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What process did the researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

adopted in order to convert carbon dioxide to biofuels? Photosynthesis

Converting harmful greenhouse gases to valuable chemicals both reduces emissions

and provides necessary products that helps the Environment

The high density of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere brings about which of the
following : Climate Change

The blog post describes how the researchers conducted a relatively original

It is an established illustrated idea by the blog post that discusses a breakthrough in

biotechnology in a published article where it is passed on to the world of technology for
use in industries.Hybrid Technology

It is the conversion of greenhouse gas to value-added chemicals can diminish Emission

It is the dimension of science where the published article corresponds to.Cognitive or

Philosophical Dimension

A valuable chemical that can be used as a biofuel. N-butanol

Producing acetate out of carbon dioxide and sunlight using nanowires and bacteria, and
subsequently producing valuable chemicals using out of acetate using engineered
bacteria is an example of what?Hybrid Technology

It functions as a workhorse to break down carbon dioxide to acetate.S.ovata

It is the principle describing the quest for unconventional knowledge through systematic
investigation and experimentation. Discovery Science

It refers to the way scientific knowledge is transferred from an area of science to a

territory of technology. Academic Science

Aside from metabolism the initial phase of clinical testing using human subjects also
determines what of the drug regimen? Side Effects

It is a process where new drugs are tested for effectiveness and safety using human
subjects. Clinical Trial

It's a study involving an 18-year-old male illustrates the need to disclose to the
participants all risks involved in a biomedical research study. Gene Therapy

Part of the government in United States that gives approval to clinical trials with
successful outcomes. Food and Drug Administration
It is what IRB requires researchers to obtain from human subjects. Informed Consent

It is a substance where the use of human subjects in biomedical research is essential in

its development and for it to be used for new therapy. Drug

It is where the effectiveness and toxicity of the drug under the development stage are
tested Animal Models

It is the institute or office where all IRBs should be registered. Office for Human
Research Protection

Prior to preclinical trials, the drugs under investigation are tested in what condition. In

A research which demonstrates ethical misconduct and therefore shows the need for
ethical and legal guidelines in using humans for biomedical research. Tuskegee Study

One of the members of IACUC must be a __________. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

It refers to the reduction of frequency or level of pain and distress that animals
experience in biomedical experimentation. Refinement

The term technoscience is coined from Ethique et techno-science

In the statement'Imitatio Dei is morally positive' what is the meaning of the italicized
word? Imitation of God

According to the article the person who believes that the sperm contains a homunculus?
Nicolaas Hartsoeker

He was the one who recalled Hartsoeker's understanding and argued that the
destruction of sperm is wrong as well as masturbation.Nicolaas Hartsoeker

The person who argued that if science is to improve the lot of humans, then scientists
must hone their moral thinking and be more ready to listen to the opinions of ordinary
people Jane Maienschein

He was the one who recalled Hartsoeker's understanding and argued that the
destruction of sperm is wrong as well as masturbation.Pinhas Elijah

Which of the following countries has highly contributed to the growing knowledge about
IVF and cloning where the first mammalian clone and early work on embryonic stem
cells was initiated? Britain

The person who wrote "Whose View of Life?".Jane Maienschein

The one who believes that ensoulment occurs 40 days after conceptionJews

In the article who among the following is said to have an early understanding of
genetics, modern in vitro fertilization, and stem-cell biology.Thomas Hunt Morgan

According to the article the US-centric that Maienschein adopted is disappointing

because; It fails to appreciate the growing global anxiety that big businesses will control
and selfishly exploit the fruits of science.

Which of the following is the meaning of "in vitro"?A process performed outside the
living organism

B.I.O.'s educational and awareness-raising programs are directed at which of the

following?Restoring the stability of our human and natural environments

One of the major challenges global agriculture faces is Feeding more people with less

It has a concept that focuses on the interdependence of all forms of life, and calls upon
diplomats and other people of influence to engage in a collective endeavor in
international relations and act as a bridge between global communities at the national
and cultural diversity. Bio-diplomacy

The Millennium Development Goals include the following except: Spread HIV and

It has the purpose and responsibility of uplifting the spirit of humanity in order to reverse
the crisis in values that has resulted in serious environmental deterioration. Bio-

It is a new policy which is needed to guarantee that we have a harmonious future.


It has the central concept of linking the protection of bios rights to the defense of the
rights of future generations Bio-legislation

In 2000, all 189 member state of the United Nations adopted what to set goals for
achieving specific targets by certain dates. Millennium declaration

It is concerned with preserving the wealth and beauty of the natural world, securing the
health of the earth's population, providing fair rules of trade, and guaranteeing equal
educational oppurtunities for every country in the world can be a source of genuine
profit, both monetary and social. Bio-economics

It urges the scholars, decision-makers, diplomats, business and civic leaders to actively
contribute to the development of a life-supporting society. International University for
the Bio-environment
The following are tools or technologies that is very important in precision farming
exceptAndroid Operating System

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