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Maitreya Letter considering the completion of Tapas on May 20, 2011

1. May the eternal heaven acquire the shape of the earth absorbing Sansara in an empty
field of absolute possibility (Shuniata) and freedom (Moksha)
2. Just as the moon's radiance is a great beacon,it may envelop the world in faith.
3. The sun's radiance can also illuminate the wonderfulness of the world surrounding the
perfect wisdom.
4. As the sound of coincidences may reverberate in the world with Dharma.
5. As the owner of Dorje (Vagradhara), the world may insist with self-love (darkness),
higher soul (Paratma) and non-autonomous (Anatma)
6. Just as the Lotus has eight petals bearing the fragrance of divine memories of the past, it
has encircled the world in morality, wisdom and meditation.
7. I bow in homage to the Oxvara with eight armed hands.
8. I bow in homage to Lord Maitria and to the followers of all religions.
9. Meditation for six years has been accomplished in the search for our purest way of
world peace and the liberation of all living things.
10. Today is a very favorable moment, difficult to reach today.
11. In this age of Cali the world is in the trap of the wheel of Sansark and the world is
changing around aimlessly.
12. . I awaken a world that has been affected by the circumstances of the ages by Maitria
Nath's feelings of love and tenderness.
13. It is this matter that does not probe the incomprehensible to the world.
14. The coming of Lord Maitrea happened in this world up to fourfold.
15. But he left, leaving only his voice for this world.
16. Thirty-five thousand years ago today, because of their morality, wisdom and
contemplative skills, Arhantes were able to become thousands of bodhisattvas.
17. A thousand years later, two sisters were born.
18. At that time, the elder sister took the form bodhisattva.
19. The younger sister of the perfect miracle is aimed at destroying Sansara.
20. The names of these sisters were Bodi Sharavan Mohima.
21. Then, in Sakya clan, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was born as a result of previous
22. Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, in search of past meditation, to be able to concentrate
again, gave up the house.
23. Due to the continuation of previous meditation (meditation remembering the past and
their previous lives); the realization of Purva Jian Sidhi (perfection in the wisdom of
knowing the life of the past), he re-established the system of morality, insight and
compost in the world.
24. At the time of obtaining the final knife, being absorbed in the Samadhi, the Darshan is
returned from Lord Maitria directly.
25. Two thousand years ago, I was on this earth. In this mode, she remained alone in
26. In that case, there was a very barbaric transitional opportunity. In this mode (I) kill.
27. After 75 days I realized I was dead.
28. In order to liberate this world, floundering in this form of consciousness for up to 2000
years was painful.
29. Suddenly there was a sound of thunder, and I was able to achieve childbirth from my
mother's womb.
30. "After giving birth soon, you will go to meditation."
31. This kind of thought overwhelmed my subconscious memory.
32. The world (my goal) that had been forgotten through the mother's womb and a touch of
love, was mentioned six or seven years later.
33. One day a great person (giant) dressed in a white suit delivered a sermon.
34. Day after day, information from past meditation has been revealed.
35. Meanwhile, at the age of about eight or nine years, one miraculous vision emerged.
36. A short distance from the village of Rataypur the Tharu family brought a lifeless body to
be cremated.
37. At the time he was playing alongside some friends.
38. Suddenly, I glimpsed from the incendiary funeral pyre.
39. There was a brilliant ray vision and one of the light that was seen penetrating the sky.
40. The bright light was green and yellow.
41. Since that time, day after day I have been able to remember past wisdom.
42. Because of that wonderful beacon radiance of the funeral holocaust, it became more
and more aware that just as after death, humans can achieve liberation.
43. After recalling the past meditation.
44. Due to the occurrence of dazzling light, it was necessary to have a place in order to relax
alone and concentrate.
45. This is due to the recollection of previous meditation, starting from the seventh chakra
reaching the Brahma Chakra, Adran (Klicha) and illusions (Mara) are destroyed, an
invisible mass of light entered the body.
46. In that case, being one with water, air, sky, earth, and sun, you are able to get all the
sustenance through meditation.
47. Then the functions of the body at that time slowed downward, and I was able to
48. Note that he was in the same asana for ten months, due to the cold ground, the rain
from stormy clouds, the fog of cold weather, and the cloth on my body becomes very
49. When I looked back, I saw that the ants had eaten my clothes.
50. I searched to move my body. The whole body was tight and the body was neither
hungry nor hot nor cold. My concentrated energy purification practice (Tabisia charya)
has been surrounded by infidelity in the whole world.
51. This daily routine was hard for me to be accepted by the world.
52. Even today, I see a lot of people skeptical.
53. A person who can reach the depth of Martia's interior will be optimistic and
overwhelmed in honesty.
54. Those who infect them in the wrong form will be overwhelmed with pessimism.
55. In the search for the cosmic body of the Great Vehicle (Mahayana Dharma Kaya), and if
my body totals without 't survival, what message can I give to the world?
56. And while I was single-minded committed in contemplation of the wisdom I had
received for the world, in the evening there was a voice from heaven saying.
57. "Oh Tabsvi Mooney, I was going to die, wake up, wake up, wake up!" , a voice appeared
58. Immediately, by seeing the meditation of eight armed Avalukitsavara appeared.
59. At that time, I was face to face with one divine blessed sight, two bright eyes with green
and yellow light.
60. Entered the light of that body shows the power of fire.
61. After that, some people were satisfied preparing to attack this emaciated body.
62. Reminiscent thoughts of a lean body changed.
63. Heading south from the first location in the process to find the right place to be alone,
the members of the old committee were remembered.
64. So as not to cause concern, I wait from the morning under the push tree.
65. At eight or nine o'clock in the morning, with the sound of footsteps, a group of 7 people
arrived to gather in the forest alone with hearts washed with faith and devotion and
eyes full of tears.
66. These seven Dharma people were practitioners in their past lives.
67. With hearts bathed in faith and sincerity and tears in their eyes, the seven people said,
"What were we lacking?" thus expressing Maitrea's feelings of compassion.
68. Leaving all the issues behind after they had understood the explanation, I moved
forward in search of my own way.
69. From there, up to nine days, I continued on them on a long journey being in "Awaken
Meditation" (Gabrett Dahian).
70. Crossed an open valley in a forest filled with elephants, tigers, deer, antelopes, tigers,
rabbits, bear, wild horses, monkeys, peacocks and other creatures, birds and plants
71. There is a river in Chitwan that flows between the currents.
72. I crossed this river at night and head south in a state of contemplation: "Hey, child-sage
(Pal Mooney), if you do not take care of your body, you will not exist in speech, then
forms will be lost Dharma." Hearing this divine voice, I am with my way headed back
towards Halkhoria.
73. After arriving in Halkhoria, I had already said it didn't look to me until six years, but
being shameless, I found Udhar (a small sheltered place only large enough to hide the
corpse, usually where animals hide during rain) inside a hill northeast of Halkoria.
74. While spending three months in a cave without water, air and the heat of the sun, a
hunter in search of animals came.
75. The cave was seen for him.
76. The poor hunter, in greed for animal flesh, was waiting outside.
77. "It's going to be there, is it a man or an animal?" he shouted up to threefold. Then, I
raised my hands outside the cave and showed my head too.
78. The poor hunter, the desire for them and the greed of the meat of the animal stopped.
79. For the happiness and well-being of the world, for the forest, for the preservation of
plants, as well as for the hunter, I do Maitria Meditation (Dehyan).
80. Staying at the base of the tree that fulfills the desire of the Halkhurya Banyan tree and
under the Sindhuli tree in Bhajhor, with soul and body, speech applies to Sansara's
vision of the world, thousands of revelations (Darshan) feelings (bhav), revelation of
wisdom (Jian), revelation of meditation (Dehyan) in Halkhurya wish they followed in the
enforcement of the tree and in the delicious forest of Pajhgur, the realization of the
worldly cycle of its existence, happy thoughts from various aspects (Nana Asana) for
received Dharma.
81. That time, being in this emaciated body, in an atmosphere of storms initiated by a
secluded cloudy dark night alone in Halkoria, being absorbed in the period between the
soul (darkness) and the super soul (Parmatma) got a direct face vision to face the
confrontation (Darshan) with Maitria Nath.
82. He directly witnessed the revelation, and his statements cannot be said to this land yet
83. In the wisdom of the Enlightenment, we happen to have the same five body elements,
84. As well as immersing in the feelings of love (Maitri his usual lectures ) that the whole
world unites in the same feelings for the sake of the earth to transform the worldly cycle
of its existence in affection and compassion (Maitria and Karuna) is desire.
85. Seeing through the worldly vision of the soul, body and speech, spreading the great
universal prayers for peace around the world for the benefit and good of all human
beings and the preservation of plants, you will be given a true understanding (Satyagian)
of the whole universe by listening to the wisdom of morality and contemplative
(Samadhi) (Pragya).
86. Perfection of enlightenment (Sambudhi) is achieved through wisdom (Jayan), ethics
(Shell), and a meditative state (Samadhi).
87. By the joy of materialism and comfort alone, in human life on the road to liberation
(MKI) can not be achieved.
88. If public morals or the same rules are followed, worldly materialism may be released, as
well as from the cycle of birth and death.
89. And if in the name of religion spiritual extravagance (Redhee) shows, and shows
miracles, that it is contrary to the rules of Dharma.
90. The rule of Dharma is to free those beings from the suffering of Sansara who are not
able to do so; to show them the path of liberation is the rule of Dharma.
91. Suffering remnant, fear and terror, the practice of enlightenment, the divine eye,
extremely pure knowledge beyond reason, great empathy and enlightened reason are
revelations of the field of endless possibilities (soniata).

92. Being dedicated to the world's living beings, doing dedication...

93. Wherever Samadhi form, there is Dharma.

94. Whoever in this world reaches the conscience of Maitria.

95. Whatever, being in the union of the Supreme Spirit (Parmatma), drinking the elixir of
96. Whoever even the inner soul (Antaratma) has the power and light of wisdom of
Maitria ...
97. The door of the world of Maitria Nath opens up the understanding and feeling of the
world (Sansara).
98. There are direct manifestations of honest being (Buruch), the Great Being (Maha
Buruch) and Buddha being (Buddha Buruch)
99. Whenever there is an eternal existence for all human life; there is, the perfection of life
is a Dharma.
100. In the perfection of the Dharma, there is Shuniata (emptiness).
101. Faced with the feeling of Shuniata, there is enlightenment (podphone).
102. O emptiness and enlightenment are not formal and prove.
103. Stronger than rock memories material pleasure.
104. Within the wisdom of Buddhism/Enlightenment (Podhatva), there is peace, there is
principle, and access to liberation for the world.
105. "But"; "But".
106. May all be calm / prosperous / happy.

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