Dokument 13

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Zad. 1
Uzupełnij przedimkami A/ AN/ THE lub pozostaw puste pole (ZERO ARTICLE).
1. In ____ afternoon, I do my homework. ____ homework is very simple.
2. ____ umbrella is needed because it is raining today. (needed- potrzebna, it is raining- pada
3. You have ___ cat. ____ cat is black with white stripes. (stripes- paski)
4. I like ____ ice creams.
5. I live in ____ Poland.
6. She lives in ___ USA. I love this place! (place- miejsce)
7. It is ___ interesting movie. ____ movie is about love. (about- o czymś)
8. ____ Earth is home to all people and animals. (is home to- jest domem dla)
9. I usually eat ___ breakfast early. (early- wcześnie)
10. ____ English is easy to learn. (easy to- łatwy do)
11. I go to ___ store at ____ Bema Street 8 to buy ___ onion. (onion- cebula)
12. We have ___ new bike. ___ bike is so big!
13. ____ Rysy is the highest mountain in ___ Tatras mountains.
14. Today is ___ Tuesday.
15. My grandfather lives in ___ Netherlands.
16. I’m not good at ___ math.
17. It is ___ excellent party. ___ party is in Jacob’s house.
18. John got ___ laptop.
19. Where is ___ Wspólna Street ?
20. They work in ___ Biedronka.


baggage – bagaż
luggage – bagaż
airport – lotnisko
hotel – hotel
caravan – przyczepa kempingowa
campsite – pole namiotowe
passport – paszport
map – mapa
ticket – bilet
tent – namiot
picnic – piknik
suitcase – walizka
tourist – turysta
Zad. 2

Odmień przez osoby wybrane czasowniki (patrz strona z czasownikami Poziom A1)

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