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MATRIC NO. : 17203845/2

To determine the pH curve for the titration of a strong acid-strong base and weak acid-strong base.

1.1 Preparation of standard sodium carbonate solution

(i) Weigh accurately about 1.3 g of the primary standard, anhydrous sodium carbonate in a
weighing bottle.
(ii) Transfer the materials quantitatively into a 250 ml volumetric flask; Then add about 80 mL
distilled water and shake the flask until all the sodium carbonate dissolve. Add distilled water to
the volumetric mark and then shake the flask well.
(iii) Calculate the concentration of the standard sodium carbonate solution in the unit of mol L-
1. (Report the concentration to four significant figures from the decimal point).
1.2 Standardization of hydrochloric acid
(i) Pipette 25 mL of standard sodium carbonate solution into a 250 mL conical flask, add 2
drops of methyl orange.
(ii) Titrate with the given hydrochloric acid until the solution starts becoming red.
(iii) Repeat the titration, this time immediately add the acid until it is short of the titer value
obtained in (ii) by 0.5 mL. Then titrate slowly until the endpoint is reached.
(iv) Repeat the titration until the titer value does not differ by more than 0.05 mL from the
previous titration.
(v) Calculate the concentration of the hydrochloric acid given. (Report your result to four
significant figures from the decimal point).
Method of calculating the concentration of the hydrochloric acid solution
Consider the concentration of the standard sodium carbonate solution is c mol dm-3, and v mL
of hydrochloric acid is required to neutralize 25 mL of this standard sodium carbonate solution.
The reaction that occurs is:
2 HCl + Na2CO3 → 2 NaCl + H2O + CO2
From the above reaction, it is clear that the neutralization of 1 mole of sodium carbonate
requires 2 moles of hydrochloric acid.
25 c
25 mL of the carbonate solution used contains moles of sodium carbonate.
25 c
Therefore the neutralization requires 2× moles hydrochloric acid. Hence, the
concentration of the hydrochloric acid solution is
2× 25 c 1000 25 c
× =2× mol dm-3 (or M)
1000 v v

1.3 Standardization of sodium hydroxide solution

(i) Pipette 10 mL of hydrochloric acid that has been standardized into a 250 mL conical flask.
(ii) Add 2 drops of methyl orange.
(iii) Titrate with the given sodium hydroxide solution.
(iv) Repeat the titration; this time simply add the sodium hydroxide until it 0.5 mL less than the
titer value obtained in step (ii). Then titrate slowly until the end-point is reached.
(v) Repeat the titration until the titer value does not differ by more than 0.05 mL.
(vi) Repeat steps (i) to (iv) using phenolphthalein as the indicator.
(vii) Calculate the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution obtained from the titrations
using methyl orange and phenolphthalein as indicators.
1.4 Standardization of acetic acid solution
(i) Pipette 10 mL of acetic acid into a 250 mL conical flask and add 2 drops of phenolphthalein
(ii) Titrate with sodium hydroxide solution that has been previously standardized.
(iii) Repeat the titration; this time the sodium hydroxide is quickly added until it is 0.5 mL short
of the titer value obtained in step (ii), then titrate slowly until the end-point is reached.
(iv) Repeat the titration until the titer value obtained does not differ by more than 0.05 mL.
(v) Repeat steps (i) to (iv) but using bromothymol blue as the indicator.
(vi) Calculate the concentration of acetic acid from the titration using phenolphthalein and
bromothymol blue as the indicators.

2.1 pH curve for the strong acid-strong base titration
(i) Prepare a solution of sodium hydroxide that is diluted 10 times by pipetting 25 mL of sodium
hydroxide into a 250 mL volumetric flask and adding distilled water to the mark.
(ii) Prepare two burettes, one is filled with the standard sodium hydroxide solution and the other
is filled with sodium hydroxide that has been diluted 10 times.
(You are required to share your burette with your neighbor in this part)
To fill the burette with diluted sodium hydroxide, empty the standard sodium hydroxide from the
burette and rinse the burette with distilled water several times. Finally, rinse the burette with 3
parts (each part 10 mL) of dilute sodium hydroxide, then the burette is filled with the diluted
sodium hydroxide solution.
(iii) Pipette 10 mL of standard hydrochloric acid into a 50 mL beaker.
(iv) Titrate this acid with standard sodium hydroxide until the pH is 2.8 or 2.9 (you may use a
calibrated pH meter to determine the pH of the solution). Record the volume of the required
standard sodium hydroxide solution.
(v) Continue the titration with dilute sodium hydroxide to get pH 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
(vi) Continue the titration with standard sodium hydroxide to get pH 11 and 12.
(vii) Plot a graph of pH of the solution against the volume of standard sodium hydroxide used.
2.2 pH curve for the weak acid-strong base titration
(i) Pipette 10 mL of standard acetic acid into a 100 mL conical flask.
(ii) Titrate the acetic acid with standard sodium hydroxide to get pH 3,4, 5, and 6.
(iii) Continue the titration with dilute sodium hydroxide to get pH 7, 8, 9, and 10.
(iv) Continue the titration with standard sodium hydroxide to get pH 11and 12.
(v) Plot a graph of pH of the solution against the volume of standard sodium hydroxide used.
Weight of Na2CO3= (1.3024 ± 0.0001) g

Mass=1.3024 g
Relative atomic mass, Na=22.990 , C=12.011 , O=15.999
Molar mass= 2(22.990) + 12.011 + 3(15.999) = 105.988 g mol-1
1.3024 ±0.0001 g
Mole of Na2CO3= −1
=1.229 ×10−2 ± 0.0000009 mol
105.988 g mol

1.229× 10−2
Concentration of Na2CO3 = 250
= 4.916 × 10-2 M

Uncertainty of Na2CO3 = −2
× 4.916 ×10−2=0.0000036
1.229× 10
Concentration of Na2CO3= (4.916×10-2 ± 0.0000036) M

Standardization of hydrochloric acid

Initial reading (mL) Final reading (mL) Volume used (mL)

10.00 33.20 23.20
10.00 33.25 23.25
10.00 33.20 23.20

Table 1: Burette reading in the standardization of hydrochloric acid solution.

Observation: The sodium carbonate solution that have been added with 2 drops of methyl
orange turns colour from yellow to pale orange.This indicates that the end-point have been
Volume used for HCl = 23.20 mL,23.25 mL, and 23.20 mL
x= =23.22 mL

σ =√ ∑
( x −x) i

√ n−1

√(23.20−23.22) +( 23.25−23.22 ) +( 23.20−23.22)
2 2 2


√(−0.02) + ( 0.03 ) +(−0.02)
2 2 2

= 0.02915

2σ 2(0.02915)
n 3
= 0.01944 mL

x=x ±
= 23.22 mL ± 0.01944 mL

= (23.22 ± 0.02) mL

Average volume of HCl used are (23.22 ± 0.02) mL

2HCl(aq) + Na2CO3 (aq) → 2NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) + CO2 (g)

M1 V 1 a
Using the equation =
M2 V 2 b
MHClVHCl/MNa2CO3VNa2CO3 = 2/1

MHCl (23.22) / (4.916×10-2)(25)=2

2 ( 25 )( 4.916 ×10−2)
MHCl =
MHCl = 0.1059 M
Uncertainty of hydrochloric acid = ×0.1059=0.000009
Concentration of hydrochloric acid = (0.1059 ± 0.000009) M
Standardization of sodium hydroxide (methyl orange indicator)

Initial reading (mL) Final reading (mL) Volume used (mL)

10.00 20.40 10.40
10.00 20.45 10.45
20.00 30.45 10.45

Table 2: Burette reading in the standardization of sodium hydroxide solution (methyl

orange indicator).
Observation:The hydrochloric acid solution that have been added with 2 drops of methyl
orange changes colour from red to orange.This indicate that the end point have been reached.
Volume used for sodium hydroxide = 10.40 mL,10.45 mL, and 10.45 mL
x= =10.43 mL

σ= √ ∑
( x −x) i

√ n−1

√(10.40−10.43) +( 10.45−10.43 ) +(10.45−10.43)
2 2 2


√(−0.03) + ( 0.02 ) +(0.02)
2 2 2

σ= 0.02915

2σ 2(0.02915)
n 3
= 0.01943 mL


x=x ±
= 10.43 mL ± 0.01944 mL

= (10.43 ± 0.02) mL
Average volume of NaOH used are (10.43 ± 0.02) mL
HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)
M1 V 1 a
Using the equation =
M2 V 2 b
M1 V 1 a
Using the equation =
M2 V 2 b
(0.1059)(10.00)/MNaOH(10.43) = 1
MNaOH = = 0.1015 M
Uncertainty of sodium hydroxide solution = ×0.1015=0.0002
Concentration of sodium hydroxide solution = (0.1015 ± 0.0002) M

Standardization of sodium hydroxide solution (phenolphthalein indicator)

Initial reading (mL) Final reading (mL) Volume used (mL)

10.00 20.30 10.30
10.00 20.30 10.30
10.00 20.25 10.25

Table 3: Burette reading in the standardization of sodium hydroxide solution

(phenolphthalein indicator).
Observation:The hydrochloric acid solution that have been added with 2 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator changes colour from colourless to pale pink.This indicate that the end
point have been reached.
Volume used for sodium hydroxide = 10.30 mL , 10.30 mL , and 10.25 mL
x= =10.28 mL

σ= √ ∑
( x −x) i

√ n−1

√(10.30−10.28) +( 10.30−10.28 ) +(10.25−10.28)
2 2 2

√(0.02) +( 0.02 ) +(−0.03)
2 2 2

σ= 0.02915

2σ 2(0.02915)
n 3
= 0.01944 mL

x=x ±
= 10.28 mL ± 0.01944 mL

= (10.28 ± 0.02) mL
Average volume of NaOH used are (10.28 ± 0.02) Ml
HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)
M1 V 1 a
Using the equation =
M2 V 2 b
M1 V 1 a
Using the equation =
M2 V 2 b
(0.1059)(10.00)/MNaOH(10.28) = 1
MNaOH = = 0.1030 M
Uncertainty of sodium hydroxide solution = ×0.1030=0.0002
Concentration of sodium hydroxide solution = (0.1030 ± 0.0002) M

Standardization of acetic acid (phenolphthalein indicator)

Initial reading (mL) Final reading (mL) Volume used (mL)

10.00 20.15 10.15
10.00 20.15 10.15
20.00 30.20 10.20

Table 4: Burette reading in the standardization of acetic acid (phenolphthalein indicator).

Observation:The hydrochloric acid solution that have been added with 2 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator changes colour from colourless to pale pink.This indicate that the end
point have been reached.

Volume used for acetic acid = 10.15 mL , 10.15 mL and 10.20 mL
10.15+ 10.15+10.20
x= =10.17 mL

σ= √ ∑
( x −x) i

√ n−1

√(10.15−10.17) +( 10.15−10.17 ) +(10.20−10.17)
2 2 2


√(−0.02) + (−0.02 ) +(0.03)
2 2 2

σ= 0.02915

2σ 2(0.02915)
n 3
= 0.01944 mL

x=x ±
= 10.17 mL ± 0.01944 mL

= (10.17 ± 0.02) mL
Average volume of NaOH used are (10.28 ± 0.02) mL
HC3COOH (aq) + NaOH (aq) → H3COONa (aq) + H2O (l)

M1 V 1 a
Using the equation =
M2 V 2 b
Average concentration of NaOH = 0.1030+0.1015/2 = 0.1023
M1 V 1 a
Using the equation =
M2 V 2 b
MHC3COOH(10.00)/(0.1023)(10.28) = 1
MHC3COOH = = 0.1052 M
Uncertainty of sodium hydroxide = ×0.1052=0.0002
Concentration of sodium hydroxide = (0.1052 ± 0.0002) M
Standardization of acetic acid (bromothymol blue indicator)

Initial reading (mL) Final reading (mL) Volume used (mL)
10.00 20.20 10.20
10.00 20.20 10.20
10.00 20.25 10.25

Table 5: Burette reading in the standardization of acetic acid (bromothymol blue

Observation:The acetic acid solution that have been added with 2 drops of bromothymol blue
changes colour from yellow to green.This indicate that the end point have been reached.
x= =10.22 mL

σ =√ ∑
( x −x) i

√ n−1

√(10.20−10.22) + ( 10.20−10.22 ) +(10.25−10.22)
2 2 2


√(−0.02) + (−0.02 ) +(0.03)
2 2 2

σ= 0.02915

2σ 2(0.02915)
n 3
= 0.01944 mL

x=x ±
= 10.17 mL ± 0.01944 mL

= (10.22 ± 0.02) mL
Average volume of NaOH used are (10.22 ± 0.02) mL
HC3COOH (aq) + NaOH (aq) → H3COONa (aq) + H2O (l)
M1 V 1 a
Using the equation =
M2 V 2 b
Average concentration of NaOH = 0.1030+0.1015/2 = 0.1023
M1 V 1 a
Using the equation =
M2 V 2 b
MHC3COOH(10.00)/(0.1023)(10.22) = 1
MHC3COOH = = 0.1046 M
Uncertainty of sodium hydroxide = ×0.1046=0.0002
Concentration of sodium hydroxide = (0.1052 ± 0.0002) M
pH curve for the strong acid-strong base titration

pH of solution Burette reading of Burette reading of Volume of NaOH

standard NaOH diluted NaOH (mL) solution used (mL)
1.60 10.00 (initial) 0.00
2.24 17.15 7.15
3.13 17.45 10.00 (initial) 7.45
4.01 10.45 7.50
5.43 10.65 7.52
6.27 10.70 7.53
7.01 10.85 7.54
8.48 11.00 7.55
9.18 11.20 7.57
10.03 11.45 7.59
11.04 17.65 7.65
11.85 20.50 10.50
12.00 20.65 10.65

Table 6: Burette reading in the determination of pH curve for strong acid –strong base

Graph of pH of solution against the volume of

NaOH solution used
pH of solution

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Volume of NaOH solution used (mL)

pH curve for the weak acid-strong base titration

pH of solution Burette reading of Burette reading of Volume of NaOH

standard NaOH diluted NaOH (mL) solution used (mL)
2.92 10.50 (initial) 0.00
3.01 10.95 0.45
4.01 13.30 2.85
5.00 17.35 6.85
5.51 18.25 7.75
6.00 18.40 10.00 (initial) 7.90
7.00 10.60 7.96
8.63 10.80 7.98
9.30 11.00 8.00
10.35 11.90 8.09
11.24 19.05 8.55
11.74 20.35 9.85
12.02 21.90 11.40
13.01 24.90 14.40

Table 7: Burette reading in the determination of pH curve for weak acid –strong base

Graph of pH of solution against the volume of NaOH solution used




pH of solution

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Volume of NaOH solution used (mL)

Standardization of hydrochloric acid

- When 2 drops of methyl orange are added to the sodium carbonate solution,the color of the
indicator change from orange to yellow as it is in an alkaline conditions.When hydrochloric
acid are titrated to the sodium carbonate solution for a certain amount of time,the color of
the indicator change from yellow to orange . This colour change signifies that the end point
have been reached which shows that the solution have been neutralised.
Standardization of sodium hydroxide solution
- When 2 drops of methyl orange are added to the hydrochloric acid solution,the initial color
is red.As sodium hydroxide solution are titrated to hydrochloric acid over time,the colour
change from red to orange.This colour change indicates that the end point have been
reached which then indicate that the solution have been neutralised.This is also the case
when phenolphthalein indicator are used,the colour changes from pink to pale pink.
Standardization of acetic acid solution
- As 2 drops of acetic acid solution are added with 2 drops of phenolphthalein,the initial
colour are colourless to pale pink.When titrated with sodim hydroxide solution over time,the
colour change form colourless to pale pink.As for bromotymol blue,the colour changes from
yellow to green.This indicates that the end point have been reached.
Precaution Steps
1. Apparatus like beaker,pipette and burette have to be rinsed with distilled water multiple
times to make sure that there are no foreign substance that have the potential to interfere
with the results of the experiment

2. Make sure to get rid of any air bubble from the burette before starting titration process.

3. Readings have to be made with the eyes parallel to the level of the measurement. This is to
prevent parallax error.

4. Acid or base are titrated by burette drop by drop to prevent exceeding the end point.

5. Safety goggle should be worn all the time to prevent any chemicals to go to your eyes

6. Be careful in handling the chemicals and apparatus of this experiment to prevent any
human errors in the results and for safety.

Source of Errors
1. The improper placement of the burette (aslant) caused parallax error to occur which affects
the measurement of the results

2. Overshoot drops error occurs due to the change of color of the indicator are too fast which
made it hard for the students to stop the titration in time.The misjudgement of color by the
students are also one of the reason.

3. Not enough and not thorough rinsing of the burette and pipette such as only rinsing burette
one time and not rinsing the burette thoroughly makes space for error in the results due to
the impurities in the apparatus.

4. pH measured during the second part of the experiment may also be affected due to
improper use of pH meter.The pH meter needs to be rinsed with distilled water and then

wiped dry.The presence of distilled water in the pH meter calibration point is one of the
reason why pH reading is affected.

Suggestions to improve the results of the experiment

1. The lab apparatus must be cleaned before and after the experiment.This will prevent the
presence of foreign substances which will affect the results

2. Students should take note of the details of the indicator such as the colour change and Ph
range to avoid overshoot errors

3. Burette have to be clamped tightly and straight on a flat surface.This can minimize the risk
of students committing parallax error.

4. The reading of the initial volume and final volume have to be taken multiple times to avoid
any discrepancies regarding the reading of the results.

1. Calculate the theoretical pH of the solution at the following instances when
0.00, 5.00, 9.00, 9.50, 9.80, 9.92, 10.00, 10.02, 10.20 and 15.00 mL of
standard sodium hydroxide solution are added to 10 mL hydrochloric acid.
Plot the pH curve obtained by theoretical calculations together with the pH
curve obtained in Part 3.2 of this experiment. Compare the two pH curves
and give your comments on the differences that are observed.

The reaction
NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)
Concentration of HCl = 0.10 M
Concentration of NaOH = 0.1030+0.1015/2 = 0.1023 ≈ 0.10 M

MV 0.10 (0)
1. NaOH 0.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =0
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
HCl 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1 ×10−3 mol
1000 1000

Initial (mole) 0.00 1×10-3
Change (mole) 0.00 0.00
Equilibrium (mole) 0.00 1×10-3
New volume (mL) 10.00
New molarity (M) 0.00 0.10
pH = -log H =−log 0.1 ¿
= 1

MV 0.10 (5)
2. NaOH 5.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =5 × 10−4 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
HCl 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1 ×10−3 mol
1000 1000

Initial (mole) 5×10-4 1×10-3
Change (mole) -5×10-4 -5×10-4
Equilibrium (mole) 0.00 5×10-4
New volume (mL) 15.00
New molarity (M) 0.00 0.033
pH = -log H =−log 0.033 ¿
= 1.48

MV 0.10 (9)
3. NaOH 9.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =9 ×10−4 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10) −3
HCl 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1 ×10 mol
1000 1000

Initial (mole) 9.00×10-4 1.00×10-3
Change (mole) -9.00×10-4 -9.00×10-4
Equilibrium (mole) 0.00 1.00×10-4
New volume (mL) 19.00
New molarity (M) 0.00 5.26×10-3

pH = -log H +¿ =−log 5.26 ×10−3 ¿

= 2.28

MV 0.10 (9.5)
4. NaOH 9.50 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =9.5 ×10−3 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
HCl 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.0 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000

Initial (mole) 9.50×10-4 1.00×10-3
Change (mole) -9.50×10-4 -9.50×10-4
Equilibrium (mole) 0.00 5.00×10-5
New volume (mL) 19.50
New molarity (M) 0.00 2.56×10-3

pH = -log H +¿ =−log 2.56 ×10−3 ¿

= 2.59

MV 0.10 (9.8)
5. NaOH 9.80 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =9.8 ×10−3 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
HCl 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.0 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000

Initial (mole) 9.80×10-4 1.00×10-3
Change (mole) -9.80×10-4 -9.80×10-4
Equilibrium (mole) 0.00 2.00×10-5
New volume (mL) 19.80
New molarity (M) 0.00 1.01×10-3

pH = -log H +¿ =−log 1.01× 10−3 ¿

= 2.99

MV 0.10 (9.92)
6. NaOH 9.92 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =9.92× 10−3 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
HCl 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000

Initial (mole) 9.92×10-4 1.00×10-3
Change (mole) -9.92×10-4 -9.92×10-4
Equilibrium (mole) 0.00 8.00×10-6
New volume (mL) 19.92

New molarity (M) 0.00 4.02×10-4

pH = -log H +¿ =−log 4.02 ×10−4 ¿

= 3.40

MV 0.10 (10)
7. NaOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
HCl 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000

Initial (mole) 1.00×10-3 1.00×10-3
Change (mole) -1.00×10-3 -1.00×10-3
Equilibrium (mole) 0.00 0.00
New volume (mL) 20.00
New molarity (M) 0.00 0.00

pH = 7 (equivalence point reached)

MV 0.10 (10.02)
8. NaOH 10.02 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.002 ×10−3 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
HCl 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000

Initial (mole) 1.002×10-3 1.000×10-3
Change (mole) -1.00×10-3 -1.000×10-3
Equilibrium (mole) 2.00×10-6 0.000
New volume (mL) 20.02
New molarity (M) 9.99×10 0.000

pOH = -log OH −¿ =−log 9.99 ×10−5 ¿

= 4.00

pH = 14 - pOH
= 14 – 4.00 = 10.00

MV 0.10 (10.20)
9. NaOH 10.20 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.02 ×10−3 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
HCl 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000
Initial (mole) 1.02×10-3 1.00×10-3
Change (mole) -1.00×10-3 -1.00×10-3
Equilibrium (mole) 2.00×10-5 0.00
New volume (mL) 22.00
New molarity (M) 9.09×10-4 0.00

pOH = -log OH −¿ =−log 9.90 ×10−4 ¿

= 3.04

pH = 14 - pOH
= 14 – 3.04 = 10.96

MV 0.10 (15.00) −3
10. NaOH 15.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.50 ×10 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
HCl 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000

Initial (mole) 1.50×10-3 1.00×10-3
Change (mole) -1.00×10-3 -1.00×10-3
Equilibrium (mole) 5.00×10-4 0.00
New volume (mL) 25.00
New molarity (M) 2.00×10-2 0.00

pOH = -log OH −¿ =−log 2.00 ×10−2 ¿

= 1.70

pH = 14 - pOH
= 14 – 1.70 = 12.30

pH of the solution against the volume of NaOH solution used


pH of the solution

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Volume of NaOH solution used (mL)

2. Calculate the theoretical pH of the solution at the following instances when

0.00, 5.00, 9.00, 9.50, 9.80, 9.92, 10.00, 10.02, 10.20 and 15.00 mL of
standard sodium hydroxide solution are added to 10 mL acetic acid. Assume
Ka (acetic acid) to be 1 x 10-5. Plot the pH curve obtained by theoretical
calculation together with the pH curve obtained in Part 3.3 of this experiment.
Compare the two pH curves and give your comments on the differences that
are observed.

CH3COOH (aq) + NaOH (aq) → CH3COONa (aq) + H2O (aq)

Salt dissociation
CH3COONa (aq) → CH3COO- (aq) + Na+(aq)

CH3COO- (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ CH3COOH (aq) + OH-(aq)

Concentration of CH3COOH = 0.1046+0.1052/2 = 0.1049 ≈ 0.10 M

Concentration of NaOH = 0.1030+0.1015/2 = 0.1023 ≈ 0.10 M

MV 0.10 (0)
1. NaOH 0.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =0 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
CH3COOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000


Initial (mole) 0.00 1.00×10-3 0.00
Change (mole) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Equilibrium 0.00 1.00×10-3 0.00
New volume 10.00
New molarity 0.00 0.10 0.00

Salt dissociation : CH3COONa (aq) → CH3COO- (aq) + Na+(aq)

Hydrolysis : CH3COO- (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ CH3COOH (aq) + OH-(aq)

From Henderson-Hasselbach Equation

pH = -log H =−log 0.1 ¿

MV 0.10 (5)
2. NaOH 5.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =5 × 10−4 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10) −3
CH3COOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10 mol
1000 1000


Initial (mole) 5×10-4 1.00×10-3 0.00
Change (mole) - 5×10-4 - 5×10-4 + 5×10-4
Equilibrium 0.00 5×10-4 5×10-4
New volume 15.00
New molarity 0.00 0.0333 0.0333

Salt dissociation : CH3COONa (aq) → CH3COO- (aq) + Na+(aq)

Hydrolysis : CH3COO- (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ CH3COOH (aq) + OH-(aq)

From Henderson-Hasselbach Equation

[ Conjugate base ]
pH = p K a +log
[ Weak acid ]
−5 ( 0.0333 )
= −log(1×10 )+ log = 5.00
( 0.0333 )

MV 0.10 (9) −4
3. NaOH 9.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =9 ×10 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
CH3COOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000


Initial (mole) 9×10-4 1.00×10-3 0.00
Change (mole) - 9×10-4 - 9×10-4 + 9×10-4
Equilibrium 0.00 1×10-4 9×10-4
New volume 19.00
New molarity 0.00 5.26×10-3 0.047

Salt dissociation : CH3COONa (aq) → CH3COO- (aq) + Na+(aq)

Hydrolysis : CH3COO- (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ CH3COOH (aq) + OH-(aq)

From Henderson-Hasselbach Equation

[ Conjugate base ]
pH = p K a +log
[ Weak acid ]
−5 ( 0.047 )
= −log(1×10 )+ log = 5.95
( 5.26 ×10−3 )

MV 0.10 (9.5) −4
4. NaOH 9.50 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =9.5 ×10 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
CH3COOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000


Initial (mole) 9.5×10-4 1.00×10-3 0.00
Change (mole) - 9.5×10-4 - 9.5×10-4 + 9.5×10-4
Equilibrium 0.00 5×10-5 9.5×10-4
New volume 19.50
New molarity 0.00 2.56×10-3 0.049

Salt dissociation : CH3COONa (aq) → CH3COO- (aq) + Na+(aq)

Hydrolysis : CH3COO- (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ CH3COOH (aq) + OH-(aq)

From Henderson-Hasselbach Equation

[ Conjugate base ]
pH = p K a +log
[ Weak acid ]
−5 ( 0.049 )
= −log(1×10 )+ log = 6.28
( 2.56 ×10−3 )

MV 0.10 (9.8)
5. NaOH 9.80 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =9.8 ×10−4 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10) −3
CH3COOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10 mol
1000 1000


Initial (mole) 9.8×10-4 1.00×10-3 0.00
Change (mole) - 9.8×10-4 - 9.8×10-4 + 9.8×10-4
Equilibrium 0.00 2×10-5 9.8×10-4
New volume 19.80
New molarity 0.00 1.01×10-3 0.049

Salt dissociation : CH3COONa (aq) → CH3COO- (aq) + Na+(aq)

Hydrolysis : CH3COO- (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ CH3COOH (aq) + OH-(aq)

From Henderson-Hasselbach Equation

[ Conjugate base ]
pH = p K a +log
[ Weak acid ]
−5 ( 0.049 )
= −log(1×10 )+ log = 6.69
( 1.01 ×10−3 )

MV 0.10 (9.92) −4
6. NaOH 9.92 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =9.92× 10 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
CH3COOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000

Initial (mole) 9.92×10-4 1.00×10-3 0.00
Change (mole) - 9.92×10-4 - 9.92×10-4 + 9.92×10-4
Equilibrium 0.00 8×10-6 9.92×10-4
New volume 19.92
New molarity 0.00 4.02×10-4 0.050

Salt dissociation : CH3COONa (aq) → CH3COO- (aq) + Na+(aq)

Hydrolysis : CH3COO- (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ CH3COOH (aq) + OH-(aq)

From Henderson-Hasselbach Equation

[ Conjugate base ]
pH = p K a +log
[ Weak acid ]
−5 ( 0.050 )
= −log(1×10 )+ log = 7.09
( 4.02×10−4 )
MV 0.10 (10) −3
7. NaOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
CH3COOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000


Initial (mole) 1.00×10-3 1.00×10-3 0.00
Change (mole) - 1.00×10-3 - 1.00×10-3 + 1.00×10-3
Equilibrium 0.00 0.00 1.00×10-3
New volume 20.00
New molarity 0.00 0.00 0.050

Salt dissociation : CH3COONa (aq) → CH3COO- (aq) + Na+(aq)

Hydrolysis : CH3COO- (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ CH3COOH (aq) + OH-(aq)

pH =

MV 0.10 (10.02) −3
8. NaOH 10.02 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.002 ×10 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
CH3COOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000


Initial (mole) 1.002×10-3 1.00×10-3 0.00
Change (mole) - 1.00×10-3 - 1.00×10-3 + 1.00×10-3
Equilibrium 2.00×10-6 0.00 1.00×10-3
New volume 20.02
New molarity 9.99 × 10-5 0.00 0.050

Salt dissociation : CH3COONa (aq) → CH3COO- (aq) + Na+(aq)

Hydrolysis : CH3COO- (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ CH3COOH (aq) + OH-(aq)

pOH = −log OH ¿ = −log( 9.99 ×10−5 ¿ )=4.00 ¿
pH = 14-pOH= 14-4.00 = 10.00

MV 0.10 (10.20)
9. NaOH 10.20 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.02 ×10−3 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
CH3COOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000


Initial (mole) 1.02×10-3 1.00×10-3 0.00
Change (mole) - 1.00×10-3 - 1.00×10-3 + 1.00×10-3
Equilibrium 2.00×10-5 0.00 1.00×10-3
New volume 20.20
New molarity 9.90 × 10-4 0.00 0.050

Salt dissociation : CH3COONa (aq) → CH3COO- (aq) + Na+(aq)

Hydrolysis : CH3COO- (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ CH3COOH (aq) + OH-(aq)

pOH = −log OH ¿ = −log( 9.90 ×10−4 ¿ )=2.95 ¿
pH = 14-pOH= 14-3.00 = 11.00

MV 0.10 (15.00) −3
10. NaOH 15.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.50 ×10 mol
1000 1000
MV 0.10 (10)
CH3COOH 10.00 mL, 0.10 M Mole= = =1.00 × 10−3 mol
1000 1000


Initial (mole) 1.50×10-3 1.00×10-3 0.00
Change (mole) - 1.00×10-3 - 1.00×10-3 + 1.00×10-3
Equilibrium 5.00×10-4 0.00 1.00×10-3
New volume 25.00
New molarity 0.020 0.00 0.050

Salt dissociation : CH3COONa (aq) → CH3COO- (aq) + Na+(aq)

Hydrolysis : CH3COO- (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ CH3COOH (aq) + OH-(aq)

pOH = −log OH −¿ ¿ = −log( 0.02¿)=1.70 ¿

pH = 14-pOH= 14-1.70 = 12.30

pH of solution against the volume of NaOH solution used



pH of Solution

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Volume of NaOH solution used (mL)

3. The colour changes corresponding to the pH intervals for the three indicators
are given in the following table:-

Indicators Colour change pH interval

Methyl orange Red to orange 3-5
Bromothymol blue Yellow to blue 6-8
Phenolphthalein Colourless to pink 8-10

Comment on the end-point reached by using different indicators in Part 3.1.3 and
Part 3.1.4. Confirm the suitability of each indicator by referring to the pH curves
determined in this experiment.

End point is defined as the point where the indicators change colour due to the change of
state of a substance from acidic to neutral to basic and vice versa that happens because of
the change of the concentration of hydrogen ion. The suitable indicator must be chosen in
order to match the end point to the equivalence point which is the point where the
concentration of hydrogen ion are equal to that of the concentration of hydroxide ion.

The titration in part 3.1.3 is a strong acid-strong base titration. Any indicator like methyl
orange and phenolphthalein can be used as it changes colour in the pH range from about
3.0 to 10.0 where the pH range of the solution changes sharply. The correct indicator are
needed so much so to detect the end point correctly as it matches the equivalence point.
The volume of sodium hydroxide solution used in titration in part 3.1.3 by using methyl
orange and phenolphthalein are almost same. This indicates that the end point has been
found and used the correct indicator.

The titration in part 3.1.4 is a weak acid-strong base titration. As the pH range of the
solution where changes sharply is around 6.0 to 10.0, bromothymol blue and
phenolphthalein can be used because their pH interval is around 6.0 to 10.0. Methyl orange
is not suitable because it is not in the pH range and it may not detect the end point of the
solution. The volume of sodium hydroxide solution used in titration in part 3.1.4 by using
methyl orange and phenolphthalein are almost same. This indicates that the end point has
been found and used the correct indicator.


The pH curve for titration of a strong acid-strong base and weak acid-weak base are
determined by the concentration of hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion in a solution


1. Michael Lok,Diagrams Chemistry for Matriculation: Semester 1,pg 179-219
2. Prof Madya Dr Norbani Abdullah,Dr Hazar Bebe Mohd Ismail,Comprehensive College
Chemistry Upgraded,pg 258-269


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