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The Importance of Social Media in a Democracy

As much as social media has its negative impacts, it is important and has some positives when it
comes to a democratic environment. The key importance of social media, which is also that of a
democracy, is the freedom of speech. People can interact freely on social media and express their
mind or thoughts on the current concerns as they happen. Social media platforms such as twitter
as well as Facebook among others.
Not only does social media help people exercise their right to free speech but also allows them to
exercise their right to obtain information. It is through social media that medias houses pass
information quickly to people. In a democratic environment, it is the people’s right to obtain
information on current events and through the use of social media, this can be done quickly and
easily. This helps in the passing of information for important use and for quick spread.
The freedom of speech helps governments and others to make decisions on concerns and issues
that are happening and that affect citizens. This is so because opinions and thoughts aired
concerning pressing matters can help in making decisions about what should be done and how it
should be done. It aids in giving the government the right ideas on what its citizens want which
can then be a driver of change.
In conclusion and just to recap, social media is of key importance in letting people exercise their
freedom of speech as well as their freedom or right to obtain information. Among all the pros of
social media, these two are the most important in a democratic environment.

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