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By the grace of ALLAH, we have one of the greatest leader in the form of

Quaid-e-Azam. He is our national hero. In 1947, he gifted Muslims of South

East Asia and become the founder of the country. He was born at Karachi
in 25 December, 1876. In order to get quality education, he alone migrated
to England. He entered the politics horizon in 1896 when he joined the
Indian national congress to liberate his country from British rule.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a strong proponent of unity between Hindu and
Muslims. But due to his leadership wisdom, he realized that Hindu leaders
were depriving Muslim’s right.
Due to his long hard work, Muslims of all India got independence and
secured a separate Muslim state in the form of Pakistan on 14th August
1947. He was the 1st Governor General of Pakistan. He passed away on
September 11, 1948.

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