Romeo & Juliet Student Worksheet (1) (2) - 230505 - 135104

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Romeo and Juliet

Discussion – Who is responsible?

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, that is, a story that has an unhappy ending and shows us the main
characters’ problems and sometimes their destruction.

The police chief of Verona has decided that someone must be responsible for the deaths of
Romeo and Juliet. He has asked you to decide who is responsible.

Work in groups. Look at the characters. Make notes about why they could be responsible for
Romeo and Juliet’s death. You can also include any other characters from the story.

Character(s) Actions that make them responsible

The Montagues

Romeo’s parents e.g. Romeo’s parents were at war with the Capulets, so
Romeo couldn’t be with Juliet.

Romeo’s friends Romeo's friends had a varying degrees of responsability some indirectly
and others like Friar Lawrence who had a great responsability in the

Mercutio is not directly responsible for Romeo's and Juliet's

death. However, his dead is a catalyst for the tragic events
Romeo’s best friend that follow.

The Capulets Romeo and Juliet's parents Capulets and Montagues are the most
responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because of the lack
of support and hight tension between the two families. The feud
between The Capulets and The Montagues negatively affects both
Romeo and Juliet.

Juliet’s parents
Tybalt is responsible for Romeo and Juliet's death because his
insistence on fighting Romeo is what got Romeo banished and led to
his suicide. Tybalt was so caught up in his family feud that he didnot
think about the consequences.

Juliet’s cousin Tybalt

Friar Lawrence
Friar Lawrence is responsible for Romeo and Juliet's death because
he secretly married the lovers and formulated a flawed, dangerous
plan to reunite the couple in Mantua.
Romeo could be responsible
for his and Juliet's death because
Romeo his rash behavior sets their
tragic fate into motion.

Juliet could be responsible because she faked her death which

caused Romeo to kill himself and then kills herself when she sees
Juliet that Romeo is dead. Also she jumped blindly into a marriage with
someone from her family's mortal enemy.

The prince of Verona is not directly responsible, However

does play a role in the tragedy

Anyone else?

When you have made your list, decide who, if anyone, is responsible for the tragedy.

Now, change groups and share your ideas.

In 2023 , in the city of Verona live two teenagers, their

names are Romeo and Juliet. They supposed to
be sworn to enemies but fall in love. Due to their
families ongoing conflict, they cannot be
together, so they kill themselves because they
cannot cope with being separated from one other.

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