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The adventure begins one evening in Upper Central Plateau, where the characters meet Sergeant
Germaine Vilroy, who hires them to meet with a warforged named Coal, hear her out, and bring her
back to Vilroy for further questioning. Coal has already been told to wait for the characters at the
Cog Carnival, a warforged bar in the High Walls district of Lower's Tavick's Landing.

After talking to Coal and learning her employer was Alden d'Orien, the characters are confronted by
Daask forces sent to kill Coal. If they survive the fight, the characters can meet with Alden in the
Mithral Tower district Upper Central Plateau. The scion stays tight-lipped, but Vishtai, Alden's
kalashtar bodyguard, telepathically gives the characters directions to the Old Sharn ruin where
Caden d'Orien is imprisoned.

If Caden is rescued and returned to his father, Alden shares what he knows of Daask's operation and
tells the characters where to find Garra. The half-ogre knows the characters are coming for her. She
tries to flee on a lightning rail while drawing them into a trap. If the characters chase down the half-
ogre, she attempts to make a deal to keep her freedom, which they can either refuse or accept,
setting the stage for further adventures.

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