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Body Shaming

Effect of Body Shaming on Social-Psychological Health: A

Gendered Analysis at Bahria University

Rabbia Noor


Dr. Saira Batool

Department of Sociology
Faculty of Social Sciences
International Islamic University Islamabad
Body Shaming

Chapter # O1

Problem Statement

Body shaming is the act of criticizing one’s body, either intentionally or not. It is very common act, and it

is flourishing in our society. Body shaming is a dangerous weapon that we use on people’s emotion in

order to mock them for their body. The aim of this study is to examine whether body shaming is

predicting psychological illness and appearance dissatisfaction. Further this study also intended to

examine gender differences regarding body shame and identify how body shaming unknowingly leading

a person towards low self-esteem, anger and mental disorder. The previous research by (Lastari, 2017)

identifies bullying and fat shaming: The risk factor of body Dimorphic disorder among teen age girls, and

by (Sharma, 2021) on a critical study of fat shaming. However, in these researches there has not been a

lot of attention given to both men and women. Therefore the current study focuses on body shaming

faced by both male and female, and gives us better understanding about the psychological factors.

Research Objectives

 To explore socio-economic and demographic profile of the respondents.

 To understand differences in the perception of body image among males and females.

 To highlight the factors which develop the feeling of body shame.

 To identify the relationship of physical appearance with various mental disorders.

Research Hypothesis

 Body size concern leads to dieting.

 Bullying regarding physical attribution leads to body dissatisfaction.

Body Shaming

 Higher level of mocking leads to higher rate of depression.

 There is a relationship between judgmental opinions and self doubt.

 Societal standards linked with the desire to change physical appearance.

Research Questions

 What are the ideal beauty standards of the body?

 What are the factors contributing towards perfect body image?

 How beauty standard shapes our overall mindset?

 What is the influence of body shaming on person’s well being?

 How the ideology of perfect body effects people’s emotions?

 What kind of criticism did people get regarding their physical appearance?

Significance of the Research

Body shaming is the act that causes an individual to feel shame or disgust in relationship to his/her own

body. It is a huge problem in our society as illustrated by this research. The current research on effect of

body shaming on social psychological health will add to the existing body of knowledge. This study is

designed to spread awareness about the consequences of body shaming on the well-being of students.

Through this research the institution and the administration may promote different awareness

campaigns regarding body shame that help the students to deal with their psychological issues. Students

will also be directly benefited from this research as it may encourage them to practice self love and stop

aiming for perfection. Aim to be a good person, not the perfect person.
Body Shaming


Body shaming

“Body shaming is the act of mocking, criticizing someone by saying something negative about the shape,

color, size, appearance and structure of the body. It can be occurs against any gender and effect them

psychologically, physically and emotionally”(Resnik, 2022).

Social-Psychological Health

Social-Psychological health is the state of complete mental wellness about how you think, feel and

behave in society. It is the scientific study of how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are

influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others (Allport, 1998).

Conceptual Framework

Socio-economic and demographic profile ofIndependent variable Dependent variable


 Imperfection Self harm

 
 Ideal standards  Low self-esteem
 Age  Bodily faults Skinny body  Depression Appearance dissatisfaction
 Gender Semester  Beauty products Low confidence
 
 

 Institute environment Criticism on body 
 Body weight Height Pressure from social media 
Skin color  Self criticism
Inaccurate body
 Anxiety Isolation

Body Shaming

Chapter # O2

Review of literature

Theoretical Framework:

Michel Foucault’s theory of body and Sexuality (1976) is a three volume study that examines

and attempts to consider the history of sex in western societies and relates it to the modern

concept of sexuality. French Philosopher Michel Foucault thought that sexuality was, “a set of

effects produced in bodies, behaviors, and social relations by a certain deployment.” Sexuality

for a person can be narrowed down to what a person is attracted to, their desires, and

pleasures (Foucault, 1976).

Foucault was interested in questioning the repressive hypothesis that widely accepted the idea

that sexuality in Victorian era was repressed or silenced. Foucault disagrees with the claim that

sex has been repressed and silenced. He argued that the modern sexuality was characterized by

the secularization of the religious techniques of confession one no longer confess the desire to

the priest goes to a doctor, a therapist, or a psychologists. According to Foucault we live in

confessing society , back day people used to do it (confess) to the priests, now we do it to the

psychoanalysts, now we are doing it on television, talk shows and this idea of speaking your

identity or confessing who you are characterized our society and it actually constructs the

identity. On Foucault’s account modern control of sexuality make sex an object of allegedly

scientific disciplines. Individuals internalize the norms laid down by the science of sexuality and
Body Shaming

monitor themselves in an effort to conform to these norms. Modern sexuality is socially

constructed. Foucault shows that how sexuality becomes an essential construct in determining

not only moral worth, but also health, desire, and identity.

Application of the theory;

According to the Foucault’s theory, our culture treated sex as an object of knowledge and an

act of sexual pleasure. Individuals base their sense according to the norms laid down by the

science of sexuality.

This theory strongly supports my research as society constructs and define characteristic about

body image. Individual sets their desires for body image according to what a person attracted

to or what the society expected from a person. Modern control of sexuality makes sex as an

object, individual is treated in terms of their looks and appearance, roughly define as treating a

person as an object. The idea of confessing and speaking on identity actually set the ideal self

guide in the minds of the people and people efforts to make themselves according to the set

ideal self. These actions build a negative emotional response among the people against their

selves and this response in turns translated into mental health problems.
Body Shaming

Theoretical Model:

Theory of body and sexuality Michel Foucault (1976)

Individual internalize the Individual internalize the

norms laid down by the ideal standards of beauty
science of sexuality and and do efforts to shape
monitor themselves in effort their body according to
to confess to these norms. the set standard.

Modern control of sexuality Individual is treated

makes sex as an object. primarily in terms of how

they look and appear,
roughly defined as treating a
person as an object.

Speaking or confessing your

Criticizing or mocking on
identity actually constructs physical appearance set
the ideal self guide in the
the identity minds of people.
Body Shaming

Chapter # 03

Research Methodology

Research design

The research design refers to the overall strategy that researcher choose to integrate the different

components of the study in coherent and logical way (David &Rubin, 1993). The aim of research design

is to answer the specific research questions and testing the hypothesis. In current study, the causal

comparative research design as a type of Quantitative research design is used to conduct the research

on Effect of Body Shaming on Social- Psychological Health: A Gendered Analysis at Bahria University. The

rationale of using casual- comparative research design is justifiable with the fact that large number of

students will available in study area and the relationship between the variables are based on two social

groups male and female.

Research Method

Social survey was one of the most widely used method in Quantitative research design. In this research

the social survey method is used. The survey will be conducted in departments including in faculty of

Social Sciences at Bahria University. First the researcher took permission from the coordinators of the

department to conduct survey, in order to collect primary data. The data will be collected in 3 months.

Research Tool

Anything that becomes a means of collecting information for your study is called research tool. In this

research the researcher will use the interview schedule as a tool for data collection. Interview schedule
Body Shaming

is a tool in which questionnaire are filled by face to face interaction with respondents. The

questionnaires are constructed in the light of objectives of the research. This research tool will help in

gathering large number of knowledge from a larger population.

Sampling Method:

In social sciences research there are two sampling methods including probability and non-probability

sampling methods. This research uses probability sampling method to collect data. Under this sampling

method everyone have an equal chance of inclusion in the sample. It is the unbiased method and

unbiased technique of selecting representative sample.

Sampling Technique:

Probability sampling is widely used sampling method within qualitative research approach. There are

different types in probability sampling. In current research Stratified random sampling technique will be

used by the researcher. In stratified random sampling, population will be homogenous within and

heterogeneous outside. The researcher employed stratified random sampling technique because the

population characterized male and female respondents from different semesters.

Sample Size:

Sample size is the number of observations in a sample. It is a smaller size of cases hat the researcher

select from a larger population. It is represented with “n”.

The actual population taken for a study is known as target population. Thus the target population

defines those units for which the findings of a survey is meant to be generalized (Brend, 2008).
Body Shaming

In current research the target population will be Bahria University students (both girls and boys) of

selected semester from sociology department. The selected semesters are BS-V, BS-VI and BS-VII with

total population of 79 students. The sample size from the target population is estimated by the

researcher through the following formula.

BS-V = N1 = 31

BS-VI = N2 = 20

BS-VII = N3 = 28

𝑁 = 𝑁1 + 𝑁2 + 𝑁3

𝑁 = 31 + 20 + 28

𝑁 = 79

𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒 = 𝑛

1 + 𝑁(𝑒)2

1 + 79 (0.05)2


𝑛 = 65.9
Body Shaming

𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒂 𝑷𝒐𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒂 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒖𝒍𝒂 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒛𝒆

𝐵𝑆 − 𝑉 31 65.9 𝑥 31 25.85
𝐵𝑆 − 𝑉𝐼 20 65.9 𝑥 20 16.68
𝐵𝑆 28 65.9 𝑥 28 23.3
− 𝑉𝐼𝐼 79

𝑛1 + 𝑛2 + 𝑛3 = 65.9

25.85 + 16.68 + 23.35 = 65.9


To explore socio-economic and demographic profile of the respondents:

1) What is your
age? i. 15
- 20
ii. 21 – 25
iii. 26 – 30

2) What is your Gender?

i. Male
ii. Female
iii. Others (please specify)

3) In which semester do you study?

i. BS – V
Body Shaming

ii. BS – VI
iii. BS – VII

4) What is your skin color?

i. Fair skin
ii. Ivory
iii. Olive skin
iv. Dark skin

5) What is your height? Feet Inches

6) What is your current weight?

7) What you have been shamed for?

8) What age do you think girls and boys start to feel insecure about their body?

i. 13 - 19
ii. 20 – 30

9) How do you feel about your body?

i. Proud
ii. Ashamed
iii. Neutral

To highlight the factor which develops the feelings of body shame.

S.No Statements To some To great Not at all

extent extent
1. Do you compare yourself with others?
Body Shaming

2. Beauty products are an important source of

information about being attractive..

3. I feel pressure from social media to look in a

certain way.

4. I feel pressure from peer to change my


5. Our body is considered as an object of

evaluation in community.

To understand the difference in perception of body image among males and


S.No Statements Frequently Often Sometimes Rarely Never

1. Women are more body

shamed than men.
2. Have you ever being shamed
by family?
3. Have you ever been shamed
by friends?
4. Your self-esteem depends on
how you think you look.

5. Your satisfaction with your

appearance dictate your
6. Fear about being judged by
others cause to avoid social
Body Shaming

7. I often feel being treated

differently because of my
8. I try to be as physically
attractive as I can be.

9. I tried various remedies to

improve my appearance.

10. I compare my level of

attractiveness with the
people I encounter.
11. I feel I do not have much to
be proud of.

12. I use different remedies to

beautify myself.

To identify the relationship of physical appearance with various mental


S.No Statements Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
1. Pressure to match ideal body type
leads to anxiety and depression.
2. Exposure to image of idealized and
unrealistic bodies can cause
appearance dissatisfaction.
3. Body shaming linked to an
increased risk of eating disorder.
4. I spend a lot of time worrying about
what other people think about my
Body Shaming


5. If I dislike how I look on a given day,

it’s hard to feel happy about other
6. Negative comments and provoking
images can drive individual to
engage in unhealthy behaviors.
7. My body is affected by how I feel.

8. Many times individual tend to

identify their body as being deviant
from the ideal standards.
9. The body shaming received leads
people towards insecurity.
10. In every society there is a standard
of appearance that the population
is expected to follow.

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