Association Between Nucleoside Analogues and Risk of Hepatitis B Virus-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence Following Liver Resection

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Association Between Nucleoside Analogues

and Risk of Hepatitis B Virus–Related
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence
Following Liver Resection
Chun-Ying Wu, MD, PhD, MPH Context Tumor recurrence is a major issue for patients with hepatocellular carci-
Yi-Ju Chen, MD, PhD noma (HCC) following curative liver resection.
Hsiu J. Ho, PhD Objective To investigate the association between nucleoside analogue use and risk
Yao-Chun Hsu, MD, MS of tumor recurrence in patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV)−related HCC after cura-
tive surgery.
Ken N. Kuo, MD
Design, Setting, and Participants A nationwide cohort study between October
Ming-Shiang Wu, MD, PhD 2003 and September 2010. Data from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Re-
Jaw-Town Lin, MD, PhD search Database. Among 100 938 newly diagnosed HCC patients, we identified 4569
HBV-related HCC patients who received curative liver resection for HCC between Oc-

URGERY IS CONSIDERED THE STAN- tober 2003 and September 2010.
dard curative treatment option Main Outcome Measures The risk of first tumor recurrence was compared be-
for hepatocellular carcinoma tween patients not taking nucleoside analogues (untreated cohort, n=4051) and pa-
(HCC). However, the rate of tients taking nucleoside analogues (treated cohort, n=518). Cumulative incidences and
long-term disease-free survival after hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated after adjusting for competing mortality.
liver resection remains unsatisfactory Results The treated cohort had a higher prevalence of liver cirrhosis when compared
due to persistent high incidences of with the untreated cohort (48.6% vs 38.7%; P⬍.001), but lower risk of HCC recur-
HCC recurrence.1 Many factors affect rence (n=106 [20.5%] vs n=1765 [43.6%]; P⬍.001), and lower overall death (n=55
HCC recurrence risk after liver resec- [10.6%] vs n=1145 [28.3%]; P⬍.001). After adjusting for competing mortality, the
tion, including tumor size and stage, se- treated cohort had a significantly lower 6-year HCC recurrence rate (45.6%; 95% CI,
rum ␣-fetoprotein level, cirrhosis, hepa- 36.5%-54.6% vs untreated, 54.6%; 95% CI, 52.5%-56.6%; P⬍.001). Six-year over-
all mortalities for treated cohorts were 29.0% (95% CI, 20.0%-38.0%) and for un-
titis B e antigen (HBeAg) status, and
treated 42.4% (95% CI, 40.0%-44.7%; P⬍.001). On modified Cox regression analy-
hepatitis B virus (HBV) viral load.2-4 sis, nucleoside analogue use (HR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.55-0.81; P⬍.001), statin use (HR,
Among these factors, HBV viral load is 0.68; 95% CI, 0.53-0.87; P=.002), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin
the most clinically controllable. use (HR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.73-0.88; P⬍.001) were independently associated with a re-
Higher HBV viral load has been re- duced risk of HCC recurrence. Multivariable stratified analyses verified the association
ported to be an independent risk fac- in all subgroups of patients, including those who were noncirrhotic (HR, 0.56; 95% CI,
tor for HCC recurrence in patients with 0.42-0.76) and diabetic (HR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.31-0.89).
HBV-related HCC.5,6 Nucleoside ana- Conclusion Nucleoside analogue use was associated with a lower risk of HCC re-
logues are effective in suppressing HBV currence among patients with HBV-related HCC after liver resection.
replication and in ameliorating HBV- JAMA. 2012;308(18):1906-1913
related liver disease.7,8 They have been Published online November 12, 2012. doi:10.1001/2012.jama.11975

shown to be associated with a lower risk Author Affiliations: School of Medicine, National Yang- Ming-Shiang Wu, and Lin); Department of Internal
Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan (Drs Chun-Ying Wu and Medicine, E-Da Hospital/I-Shou University, Kaohsi-
of HCC and other cirrhosis-related Chen); Division of Gastroenterology (Dr Chun-Ying Wu) ung, Taiwan (Drs Hsu and Lin); College of Medicine,
complications in those with chronic and Department of Dermatology (Dr Chen), Taichung Taipei Medical College, Taipei (Dr Kuo); Institute of Popu-
Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan; Depart- lation Health Sciences, National Health Research Insti-
hepatitis9,10 and cirrhosis.11 However, ment of Public Health and Graduate Institute of Clini- tutes, Miaoli, Taiwan (Drs Kuo and Lin); and School of
studies on the effectiveness of nucleo- cal Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung (Drs Medicine, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei (Dr Lin).
Chun-Ying Wu and Hsu); Department of Life Sci- Corresponding Author: Chun-Ying Wu, MD, PhD,
ences, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung MPH, LLM, School of Medicine, National Yang-
For editorial comment see p 1922. (Dr Chun-Ying Wu); Division of Gastroenterology, Ming University, No. 155, Section 2, Linong Street,
National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei (Drs Ho, Taipei 11221, Taiwan (

1906 JAMA, November 14, 2012—Vol 308, No. 18 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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side analogue use in HCC recurrence OnlyHCCpatientswithHBVinfection with HCC recurrence in the first 3
have been relatively limited and have (ICD-9 codes 070.2, 070.3, and V02.61) months after the index hospitalization for
yielded conflicting results.12-14 In Tai- were included in our study cohorts. Pa- liver resection were excluded. We used
wan, under the National Health Insur- tients were excluded if diagnosed with the incident user design with follow-up
ance (NHI) program, reimbursement hepatitis C (ICD-9 codes 070.41, 070.44, for each patient beginning on the date
for nucleoside analogues for HBV pa- 070.51, 070.54, and V02.62), other vi- of first prescription of nucleoside ana-
tients meeting certain criteria began on ral hepatitis (ICD-9 code V02.69), ma- logue in the treated cohort.19,20 The fol-
October 1, 2003 (eTable 1 and eTable lignant tumor (ICD-9 codes 104-208), or low-up for the untreated cohort began
2 available at if they received antiviral treatments for on the first day after the index hospital-
The purpose of this study was to ex- more than 3 months before the index ad- ization for liver resection. Both cohorts
amine the association between use of mission. Patients were also excluded if were followed up until the date of HCC
nucleoside analogues and risk of HCC they received liver resection, transarte- recurrence, death, or the end of 2010.
recurrence among patients with HBV- rial chemoembolization, percutaneous Death was defined as withdrawal of the
related HCC after curative liver resec- ethanol injection, radiofrequency abla- patient from the NHI program. Causes
tion. We also examined this association tion, or liver transplantation before the of death were defined according to the
among different subpopulations and cal- index hospitalization. primary diagnosis of hospitalization in
culated the number needed to be treated the 3 months preceding death.
(NNT) for 1 less HCC recurrence. Study Cohorts
Patients who were newly diagnosed Covariate Assessment
METHODS with HBV-related HCC and who re- Propensity score was calculated using
Study Design ceived curative liver resection were di- logistic regression as proposed by
We conducted a nationwide cohort study vided into 2 cohorts based on their use Rosenbaum and Rubin21,22 to estimate
by retrieving all patients receiving cura- of nucleoside analogues. The un- the probabilities of assigning a patient
tiveliverresectionforHCCfromTaiwan’s treated cohort comprised patients who to the treated cohort given the back-
National Health Insurance Research Da- never received nucleoside analogues ground variables including age, sex, ex-
tabase (NHIRD). The NHIRD has been and the treated cohort was patients who tent of resection, liver cirrhosis, other
describedindetailinpreviousstudies.15-17 received nucleoside analogues for at comorbidities listed in TABLE 1, and use
In brief, it consists of detailed health care least 90 days. Those receiving antivi- of statins, nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
data from more than 25 million enroll- ral treatments for less than 90 days dur- tory drugs (NSAIDs), and metformin.
ees, representing more than 99% of Tai- ing the observation period or prior to The mean and median propensity
wan’s entire population. The accuracy of the observation period were ex- scores were compared between the 2
diagnosisofmajordiseasesintheNHIRD, cluded. Information regarding pa- cohorts.
such as stroke and acute coronary syn- tients’ medications was retrieved from Since the chance of HCC recur-
drome, has been validated.17,18 This study the pharmacy prescription database. Re- rence can be confounded by compet-
has been approved by the ethical review liability of the retrieved information was ing risk of mortality, we identified co-
board of the National Health Research In- verified independently by 2 statisti- morbidities that may be associated with
stitutes, Taiwan. cians. Nucleoside analogues included mortality based on diagnostic codes
lamivudine, entecavir, and telbivu- from both outpatient and inpatient
Study Population dine. For each nucleoside analogue pre- datasets prior to the outcome of inter-
We identified all hospitalized patients scription, the number of days of use was est. All diseases included in the Charl-
who were admitted with a primary di- calculated. Then, the numbers of days son Comorbidity Index were analyzed
agnosis of HCC (International Classifi- of use for each prescription were added except for human immunodeficiency vi-
cation of Diseases, Ninth Revision [ICD-9] together to determine the total num- rus, metastatic solid tumor, and can-
codes 155.0, 155.2) for the first time and ber of days of nucleoside analogue use. cer, because patients with these con-
who received curative liver resection be- ditions were excluded from the present
tween October 1, 2003, and September Main Outcome Measurements study.23 Comorbidities, listed by ICD-9
30, 2010. The diagnostic accuracy of Hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence was code, included acute coronary syn-
HCC was confirmed by both specific ad- defined as rehospitalization with a pri- drome (410-414), cerebrovascular ac-
mission ICD-9 codes and inclusion in the mary diagnosis of HCC after the index cident (430-438), chronic obstructive
Registry for Catastrophic Illness Pa- admission date and a treatment modal- pulmonary disease (490-496), diabe-
tient Database (RCIPD), a subpart of the ity for HCC recurrence, such as sur- tes mellitus (250), liver cirrhosis
NHIRD.15,16 Surgical pathological con- gery, transarterial chemoembolization, (571.5), liver failure (570), renal fail-
firmation or typical image presentation percutaneous ethanol injection, radio- ure (584-586), hypertension (401-
of HCC is required for patients to be reg- frequency ablation, or liver transplanta- 405), hyperlipidemia (272.0-272.2),
istered in the RCIPD. tion during the study period. Patients and peptic ulcer disease (531-534).
©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, November 14, 2012—Vol 308, No. 18 1907

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Certain drugs, including statins, aspi- ment of the original HCC, including ma- Statistical Analysis
rin,NSAIDs,andmetformin,whichmight jor resection (extensive and partial he- Death prior to tumor recurrence was con-
alter the risk of recurrent HCC, were ana- patic lobectomy with at least 3 segmen- sideredacompetingriskevent.Thedeath-
lyzed. Exposure to these drugs was de- tal resections of liver parenchyma) and adjusted cumulative incidences of HCC
fined as frequency of use of more than 1 minorresection(extensiveandpartialhe- recurrence were calculated using a 2-step
tablet per month during the observation patectomy with 2 or fewer segmental re- process and tested for equality among the
period.Liverresectionmodalitiesfortreat- sections of liver), were also analyzed. study cohorts. Calculation and compari-
son of cumulative incidences in compet-
ing risk data ratios were conducted using
Table 1. Study Cohorts Following Liver Resection modified Kaplan-Meier method24 and
No. (%) a Gray method.25 We tested differences in
the full time-to-event distributions be-
Untreated b Treated b
Characteristics (n = 4051) (n = 518) P Value tweenthestudygroupsusinglog-ranktest.
Age, mean (SD), y 54.6 (12.5) 54.4 (11.8) .80 Todeterminetheindependentriskfac-
Sex tors for HCC recurrence, multivariable
Women 716 (17.7) 83 (16.0)
Men 3335 (82.3) 435 (84.0) ard ratios (HRs) were carried out with
Resection c modified Cox proportional hazards mod-
Major 1431 (35.3) 139 (26.8)
⬍.001 elsinthepresenceofcompetingriskevent
Minor 2620 (64.7) 379 (73.2)
after adjusting for age, sex, resection mo-
Follow-up, y
Mean (SD) 2.18 (1.77) 2.64 (1.74) ⬍.001 dality, liver cirrhosis, diabetes, propen-
Median (IQR) 1.57 (0.77-3.15) 2.18 (1.21-3.69) ⬍.001 sity score, and use of statins, NSAIDs or
Interval to start therapy, y aspirin, and metformin.24 To assess the
Mean (SD) 1.19 (1.38) dose-dependentassociationofrecurrence
Median (IQR) 0.66 (0.14-1.84) with nucleoside analogue use, we further
Antiviral therapy duration, y - conducted multivariable analysis with
Mean (SD) 1.45 (1.38)
nucleoside analogue use as a continuous
Median (IQR) 0.95 (0.48-1.94)
Hospital visits
Mean (SD) 56.54 (57.77) 74.37 (58.17) ⬍.001 ses, the association between nucleoside
Median (IQR) 37 (19-73) 60 (32.25-99.75) ⬍.001 analogue use and the risk of HCC recur-
Drug users d rence was examined in different sub-
Statins 158 (3.9) 17 (3.3) .55 groups. All subgroup comparisons were
NSAIDs or aspirin 2181 (53.8) 271 (52.3) .51 preplanned to control for potential con-
Metformin 498 (12.3) 60 (11.6) .72 founding factors reported in previous
Major coexisting diseases studies.
Cirrhosis 1569 (38.7) 252 (48.6) ⬍.001
The NNT represented the number of
Hypertension 978 (24.1) 109 (21.0) .13
patients who needed to be treated for 1
Diabetes 663 (16.4) 72 (13.9) .16
Peptic ulcer diseases 603 (14.9) 78 (15.1) .90
less HCC recurrence or mortality; it was
COPD 206 (5.1) 19 (3.7) .20
calculated by the inverse of the absolute
Acute coronary syndrome 178 (4.4) 14 (2.7) .08
risk reduction. All results in the present
Cerebral vascular disease 147 (3.6) 9 (1.7) .03
study originated from a nationwide reg-
Renal failure 83 (2.0) 5 (1.0) .12
istry database. Hepatocellular carcinoma
Hypercholesterolemia 35 (0.9) 2 (0.4) .43 is defined as a major disease and HCC pa-
Propensity score tients can apply for a catastrophic illness
Mean (SD) 0.11 (0.03) 0.12 (0.03) ⬍.001 certificate, which grants exemption from
Median (IQR) 0.11 (0.08-0.14) 0.12 (0.10-0.15) ⬍.001 co-payment. It is nearly impossible for
Charlson score e these HCC patients to withdraw from the
Mean (SD) 1.20 (1.68) 1.22 (1.53) .84
NHI program before death. Therefore,
Median (IQR) 1 (0-1) 1 (0-2) .16
there were no missing data or loss of
Abbreviations: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IQR, interquartile range; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs. follow-up in our study population.
a Values are shown as No. (%) unless otherwise indicated.
b Treated and untreated categories indicate patients with hepatitis B virus who are receiving nucleoside analogues, All data management was performed
and those who are not, respectively.
c Major resection indicates extensive and partial hepatic lobectomy with at least 3 segmental resections of liver paren-
chyma; minor resection indicates extensive and partial hepatectomy with 2 or fewer segmental resections of liver. Calculationsofcumulativeincidencesand
d Drug users indicate patients using drugs at least 1 day per month on average.
e Charlson score represents degree of health. A higher score indicates a worse health condition. Cox models in the competing risk analy-
sis were carried out using the “cmprsk”
1908 JAMA, November 14, 2012—Vol 308, No. 18 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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package of R ( (0.14-1.84) years. The mean (SD) du- In FIGURE 2, cumulative incidences
/web/packages/cmprsk/index.html). Cal- ration of nucleoside analogue use in of HCC recurrence after adjustment for
culated results were expressed as the es- treated patients was 1.45 (1.38) years competing mortality are shown. The
timated number together with the 95% and the median (IQR) was 0.95 (0.48- risk of HCC recurrence was signifi-
confidence interval. Based on statisti- 1.94) years. The mean (SD) propen- cantly lower for patients in the treated
cal power at 0.9, type I error rate at .05, sity score for the untreated cohort was cohort (6-year cumulative incidence,
and our case numbers in both cohorts, 0.11 (0.03) and the median (IQR) was 45.6%; 95% CI, 36.5%-54.6%) than for
the detectable risk difference was esti- 0.11 (0.09-0.14), and for the treated co- patients in the untreated cohort (54.6%;
mated to be 0.02. hort, the mean (SD) was 0.12 (0.03) and 95% CI, 52.5%-56.6%) (P⬍.001). The
the median (IQR) was 0.12 (0.10- difference in 6-year cumulative inci-
RESULTS 0.15). The treated cohort had a signifi- dence was 9%. The unadjusted NNT as-
Demographic Characteristics cantly higher prevalence of liver cir- sociated with 1 less HCC recurrence
of the HCC Cohort rhosis (48.6%) when compared with the within 6 years was 12 (95% CI, 7.4-
We first identified 100 938 potentially eli- untreated cohort (38.7%) (P⬍ .001). 22.6). This implies that use of nucleo-
gible HCC patients admitted for the first side analogues in 12 HCC patients af-
time and registered in the RCIPD. We ex- Six-Year Cumulative Incidences
cluded78 948patientswhodidnotreceive of HCC Recurrence
liver resection and 8173 patients who re- and Overall Mortality Figure 1. Selection of Study Patients
ceived liver resection before October 1, Among the 359 patients excluded with
2003. In addition, 7870 patients without follow-up of less than 3 months there 100 938 Patients admitted for the first time with
primary diagnosis of HCC and registered
HBV infection or coinfection with hepa- were 226 HCC recurrences and 93 in the Registry for Catastrophic Illness
Patient Database
titis C or other hepatitis were excluded. deaths. During the observation period,
Those using antiviral agents 3 months be- 1765 patients in the untreated cohort
87 121 Excluded
fore liver resection or for less than 3 (43.6%) and 106 patients in the treated 78 948 Did not receive liver
monthswerealsonotenrolled.Therewere cohort (20.5%) developed HCC recur- resection
8173 Received liver resection
1019 patients who received other liver rence. Death before the recurrence of before October 1, 2003
therapy or with another type of tumor be- HCC was defined as competing mortal-
fore liver resection who were excluded. ity. Compared with the untreated cohort 13 817 Received liver resection after
October 1, 2003
Another 359 patients with follow-up for (451 deaths; 11.1%), only 26 patients
less than 3 months were not included in (5.0%) died before HCC recurrence in 7870 Excluded a
the study. Therefore, 4569 patients were the treated cohort. The major identifi- 6386 Without HBV
4286 With hepatitis C and 5
enrolledintothestudycohorts(untreated, able causes of competing mortality in the patients with other hepatitis
277 Used antiviral drugs before
4051 patients; treated, 518 patients) untreated cohort were HCC or HCC liver resection >3 mo
(FIGURE 1). In the treated cohort, 487 treatment–related mortality (314 281 Used antiviral drugs <3 mo

patients received only 1 nucleoside ana- patients), liver cirrhosis (14), pneumo-
logue, including 159 patients who re- nia (12), sepsis (9), and gastrointestinal 5947 HBV-related HCC patients who received
liver resection after October 1, 2003,
ceived lamivudine, 292 patients who re- bleeding (7). The identifiable causes of using antiviral drugs <3 mo
ceived entecavir, and 36 patients who competing mortality in the treated cohort
received telbivudine. The remaining pa- included HCC or HCC treatment– 1019 Excluded a
843 Received other liver therapy
tients received more than 1 nucleoside related mortality (20 patients), pneumo- 212 With other tumors before
liver resection
analogue. nia (2), liver cirrhosis (1), and sepsis (1).
Demographic characteristics, con- During the follow-up period, overall
4928 HBV-related HCC patients who received
founding drugs, comorbidities, and fol- deaths for the untreated and treated liver resection after October 1, 2003, used
low-up durations of the study cohorts cohorts were 1145 (28.3%) and 55 antiviral drugs >3 mo, and did not receive
other HCC therapy or have other tumors
are presented in Table 1. The fol- (10.6%), respectively. For overall mor-
low-up durations for the untreated co- tality, the major identifiable causes of 359 Excluded (follow-up <3 mo)
hort were a mean (SD) of 2.18 (1.77) death in the untreated cohort were HCC
years and a median (interquartile range or HCC treatment–related mortality (832 4569 Included in the study cohort
[IQR]) of 1.57 (0.77-3.15) years, and patients), liver cirrhosis (47), sepsis (28), 4051 HBV patients did not receive antiviral
therapy (untreated cohort)
for the treated cohort, a mean (SD) of pneumonia (22), and gastrointestinal 518 HBV patients received antiviral
therapy (treated cohort)
2.64 (1.74) years and a median (IQR) bleeding (21). The major identifiable
of 2.18 (1.21-3.69) years. The mean causes of overall mortality in the treated HBV indicates hepatitis B virus; HCC, hepatocellular car-
(SD) interval to start of antiviral therapy cohort were HCC or HCC treatment– cinoma.
a Numbers for exclusions may not sum because of pa-
after liver resection was 1.19 (1.38) related mortality (38 patients), liver cir-
tients fulfilling more than 1 criterion.
years and the median (IQR) was 0.66 rhosis (5), pneumonia (5), and sepsis (3).
©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, November 14, 2012—Vol 308, No. 18 1909

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ter liver resection is associated with 95% CI, 0.53-0.87; P=.002) and use of related HCC patients. Hung et al6 found
1 less HCC recurrence within 6 NSAIDs or aspirin (HR, 0.80; 95% CI, that HBV viral load of greater than 2000
years. 0.73-0.88; P ⬍ .001) were signifi- IU/mL is associated with an odds ratio
In the eFigure, we stratified pa- cantly associated with lower risk of tu- as high as 22.3 for HCC recurrence af-
tients by liver cirrhosis and NSAID use. mor recurrence. Liver cirrhosis was ter liver resection. The association be-
We found that nucleoside analogue use found to be an independent risk factor tween serum HBV loads and risk of HCC
was associated with lower risk of HCC for HCC recurrence (HR, 1.23; 95% CI, recurrence after liver resection or trans-
recurrence in noncirrhotic patients, but 1.12-1.35; P⬍.001) (TABLE 2). Each in- catheter arterial embolization has been
not in cirrhotic patients. For NSAID us- cremental year of use of nucleoside ana- confirmed in previous studies.3,26,27
ers and nonusers, use of nucleoside ana- logues was associated with reduced risk In the present study, we did not have
logues was associated with reduced risk of HCC recurrence (HR, 0.59; 95% CI, data regarding a patient’s HBV viral load
of HCC recurrence. 0.51-0.68; P ⬍.001) (eTable 3). or liver function. However, Taiwan’s
Likewise, the risk of overall mortal- NHI program has strict regulations re-
ity was significantly lower in patients in Multivariable Stratified Analysis garding reimbursement for nucleo-
the treated cohort (6-year cumulative in- The treated cohort was found to be as- side analogues. Reimbursement is
cidence, 29.0%; 95% CI, 20.0%-38.0%) sociated with a reduced risk of HCC re- granted only to patients in high-risk
than in patients in the untreated cohort currence on all stratified analyses, in- populations (eTable 1). Under such
(42.4%; 95% CI, 40.0%-44.7%) cluding for noncirrhotic patients (HR, regulations, patients in the treated co-
(P⬍.001) (Figure 2). The difference in 0.56; 95% CI, 0.42-0.76) and diabetic hort should have a higher baseline HBV
6-year overall mortality was 13.4%. The patients (HR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.31- viral load, higher ALT level, or higher
unadjusted NNT associated with 1 less 0.89) (FIGURE 3). These observations prevalence of liver decompensation
death within 6 years was 8 (95% CI, 5.7- further confirmed the association be- than those in the untreated cohort to
11.0). This implies that use of nucleo- tween nucleoside analogue use and at- be eligible for reimbursement. In the
side analogues in 8 HCC patients after tenuated risk of HCC recurrence in present study, the treated cohort had
liver resection is associated with 1 less HBV-related HCC patients after liver re- higher prevalence of liver cirrhosis. If
death within 6 years. section. higher HBV viral load is associated with
higher risk of HCC recurrence, higher
Multivariable Analysis COMMENT baseline HBV viral load in the treated
Compared with the untreated cohort, The roles of HBV in HCC recurrence patients may have led to a more con-
the treated cohort was associated with have been widely investigated. Kubo et servative estimation of the association
a significantly lower risk of HCC re- al5 first reported that high viral load is in the present study.
currence (HR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.55- an independent risk factor for HCC re- Although it is generally accepted that
0.81; P⬍.001). Use of statins (HR, 0.68; currence after liver resection in HBV- HBV viral load plays an important role

Figure 2. Cumulative Incidences of HCC Recurrence and Overall Mortality Following Liver Resection

Cumulative incidence for hepatocellular carcinoma Overall mortality

60 60

50 50
Cumulative Incidence, %

Cumulative Incidence, %

40 40

30 30
20 20

10 10

Modified log-rank P <.001 Log-rank P = .002

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Follow-up, y Follow-up, y
No. at risk No. at risk
Untreated 4051 2697 1685 1080 667 411 205 Untreated 4051 3428 2506 1763 1177 734 368
Treated 518 246 124 68 40 19 9 Treated 518 289 162 96 61 32 11

Data were compiled after adjustment for competing mortality. For cumulative incidences of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), calculation and comparison in competing
risk data ratios were conducted using modified Kaplan-Meier and Gray methods. For overall mortality, Kaplan-Meier method was used. Recurrences (for cumulative
incidences of HCC) and deaths (for overall mortality) during the first 3 months were excluded. Treated and untreated categories indicate patients with hepatitis B virus
who are receiving nucleoside analogues, and those who are not, respectively.

1910 JAMA, November 14, 2012—Vol 308, No. 18 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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in HCC recurrence, studies regarding the

Table 2. Risk of HCC Recurrence After Adjusting for Competing Mortality a
effectiveness of nucleoside analogues in
HCC recurrence have been very lim- No. Recurrence No. HR (95% CI) b P Value
ited and have produced conflicting re- Treated vs untreated c
sults.28 Based on a study of 14 patients Untreated 4051 1765 1 [Reference]
receiving lamivudine and 10 control par- Treated 518 106 0.67 (0.55-0.81) ⬍.001
ticipants, Kubo et al13 found a lower Age
⬍50 y 1568 655 1 [Reference]
5-year HCC disease-free survival rate af-
50-59 y 1466 590 0.96 (0.83-1.10) .53
ter surgery in the lamivudine-treated pa-
ⱖ60 y 1535 626 1.01 (0.90-1.13) .92
tients. Chan et al14 reported that the
5-year tumor free survival rates in the Women 799 306 1 [Reference]
lamivudine or entecavir-treated group Men 3770 1565 1.08 (0.95-1.23) .22
(42 participants; 51.4%) were signifi- Resection d
cantly higher than in the control group Minor 2999 1228 1 [Reference]
(94 participants; 33.8%). In contrast, Li Major 1570 643 1.04 (0.90-1.20) .61
et al29 found no significant differences Liver cirrhosis
No 2748 1046 1 [Reference]
in the 1-year tumor-free survival after cu-
Yes 1821 825 1.21 (1.04-1.40) .01
rative hepatectomy between the lamivu-
dine (43 participants; 23.3%) and con- No 3834 1554 1 [Reference]
trol (36 participants; 8.3%) groups. Yes 735 317 1.18 (0.99-1.41) .07
Kuzuya et al12 demonstrated that 5-year Statin use e
cumulative recurrence rates of HCC do No 4394 1814 1 [Reference]
not differ in a study of 16 patients re- Yes 175 57 0.68 (0.53-0.87) .002
ceiving lamivudine and 33 control par- NSAID or aspirin use e
No 2117 932 1 [Reference]
ticipants. In the present study, we con- Yes 2452 939 0.80 (0.73-0.88) ⬍.001
firmed the association between Metformin use e
nucleoside analogue use and reduced No 4011 1634 1 [Reference]
risk of HCC recurrence in HBV pa- Yes 558 237 1.01 (0.84-1.21) .92
tients after liver resection based on a na- Propensity score
tionwide database. However, reimburse- Each incremental 10% 4569 1871 1.05 (0.78-1.41) .74
Abbreviations: HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HR, hazard ratio; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
ment for oral antiviral agents for HBV a Multivariable analysis is by Cox proportional hazards model.
b Adjusted for covariate factors, including age, sex, resection extent, liver cirrhosis, diabetes, and use of statins, NSAIDs,
infection is strictly limited to specified
aspirin, and metformin.
indications in Taiwan, and HCC does c Treated and untreated categories indicate patients with hepatitis B virus who are receiving nucleoside analogues,

not qualify as an indication. Therefore, and those who are not, respectively.
d Major resection indicates extensive and partial hepatic lobectomy with at least 3 segmental resections of liver paren-
most of the HBV-infected HCC pa- chyma; minor resection indicates extensive and partial hepatectomy with 2 or fewer segmental resections of liver.
e Drug users indicate patients using a drug at least 1 day per month on average.
tients in the present study did not ful-
fill the NHI criteria for oral antiviral
therapy. vs 45.6%) was much smaller than the oxidative stress.32 An in vivo study
In previous studies, HCC with cir- HR (0.67) observed on multivariable showed that aspirin results in tumor
rhosis has been associated with de- analysis. growth inhibition.33 More recently, Si-
creased overall survival compared with On multivariable analysis, we found tia et al demonstrated that aspirin di-
HCC without cirrhosis after curative that statin and NSAID or aspirin use minishes the number of intrahepatic
liver resection. 2 However, the out- were associated with a lower risk of HBV-specific CD8(⫹) T cells and HBV-
come of patients with HBV-related com- HCC recurrence. The protective role of nonspecific inflammatory cells, the se-
pensated cirrhosis has not been shown statins in HBV-infected HCC has been verity of liver fibrosis, and the devel-
to be worse than that of noncirrhotic reported in a recent study.30 The po- opment of HCC in an HBV transgenic
patients.4 In the present study, nucleo- tential mechanisms involve AMP- mouse model.34 Based on prior studies
side analogue use was not only associ- activated protein kinase, p21 expres- and our results, we postulated that
ated with improved disease-free sur- sion, endoplasmic reticulum stress, and NSAIDs, including aspirin, may be ben-
vival, but also with improved overall autophagy.31 The association between eficial for reducing tumor recurrence
survival in HBV-related HCC after liver the use of NSAIDs or aspirin and a lower in HCC patients. Future randomized
resection. The higher prevalence of cir- risk of HCC recurrence is a novel find- controlled trial studies are necessary to
rhosis in the treated cohort was the ing. Aspirin has been reported to in- clarify this issue.
main reason that the absolute differ- duce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, me- There are several limitations to the
ence in HCC recurrence rates (54.6% diated by increased metabolic and present study. First, a causal associa-
©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, November 14, 2012—Vol 308, No. 18 1911

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tion between a drug of interest and risk potential confounders. Furthermore, we the treated cohort may have poor com-
of HCC recurrence cannot be inferred conducted multivariable stratified analy- pliance. These potential misclassifica-
based on an observational study. Con- sis to examine the risk of HCC recur- tions may have led to an underestima-
founding by indication may exist and ac- rence after liver resection for the study tion of the association.
count for differences in outcomes. The cohorts in different strata. Although un- Fourth, HCC recurrence was de-
patients in the study cohorts may differ measured confounders may still exist, we fined as rehospitalization with a pri-
in many measured and unmeasured believe the methodology used in the mary diagnosis of HCC and further HCC
ways. We did not have personal infor- present study is solid and robust. therapy. It is possible that some inci-
mation for our patients such as life- Second, coding error is possible in a dence of HCC recurrence might have
style, family history of malignant dis- database. We were unable to check the been missed, for example if a patient did
eases, body mass index, or laboratory accuracy of nucleoside analogue use in not receive therapy for the recurrence.
parameters including HBV DNA viral the NHIRD. However, the informa- Since all enrolled participants were able
load, which may contribute to tumor re- tion regarding insurance-paid nucleo- to undergo curative resection, the ma-
currence risk. To avoid these biases, we side analogues was accurate because ev- jority of them were unlikely to give up
selected only patients receiving cura- ery prescription is strictly regulated and therapy for a recurrence. Furthermore,
tive liver resection because resectable pa- only patients fitting specific criteria are such misclassification would have un-
tients are comparable in terms of dis- eligible to receive reimbursement. derestimated the incidence of recur-
ease extent and remnant liver function. Third, some patients may have used rent HCC in both cohorts and biased the
We analyzed propensity scores and self-paid nucleoside analogues and thus results toward null difference.
Charlson scores to examine the compa- may have been inappropriately classi- Fifth, information about adverse
rability of these 2 cohorts. Multivari- fied into the untreated cohort. Con- events of nucleoside analogues was not
able analysis was performed to adjust for versely, nucleoside analogue users in available from the NHIRD. However,

Figure 3. Multivariable Stratified Analyses for the Association Between Nucleoside Analogue Use and HCC Recurrence

Untreated, No. Treated, No. Favors Does Not

Hazard Ratio Antiviral Favor Antiviral
Subgroup Patients Recurrence Patients Recurrence (95% CI) Therapy Therapy
Age, y
<50 1418 619 150 36 0.68 (0.48-0.95)
50-59 1267 546 199 44 0.78 (0.58-1.06)
≥60 1366 600 169 26 0.53 (0.36-0.78)
Male 716 291 83 15 0.60 (0.36-1.01)
Female 3335 1474 435 91 0.68 (0.55-0.84)
Major 1431 612 139 31 0.66 (0.46-0.93)
Minor 2620 1153 379 75 0.67 (0.53-0.85)
No 2482 1000 266 46 0.56 (0.42-0.76)
Yes 1569 765 252 60 0.78 (0.60-1.01)
No 3388 1462 446 92 0.69 (0.56-0.86)
Yes 663 303 72 14 0.52 (0.31-0.89)
No 3893 1709 501 105 0.68 (0.56-0.82)
Yes 158 56 17 1 0.26 (0.04-1.89)
NSAIDs or aspirin
No 1870 878 247 54 0.66 (0.51-0.87)
Yes 2181 887 271 52 0.66 (0.50-0.88)
No 3553 1540 458 94 0.67 (0.55-0.82)
Yes 498 225 60 12 0.65 (0.38-1.13)
Overall 4051 1765 518 106 0.66 (0.55-0.81)

0.2 1.0 2
Hazard Ratio (95% CI)

Among hepatitis B virus–related patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), nucleoside analogue use (treated cohort) was found to be associated with reduced risk
of HCC recurrence on nearly all analyses (stratified by age, sex, extent of liver resection, liver cirrhosis, diabetes, and use of statins, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs [NSAIDs], and metformin). Some hazard ratios were not statistically significant due to a small number of cases. Recurrences during the first 3 months were
excluded. Treated and untreated categories indicate patients with hepatitis B virus who are receiving nucleoside analogues, and those who are not, respectively. Major
resection indicates extensive and partial hepatic lobectomy with at least 3 segmental resections of liver parenchyma; minor resection indicates extensive and partial
hepatectomy with 2 or fewer segmental resections of liver.

1912 JAMA, November 14, 2012—Vol 308, No. 18 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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