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Optimization Methods in Asset Management

Frequently Asked Questions

Support Document

Dear learners,

This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document contains a list of questions asked by Financial
Engineering and Risk Management students over the years. You will find a variety of topics related to
the course quizzes, lectures, and other materials.

You can refer to the replies and solutions provided by the teaching staff at Columbia University, and
check if those help resolve your issues. The best way to make use of the FAQ document is to use the
keyboard shortcut, ctrl + F( Windows) or command + F (Mac), and enter a few keywords related to
your issue. It could be the title of the quiz, the lecture topic, or any other keyword that may describe
the issue.

If you have a question that has not been asked previously by other students, feel free to start a new
discussion thread on the forum and the teaching staff will step in to support you on your learning

All the best,

Your course staff

Week 3: Mean-Variance Analysis and CAPM Problem Set Quiz

Question 1 and Question 2

Question 4 and Question 6

Question: What are some suggested textbooks for this course?

Question: How do you calculate the mean return for a given asset in portfolio optimization?

Question: How do you generate random portfolios?

Question: How do you find the benchmark for each asset class?

Question: Why do negative weights imply that the market cannot be at equilibrium?

Question: How do you solve the issue with matrix multiplication value in Excel?

Question: How do we defer the course?

Question: How do we connect CAPM to regression?

Is the efficient frontier linear?

Question: How is CAPM applied to find assets that do not lie on the security market line?

Question: How do I understand a negative weight in portfolio optimization?

Week 5: Practical Issues in Implementing Mean Variance Problem Set Quiz

Question 1 and Question 2 Support

Question 3 and Question 4 Support

Question 5 and Question 6 Support

Question 7 Support

Question: How do you calculate true mean and true covariance?

How is 0.0107 calculated in the explanation video?

Derivation for leveraged ETF gross return approximation formula:

Question: How do I apply an efficient frontier with robust constraints for realistic data?

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