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Monarchy refers to a form of government where a single individual, usually referred to as a monarch

or sovereign, holds supreme authority and power over a country or territory. The monarch typically
inherits the position through hereditary succession, meaning that the position is passed down within
a specific family or lineage.

Key characteristics of a monarchy include:

Monarch: The monarch is the central figure and head of state in a monarchy. The monarch's powers
and role can vary depending on the specific country and its constitutional arrangements. In some
monarchies, the monarch may have substantial political authority and influence, while in others,
their powers may be largely ceremonial or symbolic.

Hereditary Succession: Monarchies often have a system of hereditary succession, where the position
of monarch is passed down from one generation to the next within a particular family or dynasty.
The specific rules of succession can vary, ranging from primogeniture (the eldest child inherits) to
other forms such as agnatic or cognatic primogeniture, male-preference primogeniture, or election-
based systems.

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