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English Level A2

“Let’s improve our learning”
Activity : 3 “Do it yourself”
Date : May 08th. To 11th. Week: 6 (Handout 2)
Teacher : Prof. Gloria Medina Ranilla. Grade: Fifth A, B
Lee Atentamente los Componentes de la Experiencia de Aprendizaje:

Algunos estudiantes del nivel secundaria de la Gran Unidad Escolar Mariano Melgar, muestran desinterés por
el aprendizaje, mostrando escasos hábitos de lectura, poca habilidad para la resolución de problemas, dando
mayor prioridad al uso inadecuado de la tecnología (celulares, sala de audiovisuales). Frente a este contexto
los estudiantes se preguntan cómo podemos revertir esas actitudes, para mejorar nuestro nivel de aprendizaje
Ante esta situación nos preguntamos: ¿Qué acciones podrían realizar los estudiantes para promover hábitos
de lectura? ¿En el colegio cuál es el índice de lectores por grado? ¿Como promover la conciencia del
aprendizaje de un nuevo idioma?, ¿Qué oportunidades nos ofrece aprender un nuevo idioma?

LEARNIG PORPOUSE: Comprender información de textos al dar sugerencias, aconsejar para mejorar los hábitos
de lectura y ser conscientes del aprendizaje del idioma inglés como lengua extranjera.

RETO: Dar sugerencias de cómo mejorar sus hábitos de lectura y aprendizaje de un nuevo idioma en un Podcast
CHALLENGE: Giving suggestions how to improve reading habits and learning ingles as a foreign language in a


Let’s listen!
Exercise 1

Listen to the podcast three times and try to understand, what is talking it about?

Exercise 2: After you listen to the podcast, you should try to fill the blanks.

Welcome to your favorite podcast “Mother Nature”.
I love to share this time with all of you as every Friday, I am going to answer 1 _____________ that you have
send me.
So, I am going to read some of these.
It is by Mary, she said: I feel so 2 ________, every day I 3 ____ bread and the seller gives me a 4 _______
____, yesterday I found some 5 __________ about plastic bags. It is so terrible; it pollutes for a hundred
years. 6 _______ ___________ ___ ___?
Dear Mary it is true, plastic bags are so 7 _________, also for us. So, I consider 8 ______ _________ talk with
the seller about it, 9 _______ __________ take with 10 ____________ your own bag. It could be a
11_______ ______ or cloth bag. In addition, you 12 _____________ ____ to share this information with your
13 _______. I hope, it will help you.
Well, I want to share some recommendations for saving the environment too.
14 ______ ______ take care the water, when you take a shower, 15 ________ _________ let the water
running. Always I said! It’s better a shower than a bath.
16 _____ __________ turn off your cellphone at night, because, it emits waves that disorients bees and bees
17 _____ _________ for nature.
18 _____ ______________ take a bus every time you need to move to other places try to walk sometimes.
19 _____ ___________ be gently with 20 ______ _______ _________. They are also important for the
Thanks a lot, for sharing this time with me, I really appreciate you, see you next week.
Exercise 2:
1. Now, practice pronunciation with your teacher. Alone if you have any question call your teacher.
2. In groups of three with your friends practice reading.
3. Then read it aloud to your friends in class.
Let’s create
Let’s observe!
Following the steps in order to get an excellent PODCAST.
Step 1: Look at the way to create a podcast.

How To Structure Your Audio Show

Intro Call to action
Play your theme What action do you
song and where you want your listeners to
give your listeners a take?
brief summary of Do you want them to
what they can expect download something?
in the episode Tag you on a post
Body Outro
This is where you dig The outro is designed
into the story (theme). to signal to the listener
You’re telling the that your episode is
lesson; you’re wrapping up.
communicating or the Inform new listeners
information you’re where they can connect
providing. with you.

Step 2: In creative way, you have to make up the context and situation.
1. I feel so _________________, every day I _________ bread and the salesman gives me a
_______________ yesterday I found some _________________ about plastic bags. It is so terrible; it
pollutes for a hundred years.
Remember the question is very important
What should I do?

Write here the podcast’s theme. (Body)


Step 3: To improve the learning or enviroment problem, list suggestions or obligations according to the
context. Use should /sholdn’t, Must/mutsn’t, Have to /Dont have to.

Write here suggestions or obligations.

1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________

Step 4: Practice pronunciation and fluently.

Step 5: Do your podcast and upload to DRIVE or WhatsApp.

METACOGNITION: Answer the questions:

What did you learn in this learning experience?

Will it be useful in your daily life?
Did you enjoy the classes?

A l crear tu podcast con sugerencias y obligaciones para mejorar hábitos No Si, pero si Si puedo y
de aprendizaje de un nuevo idioma o problemas ambientales necesito muy bien
1 ¿Obtengo información de textos orales relacionados a los buenos hábitos y
2 ¿Interpreto información de textos orales de cómo mejorar los hábitos de
aprendizaje o problemas ambientales?
3 ¿Organizo y desarrolla las ideas de forma coherente y cohesionada
utilizando should /sholdn’t, Must/mutsn’t, Have to /Dont have to. al
dar consejos u obligaciones de cómo mejorar el aprendizaje de un idioma?
4 ¿Utilizo recursos no verbales y paraverbales de forma estratégica para dar
sugerencias para mejorar hábitos de hábitos de aprendizaje o problemas
5 ¿Interactúo estratégicamente con distintos interlocutores al dar sugerencias
de hábitos de lectura y aprendizaje hábitos de aprendizaje o problemas
6 ¿Evalúo la forma, el contenido y el contexto del texto oral al dar
recomendaciones para mejorar hábitos de aprendizaje o problemas

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