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Instituto Oxbridge de Cultura Inglesa® Casa Matriz: Nicolés Repetto 52 Piso 5° Dpto. “C* CP. 1405 - Capital Federal - Buenos Aires — Argentina Tel: 4988-9680 - e-mail: APELLIDO ¥ NOMBRES. 20) DOMICILIO, T DNL PROFESOR/A DE_INGLI YVIVBIYIYYIY SVT ITTV III IVI I IIT IIHS FIRST TERM SECOND GRADE — HAPPY S.2 (7-9) — HAPPY E. EDAD. FECHA __/__/20__ 89 15 1__Look at the picture. True (¥) or False (5). 4) They are In the bedroom. ___ 2) Mum has got short hair. __ 3) There Is a dog In the picture. 4) Tim is wearing shoes. __ 5) Daisy Isn’t sad._ 18 2_Now answer these questions. 1) What are Mum, Daisy and Tim doing? 2) Where are they? 3) How many people are there? 4) 5) Are they sitting on the sofa? 6) Is Dad in the picture? 20 3_Choose the correct answ Nore ‘T-shirt is (FHESE) (CHES Bes GORS___ 2) My friends (SN REN aring shorts. 3) A: {WHO} OW do you spell shoe? B: §-H-0-8 4) My sister Jenny DOESNT, = She LOVES [Love teddy bears. 5) Dan HAVE) HAS) gota brother. [AIS] [ER] name is Paul. 6) My mum’s sister is my [AUNT like dolls. R Write the name. » 240 The chair is the dogs. 3) wel “Tow Q 5) ° &S Jack is playing . 5) 5) S 5) AUNT F__ 6 Gey __-__ 24 S_Deseribe the picture. Write sentences using YON ¥ CHILDREN v LIKES ¥ DOLL ¥ CHRISTMAS TREE v TOYS v CUPS ¥ LIVING - ROOM. 4) The boy . 2) They ... 3) There Is .. 4) oe 5) There 6) She's got. Instituto Oxbridge de Cultura Inglesa ® Casa Matriz: Nicolés Repetto 52. Piso 5° Dpto. "C" C.P. 1405 - Capital Federal - Buenos Aires - Argentina Tel: 4988-9680 - e-mail: APELLIDO Y NOMBRES. ay pomiciLio__ DNI. EDAD. FECHA __/__/20__ PROFESOR/A DEINGLES ics LL SI | IIT NT YS TUTTI TT IASI I I IIIS IIS THIRD GRADE -HAPPY EARTH 1_ Reading comprehen: Hi! My name’s Jenny. I’m from | Spain. I’m here with my family and | my dog Pit. My brother Nick is 10 years old and I’m 8. We love camping. It’s cold today. My dad is drinking hot coffee and mum and I We always go camping in autumn. Look at the tent behind Nick! It’s new and very comfortable. 18 A) True(“) or false (3)? 1) They usually go camping in summer. 2) Jenny is older than her brother. 3) Jenny fmt wearing a hat 4) Davsnext onic. [—] 5) They Whe camping. 15 2_Now answer these questions. 1) What's the weather like today? 2) Where's Jenny from? 3) What are Mum and Jenny eating? 4) Whols older: Nick or Jenny? 5) When do they go camping? 1) Susan likey (PLAY - PLAYING) 1). dco games but she (DON'T - DIDN'T) 2), ___ play yy because she (WAS - IS) 3)_ ‘il. F 2) As (WHY- WHAT) 4), ‘are you wearing boots? B: Because it is raining a lot. 3) There is(SOME-ANY)5)__—_milk in the fridge. 4) He's a police officer and he (WORK —- WORKS) 6)__im the street, 5) usually go to the club (IN - ON) 7). Saturdays. 5) @OES - DO) 8) Tom like dogs? 6) Yesterday, Lily (WAS — WERE) 9) at home with (HIS - HER) 10) grandma. 16 4 Write the name, cp D & — 2) Tt's___ im ~ A 3) [2.3 4) _ 1 The dogis______ 6)NEVER# the boy. 7 — ) | past Tense of 8) ONE CHILD, FOUR C___ "Ig" = _ LT 20 S_ Write sentences about “Derek”. a 1) Derek is 2) ket up | breakfast = 7:40 2 play vide = in the aftern OO 0 to school 4 9 n 8) —— 9%) 10) Instituto Oxbridge de Cultura Inglesa ® Casa Matriz: Nicolas Repetto 52 Piso 5° Dpto. “C” C.P. 1405 - Capital Federal - Buenos Aires — Argentina Tel: 4988-9680 - e-mail: APELLIDO Y NOMBRES, 2) -— DOMICILIO, t DN}. ___EDAD__ FECHA /20__ PROFESORVA DE INGLES. aoe VUYISINY HY SI TTI TT ITI ITI IIIT IIIS FIRST TERM FIRST YEAR ELEMENTARY 1__ Reading comprehension, Hi mum, 1 arrived in London 3 hours ago. They flight was terrible because it was long and there were three babies whe cried during the flight. The hotel is nice and wo can hear a lot of traffic here. It is in the centre of London just opposite Trafalgar Square. Now, my friends and I are going to a restaurant which is near here. Food in London is very expensive so we asked the guide where we could have a cheap meal. I also have to Puy om umbrella because the weather is awful. Then, we are going to visit the famous English monuments, churches and museums. I hope I can practice my English! My best friend, Pat isn’t going with us, She has a headache and prefers to stay at the hotel and rest. I think she wante to have a bath and sleep some hours. She couldn't sleep on the plane. Well that's all for now. Give my love to dad. Sally 12 A)__True(¥), False (9)? The letter is from mum. __ Sally enjoyed the flight. —_ ‘The weather was nice. She wants to improve her English. __ They are going to visit famous places. __ Pat is going with them. __ 15 B)__Now answer about Sally. 1) Why was the flight terrible? 2) Where is Sally's hotel? 3) Could Pat sleep during the fight 4) What's the weather like? 5) What are Pat and her friends going to do? 10 2_Listening. True or False? a, What we eat is very similar around the world, b. It's not important to cat together in some cultures, © In Ttaly, they don't d. The Japanese eat i 4d. Saudi Arabi 1) anything before cating. ts ns don’t cat pork. 2 2 1s 3__Cross out what is wrong und write the correct alternative. Mr. and Mrs. Wood (LIVE - LIVES) 1) in a small house in a small town, They don’t bave (SOME — ANY) 2) children but they are very sociable and helpful, They like (GO - GOING) 3) for walks in the morning after breakfast and cating 'n restaurants once a week. Mr. Wood is a pensioner and (HIS-HER) 4) wife ‘ill works as a language teacher in the local school. She (WINS ~ EARNS) 5)_______g Sood salary and loves teaching small children. She's going to retire in three years. Their ‘neighbours are very friendly too (BUT — $0) 6), when they go on holiday, they Watch their house to make sure it is safe. ‘They also water the grass and get their mail. Mrs, ‘Wood wants (DOING - TO DO) 7) wants to im something nice for her neighbours. She (THEM—THEIR)8)__to her house for dinner next Saturday. She (S GOING TO COOK - cooKS) 9) For dessert, she isn't going to do anything; her husband is going to buy (SOME - ANY) 10)___iee-eream. Yesterday she phoned some neighbours to invite them to their house. They (WAS — WERE) 11), beef, baked potatoes and a green salad, very happy after the calls. Write four words below ench headin, Write four words below eneh heading. ORDINAL NUMBERS UPPER BODY CLOTHES WEATHER S___Communication: Write short exchanges. How would you. EXAMPLE a) _..ask someone's telephone number? ‘As What's your telephone number? Hts 023454321, a) ...make a polite request? A b) ask the time? A B: ©) ..ask where your friend wos last night? iy Writing: Choose one and wri APELLIDO ¥ NOMBRE DoMICILIO nes. ay 18 Instituto Oxbridge de Cultura Inglesa ® Casa Matriz: Nicolés Repetto 52 Piso 5° Dpto. "C” C.P. 1405 - Capital Federal - Buenos Aires - Argentina Tel: 4988-9680 - e-mail: 7__/20, NE Cots WoT TTT TTT TT TT IIT TITS M SECOND YEAR ELEMENTARY | Reading comprehension, Rfter Janice has dinner, she takes her dog Lazy for a walk. She does this everyday unless it is raining. They walk north on Yellowstone Street and then turn right on Central Avenue. They walk four more blocks to a large park on the corner of Central Avenue and Jopp Street. Janice takes the leash off her dog and lets it run and play. Sometimes she throws a stick for her dog to fetch. Lazy is very friendly; she likes people and playing with other dogs. When children ask Janice if they can pet her dog, she always gives them a dog bone from her pocket to feed the dog. Yesterday, it wasn't a good day. When the dog was sniffing something next to a tree, a big dog came near him and bit his left ear. Janice took Lazy up and ran to the vet because her ear was full of blood. The vet cleaned it and put some medicine on it. Finally they went back home and as you can imagine Lazy slept on the bed next to Janice. A) True (7), False (*) or Doesn't say (DS) 1. When it rains, Janice takes Lazy for a walk. 2. Lazy walks with a leash on all the time in the park. leash 3. The park is on Central Avenue. 4, The dog in this story likes being with people. 5. Janice was next to Lazy when the dog bit her. 6. After the vet, Lazy and Janice slept together. B)___Now answer these questions, 1) When doesn’t Janice take Lazy for a walk? 2) Where do they go? 3) What does Lazy like doing in the park? 4) Why wasn't a good day yesterd 5) % 2 24 2 15 25, Most dogs enjoy going out. 2. Walking is good exercise only for the dog, 1's easy to find time to walk them. 4. It’s necessary to carry poop bay The dog's leash shouid be very long, Complete with the correct verb tense of choose the correct option. Hil I'm Dexter, 1 tive (IN — ON) 1). an island called Jamaica in the Caribbean. I (LIVE) 2), here with my mum and dad for two years. It’s a beautiful place with fantastic beaches, but from June to November we have ‘hurricane season’. Sometimes the hurricanes are very bad. Some people (NEVER / SEE) 3) these dangers every year. Gi the moment, there's a big storm outside. The emergency services (HELP) 4), People but it’s dangerous. I haven't (GONE - BEEN) 5), to school (FOR SINCE) 6), Tuesday. As there's no electricity, we can’t wateh TY oF Play video games. I'm bored andlonely. Ifthe weather (GET) 7), better next week, 18) (SEE) my friends again. t don’t know if they're OK. ‘The storm started last week. My dad told me that a lot of people 9) (HAVE TO) go to shelters to keep safe. Sor me children (WHO — WHICH) 16), were near the beach (RESCUE) 11) a hurricane before but others live with by a helicopter that (BRING) 12), them to a safe place. Write four words below ench heading. “ing” ADJECTIVES § BATHROOM OBJECTS ALITTLE.. S___Communication: Write short exchanges. How would you...? S___Communication: Write short exchanges. How would you...? EXAMPLE ‘Ask someone's telephone number ‘What's your telephone number? 4) interest? °” 6 __ Writing: Choose one and write, Instituto Oxbridge de Cultura Inglesa ® Casa Matriz: Nicolés Repetto 52 Piso 5° Dpto. “C” CP. 1405 - Capital Federal - Buenos Aires - Argentina Tel: 4988-9680 - e-mail: APELLIDO Y NOMBRES_ 20) IGN ss NNSNESEORSRsaeniansssssssssesiSNE0000001( ” DNI_ EDAD____ FEC! 7120 EROE JOR/A DE INGLES. rn HTH 200 YWITIV SY Poe I HT NTT TTT TTT ITI SIT IS FIRST TERM THIRD YEAR ELEMENTARY 1__ Reading Comprehensto Tlove sports shoes. In fie, Pve got a lot of pairs of Adidas and Puma trainers. Ip my opinion, they are the most comfortable way of walking around all day long. Do you know the story of these brands? Adidas and Pun have heen two of the biggest names in sports shoc manufacturing for over half # century, Since 1928, they have made shoes for Olympic athletes, fSotball heroes, hip hop stars and Tock musicians famous all over the world. But the story of these two companies begins in a house in the town of Germany. Adolph and Rudolph Dassler were the sons of a shoemaker. They loved sport but complained that they could never find comfortable shoes to play in. Rudolph always said “you cannot play sports wearing shocs that you would walk around town with”. So they started maling their own, Io 1920 Adolph made the first pair of athletic shoes on his kitchen table. On July 1924 they formed a shoe company called Dassler Brothers Lid. They became successful but in 1948 the brotbers argued about money or women, nobody knows exactly what happened. Adolph left the company and ‘as his nickname was Adi, he founded Adidas. Rudolph founded his company, too. He called it Puma. Since then their companies have been competing, Both companies were for many years market Ieaders. However, Adidas has always been more successful than Puma, In the 19705 new American companies like Nike and Reebok arrived to rival them. The terrible family argument made the town split into two. Even now, some Adidas employees and Puma employees don't talk to each other. 1S A)__True or false? 1) The Dazzlers’ father was a sportsman, _ 2) One of the brothers first made sports shoes at home. 3) They argued about these shoes. 4) Puma sells more than Adidas. 5) People in the town have now forgotten the argument. 15 B)_Now answer these questions. 1) Whatis the paragraph about? 2) How long have Adidas and Puma been big names? 3) Why ihe brothers start to make sports shoes? 4) When did they start their own company? Have you ever argued with a member of your family? What 10 20 50 15, 18 2___Listening comprehension. True or False? Te was easy for him to choose a tattoo design. _ 2) Both his parents bad the same opinion on tattoo: 3) He didn't make an appointment to go to the tattoo shop.__ 4) He loves dinosaurs. 8) His T-Rex tattoo is on bis arm. __ 3__Choose he port option. Millions of people love roller coasters. For me, they are scream machines that make people fool 1) (SCARING - SCARED). A lot of people enjoy 2) (TO FEEL - FEELING) afraid when they know they're in no real danger. But my friend Susan, 3), (NEVER WAS ~ HAS NEVER BEEN) on a roller coaster. She's frightened 4) (OF - AT) heights and speed. Ss (HOWEVER — ALTHOUGH), she has decided that everything 8. (WILL CHANGE - 1S GOING TO CHANGE) In her life. Yesterday, she bought a ticket for Oblivion, 7) (WHICH — WHERE) is 8), (MORE — THE MOST) dangerous one in our city. 'm with her at the park now. She says her heart 9)_ (18 BEATING ~ BEATS) very fast and she can't speak as she gets (MUST — SHOULD) be relaxed and enjoy the ride. think she 10) S__ Paraphrasing. » She started painting her bedroom at 9. It’s eleven o’clock and she basn’t finished yet. She. ‘two hours. 2) Perhaps we'll enjoy Jenny's party. Wee 4) Noone in my class is as Thomas is. 5) _It’s obligatory for all drivers to have a driving license, All drivers 5_Communication: Write short exchanges. How would you...? EXAMPLE: ‘Ask someone's telephone number A: What's your telephone number? —_B: It's 023454321. a) ...give advice to your friend? A B:

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