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ETAP Knowledge Base

How to Open the Backup of a Converted Library File

Description: ETAP creates a backup of ETAP libraries prior to library file conversion. This
document describes how to access the backup library.
Category: Library Conversion, Backup Library File
Type: Instruction
Keywords: Library, Conversion, .LBK

ETAP requires conversion of libraries when connecting to an earlier version of the ETAP
libraries. You may need to convert an earlier version of ETAP libraries in order to Copy/Merge
libraries or simply to use your earlier version customized library.

Prior to library conversion, ETAP creates a backup of the library file and adds a file extension of
.LBK. This file is located in the same directory as your library file.

In order to open the backup library file, rename the .LBK file extension to .LIB. Then go to your
project and click on Library on the top toolbar, select Open and Browse to the renamed library
location and select it.

This document is confidential and proprietary to Operation Technology, Inc. and may not be reproduced, published or disclosed to
others without the written authorization of Operation Technology, Inc., 17 Goodyear, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618, USA. © 2010 by
Operation Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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