Soil Erosion and Smallholders Conservati

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World Development Vol. 27, No. 4, pp.

739±752, 1999
Ó 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd
All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
0305-750X/99 $ ± see front matter
PII: S0305-750X(98)00159-4

Soil Erosion and Smallholders' Conservation

Decisions in the Highlands of Ethiopia
Agricultural University of Norway, As,
Summary. Ð Soil erosion is one of the most serious environmental problems in Ethiopia.
Coupled with growing populations, falling per capita food production and worsening
poverty, loss of productive land due to land degradation undermines rural livelihoods
and national food security. Despite their awareness of the erosion problem, peasants'
investments in land have been limited. We use an applied nonseparable model to sim-
ulate conservation decisions. Pervasive market imperfections, poverty and high rates of
time preference seem to undermine erosion-control investments. Lack of technologies
which provide quick returns to subsistence-constrained peasants also seem to deter such
investments. Lower private incentives to internalize the intertemporal land degradation
externality may require public intervention. Ó 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

1. INTRODUCTION World Bank, 1996; Dasgupta and MaÈler, 1994;

Reardon and Vosti, 1995). Understanding the
In most of the low-income countries, agri- roots of environmental degradation and the
culture remains one of the largest sectors in the deepening poverty, and designing of appropri-
economy both in terms of its contributions to ate policies and strategies for reversing the
the GDP and generating employment. In most problem, therefore, requires careful analysis of
African countries, agriculture is the funda- the microeconomic behavior of smallholder
mental economic activity accounting for on farmers.
average 20±30% of the GDP. About two-thirds In Ethiopia, land degradation, mainly due to
of the sub-Saharan population lives in rural soil erosion and nutrient depletion, has become
areas and derives its main income from agri- one of the most important environmental
culture (World Bank, 1996). The share of the problems. Coupled with poverty, fast-growing
poor living in rural areas is even larger. In any population, policy failures, and social unrest,
single year, the agricultural sector in Ethiopia land degradation poses a serious threat to na-
accounts for over 50% of the GDP and pro- tional and household food security. Due to
vides livelihood for over 80% of the population. inherently good soils and relatively abundant
As in many sub-Saharan countries of Africa, rainfall, the highlands (>1500 m altitude) have
smallholder farmers cultivating microplots with a good agricultural potential. These highlands
traditional technologies produce most of the constitute 43% of the country but account for
agricultural output. The smallholder sector 95% of the cultivated area, and support about
provides some 90% and 98% of the crop and
livestock outputs, respectively. Peasant house-
holds, representing the largest segment of the * We would like to thank the Soil Conservation
population, are directly dependent on the use of Research Project for providing us some of the data
land resources for their survival. and for sponsoring the ®eld work in Ethiopia. Funds
In agriculture-based poor economies, the were provided by the Norwegian Universities Commit-
agricultural sector, therefore, represents the tee for Development Research (NUFU) and the Ecology
major economy-environment link. Poverty, and Development Program. We have bene®ted from
population growth, agricultural stagnation, comments by anonymous reviewers. The usual disclaim-
and resource degradation in the developing er applies. Senior authorship is to the ®rst author. Final
world are often interlinked (WCED, 1987; revision accepted: 21 September 1998.

88% and 75% of the human and livestock serious threat to sustainable land use. The level
populations. The problem of accelerating land of use of purchased yield-enhancing inputs is
degradation is especially serious in the high- very low; improved seeds, irrigation, and fer-
lands (FAO, 1986; Hurni, 1993; Grepperud, tilizer are used only on 0.7, 1, and 25% of the
1996). Average soil loss rates on croplands have cultivated ®elds (CSA, 1996). Lack of technical
been estimated at 42 t/ha/year but may also change and degradation of the resource base
reach up to 300 t/ha/year in individual ®elds mean that the productivity of both crops and
(Hurni, 1993). This by far exceeds the natural livestock is very low. Higher opportunity costs
rate of regeneration. FAO (1986) estimates that for fuel and feeding livestock hamper the tra-
some 50% of the highlands are signi®cantly ditional use of dung and crop residues for re-
eroded, of which 25% are seriously eroded, and generating soil fertility. Dung and agricultural
4% have reached a point of no return. residues provide up to 50% of the household
In making their land use and conservation energy supply. Increasing scarcity of cultivable
decisions, smallholders often face constraints land due to growing populations and land de-
leading to endogenous shadow prices due to gradation also hinder peasants from leaving
market imperfections. High transaction costs, land idle to recuperate its fertility through fal-
risk, liquidity and subsistence constraints re- lowing. Forest resources cover about 3% of the
lated to poverty in rural economies often link land area of the country, but the annual rate of
resource use and consumption decisions. The deforestation exceeds a€orestation by up to 15
farm household perspective may thus o€er a times.
suitable framework for the study of small- Despite the increasing land degradation
holders' resource use and conservation deci- problem, the issue of conserving agricultural
sions (Reardon and Vosti, 1992). We therefore land was largely neglected until the early 1970s.
use a nonseparable farm household modeling But awareness of the problem was incited by
approach to study resource use and conserva- the devastating famine in Wello in 1973±74.
tion decisions of smallholders. Peasants' ratio- E€orts to install conservation measures on
nal responses are simulated through a model erodible lands were thus initiated following the
which jointly determines production, con- 1975 land reform which provided peasants us-
sumption and soil conservation decisions. We ufruct rights to land. The establishment of
analyze the short and long-term responses to Peasant Associations (PAs) was also instru-
changes in (a) the productivity impacts of mental for mobilizing labor and assignment of
conservation technologies, (b) the on-site user local responsibilities for rehabilitation e€orts.
cost of soil erosion, and (c) capital/credit con- The e€ort was further expanded with the in-
straints for fertilizer based on data collected in volvement of the World Food Program and
the highlands of Ethiopia. others since the early 1980s, which provided
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. food-for-work (FFW) incentives for conserva-
Section 2 reviews the soil erosion problem, its tion activities. The conservation program fo-
causes, and constraints facing ongoing conser- cused on rehabilitating eroded lands through
vation e€orts. Section 3 outlines the production a€orestation and construction of soil-stone
system and markets in the study area. Section 4 bunds. Some 10% of areas (in the highlands)
sets out the conceptual framework for the an- requiring conservation were thus treated
alytical model presented in Section 5. Section 6 through these programs. The ad hoc initiative
presents the analytical results and discussions. was not, however, supported by scienti®c data
We conclude in Section 7 and highlight impli- and lacked proper integration with the overall
cations for sustainable agricultural develop- land use system. Some research carried out to
ment in smallholder-based economies. bridge this gap indicates that physical struc-
tures may help reduce the rate of soil loss and
runo€, but their net e€ect on yields could be
2. SOIL EROSION AND THE RESPONSE negative due to the loss of productive land (see
Table 1).
As stated earlier, vast areas of the highlands The success of past conservation e€orts, as
have been classi®ed as su€ering from severe to witnessed in recent years, however, has been
moderate soil degradation. Increasing intensi- limited (Holden and Shiferaw, 1998). The suc-
®cation and continuous cultivation on sloping cess of the a€orestation program was low, and
lands without supplementary use of soil peasants have often dismantled conservation
amendments and conservation practices posit a structures built on their farmlands. Top-down

Table 1. Mean soil loss and crop yields from di€erent conservation measures at Anjeni, East Gojjam

Technology Crop Slope (%) Soil loss (t/ha) Yields (kg/ha)

Traditional Te€ 12 179 285

Graded bunds Te€ 12 117 255
Graded Fanja-juu Te€ 12 46 195
Grass strips Te€ 12 16 263
Traditional Wheat 28 142 595
Graded bund Wheat 28 90 610
Graded Fanja-juu Wheat 28 81 717
Traditional Faba beans 12 79 380
Graded bund Faba beans 12 31 380
Graded Fanja-juu Faba beans 12 28 478
Grass strips Faba beans 12 24 515

Source: Soil Conservation Research Project experimental data on farmers' ®elds.

planning, lack of participation and proper hold and farm sizes were 5.3 persons and 2.3 ha
planning, have contributed to the ineciency of (see Table 2).
past conservation programs. Unless their own The production system in Ada is of the tra-
incentives for resource conservation are high, ditional crop-livestock system of the highlands.
farmers often switch onto old practices after the The altitude at the survey site is over 1,900 m,
projects end. Thus, one needs to look into and annual rainfall at the nearest town aver-
smallholders' own incentives to invest in land aged 830 mm. The rainfall pattern is generally
quality improvement, and factors that stimu- unimodal with over 70% falling between June
late adoption of conservation technologies and September. Agriculture is rainfed, but
mainly through own initiative. This study is an drought and crop failures are uncommon. Land
e€ort in this direction. is cultivated at the onset of the rainy season
using a pair of oxen and a traditional imple-
ment (maresha). Land cover during this period
3. THE STUDY AREA is poor and erodible soils on the slopes are
easily washed down (some of which may be
The data were collected in Ada district (East deposited in lower-lying cultivable lands), but
Shewa) in 1994. A strati®ed random sample of introduced conservation practices are not used.
120 households from three PAs was surveyed Only (less e€ective) traditional methods of
some 25 km from Debre Zeit, the nearest town erosion-control (e.g., drainage furrows and cut-
on the Addis Abeba-Nazareth highway.1 A o€ drains) are used together with crop rota-
large set of data related to consumption, pro- tions.
duction, and conservation decisions of peasant Smallholders cultivate a number of parcels
households was generated. The average house- distributed mainly over two slope and soil

Table 2. Estimated (nominal) rates of discount among di€erent groups of smallholders, Ada district

Oxen owner- Sample Family size Farm size Average Discrete time
ship size (kert) a income (Birr) b
rate of discount (%) c

0 30 3.2 4.5 1951 120

1 30 4.8 7.4 2813 84
2 30 5.2 8.2 3086 69
>2 30 7.8 11.3 5875 32
All 120 5.3 7.8 3431 71
Kert is the local area unit. An average of some 20 sample plots measured during the survey indicates that a kert is
about 0.3 ha.
Birr is the Ethiopian currency. In 1994, 1 US$  6 Birr.
The average discount rate when adjusted for in¯ation will be about 54%.

types: the red soils on sloping uplands, and seasons to complement family labor. Labor
vertisols on shallow slopes at the foothills markets are thus inactive during part of the
(lowlands). The average land holding is about year, and opportunities for o€-farm work are
2.25 ha, with 1.25 and 1 ha on uplands and limited. Output prices are low after harvest but
lowlands, respectively. Fallowing is very rare. begin to soar thereafter as supply diminishes.
A number of cereals and pulses are produced, The high negative covariation between supply
but only te€ and wheat are grown on both types and prices in demand-constrained local markets
of land. Te€ is the major staple and cash crop, introduce a covariate risk in price, which may
other crops are mainly produced for home also raise the shadow value of subsistence.
consumption. Pulses are often rotated with ce- Problems of storage and imperfections in cap-
reals to recoup soil fertility. This practice may ital markets prohibit purchases when prices are
indicate constraints in using animal manure or low. Transaction costs in marketing output
chemical fertilizers for soil fertility mainte- could also be substantial. Apart from prestige
nance. Better-o€ households maintain some associated with staples produced on-farm,
livestock. The average production activities are market imperfections may further encourage
summarized in Table 3. self-suciency in certain farm products. Thus,
Rural infrastructure in Ethiopia is generally peasants tend to have diverse production pat-
poorly developed. Due to its proximity to the terns to satisfy their consumption needs.
major cities, some markets in Ada are relatively
well developed. Formal credit was available for
fertilizer at a rate of 12%. Annual rates of in- 4. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
terest in informal markets reach as high as
100%. Estimated nominal discrete rates of time As smallholder farmers simultaneously en-
preference among the surveyed households av- gage in production and consumption, the farm
eraged 71% (see Table 2 and Holden, Shiferaw household approach has become quite popular
and Wik, 1998). Long-term loans for invest- in modeling their economic behavior (Singh,
ment are nonexistent. As in the rest of Ethiopia, Squire and Strauss, 1986; de Janvry, Faf-
peasants hold usufruct rights to land, thus land champs and Sadoulet, 1991; Delforce, 1994). If
is neither traded nor used as collateral. Infor- all but one market exist, all prices are exoge-
mal short-term rental contracts for land exist, nous and decisions can be taken sequentially,
but such practices lack legal basis. Important production and labor demand ®rst and con-
farm activities are undertaken by family labor, sumption and labor supply decisions later
while some labor is also hired during peak (Singh, Squire and Strauss, 1986). Separability

Table 3. Smallholder production activities and estimated user costs of soil erosion in Ada district

Crop production (kert) Livestock holdings

Crops Upland Lowland Total area Animals Heads

Te€ 3.24 2.38 5.62 Cows 0.83

Wheat 0.51 0.43 0.94 Oxen 1.77
Barley 0.16 ÿ 0.16 Heifers 0.47
Field peas 0.12 ÿ 0.12 Bulls 0.38
Faba beans 0.58 ÿ 0.58 Calves 0.70
Lentils 0.07 ÿ 0.07 Sheep 0.65
Chick peas ÿ 0.60 0.60 Goats 1.30
Rough peas ÿ 0.37 0.37 Donkey 1.00
Total area cultivated 4.67 3.78 8.46 Horses 0.07

Estimated user costs (Birr per ton of eroded soil)

r ˆ 0.54 2.5 1.0
r ˆ 0.20 6.75 2.7
r ˆ 0.10 13.5 5.4
r ˆ 0.05 27.0 10.8
r is the real discount rate used to compute user costs.

implies that production and labor demand de- and consumption; and activities for accounting
cisions are insensitive to consumption prefer- the future productivity impacts of soil erosion.
ences and asset endowments, and activity Model constraints included limits on owned
choice is entirely determined by pro®t motives and rented land, labor (including leisure), oxen
as dictated by market prices. But when markets power, subsistence needs, animal feed require-
are imperfect or nonpro®t motives (including ments, capital/credit for fertilizer, cash income,
consumption choices) a€ect production and and restrictions on crop rotations. Due to sea-
resource use decisions, as in our case study sonality of the labor market, labor hiring was
area, the relevance of the separable approach is allowed during planting, weeding and harvest-
often questioned (de Janvry, Fafchamps and ing seasons. Constraints on subsistence con-
Sadoulet, 1991; Delforce, 1994). sumption needs were de®ned in terms of
Hence, when some markets are imperfect or minimum nutrient requirements (carbohy-
missing, production and consumption decisions drates, protein, and fat). In order to ensure that
are interdependent, linked through endogenous the pattern of food consumption closely re¯ects
prices which satisfy the subjective equilibrium actual preferences, diversity constraints re¯ect-
of the household. When markets are imperfect ing observed patterns were imposed. Purchas-
and goals other than pro®t maximization a€ect ing options for major staples were excluded to
land use decisions, a pure pro®t-maximizing ensure satisfaction of the self-suciency goal.
framework often fails to re¯ect real patterns of Feed requirements for livestock were de®ned in
cropping and resource use (Singh and Jana- terms of dry matter, but shortfalls from own
kiram, 1986; Delforce, 1994).2 High transaction production of crop residue feed were allowed to
costs, imperfections in credit and labor mar- be met through purchases. Limits on land
kets, marked seasonalities in prices, preference renting were set at a maximum of 1 ha (0.5 ha
for home production of staples, etc. are likely each in the uplands and lowlands). This is al-
to cause interdependence between production most twice higher than the average area rented
and consumption choices that make some among the surveyed households. A total of 202
prices endogenous to the household. Therefore, activities and 150 constraints were speci®ed.
a nonseparable approach is adopted to simulate Alternative methods for incorporating con-
smallholders' resource use and soil conserva- sumption and leisure requirements into pro-
tion decisions. gramming models are described by Hazell and
Norton (1986). We preferred the approach that
captures the e€ect of income on consumption
5. THE MODEL and leisure choice by introducing an income
activity in which the negative of the marginal
An applied whole-farm linear programming propensities to consume food and leisure are
model which contains multiple production ac- entered into the corresponding consumption
tivities and a number of behavioral constraints and leisure constraints. A system of Engel
was developed.3 We assume households to have equations was estimated for major categories of
four major goals: maximization of net income, consumption to obtain the coecients on the
self-suciency in major staples, generation of income activity corresponding to consumption
cash sucient to meet various needs, and constraints5. In estimating the Engel system,
achievement of acceptable levels of leisure. The full income was used to link production and
model identi®ed a production plan that maxi- consumption decisions, while household char-
mized annual income de®ned as current net acteristics were used to capture part of the
returns (on-farm and o€-farm) less the present nonincome e€ect on consumption.
value of future income loss caused by yield Seasonal allocation of family labor into on-
losses resulting from soil erosion (user costs) farm, o€-farm and leisure activities was incor-
subject to various farm-level resource supply porated. Seven periods re¯ecting the cropping
and behavioral constraints.4 Major model ac- calendar were de®ned and seasonal labor con-
tivities included crop production on two land straints showed family labor endowments in
types (upland and lowland) with three levels of each period. The total family labor days avail-
fertilizer use and two land management options able exclude religious holidays that prohibit
(with and without conservation); crop sale and ®eld activity. Seasonal labor hiring options
consumption; seasonal family labor use for were introduced to meet seasonal scarcities by
production (on- and o€-farm) and leisure; sea- hiring additional labor. Availability of oxen
sonal labor hiring; livestock production, sale days for traction was also de®ned seasonally

similar to family labor re¯ecting religious in the short-term, crop yields, ceteris paribus,
norms. might decrease, remain the same or increase
Levels of gross soil erosion for di€erent depending on the interactions with biophysical
crops on two types of land and two land conditions and the amount of productive land
management options (see Appendix A) were occupied by structures (see Table 1). For ex-
estimated using the modi®ed USLE adapted ample, on a plot of 20% slope, the area of
for Ethiopian conditions (Hurni, 1985). Since productive land lost due to structures could
soil erosion on vertisols was considered to be reach up to 20% and the proportion quickly
unimportant for the land user, the conserva- increases with slope. Apart from loss of pro-
tion option was de®ned only for upland soils. ductive land, peasants also often complain that
Due to their relative suitability for low-to-me- soil and stone bunds (a) interfere with tradi-
dium rainfall areas, the model used soil-stone tional practices of cross plowing, especially
contour bunds as erosion-control methods. when the distance between bunds is short,
Construction and maintenance of structures is making turning the plow dicult, and (b) har-
assumed to be carried out during the slack bor notorious pests (rats and weeds). Some
seasons (January to May). 83%, 87%, and 25% of the respondents indi-
The e€ect of soil erosion on crop yield (pro- cated, respectively, loss of productive land,
ductivity) was estimated from a production working inconvenience, and pest problems as
function estimated for the major crop (te€) deterrents for adoption of conservation struc-
based on time series data collected by the Soil tures. In a similar survey, 74% and 92% of
Conservation Research Project (SCRP) in households surveyed in Gojjam and North
other similar areas of the highlands. A number Shewa indicated net yields with traditional
of functional forms were estimated, but the practices (ditches and cut-o€ drains) to be
translog model provided the best ®t (adj. higher than that with introduced conservation
R2 ˆ 0.64). A loss of 1 cm of soil depth (about methods. In these areas with high rainfall, the
100 tons of soil) per ha was estimated to reduce problem of water logging behind the structures
yields by 45 kg on red upland soils and 20 kg on has also been reported. Thus, three alternative
vertisols (see Appendix B). The topsoil value is scenarios for the short-term e€ects of installing
the marginal user cost of soil, the discounted conservation structures on yields from the
value of all future productivity losses resulting peasants' perspectives were included: average
from a unit of soil erosion. The total user cost anticipated yields with conservation are (a) 20%
of soil erosion is thus the marginal user cost less than without conservation (I), (b) no dif-
times the level of soil erosion (Smith and ferent from without conservation (II), and (c)
Shaykewich, 1990). The marginal user costs 20% more than without conservation (III).
were computed at 5%, 10%, 20% and 54% real In the analyses of the short-term responses,
rates of discount (see Table 3). The user costs the smallholder is assumed to be unable to
increase with a decrease in the discount rate. adjust its resource use patterns to relax the
The marginal user costs are thus entered on the constraints to invest in conservation. Hence,
soil erosion activities for the two land types in only the initial labor requirements for installing
the objective function. conservation structures (100 persondays haÿ1 )
All activity budgets and farm-level resource and end of the year maintenance (20 person-
supplies were speci®ed for a representative days haÿ1 ) were included. In modeling the long-
household that re¯ects the average of the sur- term response, the stationary equilibrium (Ha-
veyed households.6 The three levels (zero, zell and Norton, 1986) was simulated using
current, and recommended levels) of fertilizer annualized costs of conservation, which were
use were speci®ed for all cereals in order to estimated as average costs of initial installation
allow plausible adjustments in resource use in and annual maintenance of structures over 15
response to changes in policy variables. They years. In the capital constrained models, in
may also serve for a piece-wise linear approx- addition to owned capital of 100 Birr, the
imation to a concave yield response function. household is assumed to have access to formal
Crop responses to fertilizer were determined credit ( 6 300 Birr) for fertilizer at 12% interest
from the survey data and fertilizer response and some informal credit ( 6 75 Birr) at 90%
equations estimated for the study area (Ho, interest. These capital/credit constraints are in
1992). line with the credit market imperfections prev-
Investment in conservation structures is ex- alent in 1994 and re¯ect average rates of fer-
pected to lower soil erosion rates. But, at least tilizer use.

6. RESULTS (Holden, Shiferaw and Wik, 1998), sligtly more

of uplands will be conserved in case III, but still
(a) Short-term responses no conservation occurs on uplands in case I
and II. This suggests that, if the real private
The analytical results for the short-term re- discount rates are as high as we have estimated,
sponse of the farm household to the three levels in the short-term, peasants are unlikely to
of productivity of conservation and internaliz- adopt conservation structures unless these in-
ing the on-site user costs of soil erosion at dif- vestments provide short-term economic gains.
fering discount rates are presented in Table 4. This may explain why peasants, though being
In the basic models, no user costs of soil ero- well aware of the ongoing process of degrada-
sion are internalized, and conservation struc- tion, have failed to install conservation struc-
tures enter the solution only when conservation tures in the area (Holden and Shiferaw, 1998).
is yield-enhancing. In the latter case, conser- But, if the peasants' real rate of discount is as
vation serves the dual purpose of abating soil low as 10%, conservation structures will be
erosion and enhancing current productivity adopted on 45% and 100% of the upland
(``overlap technology'' in the terminology of cropped area in cases II and III, respectively. If
Reardon and Vosti, 1992). Its positive contri- the real rate reaches 5%, all the upland area will
bution to current returns means that, whether also be conserved in case II. In case III, how-
the peasant is concerned with future produc- ever, conservation becomes part of the small-
tivity loss due to soil erosion or not, cropping holder's land use plan only when the real rate
on 86% of the erodible uplands will occur on of discount is close to 5%. Hence, when con-
conserved land. Since conservation structures servation is unproductive, the level of conser-
are labor demanding, in case I and II, no con- vation that will be achieved even by a peasant
servation will be adopted unless the future with a perfect foresight (and a low rate of dis-
productivity impacts are suciently internal- count) is likely to be limited. At the 5% dis-
ized. Therefore, the average levels of soil ero- count rate, compared to the base case, current
sion for case I and II are almost twice that of net returns (less the user costs) decrease, re-
case III. spectively, by 27%, 19%, and 13% for cases I,
When the peasant internalizes future pro- II, and III.
ductivity impacts of soil erosion at the esti- As more weight is placed on the future pro-
mated average real discount rate of 54% ductivity impacts of soil erosion, more labor is

Table 4. E€ect of productivity of conservation and user costs of soil erosion on smallholders' land use and conservation

Issues considered Basic model User costs User costs User costs
(without user accounted accounted accounted
costs) (r ˆ 0.54) (r ˆ 0.1) (r ˆ 0.05)

Net income (Birr) 5580 5854 5387 5756 4778 4880 5461 4077 4533 5111
Te€ (kert) b 5.91 5.66 5.84 5.64 5.67 5.74 5.57 5.03 5.59 5.48
Wheat 1.21 1.40 1.26 1.45 1.42 1.36 1.52 2.00 1.49 1.59
Barley 0.40 0.33 0.40 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.33 0.20 0.33 0.32
Field peas 0.07 0.13 0.23 0.14 0.15 0.29 0.16 0.33 0.32 0.19
Faba beans 0.54 0.57 0.28 0.55 0.51 0.27 0.44 0.55 0.26 0.43
Chick peas 1.14 0.73 1.17 0.56 0.69 0.78 0.50 0.71 0.80 0.47
Rough peas 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.35 0.36 0.36 0.33 0.37 0.35 0.33
Te€ area upland 2.42 2.48 2.38 2.47 1.72 1.88 1.70 1.07 1.75 1.64
% upland conserved 0 86 0 87 0 45 100 39 100 100
Soil loss (t/ha) 38.1 21.0 37.9 21.0 36.0 26.3 18.1 26.9 17.9 18.1
The scenarios analyzed are:
I ± Average anticipated yields with conservation are 20% less than conventional farming, II ± Average anticipated
yields with conservation are equal to conventional farming, and III ± Average anticipated yields with conservation
are 20% more than conventional farming. For estimated user cost see Table 3.
Sum of cultivated area of white, mixed and red varieties of te€.

used in conservation and household income soil-stone bunds introduced in the last 10±15
falls. Consumption of te€, wheat, other crops years in other parts of the highlands. Periodic
and leisure (not shown) also decreases. More- removal of structures may also be in the best
over, the production of the most erosive crop interest of highland smallholders as many have
(te€) decreases and that of the less erosive ce- been observed moving the position of struc-
real (wheat) increases as more of the user cost is tures from time to time so as to exploit the
internalized. Likewise, te€ production on accumulated fertile soil near the bunds. In the
erodible uplands declines while that on less event that the structures last longer than 15
erodible lowlands increases. Coupled with the years, the steady-state level of conservation
shift away from te€, at low discount rates estimated here will be on the lower side. Al-
(higher user costs), the marketed surplus of te€ though the steady-state equilibrium does not
decreases substantially (especially in case I) give guidance on the time path of implementing
while that of wheat increases accordingly. the resulting optimal plan, it lends itself to ex-
When the internalized user costs are small (high amining the long-term e€ects on resource use
discount rates), marketed surplus of te€ tends and conservation behavior of smallholders.
to increase slightly to compensate for the de- When average anticipated yields with con-
crease in income, but a further increase in the servation are lower than conventional farming,
level of user costs leads to a consistent decline under plausible assumptions about the discount
in the marketed output of this crop. rate, no conservation enters the optimal solu-
tion. Only when private discount rates are 10%
(b) Long-term responses or lower would conservation be in the interest
of the land user. With a private discount rate of
The analytical results for the steady state 5%, the resulting long run adoption of conser-
equilibrium in the smallholder's resource use vation structures on 78% of the erodible up-
and conservation decisions are presented in lands compares with 39% in the short-term.
Table 5. This assumes a lifetime of about 15 Thus, in the long-term, average soil losses could
years for soil bunds and annual replacement of be reduced from 27 t haÿ1 to 21 t haÿ1 . When
6.7% of the area under conservation. This is not anticipated yields with conservation are the
unrealistic considering the poor condition of same as conventional farming in the long-term,

Table 5. Land use and conservation decisions at the stationary equilibrium of the household

Yield e€ect of Level of user Net Income Te€ area Wheat area % Upland Soil loss
conservation cost a (Birr) (kert) (kert) conserved (t/ha)

I A 5580 5.91 1.21 0 38.1

B 5387 5.84 1.27 0 37.9
C 5127 5.77 1.33 0 36.4
D 4779 5.67 1.42 12.6 34.2
E 4188 5.86 1.25 78 21.4
II A 5580 5.91 1.21 0 38.1
B 5425 5.86 1.25 72.7 22.6
C 5316 5.81 1.28 100 18.1
D 5167 5.78 1.32 100 18.0
E 4841 5.69 1.41 100 18.0
III A 6213 5.74 1.35 100 18.2
B 6135 5.73 1.37 100 18.2
C 6021 5.70 1.39 100 18.5
D 5862 5.67 1.43 100 18.8
E 5462 5.57 1.52 100 18.6
The scenarios analyzed are: A ± No user costs accounted; B ± User costs accounted (r ˆ 0.54); C ± User costs ac-
counted (r ˆ 0.2); D ± User costs accounted (r ˆ 0.1); E ± User costs accounted (r ˆ 0.05). Cases I, II, III are I ±
Average anticipated yields with conservation are 20% less than conventional farming, II ± Average anticipated yields
with conservation are equal to conventional farming, and III ± Average anticipated yields with conservation are 20%
more than conventional farming.

internalization of user costs at rates as high as (c) E€ects of credit constraints

54% induce some level of conservation. If the
land user is unaware, unable or unwilling to The results discussed so far were capital un-
account for user costs, the steady state equi- constrained for purchasing fertilizer. The ex-
librium will not include any conservation of the penditure on the income-maximizing level of
erodible lands. One may also note that while no fertilizer use was thus higher than the average
conservation occurs in the short term at the observed expenditure on this input. The level of
estimated average discount rate of 54%, in the average income achieved was also higher since
steady state, structures will be adopted on 73% the model chooses the recommended level of
of the cultivated erodible uplands. This points fertilizer which is higher than the current level
to the need for some policy incentives (big of use. An unconstrained use of fertilizer may
push) in the short-term to persuade the small- reduce the negative impact of nutrient mining
holder to install conservation practices. This is due to soil erosion. It may also obscure the
necessary to motivate and guide the peasant impact of future productivity loss thereby de-
toward sustainable land management and in- luding the land user to overlook user costs and
creased conservation in the long term. Short of the need to mitigate soil erosion (Shiferaw,
such persuading mechanisms to install conser- 1996). In order to investigate this e€ect on the
vation in the near-term, the steady-state level of short-term responses of the farm household,
conservation may remain unattained. cash/credit constraints re¯ecting the current
When conservation is perceived to provide level of expenditure on fertilizer were imposed.
higher returns to land and labor, complete Table 6 presents the results of the cash/credit-
conservation may occur in the long term even constrained model.
when no user costs are accounted for or ac- In case I, the capital credit constraint does
counted at the estimated average discount rate not force conservation into the optimal solu-
of 54%. This compares with 86% and 87% tion in all subcases except E. With a capital
conserved, respectively, in the short run. This constraint and a 5% private rate of discount,
implies that when structures serve as a multi- 52% of the uplands will be treated with con-
purpose technology, peasants (including those servation which compares with only 39% in the
who may not be interested in future produc- capital-unconstrained model. The capital con-
tivity impacts of erosion) may fully adopt straint for fertilizer reduces the ability to sub-
conservation. In this case, no additional in- stitute lost nutrients through addition of
centives are required to internalize the inter- fertilizer nutrients. The drop in household in-
temporal externality other than enforcing come due to constrained use of fertilizer and
secure rights to land. Insecure rights to land the resulting reduction in leisure consumption
could shorten the planning horizon (and hence also release some family labor for conservation
shorten the life time of conservation structures) as the level of internalized user costs increase.
or the fear of expropriation may raise the dis- The total area of the most erosive crop (te€)
count rates, and prevent land users from and its share on the uplands decrease as more
adopting a long-term perspective in their land- weight is given to user costs. Likewise, area of
use decisions. In Ethiopia, land is property of the less erosive crop (wheat) increases, and a
the state and the smallholder retains only use progressive shift in cereal production to less
rights. Despite the illegality of land markets, erodible soils occurs.
insecurity of land rights may not be a crucial In case II, at the average estimated rate of
deterrent to installation of conservation struc- discount, conservation structures would be in-
tures (Shiferaw and Holden, 1998; Holden, stalled on 16% of the cultivated uplands. This
Shiferaw and Wik, 1998), perhaps due to other compares with no conservation in the capital-
more binding constraints such as poverty, im- unconstrained model. Constrained use of fer-
perfect rural markets, and lack of appropriate tilizer limits the ability to substitute lost nutri-
policies.7 Moreover, as in short-term responses, ents. It also lowers the returns to labor and
the steady state also indicates substitution of reduces leisure demand which will help release
wheat for te€ as more weight is given to long- some labor for use in conservation. A decrease
term land productivity loss. A drop in the pri- in the discount rate raises the user costs thereby
vate discount rate (and hence a rise in the level inducing the household to mitigate soil erosion.
of internalized user costs) and a drop in income As the private discount rates decrease (user
also reduce leisure demand and increase family costs increase), the rise in opportunity cost of
labor supply. labor and the limited possibilities for adjust-

Table 6. The e€ect of credit constraints for fertilizer on short-term resource use and conservation decisions of small-

Yield e€ect of Level of Net in- Te€ area Wheat Upland cere- Lowland cere- % upland Soil loss
conservation user cost a come (kert) area (kert) als (kert) als (kert) conserved (t/ha)

I A 5034 6.32 0.82 4.00 3.48 0 39

B 4822 6.11 0.99 3.80 3.55 0 38.4
C 4543 5.03 1.98 3.57 3.68 0 35.1
D 4193 4.87 2.10 3.31 3.88 0 34.5
E 3547 4.77 2.24 3.21 3.96 52 24.5
II A 5034 6.32 0.82 4.00 3.48 0 39
B 4714 6.10 0.99 3.94 3.55 16 33.5
C 4572 5.97 1.20 3.78 3.61 21 32
D 4316 5.48 1.52 3.47 3.97 41 26.7
E 3963 4.86 2.10 3.37 3.81 100 17
III A 5241 5.37 1.67 4.43 2.67 48 29
B 5112 5.77 0.67 4.20 2.70 85 22.4
C 4967 5.81 0.66 4.19 2.70 100 19.6
D 4800 5.81 0.64 4.18 2.70 100 20
E 4442 4.74 2.10 3.76 3.37 100 18
The scenarios analyzed are: A ± No user costs accounted; B ± User costs accounted (r ˆ 0.54); C ± User costs ac-
counted (r ˆ 0.20); D ± User costs accounted (r ˆ 0.10); E ± User cots accounted (r ˆ 0.05). Cases I, II, III are I ±
Average anticipated yields with conservation are 20% less than conventional farming, II ± Average anticipated yields
with conservation are equal to conventional farming, and III ± Average anticipated yields with conservation are 20%
more than conventional farming.

ment of cropping patterns under the capital uplands. Unlike case I and II, a rise in user
constraint reduce the rate of conservation until costs initially increases the te€ area mainly be-
it approaches what was achieved in the un- cause growing the crop, which can be used to
constrained case. The initial positive e€ect of ®nance fertilizer, on lands treated with conser-
capital constraints to encourage conservation vation (>85%) is now made possible. A further
thus disappears with a rise in internalized user increase in user costs, however, displaces te€ in
costs. favor of a less erosive wheat.
In case III, when the land user ignores the
intertemporal externality, the credit constraint (d) E€ects of fertilizer prices
for fertilizer depresses adoption of this tech-
nology. The share of conserved uplands falls The simulation results of the short-term e€ect
from 87% in the unconstrained case to 48% in of relative increases in the 1993±94 fertilizer
the constrained model. This suggests that de- prices (e.g., after devaluation and removal of
spite the positive productivity and soil-con- input subsidies) under the credit constraint for
serving e€ects of the technology, its adoption this input is given in Table 7. In cases I and II,
would be constrained by shortage of credit for a rise in fertilizer prices in the face of a capital
a complementary input (fertilizer). When user constraint will not induce any conservation, but
costs are ignored and the shadow value of fer- gradually shifts cereal production away from
tilizer is high, the household cuts on its labor erodible uplands as fertilizer use declines. This
use in conservation and channels it into ex- is because the increase in input prices has fur-
pansion of the farm until the land-hiring con- ther diminished possibilities for substituting
straint is binding. This e€ect, however, fertilizer nutrients for eroded soil. Income de-
diminishes as the land user begins to account creases with a rise in fertilizer prices. Thus,
for the user costs of soil erosion. Thus, in III-B, when investment in physical structures becomes
the level of adoption of conservation structures a dicult alternative, the rise in input prices is
on erodible lands is almost the same as that in initially compensated by expansion in the area
the unconstrained model. A further increase in of less erosive cereals (mainly wheat), but the
the level of accounted user costs leads to com- area under pulses (legumes grown without fer-
plete adoption of conservation practices on tilizer) begin to displace wheat as the input

Table 7. The e€ect of fertilizer prices under credit constraints on short-term resource use and conservation decisions of

Yield e€ect of Level of Net in- Te€ area Wheat Upland cere- Lowland cere- % upland Soil loss
conservation user cost a come (kert) area (kert) als (kert) als (kert) conserved (t/ha)

I B 4822 6.11 0.99 3.80 3.55 0 38.4

F 4069 3.18 2.63 3.88 2.28 0 33.7
G 3653 2.72 1.69 3.31 1.41 0 33.6
H 3224 3.07 1.43 3.20 1.41 0 34.5
II B 4714 6.10 0.99 3.94 3.55 16 33.5
III B 5112 5.77 0.67 4.20 2.70 85 22.4
F 4417 5.18 0.59 3.47 2.54 85 19.8
G 4026 5.14 0.65 3.47 2.54 93 18.5
H 3549 4.67 1.21 3.61 2.54 74 21.3
The scenarios analyzed are: B ± User costs accounted (r ˆ 0.54); F ± Same as B but fertilizer prices increase by 50%;
G ± Same as B but fertilizer prices doubled; H ± Same as B but fertilizer prices tripled.
F±H in II are similar to F±H in I.
Cases I, II, III are I ± Average anticipated yields with conservation are 20% less than conventional farming, II ±
Average anticipated yields with conservation are equal to conventional farming, and III ± Average anticipated yields
with conservation are 20% more than conventional farming.

price rises above 100%. As returns to family II, and III) at least up to 400% rise in the price
labor on-farm fall and threaten livelihood, the of fertilizer. The positive e€ect on conservation
household also cuts its leisure time and in- of a rise in the price of a productive input in the
creases both on- and o€-farm labor supply until unconstrained case is also consistent with the-
the seasonal labor constraints are binding. A oretical ®ndings (Shiferaw, 1996).
rise in fertilizer prices above 50% forces the
household to divert conservation labor onto
expanding farm size through hiring in addi- 7. SUMMARY AND SOME POLICY
tional land (and hence on-farm labor supply) IMPLICATIONS
and generation of income o€-farm until the
land hiring and labor constraints are binding. One of the multiple challenges that poor
Thus, conservation disappears in case II when countries with fast-growing populations are
fertilizer prices increase by 50% or more. facing today is the deterioration of the resource
In case III, when conservation improves base and reduction of the food production
short-term returns, a rise in fertilizer prices and potential of agricultural land. Past e€orts to
the resulting decrease in leisure demand and abate the soil degradation externality in Ethi-
opportunity cost of labor in farming, improve opia through conservation programs have often
the share of upland under conservation from fallen short of expectations. Smallholders'
85% before the price change to 93% with dou- production and land conservation decisions are
bling of these prices. Further increase in input likely to be in¯uenced by factors related to their
prices under the capital constraint decreases dual nature as units of consumption and pro-
income and reduces the ability to replenish soil duction. Soil erosion reduces the future pro-
fertility using fertilizer or conserving it through ductivity of agricultural land and socially
investment in erosion-control measures. Thus, optimal conservation may not occur when on-
as the shadow value of subsistence rises and the site costs of production are not suciently in-
cash income constraint begins to be strongly ternalized. High private discount rates and
binding, the household gradually withdraws short planning horizons contribute to this ef-
from conservation and channels its labor into fect. Poverty, credit constraints, and insecurity
an o€setting area expansion to raise income. of land tenure may raise rates of time prefer-
This is unlike the situation in the capital-un- ence and shorten planning horizons, which will
constrained model in which adoption of con- limit voluntary internalization of the on-site
servation consistently increases (in all cases I, land degradation externality. Even if small-

holders are aware of user costs and are willing Under plausible assumptions, even in the
to internalize them, the level of returns ex- long run, conservation will not be part of the
pected from switching to conservation will in- smallholders' optimal production plan when it
¯uence the level of conservation achieved. reduces the productivity of the land. Only when
Rural market imperfections and the subsis- the user costs are internalized at low private
tence constraints imply that peasants' produc- rates of discount (rates less than 10%) would
tion and investment decisions are not dictated conservation enter the optimal plan. Such low
by pro®t considerations alone; consumption discount rates seem to be justi®able however
choices matter. This study used a nonseparable only from the viewpoint of society rather than
household-farm model to simulate smallhold- that of the private land user (Holden, Shiferaw
ers' resource use and conservation decisions in and Wik, 1998). Although widespread adoption
Ethiopia. Results generally indicate that when of conservation appears to take place in the
peasants ignore user costs of soil erosion, in- long run when user costs are accounted at high
vestments in erosion-control practices are lim- rates of discount, this may not be achievable
ited. Limited awareness of the erosion problem unless some incentives are used in the short run
and poverty, which raises time preferences or to induce the land user to embark on conser-
limits investment resources, contribute to low vation. Apart from secured rights to land, ed-
levels of internalization of costs of future pro- ucational and outreach programs may also be
ductivity losses. This e€ect may be lower when desirable to increase the smallholders' aware-
conservation contributes to poverty alleviation ness of the user costs and encourage commu-
by raising the welfare of the poor. nity e€ort and collective action to counter the
When peasants anticipate lower or the same soil erosion problem.
returns from switching into a soil-conserving The e€ect of a fertilizer cash/credit con-
regime, lower yields and/or substantial instal- straint on production and conservation deci-
lation costs prohibit smallholders from invest- sions also depends on the productivity of
ing in more sustainable conservation methods. conservation practices. When conservation is
Under the labor and other costs assumed for either yield-depressing or neutral, relaxing the
installing soil-stone bunds, peasants' ability in fertilizer credit constraint allows substitution
the short term to invest in conservation will be of fertilizer for lost nutrients and hence tends
limited unless conservation helps to boost to discourage conservation. This perhaps
yields. Only if private discount rates are as low points to the need for crosscompliance-type
as 5±10%, would some conservation become policies that link input and credit subsidies
part of the optimal farm plan. This may explain with conservation requirements. When returns
the general lack of conservation in the study to conservation are low, increase in fertilizer
area. It also suggests that policies to enhance prices under the capital constraint will dis-
soil conservation should look for cost-e€ective courage conservation. Thus, without provision
methods which serve the dual purpose: erosion of sucient credit to smallholders, the recent
control and higher yields. Where this is lacking, soaring of fertilizer prices in Ethiopia follow-
society may have to look for other incentives ing structural adjustment programs and the
(carrots and sticks) to persuade the land users removal of input subsidies are likely to dis-
to install conservation practices. courage conservation.


1. After the 1975 land reform, land has often been tive crop. Thus, the separable approach is likely to
distributed according to family size. Hence, households misrepresent peasants' production decisions in our
were strati®ed into four groups based on the number of study area.
owned oxen, a vital resource for cropping also consid-
ered a wealth indicator in the area. 3. Despite its known limitations, the LP framework,
owing to its relative ease for handling multiple produc-
2. Our ®rst experiment with a separable model in tion decisions in highly constrained systems, has been
which the full range of objectives and constraints have often used for farm household modeling (e.g., see Ahn,
not been speci®ed also resulted in an optimal plan Singh and Squire, 1981; Singh and Janakiram, 1986;
which mainly includes white te€, the most remunera- Bezuneh, Deaton and Norton, 1988; Delforce, 1994).

4. In maximizing net income (less the user costs of soil (25%, 16.6%, 34%, and 24.4% for those without ox, with
erosion), the other goals were built as constraints in the one ox, with two oxen, and more than two oxen,
model. The full mathematical set up of the model is respectively), the sample average will slightly overesti-
available from authors on request. mate the average of all households.

5. The estimated consumption system is available from 7. Insecurity of rights in land may, however, be vital
authors on request. for land-improving and conservation investments with
long gestation periods (e.g., tree planting).
6. Since there was slight variation in the percentage of
households from the three PAs in the four categories


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Soil Loss for two types of land in Ada district

estimated with the Universal Soil Loss Equa- ‡ 0:54 ln …SLOPE† ln…PLOW†
tion (USLE) Adapted to Ethiopia (Hurni,
1985). See Table 8 given below.
ÿ 3:34 ln …TIME† ln…RFALL†
ÿ 17:78 ln …RFALL† ln…FPLOW†
The Translog production function:
lnY ˆ ÿ 1203:12 ‡ 20:2 ln …TIME† N ˆ 184 harvest samples; Adj: R2 ˆ 0:64:
…0:0001† …0:01†

‡ 134:3 ln …FPLOW† ‡ 6:69 ln …SODP†

…0:0001† …0:04† Where Y is te€ yield in ton haÿ1 . TIME is the
ÿ 10:5 ln …SLOPE† index of time (1±10). FPLOW is the frequency
…0:07† of plowing to planting. SODP is the soil depth
‡ 290:5 ln …RFALL† in cm. SLOPE is slope gradient in per cent.
RFALL is annual rainfall in mm.
‡0:69 f ln …TIME†g2 ÿ 0:58 f ln …PLOW†g2 The marginal user cost of a cm of soil depth
…0:0001† …0:25† was estimated assuming an average soil depth
‡ 0:134 f ln …SODP†g 2 of 50 and 100 cm, and slope of 20% and 5% for
…0:1† upland and lowland soils, respectively. The
average te€ yield of 1.2 tons haÿ1 , plowing
‡ 0:18 f ln …SLOPE†g2 ÿ 17:22 f ln …RFALL†g2 frequency of 6, and rainfall of 800 mm yearÿ1
…0:08† …0:0001†
are also used. All the interaction terms with soil
0:33 ln …TIME† ln…SODP† depth were used although they were not highly
…0:07† signi®cant due some multicollinearity problem.
‡ 0:22 ln …SLOPE† ln …SODP† The values in parenthesis under the parameter
…0:1† estimates are the p-values. At the current levels
ÿ 1:03 ln …RFALL† ln…SODP† of soil erosion, the estimated loss of 45 kg and
…0:15† 20 kg cmÿ1 of soil depth amount to 2.8% and
ÿ 0:39 ln …PLOW† ln…SODP† 0.3% productivity decline yearÿ1 on upland and
…0:13† lowland soils.

Table 8.

I. Without Conservation II. With Conservation (Level Bund and

Level Fanja Juu)

Factor Te€ Other Cereals Pulses Te€ Other Cereals Pulses

Up- Low- Up- Low- Up- Low- Up- Low- Up- Low- Up- Low-
land land land land land land land land land land land land

R 430.2 430.2 430.2 430.2 430.2 430.2 430.2 430.2 430.2 430.2 430.2 430.2
K 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.15
L 2.10 3.50 2.10 3.50 2.10 3.50 0.60 1.20 0.60 1.20 0.60 1.20
S 1.78 0.40 1.78 0.40 1.78 0.40 1.78 0.40 1.78 0.40 1.78 0.40
C 0.25 0.25 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.15 0.25 0.25 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.15
P 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90

Soil loss 75.56 16.94 52.89 11.86 45.33 10.16 25.90 6.97 18.13 4.88 15.54 4.18

A ± Soil loss (tons/ha/year); R ± Rainfall Erosivity Factor; K ± Soil Erodibility Factor; L ± Slope Length; S ± Slope
Gradient; C ± Land Cover Factor; P ± Land Management Factor.

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