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1) What are the main elements of Accounting ?

2) Suppliers are one of the user of accounting information.

Name 1 reason why ?

3) List 2 basic accounting concepts ?

4) Which one is not a basic accounting report?

a) Balance Sheet
b) Income Statement
c) Bank Statement
d) Cash flow statement

5) Which items should be classified as current assets ?

a) Cash
b) Equipment
c) Building
d) Land
6) All debits must equal to :-
a) Debtors
b) 1
c) Credits
d) one another

7) Buy a car with a cheque. Fill in the blanks :-

Debit …………………. Credit ………………...

8) Goods was stolen from the warehouse. Fill in the blanks :-

Debit …………………. Credit ………………...

9) Sales of goods by cash of 300

Debit …………………. Credit ………………...

10) In a T account, debit is on which side :-

a) Right side
b) left side
c) Top side
d) Down side


1. Print above pages

2. Answer all questions (by short expanation and tick mark √ )

3. Scan and email back to Cheah@lincoln.edu.my by the due date given.

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