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Wrath of the demon lord

Niho Koi, an imposing oni and Daask sub-boss in Sharn, ordered a half-ogre lieutenant named Garra
to assemble a team and search the ruins of Old Sharn for arcane relics at the behest of someone
much higher up in the organization. With a lot of ground to cover beneath the City of Towers, Garra
kidnapped Caden d'Orien, the only son of Alden d'Orien, forcing Alden to use his position in his
dragonmarked house to recruit out-of-work warforged—people no one would miss—to scour Old
Sharn's ruins. Alden branded the work as a "secret research-gathering mission" for his house, paid
the warforged workers for their silence, and signed them to binding contracts.

It took several weeks of dangerous exploring and a few deaths, but eventually the warforged
workers found a library of arcane texts and schemas buried in the ruins. These items were moved to
a Daask safe house in Tavick's Landing near the Terminus Lightning Rail station. The organization
plans to smuggle the relics out Breland to Droaam with Alden's help.

Coal, a destitute warforged hired by Alden, witnessed her good friend Razor die, executed in the
ruins of Old Sharn as an example to the other workers. Coal made an appointment to talk to
Sergeant Germaine Vilroy of the Sharn Watch, to report the shady operation, Razor's murder, and
the kidnapping of the House Orien scion, Caden. Thanks to crooked members of the Sharn Watch in
Daask's pocket, Garra found out about the appointment and dispatched killers to prevent Coal from
ratting out the operation.

Germaine is also crooked, but she is on the payroll of the Boromar Clan crime syndicate, whose
members are enemies of Daask. Not wanting to put the Sharn Watch or herself between two
criminal organizations at war, Germaine called in a few old contacts to meet with Coal and find out
what's going on.

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