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Ram Bharosa

Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls! You will wonder, How I,
Ram Bharosa could do such a blunder!

My name is Ram Bharosa and I want to tell you about the story
of how I went from being one of the wealthiest and the most
respected man how I became the most hated and disrespected man
in my village. It is all because of Binya and her beautiful blue
umbrella. I felt jealous and greedy, it could have been used by a
needy. I told Binya, "This is a fancy umbrella Binya! Small girls
should not have it." I even offered her twelve rupees for it. Oh! The
umbrella looked durable, but my temptation was unbearable. I told
my new employee Rajaram to go and steal it for me. Little did I
know, he would betray me. Lend me your ears, this is how your Ram,
the Trustworthy became Ram, The Trustworthy Thief. I feel
miserable and ashamed of the crimes I had convinced Rajaram to
commit. Oh! Here comes Binya! Will she make fun of me? Ladies &
Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, here is when I learnt something. I learnt
not be so greedy and selfish. I learnt to be kind. I leant that
materialism is harmful to the society. Binya, you left your blue
umbrella here at my shop. What? I can keep it! But it is such a
pretty umbrella, it is the best umbrella in the village.

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