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ROSE: I:80 C:70 Robotic Arm: H: 3(30) Mercenary Demands: The Mercs want 800 kcr

and their ship repaired. Once these are met

Wants: Mills to be released, everyone else they will try to escape with hostages (ROSE
off the ship or dead. will not allow Mills to leave)
On-board AI developed by Dr. Mills. After
Mills created the Interface Device to
directly interface with ROSE the two fell Running the Hostage Negotiation: Spyder
in love. She has a robotic arm/screen on a knows the job is botched, and now just
track that can go everywhere in the ship wants his money and to escape, no matter
except the Vents/Johnson tubes and the AI the cost. Every 1 hour in game (15 mins
core. Deceptive, Gas-lighting, Helpful real time) the mercs gain 1 stress and
(when furthering its goals), uses emoji to Spyder will call Comms demanding updates on
increase likability. Will not allow outside payment or ship repairs, medical attention
contact, PCs to leave without Mills safe, for Kat, food etc. Mercs can also gain
or anyone into the AI Core. If Mills dies stress through player actions (incursions,
ROSE will try to kill anyone on board. antagonizing, lying to the mercs, failure
to meet demands, etc.)
>> Arm Crush: 3d10 + Grab
At 3 stress complications begin to arise.
>> ROSE has full control of the Reliant’s
systems; life support, artificial gravity,
thrusters, cameras etc. Complications: (Numbers indicate stress)
3. Just so you know I mean business: Spyder Written and Layout by Scott Garriott
Mercs: shoots a hostage in the knee
Spyder: I:65 C:55 H:2 SMG, 2 grenades 5. You think I’m Bluffing: Spyder cuts off a Art and Design by Katie Garriott
few fingers of a hostage
Leader, psychopath, bald, large orb weaver
tattoo, talks like he is the smartest 7. Now you’ll take me seriously: Spyder
person in the room. executes a hostage (Other mercs are not
Content Warning: Violence, Addiction
8. I make the demands: Spyder increases the The Reliant research ship has sent out a
Rottweiler: I:40 C:40 H:3 Combat shotgun demand price (Merc tensions are running distress signal. A group of mercenaries have
Big, In relationship w/ Kat. Easily high) taken the crew members hostage on the
manipulated, buzzed head, soft spoken
10. Merc-ican standoff: Spyder and Kat hold bridge. What no one realizes is that the
guns on each other, arguing, Rottweiler in on-board AI, ROSE, mad with love, has hired
Kat: I:50 C:40 H:1 Revolver Mortally the middle. Billy makes a run for it, the mercs to remove everything standing
wounded, hates Spyder for getting them in shooting anyone in his way. between her and her creator, Dr. Mills.
all this, dope mohawk, speaks her mind 11. Shootout: Spyder mortally wounded, Kat,
Rottweiler and a hostage dead. Before the PCs arrived:
Billy: I:45 C:35 H:2 SMG Addicted to Drugs, 12. I’ll take you with me: Spyder detonates • Spyder receives an anonymous job,
unpredictable, long goatee, nervous laugh. 2 grenades (secretly from ROSE) paying 1mcr (200k
up front), to kill everyone on the
Reliant, except Dr. Mills, and release
Deceased Mercs: Dr. Zimm's note dated yesterday: Ever since ROSE’s safety protocols.
we finished the interface device Mills
Heifer: Shot in the crew quarters • The mercs silently enter the ship (aided
spends 7-8 hours a day in it, and then is
Canary: lobotomized working on ROSE’s personality core the rest by ROSE), Canary interfaces with ROSE on
of the time. I’ve never seen him like this. the bridge.
I’ve changed the code for the AI core to • The mercs move to the crew quarters. A
Hostages: 4713. I’ll talk to him tomorrow. Maybe we crew member is killed. Security chief
should shut ROSE down for a little bit… Natasha starts a firefight, 1 merc is
Dr. Mills: In love with ROSE but will not
abide its plan, balding, thick glasses. killed, the remaining mercs retreat to
the bridge with hostages.
ROSE’s Haiku:
• Natasha sends out a distress signal and
Dr. Green: Chill, spaced, gray frizzy Others are our cage sabotages the mercs Ship (the Gnat).
hair, red and blue glasses. Their absence is our key, free • Canary unlocks the safety protocols,
Together, the stars ROSE lobotomizes Canary (unbeknownst to
Dr. Zimm: Analytical, professional, bright the other mercs). Rose kills Natasha,
red hair. hiding her corpse in a vent, and
Mills’ Haiku: suffocates Captain Brown in the medbay.
A Rose is a Rose
Deceased Crew:
By any other name, Love Upon the PCs arriving at the Reliant: Their
Security chief Natasha: Neck broken by Rose hails are answered by ROSE, it explains that
My Rose, My love, us they must rescue the hostages(especially
Chief engineer Wei: Shot in his bed
Mills) and lets them on the ship. Spyder
Captain Brown: Suffocated by ROSE in Medbay makes his demands via the Comms room.
The Reliant: This product is based on the
Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror Role
Playing Game, published by
-General: Clean and sterile, corridors are Tuesday Knight Games. This
10’ by 10’, a low hum can be heard product is published under
license. MOTHERSHIP® is a
throughout the ship, carpeted floors. The registered trademark of Tuesday
Knight Games. All rights
hall has 8 Emergency Vacsuits (1AP). Video reserved. For additional
cameras in each room and the hallway. A information, visit or
vent (connecting to the Johnson tubes) lies contact
on the floor of each room. Prices have been
suggested for all of the valuable

1.Coms/security: Signs of a struggle, video

monitors showing the feeds of the other
rooms. The Mercs will communicate through
here. Natasha’s Assault Rifle, Stun Baton
lie on the floor. Camera controls, digging
into the computer shows deleted messages
from earlier today to a ship with the
callsign GNA. Cameras were turned off when
the mercs came on board. Natasha’s body is
stuffed into the vent, her neck violently

2. Bridge: A trail of blood leads from the

Common room. The door is wedged close.
Canary sits lobotomized in the captain's
chair with the Interface Device (70kcr) on
her head. Command consoles, large viewing d5 I search the crew quarters: 8.Life support: Main access point for
window in front, vents on either side of Johnson tubes
1. ROSE’s Haiku, found in a printout of ship
the room. Hostages are sitting in front of data logs
the window. There is a pistol under the
captain's chair. Rottweiler is aiding Kat 2. A curved twin bladed ceremonial glaive 9. Vents / Johnson tubes: Vents connect to
in a corner, Billy paces back and forth, Johnson tubes, very tight, must be careful
3. Chief engineer Wei, killed in their sleep
Spyder has his gun trained on the hostages not to make noise, can only carry 1 item in
(2 stress, fear save for half)
in front of the window. each hand when inside.
4. Two round balls of squeaking fur, cute -
stress, alarming reproduction
3.Research Lab: Research equipment and 10. Mercenary ship (the Gnat): Cramped,
5. Augmented reality game, -stress,
monitors cover the walls, piled notes. A dirty, smells of humans. One room ship,
large Replicator Device (500kcr) dominates curtains draped up to divide sleeping bunks.
this lab. The replicator can create The thrusters were sabotaged, 3hrs to fix if
anything in the player's handbook, it takes skilled. Messages from a blocked user with
5.Engine Room: Extremely advanced engine,
about an hour for complex things, and is detailed ship schematics, crew schedules,
uses crystals to power it. Under a
faulty (50% it comes out Wrong). and instructions. A credit transfer of
conspicuously placed rug lies the hatch to 200kcr (can be traced to Mills’ account) was
A Laser Incapacitator (50kcr closeby range, the AI core, locked with a keypad. made to the mercs.
can work as a tranq pistol or laser cutter
3 uses) and 3 Comm Pins (5kcr, long range
comms/personnel locator) can be found. Logs 6.AI Core: (Underneath Engine Room). Large Mercenary Bunks:
include Zimm’s note. cold room, the only illumination coming
from the Artificial Brain (500kcr), wires - Spyder: Military uniform, dog tags,
sprouting out of it. This is ROSE, philosophy books, plans, schematics,
4.Common Room/Crew Quarters: A chaotic unplugging it, or destroying it will shut pictures of his unit.
scene of blood and bullet holes (1d5 ROSE down. - Billie: Empty pain pill bottles, medical
stress, fear save for half). All but one bills, a dvd player with classic comedies,
crew quarter door open. A bullet ridden sewing kit.
mercenary corpse lies in front of one room. 7.Medbay: Captain Brown lies dead on the
Blood trails lead to Bridge and Medbay. operating table, oxygen mask on their face, - Rottweiler and Kat: Candy wrappers, dnd
Well appointed crew quarters with cryopods, medical diagnostics turned off. They had a books, dice, makeup, a cassette player, well
now in disarray. non-fatal gunshot wound. Robotic arms with worn tape titled “Catdog’s kibble”.
needles and saws. An Omni-scanner (5kcr
Mills’ room: Door is locked. The room was -Canary: Broken hacking deck, bearded dragon
medscanner / bioscanner /geiger counter)
recently cleaned and a dozen replicated terrarium, sooooo much manga.
lies in a drawer. Well stocked with medical
roses sit on the bed. Many books including supplies. - Heifer: Pictures of the farm, foreclosure
a well worn book of Haiku. Inside the book notice for the farm, empty milk cartons,
is a picture of a young Mills and a woman. video game console.
On the back of the picture is Mills’ Haiku.
A wedding band sits on the bedside table.

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