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Guild Guide

This guide explains all the Guild functions. The guide is divided into: I: General, II: Guild Hall,
III: Daily Challenge, IV: Guild Hunt, V: Guild vs. Guild, VI: Guild Shop, VII: Class Technology.
If you have any questions about the guide, you can contact @Twinkie#2253 on Discord.
Status: 20.11.2022

I: General

To find the Guild overview you have to click on "Guild" while you're in the base.
Class Technology and Guild Hunt unlock at Guild Lv3 while the rest can be accessed from
Lv1 onwards with the exception of Guild vs. Guild which is still in development.
A Guild chat can be opened when clicking on the text symbol on the lower left corner.

II: Guild Hall

Here you find information about the Guild and all the members. Also you can search for
other Guilds and see the Top50.
The Chancellor and Officials can also edit some things here and kick or promote members
and accept or decline new members.
III: Daily Challenge

The Daily Challenge can be done twice a day and is about doing as much damage as
possible vs the boss. It gives better rewards the more damage you do. You win tokens here
that you can use in the guild shop.

IV: Guild Hunt

1. General and how to start

Currently, Guild Hunt is the most rewarding Guild mode. It's about killing as many
bosses as possible as the whole Guild.
It can be started 2 times per week and lasts 2 days. To start the Hunt, you need to
have 4000 Hunting Points for the first and 8000 Hunting Points for the second Guild
Hunt every week. Hunting Points can be acquired by doing the Daily Missions (see
picture). Every member can collect a maximum of 100 Hunting Points every day.
After starting the Guild Hunt for the first time, every member gets 4 challenge
attempts and an additional 2 after 24 hours. From the second Guild Hunt onwards
every member gets 2 attempts at the start and 2 after 24 hours. So every member
has a total of 4 attempts every Guild Hunt.

2. The Bosses
There's 3 bosses and 15 stages in total. Every boss has to be beaten 5 times until all
15 stages are cleared. The bosses rotate. Every week there's some Heroes that get
a stat buff (see picture below)
Here's a short description and some tips for the bosses. If you wish to have a deeper
look into them, check the Guides in #beginner-guides.
a) Scythe Spider:
This boss requires you to use AOE Heroes. For lower stages your team could
look like Masrani + Luke + Ravenna + Daniel + Rez. For higher stages you
might need Leo, Crete or a tank.
For more info on this boss, check it's very own guide in #beginner-guides
b) Atlas Whale:
This boss requires you to use multi-attack Heroes. For lower stages your
team could look like Masrani + Emma + Nadilus + Azena/Taylor + Rez. For
higher stages you might need Leo, Crete or a tank.
For more info on this boss, check it's very own guide in #beginner-guides
c) Turbine V5:
This boss requires you to use summon Heroes. For lower stages your team
could look like Sorvaley + Daniel + Skooer & Hatty + Anpu +
Khalazza/Senway. For higher stages you might need Masrani, Leo, Crete or a
For more info on this boss, check it's very own guide in #beginner-guides

3. Rewards
You get rewards for every round you play.
When the hunt is over you also get rewards based on how many bosses the guild
Additionally there's achievements. Here you can get one time rewards for spedific
tasks like total damage dealt to bosses.

V: Guild vs. Guild

Still in development.

VI: Guild Shop

There's two different Guild Shops. One for the tokens that you win in the Daily Challenge (III)
and one for the tokens that you get from the Guild Hunt (IV).
The first shop sells Equipment. It's recommended to only buy something here if you can
already buy Legendary or maybe Mythic Equipment. It resets every day.
The second shop sells some useless things but also Gene Modules and Gene Breakthrough
Cores. The Core is a must buy. The Gene Modules are the only other good option here but
usually you should get enough from the Guild Hunt already. It's up to you if you want to hord
those. Resets every monday.

VII: Class Technology

Here you can use the Gene Modules and Gene Breakthrough Cores to buff all your Heroes.
The buffs are divided into 7 categories. Depending on the Hero Class that you are
upgrading, some of those are better or worse. Every buff applies to all of your Heroes in the
specific Class that you upgraded.
For every level you need Gene Modules and for every five levels you also need Gene
Breakthrough Cores.
Levels that need Gene Breakthrough Cores have a higher stat increase than the other

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