Science Self Discovery

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Science Self Discovery

There have been many scientists and inventors who have discovered many
things in this world. Many of these scientists possess common habits that
lead to their success. I myself want to follow these habits to make myself
a more productive person.

The first habit of highly effective scientists is the habit of writing. They
invest their time in writing something every day. It doesn’t matter what
they write, it doesn’t matter if it is related to their fields, they just
write something every day. They have scheduled a particular hour to
write. Some scientists have scheduled the very first hour of their day for
writing, while some write in the afternoon, or some are like me who write
in the evening or the night-time.

The second habit that successful scientists have is the habit of reading.
They read related to their field and profession every day. Whether it is
just a paragraph, or a page, or two to three pages; they don’t waste a
single day without reading. To be honest, you cannot write every day if
you don’t have a habit of reading every day.

The third habit the great scientists have is of thinking. The great
scientists think in two ways; the past based thinking; and the future
based thinking. They always ask themselves about a how something
happened and why it happened (past based thinking), but they also ask
themselves how to solve a particular problem (future based thinking).

The fourth and last and habit that all the great scientists have in common
is the habit of working hard. The most effective scientists are never
afraid of hard work. They are willing to work in the morning hours, in the
afternoon hours, or in the last night hours if needed. They do understand
that there is no such thing as smart work only. They know that smart
work with hard work produces results.

Aaryan Sehgal VII-B

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