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The following are true about mons veneris except:

A. It is a pod of fat which lies over symphysis pubis.

B. It protects pubic bone especially during coitus.

C. It is surrounded by pubic hair before puberty. D. It protects surrounding delicate tissues.

2. The clitoris is:

A. Amale erectile structure.

B. Rich in blood and nerve supply.

C. Thick and hollow.

D. Thin and firm.

3. One of the following is not a part of the uterine tube

A. Isthmus.

B. Ampulla.

C. Infundibulum.

D. Posterior fornix.

4. Ovulatory phase is influenced by:

A. Luitenising Hormone.

B. Estriol

C. Cortisol.

D. hCG.

5. An erect penis is:

A. Firm and Stiff.

B. Soft and Stiff.

C. Soft and pliable.

D. Firm and Short.

6. Sperms are produced in the;

A. Testes.

B. Scrotum.

C. Epididymis.

D. Vas deferens.

7. Spermatozoa and seminal fluid are carried to the urethra by;

A. Spermatic cord.

B. Ejaculatory ducts.

C. Prostate gland.

D. Seminiferous tubules.B.

8. Fatal blood pressure to drive blood through fetal circulation is build by;

A.Maternal heart.

B. Fetal heart.

C. Both maternal and Fetal heart.

D. Fetal blood doesn't circulate in utero.

9. Umbilical blood vessels consist of:

A. Two arteries and one vein.

B. Two veins and one artery.

C. Two veins and two arteries.

D. One vein and one artery

10. The vault of the fetal skull is made up of the following; Except.

A. Occipital bone.
B. Temporal bones.

C. Parietal bone

D. Frontal bones

11. The Lambdoidal suture:

A. Lies between parietal bones.

B. Separates frontal bones from pariental bones.
C. Runs between the two halves of frontal bones.
D. Separates Occipital bone from the two parietal bone

12. The ....... is diamond shaped.

A. Lambda B. Bregma.

C. Coronal suture.

D. Frontal Suture.

13. Fertilization takes place in the:

A. Ampulla.

B. Isthmus. C. Infundibulum.

D. Uterus.

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