evidence. Get a Hook on whoever
- choice by 1 produced it.
Inspection of the scene will not reveal
Goal Increase Authority and The Cleaner destroyed or altered it.
Allocation, add an Additional Those who previously inspected the
Elude notice during a crisis you created or Move scene will not remember what they saw.
exacerbated Those who come to the scene after the
Roll Shoot the Devil
Take something belonging to someone else fact will not notice something is amiss.
and hold it for ransom (or just keep it)
Make someone regret they underestimated

Assets and Budget

Deniable Assets
Choose (Or Create) additional moves and
Names: Ahti, Troy, Smith, Helga, Gladys,
Blake, Ruth, Stella, Quentin, Margot
Pronoun: He, She, They
When another player hires an assassin,
Face: Hidden Under Hat, Nondescript, Smirk, mercenary, or spy, you may embody the
Shifty, Scarred person they hired instead (they don’t
know it’s you).
Build: Hunched, Burly, Lanky, or Lithe

Suit: Jumpsuit, Unbuttoned, Windbreaker, Gain any Budget they spent on hiring you,
Stained, or Spotless but you must complete any dangerous
task they hire you for and assume all
Misc: Nitrile Gloves, Key-ring, Janitor Cart, personal risk.
Antique Cassette Player
Your skills are worth Harm/Defense 2
pick a stat block (Violence).

+2 Beast, -2 Grip, +0 Eyes, +0 Slick, +2 Outtabox the rat network

+0 Beast, +2 Grip, +2 Eyes, -2 Slick, +2 Outtabox
+1 Beast, +0 Grip, +1 Eyes, -1 Slick, +2 Outtabox Once per in-game day, you may roll
+0 Beast, +1 Grip, +0 Eyes, -1 Slick, +2 Outtabox +outtabox to order the janitor crew to
snoop around.
Pick a bonus
authority On a 10+, they find damning evidence of
wrongdoing or an important item that’s
Lab Safety been discarded.
Guest Hospitality
Black Ops On a 7-9, they find something juicy:
potential evidence of wrongdoing, the

starting fragment of a conspiracy, an item that

portfolio used to be important but isn’t now.

Authority 1 On a 6-, they don’t find anything good,

Key-ring with keys to everywhere and others notice they were snooping
in the office around. The targets of your snooping get 1
An office no one knows the Hook on you.
location of but you

faceless, nameless
Relevant cleaning supplies for the
disposal of discarded trash, Everyone forgets about you. They can’t
classified documents, and bodies remember your name, what you look like, or
where you came from. Harm (Legal) and
Harm (Career) no longer apply to you, but
you can’t gain Track.

Enjoy total anonymity.

Deniable Assets
This Resume is not officially
sanctioned by Adam DeCamp.

Created for Deniable Assets: The

Cyberpunk Villain RPG, by Adam
"Rutskarn" DeCamp

Writing and Design by Conner


Promotional Images by Canva

Deniable Assets
The revolver
Name Target the rifle's spiral

Your therapist says it’s PTSD. Too many

management shuffles. Too many
passive-aggressive reprimands. Too
Look Track many gunshot wounds. Your nerves are

- Track Level 1
shot, but that just means pain is just a
noise, and death is the final whimper of
a life teetering on a knife’s edge.
- put another one

- Track Level 2
in the chamber

When you find yourself in the crosshairs,

- roll +grip.
On a 10+, choose one for The Board to
Stats Track Level 3 On a 7-9, keep 1, then The Board picks 1.
[ ] +Beast On a 6-, The Board keeps as many as
they’d like.
[ ] +Grip
An upcoming crisis endangers the
[ ] +Eyes Track Level 4 fate of the entire Division
[ ] +Slick An upcoming crisis will kill you
[ ] +Outtabox Everyone else will be able to profit
off of an upcoming crisis
Nobody will help you during an
Authority Add an Additional Move upcoming crisis
An upcoming crisis will destroy
- Make up a department. You're the Increase Authority and something you worked hard for
only member. Allocation, and a stat of your You’ll be publicly held responsible
choice by 1 for an upcoming crisis
Regardless of the result, narrate how you
Goal Increase Authority and miraculously dodge the (initial) bullet.
Allocation, add an Additional You may use this move only as long as at
Survive. Move least one box is unchecked. Uncheck all
Roll Shoot the Devil boxes at the beginning of a session or
when you “die.”

pull the
Assets and Budget At the end of the session, The Board
creates a final, earth-shattering
crisis for you and everyone else to
deal with, using all checked Put
Another One boxes. You can’t use
Put Another One to avoid this.
Feelin’ lucky?

Deniable Assets

Choose (Or Create) additional moves and
Names: Prima, Leon, Red, Wolfe, Colt, Baretta,
Koch, Coach, Remy, Tara
you'll never see
Pronoun: He, She, They me again
When The Board Pulls The Trigger, you may
Face: Haunted, Scarred, Unshaven, Determined
roll +grip to fake your own death.
Build: Limp, Furtive, Shaky, Ripped, Scarred
On a 10+, you get away with it. Make a new
Suit: Torn, Bloodstains, Bandages, Bullet hole, character for the next session, but keep this
Trench coat character in reserve. You’ll come back
when the others least expect it.
Misc: Lover’s locket, Crucifix or holy symbol, lucky
accessory On a 7-9, you leave a trail. Same as a 10+,
but another PC gets 2 Hooks on this
character when you come back.
pick a stat block
On a 6-, you mess up and die for real.
-+2 Beast, +2 Grip, +0 Eyes, -2 Slick, -0 Outtabox
+0 Beast, +2 Grip, -2 Eyes, +0 Slick, +2 Outtabox
+1 Beast, +2 Grip, +1 Eyes, -1 Slick, +0 Outtabox
+0 Beast, +2 Grip, -1 Eyes, +1 Slick, +1 Outtabox

welcome to the
Pick a bonus team
authority Whenever a PC dies or is fired, their new
character joins your department. They
Nope, you've been exiled to your
add your made-up department to their
own department. Authority, but you’re technically their
superior. Don’t expect them to follow your
orders, but get a Hook on them when they
starting don’t.
Authority 1
A parachute, gas mask, and a fire
the revenant

You can’t die, but it can get so much

extinguisher in your office
Choose one:
A Kevlar vest (Defense 2
A prerecorded apology statement
(Defense 2 (Legal))
A mystery serum with unknown
side effects (Defense 2 (Medical))
A guarantee from a competitor to
protect you if you defect (Defense
2 (Career))
Deniable Assets
This Resume is not officially
sanctioned by Adam DeCamp.

Created for Deniable Assets: The

Cyberpunk Villain RPG, by Adam
"Rutskarn" DeCamp

Writing and Design by Conner


Promotional Images by Canva

Deniable Assets
The matchmaker
light the fuse
Name Target and watch
Your favorite place in the office is the break
room. Your coworkers would prefer to eat
their lunch in peace, but you were kind
Look Track enough to let them know their other

coworker hates their guts, and they should
do something about it. You’re good at giving
Track Level 1 advice like that, and you’re also good at

starting wars.

gunmetal cheer

- Track Level 2
When you engage with a party with the

- intention of pitting them against

another, come up with a plausible
reason (real or fabricated) for them to
Stats Track Level 3 fight, then roll +eyes.
[ ] +Beast On a 10+, keep 3 and mark a Hook on
[ ] +Grip
On a 7-9, keep 2 and you get Hooks on
[ ] +Eyes Track Level 4 one another.
[ ] +Slick On a 6-, keep 1 and they get a Hook on
[ ] +Outtabox you.
What would entice them to act?
What tools will they use to pursue
Authority Add an Additional Move their goals?
What might they give me if I (appear
- Internal Communications Increase Authority and to) help them?
Allocation, and a stat of your What might happen if this character
- choice by 1 is eliminated?
How can I make this backfire on
Goal Increase Authority and them?
Allocation, add an Additional Who else might be interested in this
Kill two birds with one stone Move feud?
Roll Shoot the Devil
Make someone hate someone else
(who they didn’t hate before)

Create an imaginary threat

Assets and Budget

Deniable Assets
Choose (Or Create) additional moves and
Names: Jay, Richelieu, Catherine, Myra, Raven,
Hattie, Trina, Sheen
A little bird said...
Pronoun: He, She, They
When you want to spin something someone
Face: Striking, Beautiful, Mousy, Sly says as a weapon, roll +eyes.

Build: Stick-thin, Unassuming, Stooped, Perfect On a 10+, you can turn something they say into
a juicy scandal. Create an Asset worth 1 Harm
Suit: Pink, Vibrant, Animal Pattern, Sequins (Career or Legal) and mark a Hook on them.

Misc: Bangles, Fingerless Gloves, Sketchbook, On a 7-9, you can use what they say against
Figurine them, but you have to doctor it a little bit.
Same as a 10+ but they get a Hook on you

pick a stat block On a 6-, you come up empty. They catch you
tripping over their words, and mark 2 Hooks
-2 Beast, +0 Grip, +2 Eyes, +2 Slick, +0 Outtabox against you.
+2 Beast, +0 Grip, +2 Eyes, +0 Slick, -2 Outtabox
+1 Beast, +0 Grip, +2 Eyes, +1 Slick, -1 Outtabox the good
-1 Beast, +1 Grip, +2 Eyes, +1 Slick, +0 Outtabox
Whenever you personally deliver evidence
Pick a bonus
worth Legal or Career Harm to the proper
authorities, news networks, or higher-ups,
gain Track equal to the amount of Harm
Break Room Supplier
you would deal (before Defense is
Events factored in).

production values

Fabricated or flimsy evidence of

Authority 1
wrongdoing is worth 1 additional Harm
Digital Editing Suite when disseminated through a public
The phone number of a disreputable channel. (The news, a company memo, a
tabloid journalist PSA)
Choose a room. You’ve planted hidden
audio bugs there.
Conference Room
Break Room
Bosses’ Offices
R&D Lab
You set another player character up (with a lover,
ex, friend, or enemy). Gain a Hook on them if they
tell you who they are. Gain Hooks on each other if
they let you decide. Deniable Assets
This Resume is not officially
sanctioned by Adam DeCamp.

Created for Deniable Assets: The

Cyberpunk Villain RPG, by Adam
"Rutskarn" DeCamp

Writing and Design by Conner


Promotional Images by Canva

Deniable Assets
The Fuse
I'm not stuck in
Name Target here with you
As a child, you played with building blocks.
You built ever-taller, like the architects of
Babylon, your creation soaring into the sky
Look Track like Icarus. You built with your own hands,

but no god punished you for your hubris. In
the end, you tore it all down with your own
Track Level 1 hands, too. You wouldn't give anyone else

the satisfaction.

With a snap of my

- Track Level 2

Whenever you screw with the office's

- internal systems, choose a trick and roll

Take out power in the building for
Stats Track Level 3 five minutes
[ ] +Beast Block all incoming and outgoing
phone traffic for five minutes
[ ] +Grip
Lock or unlock all doors for five
[ ] +Eyes Track Level 4 minutes
[ ] +Slick Cause a small fire
[ ] +Outtabox Create a loop in the security feed
for 1 minute
On a 10+, the building dances to your
Authority Add an Additional Move tune. You time it perfectly, and the
ensuing chaos is at your command.
- Maintenence Increase Authority and On a 7-9, something goes wrong. Your
Allocation, and a stat of your trick is delayed, minorly backfires, or
- choice by 1 somebody notices.
On a 6-, you overdo it spectacularly.
Goal Increase Authority and Major collateral damage occurs. News
Allocation, add an Additional crews circle like vultures. You put
Cause an explosion Move yourself in harm's way.
Roll Shoot the Devil
Access a place you definitely don't Coiled viper
have clearance for
When you size someone up, searching
Set up a successful ambush for a weakness, roll +eyes.
On a 10+, you see right through them.
They, or The Board, share a major
Assets and Budget weakness and you gain a Hook on them.
The next instance of Harm you do to
that person is increased by 1.
On a 7-9, they slip up, but catch you
rearing for the kill. Gain a Hook on each
other, and they're put on edge for a
On a 6-, they refuse to become prey.
They get a Hook on you, and you feel
Deniable Assets paranoid for the rest of the day.
Choose (Or Create) additional moves and
Names: Eliza, Mills, Grey, Nikolai, Tomasz, Nix,
Fujita, Vargas These clumsy
Pronoun: He, She, They
When you cause an accident involving High
Speed Trauma, a Long Fall, Electrocution, or
Face: Wild, Messy, Burned, Wide-eyed, Curious
Engulfing Flames, roll +eyes.
Build: Limber, Elastic, Average, Work-strong
On a 10+, it was an accident, honest.
Whatever you used, it gains =deniable.
Suit: Hi-vis vest, Hardhat, Clip radio, Gas mask
On a 7-9, you slipped when they did. You had
to get your hands dirty. Take half the Harm
Misc: Leather gloves, Safety glasses, Toothpick,
they did. In the case of a fatal fall that would
Water bottle
do 10 or more Harm, take 3 instead.
On a 6-, you snap. The tables turn. Witnesses
see. It all comes tumbling down.

pick a stat block I know a killer

when i see one
-2 Beast, +0 Grip, +2 Eyes, +2 Slick, +0 Outtabox
+2 Beast, +0 Grip, +2 Eyes, +0 Slick, -2 Outtabox Use +eyes when rolling DarkChannel.
+1 Beast, +0 Grip, +2 Eyes, +1 Slick, -1 Outtabox
+1 Beast, +1 Grip, +2 Eyes, -1 Slick, +0 Outtabox
People you deal with are afraid of the
flames dancing in front of your eyes.

Pick a bonus
authority The asphalt jungle

When you attempt to compromise the

systems of a location, narrate how you
Transportation infiltrated it and roll +eyes.
Plumbing On a 10+, veni, vidi, vici. You may use With
a Snap of My Fingers in this new location.
starting On a 7-9, you become a parasite in the
portfolio new location. Same as a 10+, but don't
add +eyes when you activate your "tricks"
Authority 1 there.
An office with a private balcony On a 6-, you're shut out. You're caught
A satellite phone insulated from local playing with fire, and it burns you. Take 1-
phone networks. You can activate your 3 Harm from security measures,
"tricks" as long as you have it. malfunctioning electronics, and legal
repercussions based on the severity of
your intrusion.

Deniable Assets
This Resume is not officially
sanctioned by Adam DeCamp.

Created for Deniable Assets: The

Cyberpunk Villain RPG, by Adam
"Rutskarn" DeCamp

Writing and Design by Conner


Promotional Images by Canva

Deniable Assets

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