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Exodus Chapter 31 ‫שמֹות‬

‫מֹשֶ ה כְּ כַֹּלתֹו לְּדַ בֵּ ר‬-‫יח ַוי ִֵּּתן ֶאל‬ 18 And He gave unto Moses, when
He had made an end of speaking with
‫ִּאתֹו בְּ הַ ר ִּסינַי ְּשנֵּי ֻלחֹת הָ עֵּ דֻת‬ him upon mount Sinai, the two tables
‫ֻלחֹת ֶאבֶ ן כְּ תֻ בִּ ים בְּ ֶאצְּ בַ ע‬ of the testimony, tables of stone,
:‫ֹלהים‬ִּ ֱ‫א‬ written with the finger of God.

Exodus Chapter 32 ‫שמֹות‬

‫בֹשֵּ ש מֹשֶ ה‬-‫א ַוי ְַּרא הָ עָ ם כִּ י‬ 1 And when the people saw that
Moses delayed to come down from
-‫הָ הָ ר ַוי ִָּקהֵּ ל הָ עָ ם עַ ל‬-‫ל ֶָרדֶ ת ִּמן‬ the mount, the people gathered
-‫ֹאמרּו ֵּאלָיו קּום עֲשֵּ ה‬ ְּ ‫ַאהֲ רֹן וַי‬ themselves together unto Aaron, and
‫ֹלהים אֲ שֶ ר ֵּילְּכּו ְּל ָפנֵּינּו‬ִּ ֱ‫לָנּו א‬ said unto him: 'Up, make us a god
who shall go before us; for as for this
‫זֶה מֹשֶ ה הָ ִּאיש אֲ שֶ ר הֶ ֱעלָנּו‬-‫כִּ י‬ Moses, the man that brought us up
-‫מֵּ ֶא ֶרץ ִּמצְּ ַריִּם ל ֹא יָדַ עְּ נּו מֶ ה‬ out of the land of Egypt, we know not
what is become of him.'
:‫הָ יָה לֹו‬
‫ב וַי ֹאמֶ ר אֲ לֵּהֶ ם ַאהֲ רֹן פ ְָּרקּו‬ 2 And Aaron said unto them: 'Break
off the golden rings, which are in the
‫נִּזְּ מֵּ י הַ זָהָ ב אֲ שֶ ר בְּ ָאזְּ נֵּי נְּשֵּ יכֶם‬ ears of your wives, of your sons, and
:‫בְּ נֵּיכֶם ּובְּ נ ֵֹּתיכֶם וְּ הָ בִּ יאּו ֵּאלָי‬ of your daughters, and bring them
unto me.'
‫נִּזְּ מֵּ י‬-‫הָ עָ ם ֶאת‬-‫ג ַוי ְִּּתפ ְָּרקּו כָל‬ 3 And all the people broke off the
golden rings which were in their ears,
‫הַ זָהָ ב אֲ שֶ ר בְּ ָאזְּ נֵּיהֶ ם ַויָבִּ יאּו‬ and brought them unto Aaron.
:‫ ַאהֲ רֹן‬-‫ֶאל‬
‫ד ַוי ִַּקח ִּמיָדָ ם ַויָצַ ר אֹתֹו בַ חֶ ֶרט‬ 4 And he received it at their hand,
and fashioned it with a graving tool,
‫ֹאמרּו‬ ְּ ‫ַו ַיעֲשֵּ הּו עֵּ גֶל מַ סֵּ כָה וַי‬ and made it a molten calf; and they
‫ֵּאלֶה אֱ ֹלהֶ יָך י ְִּּש ָר ֵּאל אֲ שֶ ר‬ said: 'This is thy god, O Israel, which
:‫הֶ עֱלּוָך מֵּ ֶא ֶרץ ִּמצְּ ָריִּם‬ brought thee up out of the land of
‫ה ַוי ְַּרא ַאהֲ רֹן ַויִּבֶ ן ִּמזְּ בֵּ חַ ְּל ָפנָיו‬ 5 And when Aaron saw this, he built
an altar before it; and Aaron made
‫ַוי ְִּּק ָרא ַאהֲ רֹן וַי ֹאמַ ר חַ ג לַיהוָה‬ proclamation, and said: 'To-morrow
:‫מָ חָ ר‬ shall be a feast to the LORD.'
‫ו ַוי ְַּשכִּ ימּו ִּממָ חֳ ָרת ַו ַיעֲלּו עֹֹלת‬ 6 And they rose up early on the
morrow, and offered burnt-offerings,
‫ַויַגִּ שּו ְּשל ִָּמים ַויֵּשֶ ב הָ עָ ם לֶאֱ כֹל‬ and brought peace-offerings; and the
}‫ {פ‬:‫וְּ שָ תֹו ַוי ָֻקמּו לְּצַ חֵּ ק‬ people sat down to eat and to drink,
and rose up to make merry. {P}
‫ ֵּרד‬-‫מֹשֶ ה לְֶך‬-‫ז ַויְּדַ בֵּ ר יְּהוָה ֶאל‬ 7 And the LORD spoke unto Moses:
'Go, get thee down; for thy people,
ָ ‫כִּ י ִּשחֵּ ת עַ ְּמָך אֲ שֶ ר הֶ ֱעל‬ that thou broughtest up out of the
:‫מֵּ ֶא ֶרץ ִּמצְּ ָריִּם‬ land of Egypt, have dealt corruptly;
‫הַ דֶ ֶרְך אֲ שֶ ר‬-‫ח סָ רּו מַ הֵּ ר ִּמן‬ 8 they have turned aside quickly out
of the way which I commanded
‫יתם עָ שּו לָהֶ ם עֵּ גֶל מַ סֵּ כָה‬ ִּ ִּ‫צִּ ּו‬ them; they have made them a molten
‫ֹאמרּו‬ְּ ‫לֹו וַי‬-‫לֹו ַויִּזְּ בְּ חּו‬-‫ַוי ְִּּש ַתחֲ וּו‬ calf, and have worshipped it, and
‫ֵּאלֶה אֱ ֹלהֶ יָך י ְִּּש ָר ֵּאל אֲ שֶ ר‬ have sacrificed unto it, and said: This
is thy god, O Israel, which brought
:‫הֶ עֱלּוָך מֵּ ֶא ֶרץ ִּמצְּ ָריִּם‬ thee up out of the land of Egypt.'
‫יתי‬ִּ ‫מֹשֶ ה ָר ִּא‬-‫ט וַי ֹאמֶ ר יְּהוָה ֶאל‬ 9 And the LORD said unto Moses: 'I
have seen this people, and, behold, it
-‫ ְּקשֵּ ה‬-‫הָ עָ ם הַ זֶה וְּ ִּהנֵּה עַ ם‬-‫ֶאת‬ is a stiffnecked people.
:‫ע ֶֹרף הּוא‬
‫ ַאפִּ י‬-‫י וְּ עַ ָתה הַ נִּיחָ ה לִּי וְּ יִּחַ ר‬ 10 Now therefore let Me alone, that
My wrath may wax hot against them,
‫אֹותָך לְּגֹוי‬ְּ ‫בָ הֶ ם וַאֲ ַכלֵּם וְּ ֶאעֱשֶ ה‬ and that I may consume them; and I
:‫גָדֹול‬ will make of thee a great nation.'
‫פְּ נֵּי יְּהוָה‬-‫יא ַויְּחַ ל מֹשֶ ה ֶאת‬ 11 And Moses besought the LORD
his God, and said: 'LORD, why doth
‫אֱ ֹלהָ יו וַי ֹאמֶ ר לָמָ ה יְּהוָה יֶחֱ ֶרה‬ Thy wrath wax hot against Thy
‫את מֵּ ֶא ֶרץ‬ ָ ֵּ‫ַאפְּ ָך בְּ עַ מֶ ָך אֲ שֶ ר הֹוצ‬ people, that Thou hast brought forth
:‫ִּמצְּ ַריִּם בְּ כֹחַ גָדֹול ּובְּ יָד חֲ ז ָָקה‬ out of the land of Egypt with great
power and with a mighty hand?
‫ֹאמרּו ִּמצְּ ַריִּם לֵּאמֹר‬ ְּ ‫יב לָמָ ה י‬ 12 Wherefore should the Egyptians
speak, saying: For evil did He bring
‫יאם לַהֲ ֹרג א ָֹתם‬ ָ ִּ‫בְּ ָרעָ ה הֹוצ‬ them forth, to slay them in the
‫ַֹּלתם מֵּ עַ ל פְּ נֵּי‬
ָ ‫בֶ הָ ִּרים ּו ְּלכ‬ mountains, and to consume them
‫הָ אֲ דָ מָ ה שּוב מֵּ חֲ רֹון ַאפֶָך‬ from the face of the earth? Turn from
Thy fierce wrath, and repent of this
:‫הָ ָרעָ ה לְּעַ מֶ ָך‬-‫וְּ ִּהנָחֵּ ם עַ ל‬ evil against Thy people.
‫יג זְּ כֹר ל ְַּאבְּ ָרהָ ם ְּליִּצְּ חָ ק‬ 13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and
Israel, Thy servants, to whom Thou
‫ּו ְּלי ְִּּש ָר ֵּאל עֲבָ דֶ יָך אֲ שֶ ר נ ְִּּשבַ עְּ ָת‬ didst swear by Thine own self, and
‫לָהֶ ם בָ ְך ו ְַּתדַ בֵּ ר אֲ לֵּהֶ ם ַא ְּרבֶ ה‬ saidst unto them: I will multiply your
‫ז ְַּר ֲעכֶם כְּ כֹוכְּ בֵּ י הַ שָ מָ יִּם‬-‫ֶאת‬ seed as the stars of heaven, and all
this land that I have spoken of will I
‫הָ ָא ֶרץ הַ ז ֹאת אֲ שֶ ר ָאמַ ְּר ִּתי‬-‫וְּ כָל‬ give unto your seed, and they shall
inherit it for ever.'
:‫ֶא ֵּתן ְּלז ְַּר ֲעכֶם וְּ נָחֲ לּו ְּל ֹעלָם‬
‫הָ ָרעָ ה אֲ שֶ ר‬-‫יד ַו ִּינָחֶ ם יְּהוָה עַ ל‬ 14 And the LORD repented of the
evil which He said He would do unto
}‫ {פ‬:‫ִּדבֶ ר ַלעֲשֹות לְּעַ מֹו‬ His people. {P}
‫הָ הָ ר‬-‫טו ַו ִּיפֶן ַוי ֵֶּרד מֹשֶ ה ִּמן‬ 15 And Moses turned, and went down
from the mount, with the two tables
‫ּושנֵּי ֻלחֹת הָ עֵּ דֻת בְּ יָדֹו ֻלחֹת‬ ְּ of the testimony in his hand; tables
‫כְּ תֻ בִּ ים ִּמ ְּשנֵּי עֶ בְּ ֵּריהֶ ם ִּמזֶה‬ that were written on both their sides;
:‫ּומזֶה הֵּ ם כְּ תֻ בִּ ים‬ ִּ on the one side and on the other were
they written.
‫ֹלהים הֵּ מָ ה‬
ִּ ֱ‫טז וְּ הַ ֻלחֹת מַ עֲשֵּ ה א‬ 16 And the tables were the work of
God, and the writing was the writing
‫ֹלהים הּוא‬ ִּ ֱ‫וְּ הַ ִּמכְּ ָתב ִּמכְּ ַתב א‬ of God, graven upon the tables.
:‫הַ ֻלחֹת‬-‫חָ רּות עַ ל‬
‫קֹול הָ עָ ם‬-‫יז ַוי ְִּּשמַ ע יְּהֹושֻ עַ ֶאת‬ 17 And when Joshua heard the noise
of the people as they shouted, he said
‫מֹשֶ ה קֹול‬-‫בְּ ֵּרעֹה וַי ֹאמֶ ר ֶאל‬ unto Moses: 'There is a noise of war
:‫ִּמלְּחָ מָ ה בַ מַ חֲ נֶה‬ in the camp.'
ָ ְּ‫יח וַי ֹאמֶ ר ֵּאין קֹול ֲענֹות ג‬ 18 And he said: 'It is not the voice of
them that shout for mastery, neither
‫וְּ ֵּאין קֹול עֲנֹות חֲ לּושָ ה קֹול‬ is it the voice of them that cry for
: ַ‫עַ נֹות ָאנֹכִּ י שֹמֵּ ע‬ being overcome, but the noise of
them that sing do I hear.'
‫הַ מַ חֲ נֶה‬-‫יט ַוי ְִּּהי כַאֲ שֶ ר ָק ַרב ֶאל‬ 19 And it came to pass, as soon as he
came nigh unto the camp, that he saw
-‫ּומחֹֹלת ַויִּחַ ר‬
ְּ ‫הָ עֵּ גֶל‬-‫ַוי ְַּרא ֶאת‬ the calf and the dancing; and Moses'
-‫ַאף מֹשֶ ה ַוי ְַּשלְֵּך ִּמיָדָ ו ֶאת‬ anger waxed hot, and he cast the
:‫הַ ֻלחֹת ַויְּשַ בֵּ ר א ָֹתם ַתחַ ת הָ הָ ר‬ tables out of his hands, and broke
them beneath the mount.
‫הָ עֵּ גֶל אֲ שֶ ר עָ שּו‬-‫כ ַוי ִַּקח ֶאת‬ 20 And he took the calf which they
had made, and burnt it with fire, and
‫דָ ק‬-‫ַוי ְִּּשרֹף בָ ֵּאש ַוי ְִּּטחַ ן עַ ד אֲ שֶ ר‬ ground it to powder, and strewed it
-‫פְּ נֵּי הַ מַ יִּם ַוי ְַּש ְּק ֶאת‬-‫ַו ִּיזֶר עַ ל‬ upon the water, and made the
:‫בְּ נֵּי י ְִּּש ָר ֵּאל‬ children of Israel drink of it.

-‫ ַאהֲ רֹן מֶ ה‬-‫כא וַי ֹאמֶ ר מֹשֶ ה ֶאל‬ 21 And Moses said unto Aaron:
'What did this people unto thee, that
ָ ֵּ‫הֵּ ב‬-‫עָ שָ ה לְָּך הָ עָ ם הַ זֶה כִּ י‬ thou hast brought a great sin upon
:‫עָ לָיו חֲ טָ ָאה גְּ ֹדלָה‬ them?'
‫יִּחַ ר ַאף‬-‫כב וַי ֹאמֶ ר ַאהֲ רֹן ַאל‬ 22 And Aaron said: 'Let not the anger
of my lord wax hot; thou knowest the
‫הָ עָ ם כִּ י‬-‫אֲ ֹדנִּי ַא ָתה יָדַ עְּ ָת ֶאת‬ people, that they are set on evil.
:‫בְּ ָרע הּוא‬
‫ֹלהים‬ ִּ ֱ‫לָנּו א‬-‫ֹאמרּו לִּי עֲשֵּ ה‬ ְּ ‫כג וַי‬ 23 So they said unto me: Make us a
god, which shall go before us; for as
‫זֶה מֹשֶ ה‬-‫אֲ שֶ ר ֵּילְּכּו ְּל ָפנֵּינּו כִּ י‬ for this Moses, the man that brought
‫הָ ִּאיש אֲ שֶ ר הֶ ֱעלָנּו מֵּ ֶא ֶרץ‬ us up out of the land of Egypt, we
:‫הָ יָה לֹו‬-‫ִּמצְּ ַריִּם ל ֹא יָדַ עְּ נּו מֶ ה‬ know not what is become of him.

‫כד ָואֹמַ ר לָהֶ ם ל ְִּּמי זָהָ ב‬ 24 And I said unto them: Whosoever
hath any gold, let them break it off;
‫לִּי ָו ַא ְּש ִּלכֵּהּו‬-‫ִּה ְּתפ ָָרקּו ַוי ְִּּתנּו‬ so they gave it me; and I cast it into
:‫בָ ֵּאש ַויֵּצֵּ א הָ עֵּ גֶל הַ זֶה‬ the fire, and there came out this calf.'
ַ‫הָ עָ ם כִּ י פָרֻ ע‬-‫כה ַוי ְַּרא מֹשֶ ה ֶאת‬ 25 And when Moses saw that the
people were broken loose--for Aaron
‫פְּ ָרעֹה ַאהֲ רֹן ל ְִּּש ְּמצָ ה‬-‫הּוא כִּ י‬ had let them loose for a derision
:‫בְּ ָקמֵּ יהֶ ם‬ among their enemies--
‫כו ַו ַי ֲעמֹד מֹשֶ ה בְּ שַ עַ ר הַ מַ חֲ נֶה‬ 26 then Moses stood in the gate of the
camp, and said: 'Whoso is on the
‫וַי ֹאמֶ ר ִּמי לַיהוָה ֵּאלָי ַוי ֵָּא ְּספּו‬ LORD'S side, let him come unto me.'
:‫בְּ נֵּי לֵּוִּ י‬-‫ֵּאלָיו כָל‬ And all the sons of Levi gathered
themselves together unto him.
‫ ָאמַ ר יְּהוָה‬-‫כז ַוי ֹאמֶ ר לָהֶ ם כֹה‬ 27 And he said unto them: 'Thus
saith the LORD, the God of Israel:
‫חַ ְּרבֹו‬-‫אֱ ֹלהֵּ י י ְִּּש ָר ֵּאל ִּשימּו ִּאיש‬ Put ye every man his sword upon his
‫י ְֵּּרכֹו עִּ בְּ רּו וָשּובּו ִּמשַ עַ ר‬-‫עַ ל‬ thigh, and go to and fro from gate to
-‫ ֶאת‬-‫לָשַ עַ ר בַ מַ חֲ נֶה וְּ ִּה ְּרגּו ִּאיש‬ gate throughout the camp, and slay
every man his brother, and every man
‫ ֵּרעֵּ הּו וְּ ִּאיש‬-‫ָא ִּחיו וְּ ִּאיש ֶאת‬ his companion, and every man his
:‫ ְּקרֹבֹו‬-‫ֶאת‬ neighbour.'

‫לֵּוִּ י כִּ ְּדבַ ר מֹשֶ ה‬-‫כח ַו ַיעֲשּו בְּ נֵּי‬ 28 And the sons of Levi did
according to the word of Moses; and
‫הָ עָ ם בַ יֹום הַ הּוא‬-‫ַו ִּיפֹל ִּמן‬ there fell of the people that day about
:‫כִּ ְּשֹלשֶ ת ַא ְּלפֵּי ִּאיש‬ three thousand men.
‫כט וַי ֹאמֶ ר מֹשֶ ה ִּמלְּאּו י ְֶּדכֶם‬ 29 And Moses said: 'Consecrate
yourselves to-day to the LORD, for
‫הַ יֹום לַיהוָה כִּ י ִּאיש בִּ בְּ נֹו‬ every man hath been against his son
‫ּובְּ ָא ִּחיו וְּ ל ֵָּתת ֲעלֵּיכֶם הַ יֹום‬ and against his brother; that He may
:‫בְּ ָרכָה‬ also bestow upon you a blessing this
‫ל ַוי ְִּּהי ִּממָ חֳ ָרת וַי ֹאמֶ ר מֹשֶ ה‬ 30 And it came to pass on the
morrow, that Moses said unto the
‫אתם חֲ טָ ָאה‬
ֶ ָ‫הָ עָ ם ַא ֶתם חֲ ט‬-‫ֶאל‬ people: 'Ye have sinned a great sin;
‫יְּהוָה‬-‫גְּ ֹדלָה וְּ עַ ָתה ֶא ֱעלֶה ֶאל‬ and now I will go up unto the LORD,
peradventure I shall make atonement
ְּ ַ‫אּולַי אֲ כַפְּ ָרה בְּ עַ ד חַ ט‬ for your sin.'
‫יְּהוָה וַי ֹאמַ ר‬-‫לא ַויָשָ ב מֹשֶ ה ֶאל‬ 31 And Moses returned unto the
LORD, and said: 'Oh, this people
‫ָאנָא חָ טָ א הָ עָ ם הַ זֶה חֲ טָ ָאה‬ have sinned a great sin, and have
:‫גְּ ֹדלָה ַו ַיעֲשּו לָהֶ ם אֱ ֹלהֵּ י זָהָ ב‬ made them a god of gold.
‫אתם‬ ָ ָ‫ ִּתשָ א חַ ט‬-‫לב וְּ עַ ָתה ִּאם‬ 32 Yet now, if Thou wilt forgive their
sin--; and if not, blot me, I pray Thee,
‫ ַאיִּן ְּמחֵּ נִּי נָא ִּמ ִּספְּ ְּרָך אֲ שֶ ר‬-‫וְּ ִּאם‬ out of Thy book which Thou hast
:‫כ ָָתבְּ ָת‬ written.'
‫מֹשֶ ה ִּמי‬-‫לג וַי ֹאמֶ ר יְּהוָה ֶאל‬ 33 And the LORD said unto Moses:
'Whosoever hath sinned against Me,
:‫לִּי ֶא ְּמחֶ נּו ִּמ ִּספְּ ִּרי‬-‫אֲ שֶ ר חָ טָ א‬ him will I blot out of My book.
‫הָ עָ ם ֶאל‬-‫לד וְּ עַ ָתה לְֵּך נְּחֵּ ה ֶאת‬ 34 And now go, lead the people unto
the place of which I have spoken
‫ ִּדבַ ְּר ִּתי לְָך ִּהנֵּה מַ ל ְָּאכִּ י‬-‫אֲ שֶ ר‬ unto thee; behold, Mine angel shall
‫ֵּילְֵּך ְּל ָפנֶיָך ּובְּ יֹום פ ְָּק ִּדי ּופ ַָק ְּד ִּתי‬ go before thee; nevertheless in the
:‫אתם‬ָ ָ‫ֲעלֵּהֶ ם חַ ט‬ day when I visit, I will visit their sin
upon them.'
‫הָ עָ ם עַ ל‬-‫לה ַו ִּיגֹף יְּהוָה ֶאת‬ 35 And the LORD smote the people,
because they made the calf, which
‫הָ עֵּ גֶל אֲ שֶ ר עָ שָ ה‬-‫אֲ שֶ ר עָ שּו ֶאת‬ Aaron made. {S}
}‫ {ס‬:‫ַאהֲ רֹן‬
Midrash Rabba WaYiqra 10:3
,‫ בַ ְתחִּ לָה הָ לְ כּו אֵׁ צֶּ ל חּור‬,‫ בְ שָ עָה שֶּ עָׂשּו י ְִּׂש ָראֵׁ ל אֹותֹו מַ עֲׂשֶּ ה‬,‫ַרבִּ י בֶּ ֶּרכְ יָה בְ שֵׁ ם ַרבִּ י אַ בָ א בַ ר ַכ ֲהנָא פָתַ ר קְ ָריָא בְ אַ הֲרֹ ן‬
,'‫ הֲדָ א הּוא ִּדכְ ִּתיב גַם בִּ כְ ָנ ַפיְִּך נִּ ְמצְ אּו דַ ם וגו‬,‫ כֵׁיוָן שֶּ ל ֹא שָ מַ ע לָהֶּ ן ע ְָמדּו ָעלָיו ַוה ֲָרגּוהּו‬,‫אָ ְמרּו לֹו קּום עֲׂשֵׁ ה לָנּו אֱֹלהִּ ים‬
‫ וְ אַ חַ ר כְָך הָ לְ כּו אֵׁ צֶּ ל‬.‫ עַל אֲשֶּ ר עָׂשּו אֵׁ לֶּה אֱֹלהֶּ יָך י ְִּׂש ָראֵׁ ל‬,‫אתים כִּ י עַל כָל אֵׁ לֶּה‬ ִּ ָ‫וְ זֶּהּו דָ מֹו שֶּ ל חּור ל ֹא בַ מַ חְ תֶּ ֶּרת ְמצ‬
ַ‫ הֲדָ א הּוא ִּדכְ ִּתיב ַוי ְַרא אַ הֲרֹ ן וַיִּ בֶּ ן ִּמזְבֵׁ ח‬,‫נִּתי ֵָׁרא‬
ְ ‫ כֵׁיוָן שֶּ שָ מַ ע אַ הֲרֹ ן ֵׁכן ִּמיָד‬,‫ קּום עֲׂשֵׁ ה לָנּו אֱֹלהִּ ים‬:‫ אָ ְמרּו לֹו‬,‫אַ הֲרֹ ן‬
‫אֹותי שֶּ אֲנִּ י כֹ הֵׁ ן‬ ִּ ‫ עַכְ שָ יו ִּאם ה ְֹורגִּ ים‬,‫ אָ מַ ר אַ הֲרֹ ן מָ ה אֶּ עֱׂשֶּ ה ה ֲֵׁרי הָ ְרגּו אֶּ ת חּור שֶּ הָ יָה נָבִּ יא‬,‫נִּתי ֵָׁרא מֵׁ הַ זָבּוחַ לְ ָפנָיו‬ ְ ,‫לְ ָפנָיו‬
‫ מָ ה ָראָ ה ִּאם‬,‫ ַוי ְַרא אַ הֲרֹ ן‬,‫ דָ בָ ר אַ חֵׁ ר‬.‫ּומיָד הֵׁ ם גֹולִּ ין‬ ִּ ,‫ִּמ ְתקַ יֵׁם ֲעלֵׁיהֶּ ם הַ ִּמקְ ָרא שֶּ כָתּוב ִּאם יֵׁהָ ֵׁרג בְ ִּמקְ דַ ש ה' כֹ הֵׁ ן וְ נָבִּ יא‬
‫ אֲנִּ י ִּמ ְתעַצֵׁ ל‬,‫ ִּמתֹוְך שֶּ אֲנִּ י בֹונֶּה אֹותֹו‬,‫ זֶּה מֵׁ בִּ יא צְ רֹור וְ זֶּה אֶּ בֶּ ן וְ נִּ ְמצֵׁ את ְמלַאכְ תָ ם ָכלָה בְ בַ ת אַ חַ ת‬,‫בֹונִּ ין הֵׁ ם אֹותֹו‬
‫ּומתֹוְך שֶּ אֲנִּ י בֹונֶּה אֹותֹו אֲנִּ י בֹונֶּה אֹותֹו בִּ ְשמֹו שֶּ ל הַ קָ דֹוש בָ רּוְך‬ ִּ .‫יֹורד ּומַ עֲבִּ ָירּה ָלעֲבֹודָ ה ז ָָרה‬ ֵׁ ‫בִּ ְמלַאכְ ִּתי וְ ַרבֵׁ ינּו משֶּ ה‬
,‫ דָ בָ ר אַ חֵׁ ר‬,‫ אֶּ לָא חַ ג לַה' מָ חָ ר‬,‫ חַ ג ָל ֵׁעגֶּל מָ חָ ר אֵׁ ין כְ ִּתיב כָאן‬,‫ הֲדָ א הּוא דִּ כְ ִּתיב ַויִּקְ ָרא אַ הֲרֹ ן ַוי ֹאמַ ר חַ ג לַה' מָ חָ ר‬,‫הּוא‬
‫ ַרבִּ י‬,‫יִּׂש ָראֵׁ ל‬ ְ ְ‫ מּוטָ ב שֶּ יִּתָ לֶּה הַ ִּס ְרחֹון בִּ י וְ ל ֹא ב‬,‫נִּתלָה בָ הֶּ ן‬
ְ ‫ הַ סִּ ְרחֹון‬,‫ אָ מַ ר אַ הֲרֹ ן ִּאם בֹונִּ ין הֵׁ ן אֹותֹו‬,‫ מָ ה ָראָ ה‬,‫ַוי ְַרא אַ הֲרֹ ן‬
‫ אָ מַ ר לֹו פ ְַדגֹוגֹו אַ ל‬,‫נִּתגָאֶּ ה לִּ בֹו ָעלָיו וְ לָקַ ח אֶּ ת הַ סַ יִּף לַחְ תֹ ְך אֶּ ת אָ בִּ יו‬ ְ ֶּ‫אַ בָ א בַ ר יּודָ ן בְ שֵׁ ם ַרבִּ י אַ בָ א מָ שָ ל לְ בֶּ ן ְמלָכִּ ים ש‬
‫ מּוטָ ב שֶּ יִּתָ לֶּה הַ ִּס ְרחֹון בְ ָך‬,‫ הֵׁ צִּ יץ הַ מֶּ לְֶּך ָעלָיו אָ מַ ר לֹו יֹודֵׁ ַע אֲנִּי לְ הֵׁ יכָן הָ יְתָ ה ַכ ָּונ ְָתָך‬,‫ְת ַיגַע אֶּ ת עַצְ ְמָך תֵׁ ן לִּ י ַואֲנִּ י חֹותֵׁ ְך‬
‫ כְָך ִּמן ָפל ִָּטין‬.‫ ע ְֶּׂש ִּרים וְ אַ ְרבַ ע אֲנֹונָס אַ ְת נָסֵׁ יב‬,‫ָתֹורי אַ ְת אָ כֵׁיל‬ ִּ ‫ חַ יֶּיָך ִּמן ָפלָטִּ ין דִּ ידִּ י לֵׁית אַ ְת ָזיַיע ּומֹותַ ר פ‬,‫וְ ל ֹא בִּ בְ נִּ י‬
,‫ ע ְֶּׂש ִּרים וְ אַ ְרבָ עָה אֲנֹונָס אַ ְת נָסֵׁ יב‬,‫ָתֹורי אַ ְת אָ כֵׁיל וְ הַ נֹותֶּ ֶּרת ִּמן הַ ִּמנְ חָ ה‬ ִּ ‫ ּומֹותַ ר פ‬,‫ּומן הַ ִּמקְ דָ ש ל ֹא יֵׁצֵׁ א‬ ִּ ‫דִּ ילִּ י לֵׁית אַ ְת ָזיַיע‬
‫ אָ הַ בְ תָ לְ צַ דֵׁ ק‬,‫ אָ הַ בְ תָ צֶּ דֶּ ק‬,‫ אָ מַ ר לֹו הַ קָ דֹוש בָ רּוְך הּוא לְ אַ ֲהרֹ ן‬.‫נִּתנּוה לְ אַ הֲרֹ ן ּולְ בָ נָיו‬ ְ ֶּ‫אֵׁ לּו ע ְֶּׂש ִּרים וְ אַ ְרבַ ע מַ ְתנֹות כְ ֻהנָה ש‬
‫ אָ מַ ר לֹו חַ יֶּיָך שֶּ ִּמכָל ִּשבְ טֹו שֶּ ל לֵׁוִּ י ל ֹא נִּ בְ חַ ר לִּ כְ ֻהנָה גְ דֹולָה‬,‫ עַל כֵׁן ְמשָ חֲָך אֱֹלהִּ ים אֱֹלהֶּ יָך‬,‫ וְ ׂשָ נֵׁאתָ ִּמלְ חַ ְיבָ ן‬,‫אֶּ ת בָ נַי‬
:‫אֶּ לָא אַ תָ ה קַ ח אֶּ ת אַ הֲרֹ ן וְ אֶּ ת בָ נָיו ִּאתֹו‬
Rabbi Berechya said in the name of Rabbi Abba bar Kahana expounding on the verse about
Aaron. At the time when the Israelites were about to commit the act [make the golden calf]
they first came to Hur, and they said to him: "Make us a god!" Since he did not listen to them,
they rose up and slew him. This is why it's later written in the prophets: "Also in your wings
we find the blood of the souls of the innocent and the poor etc." This refers to the blood of
Hur. [So too] "you did not find them breaking in; yet for all these things." This refers to [the
fact] that they made [the calf, about which they announced] "This is your god, Israel."
Afterwards, they went to Aaron and said to him: "Make us a god." Aaron had heard about
what they did to Hur and became afraid. It is therefore written: "Aaron was frightened and
built an alter before them." Aaron was frightened that he might be the one who was going to
be slaughtered. Aaron said, what should I do? They've already killed Hur, and he was a
prophet. Now if they kill me, the priest, they will fulfill the word later written in scripture:
"Should priest and prophet be slain in the sanctuary of YHWH (Eicha 2:20)." If they kill me,
they will all be exiled. Here is another interpretation: Aaron saw this, and built an altar before
it (Exodus 32:5). What did he see? He saw the situation playing out like this: If they build it,
one will bring a pebble, another a larger stone, and they will finish the building of the idol in
one day. If I build it, then I can delay and dally, and give time for our teacher Moses to come
down the mountain and then destroy this idol worship. And if I build it, I can dedicate it to
the name of the Holy One, blessed is he, therefore it is written: "Aaron called and said this
shall be a festival for YHWH." It is not written a feast for the calf, but a feast to YHWH.
Another interpretation: "And Aaron saw this, etc." What did he see? He saw the situation
playing out as follows: "If they build it the sin will be upon them, but if it will be better if I
build it, so that the sin should be upon me and not the people. Rabbi Abba bar Yodan said in
the name of Abbah, we can give a parable that demonstrates this. It's like the son of a king
who became filled with pride in his heart and took a sword and rose up to try and cut his
father. The son's tutor said to him: Don't trouble yourself, leave it to me and I'll cut him for
you." The king saw the tutor and said to him: "I know what your intention was, it was that
you believed it better that the sin should be upon you than upon my son. As you live, you
shall not leave my palace, and that which remains over from my table, you shall eat it, and
you will receive twenty-four perks. So too with Aaron: "You shall not leave my palace" is
compared to "He shall not go out of the sanctuary Leviticus 21:12"And that which remains of
the table, you shall eat it" is compared to: "That which is let of the meal-offering shall be
Aaron's and his sons (Leviticus 2:3)." The twenty-four perks is paralleled to the twenty-four
gifts of the priesthood assigned to Aaron and his sons. The Holy One, blessed is he, said to
Aaron "You love righteousness, you loved to preserve my children’s righteousness, you
despised seeing them guilty; therefore YHWH your God has selected you"; he said "By your
life, you specifically have been chosen from the entirety of the Tribe of Levi for the High
Priesthood," [hence] "Take Aaron and his sons with him…."

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