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Genesis Chapter 29 ‫אשית‬

ִׁ ‫בְּ ֵר‬
-‫י ַוי ְִהי כַאֲ שֶׁ ר ָר ָאה ַי ֲעקֹב ֶׁאת‬ 10 And it came to pass, when Jacob
saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his
-‫לָבָ ן אֲ ִחי ִאּמֹו וְ ֶׁאת‬-‫ָרחֵ ל בַ ת‬ mother's brother, and the sheep of
‫צ ֹאן לָבָ ן אֲ ִחי ִאּמֹו ַו ִיגַש ַי ֲעקֹב‬ Laban his mother's brother, that
‫הָ ֶׁאבֶׁ ן מֵ עַ ל פִ י הַ בְ ֵאר‬-‫ַו ָיגֶׁל ֶׁאת‬ Jacob went near, and rolled the stone
from the well's mouth, and watered
:‫צ ֹאן לָבָ ן אֲ ִחי ִאּמֹו‬-‫ַוי ְַש ְק ֶׁאת‬ the flock of Laban his mother's
-‫קב ל ְָרחֵ ל ַויִשָ א ֶׁאת‬ ֹ ‫יא ַויִשַ ק ַי ֲע‬ 11 And Jacob kissed Rachel, and
lifted up his voice, and wept.
: ְ‫קֹלֹו ַויֵבְ ך‬
‫יב ַו ַיגֵד ַי ֲעקֹב ל ְָרחֵ ל כִ י אֲ ִחי‬ 12 And Jacob told Rachel that he was
her father's brother, and that he was
‫ ִרבְ ָקה הּוא‬-‫ָאבִ יהָ הּוא וְ כִ י בֶׁ ן‬ Rebekah's son; and she ran and told
: ָ‫ו ַָת ָרץ ו ַַתגֵד ל ְָאבִ יה‬ her father.
‫שֵ מַ ע‬-‫יג ַוי ְִהי כִ ְשמֹעַ לָבָ ן ֶׁאת‬ 13 And it came to pass, when Laban
heard the tidings of Jacob his sister's
‫אֲ חֹתֹו ַוי ָָרץ ל ְִק ָראתֹו‬-‫ַי ֲעקֹב בֶׁ ן‬ son, that he ran to meet him, and
‫יאהּו‬ ֵ ִ‫לֹו ַויְב‬-‫לֹו ַו ְינַשֶׁ ק‬-‫ַויְחַ בֶׁ ק‬ embraced him, and kissed him, and
-‫בֵ יתֹו ַויְסַ פֵר ְללָבָ ן ֵאת כָל‬-‫ֶׁאל‬ brought him to his house. And he
told Laban all these things.
:‫הַ ְדבָ ִרים הָ ֵאלֶׁה‬
‫יד וַי ֹאמֶׁ ר לֹו לָבָ ן ַאְך עַ צְ ִמי‬ 14 And Laban said to him: 'Surely
thou art my bone and my flesh.' And
‫ּובְ שָ ִרי ָא ָתה ַויֵשֶׁ ב עִ ּמֹו חֹדֶׁ ש‬ he abode with him the space of a
:‫י ִָמים‬ month.
‫ ָא ִחי‬-‫טו וַי ֹאמֶׁ ר לָבָ ן ְל ַי ֲעקֹב הֲ כִ י‬ 15 And Laban said unto Jacob:
'Because thou art my brother,
‫ַא ָתה ַועֲבַ ְד ַתנִי ִחנָם הַ גִ ידָ ה לִי‬ shouldest thou therefore serve me for
:‫ּמַ ְשכ ְֻּר ֶׁתך‬-‫מַ ה‬ nought? tell me, what shall thy wages
‫טז ּו ְללָבָ ן ְש ֵתי בָ נֹות שֵ ם הַ גְ ֹדלָה‬ 16 Now Laban had two daughters:
the name of the elder was Leah, and
:‫ל ֵָאה וְ שֵ ם הַ ְקטַ נָה ָרחֵ ל‬ the name of the younger was Rachel.
‫יז וְ עֵ ינֵי ל ֵָאה ַרכֹות וְ ָרחֵ ל הָ י ְָתה‬ 17 And Leah's eyes were weak; but
Rachel was of beautiful form and fair
:‫ת ַֹאר וִ יפַת מַ ְר ֶׁאה‬-‫ְיפַת‬ to look upon.
‫ ָרחֵ ל‬-‫יח ַויֶׁאֱ הַ ב ַי ֲעקֹב ֶׁאת‬ 18 And Jacob loved Rachel; and he
said: 'I will serve thee seven years
‫וַי ֹאמֶׁ ר ֶׁאעֱבָ ְדך שֶׁ בַ ע שָ נִים בְ ָרחֵ ל‬ for Rachel thy younger daughter.'
:‫בִ ְתך הַ ְקטַ נָה‬
‫יט וַי ֹאמֶׁ ר לָבָ ן טֹוב ִת ִתי א ָֹתּה‬ 19 And Laban said: 'It is better that I
give her to thee, than that I should
‫לְָך ִמ ִת ִתי א ָֹתּה ל ְִאיש ַאחֵ ר‬ give her to another man; abide with
:‫ְשבָ ה עִ ּמָ ִדי‬ me.'
‫כ ַו ַי ֲעבֹד ַי ֲעקֹב בְ ָרחֵ ל שֶׁ בַ ע שָ נִים‬ 20 And Jacob served seven years for
Rachel; and they seemed unto him
‫ַוי ְִהיּו בְ עֵ ינָיו כְ י ִָמים אֲ חָ ִדים‬ but a few days, for the love he had to
:‫בְ ַאהֲ בָ תֹו א ָֹתּה‬ her.
‫לָבָ ן הָ בָ ה‬-‫כא וַי ֹאמֶׁ ר ַי ֲעקֹב ֶׁאל‬ 21 And Jacob said unto Laban: 'Give
me my wife, for my days are filled,
‫ ִא ְש ִתי כִ י מָ לְאּו יָמָ י‬-‫ֶׁאת‬ that I may go in unto her.'
: ָ‫בֹואה ֵאלֶׁיה‬ָ ‫וְ ָא‬
‫ ַאנְשֵ י‬-‫כָל‬-‫כב ַויֶׁאֱ סֹף לָבָ ן ֶׁאת‬ 22 And Laban gathered together all
the men of the place, and made a
:‫הַ ּמָ קֹום ַויַעַ ש ִמ ְש ֶׁתה‬ feast.
‫ל ֵָאה‬-‫כג ַוי ְִהי בָ עֶׁ ֶׁרב ַוי ִַקח ֶׁאת‬ 23 And it came to pass in the
evening, that he took Leah his
‫בִ תֹו ַויָבֵ א א ָֹתּה ֵאלָיו ַויָב ֹא‬ daughter, and brought her to him;
: ָ‫ֵאלֶׁיה‬ and he went in unto her.
‫זִ ְלפָה‬-‫כד ַוי ִֵתן לָבָ ן לָּה ֶׁאת‬ 24 And Laban gave Zilpah his
handmaid unto his daughter Leah for
:‫ִשפְ חָ תֹו ְלל ֵָאה בִ תֹו ִשפְ חָ ה‬ a handmaid.
‫ ִהוא ל ֵָאה‬-‫כה ַוי ְִהי בַ ב ֶֹׁקר וְ ִהנֵה‬ 25 And it came to pass in the
morning that, behold, it was Leah;
ָ ‫ז ֹאת עָ ִש‬-‫לָבָ ן מַ ה‬-‫וַי ֹאמֶׁ ר ֶׁאל‬ and he said to Laban: 'What is this
‫לִי הֲ ל ֹא בְ ָרחֵ ל עָ בַ ְד ִתי עִ ּמָ ְך‬ thou hast done unto me? did not I
ָ ‫וְ לָּמָ ה ִר ִּמ‬ serve with thee for Rachel?
wherefore then hast thou beguiled
‫יֵעָ שֶׁ ה כֵן‬-‫כו וַי ֹאמֶׁ ר לָבָ ן ל ֹא‬ 26 And Laban said: 'It is not so done
in our place, to give the younger
‫ירה לִפְ נֵי‬ ָ ִ‫בִ ְמקֹומֵ נּו ל ֵָתת הַ צְ ע‬ before the first-born.
:‫ירה‬ ָ ִ‫הַ בְ כ‬
‫כז מַ לֵא ְשבֻּעַ ז ֹאת וְ נ ְִתנָה לְך‬ 27 Fulfil the week of this one, and we
will give thee the other also for the
‫ז ֹאת בַ ֲעבֹדָ ה אֲ שֶׁ ר‬-‫ ֶׁאת‬-‫גַם‬ service which thou shalt serve with
‫שָ נִים‬-‫ַת ֲעבֹד עִ ּמָ ִדי עֹוד שֶׁ בַ ע‬ me yet seven other years.'
:‫אֲ חֵ רֹות‬
ַ‫כח ַויַעַ ש ַי ֲעקֹב כֵן ַויְמַ לֵא ְשבֻּע‬ 28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her
week; and he gave him Rachel his
‫ ָרחֵ ל בִ תֹו לֹו‬-‫לֹו ֶׁאת‬-‫ז ֹאת ַוי ִֶׁתן‬ daughter to wife.
:‫ל ְִאשָ ה‬
-‫כט ַוי ִֵתן לָבָ ן ל ְָרחֵ ל בִ תֹו ֶׁאת‬ 29 And Laban gave to Rachel his
daughter Bilhah his handmaid to be
:‫בִ לְהָ ה ִשפְ חָ תֹו לָּה ל ְִשפְ חָ ה‬ her handmaid.
-‫ ָרחֵ ל ַויֶׁאֱ הַ ב גַם‬-‫ל ַויָב ֹא גַם ֶׁאל‬ 30 And he went in also unto Rachel,
and he loved Rachel more than Leah,
‫ ָרחֵ ל ִמל ֵָאה ַו ַי ֲעבֹד עִ ּמֹו עֹוד‬-‫ֶׁאת‬ and served with him yet seven other
:‫שָ נִים אֲ חֵ רֹות‬-‫שֶׁ בַ ע‬ years.
‫נּואה ל ֵָאה‬
ָ ‫ ְש‬-‫לא ַוי ְַרא יְהוָה כִ י‬ 31 And the LORD saw that Leah was
hated, and he opened her womb; but
:‫ ַר ְחמָ ּה וְ ָרחֵ ל ע ֲָק ָרה‬-‫ַויִפְ ַתח ֶׁאת‬ Rachel was barren.
‫לב ו ַַתהַ ר ל ֵָאה ו ֵַתלֶׁד בֵ ן ו ִַת ְק ָרא‬ 32 And Leah conceived, and bore a
son, and she called his name
‫ ָר ָאה‬-‫ְשמֹו ְראּובֵ ן כִ י ָא ְמ ָרה כִ י‬ Reuben; for she said: 'Because the
‫יְהוָה בְ עָ ְניִי כִ י עַ ָתה יֶׁאֱ הָ בַ נִי‬ LORD hath looked upon my
ִ ‫ִא‬ affliction; for now my husband will
love me.'
‫לג ו ַַתהַ ר עֹוד ו ֵַתלֶׁד בֵ ן וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר‬ 33 And she conceived again, and
bore a son; and said: 'Because the
‫נּואה ָאנֹכִ י‬
ָ ‫ ְש‬-‫שָ מַ ע יְהוָה כִ י‬-‫כִ י‬ LORD hath heard that I am hated, He
‫זֶׁה ו ִַת ְק ָרא‬-‫ ֶׁאת‬-‫לִי גַם‬-‫ַו ִי ֶׁתן‬ hath therefore given me this son
:‫ְשמֹו ִש ְמעֹון‬ also.' And she called his name
‫לד ו ַַתהַ ר עֹוד ו ֵַתלֶׁד בֵ ן וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר‬ 34 And she conceived again, and
bore a son; and said: 'Now this time
-‫ישי ֵאלַי כִ י‬ ִ ‫עַ ָתה הַ פַעַ ם ִי ָלוֶׁה ִא‬ will my husband be joined unto me,
‫כֵן‬-‫ָיל ְַד ִתי לֹו ְשֹלשָ ה בָ נִים עַ ל‬ because I have borne him three sons.'
:‫ ְשמֹו לֵוִ י‬-‫ָק ָרא‬ Therefore was his name called Levi.

‫לה ו ַַתהַ ר עֹוד ו ֵַתלֶׁד בֵ ן וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר‬ 35 And she conceived again, and
bore a son; and she said: 'This time
‫כֵן‬-‫יְהוָה עַ ל‬-‫הַ פַעַ ם אֹודֶׁ ה ֶׁאת‬ will I praise the LORD.' Therefore
‫ָק ְר ָאה ְשמֹו יְהּודָ ה ו ַַת ֲעמֹד‬ she called his name Judah; and she
:‫ִמלֶׁדֶׁ ת‬ left off bearing.

Genesis Chapter 30 ‫אשית‬

ִׁ ‫בְּ ֵר‬
‫א ו ֵַת ֶׁרא ָרחֵ ל כִ י ל ֹא ָילְדָ ה‬ 1 And when Rachel saw that she bore
Jacob no children, Rachel envied her
‫ְל ַי ֲעקֹב ו ְַת ַקנֵא ָרחֵ ל בַ אֲ ח ָֹתּה‬ sister; and she said unto Jacob: 'Give
‫לִי בָ נִים‬-‫ ַי ֲעקֹב הָ בָ ה‬-‫וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר ֶׁאל‬ me children, or else I die.'
:‫ ַאיִן מֵ ָתה ָאנֹכִ י‬-‫וְ ִאם‬
‫ ַאף ַי ֲעקֹב בְ ָרחֵ ל וַי ֹאמֶׁ ר‬-‫ב ַויִחַ ר‬ 2 And Jacob's anger was kindled
against Rachel; and he said: 'Am I in
‫מָ נַע‬-‫ֹלהים ָאנֹכִ י אֲ שֶׁ ר‬ ִ ֱ‫הֲ ַתחַ ת א‬ God's stead, who hath withheld from
:‫בָ טֶׁ ן‬-‫ִמּמֵ ְך פְ ִרי‬ thee the fruit of the womb?'
‫ג וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר ִהנֵה אֲ מָ ִתי בִ לְהָ ה ב ֹא‬ 3 And she said: 'Behold my maid
Bilhah, go in unto her; that she may
‫בִ ְרכַי וְ ִאבָ נֶׁה‬-‫ֵאלֶׁיהָ וְ ֵתלֵד עַ ל‬ bear upon my knees, and I also may
:‫ ָאנֹכִ י ִמּמֶׁ נָה‬-‫גַם‬ be builded up through her.'
‫בִ לְהָ ה ִשפְ חָ ָתּה‬-‫לֹו ֶׁאת‬-‫ד ו ִַת ֶׁתן‬ 4 And she gave him Bilhah her
handmaid to wife; and Jacob went in
:‫ל ְִאשָ ה ַויָב ֹא ֵאלֶׁיהָ ַי ֲעקֹב‬ unto her.
:‫ה ו ַַתהַ ר בִ לְהָ ה ו ֵַתלֶׁד ְל ַי ֲעקֹב בֵ ן‬ 5 And Bilhah conceived, and bore
Jacob a son.
‫ֹלהים וְ גַם‬ִ ֱ‫ו וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר ָרחֵ ל דָ ַננִי א‬ 6 And Rachel said: 'God hath judged
me, and hath also heard my voice,
‫כֵן‬-‫לִי בֵ ן עַ ל‬-‫קלִי ַוי ִֶׁתן‬ֹ ְ‫שָ מַ ע ב‬ and hath given me a son.' Therefore
:‫ָק ְר ָאה ְשמֹו דָ ן‬ called she his name Dan.
‫ז ו ַַתהַ ר עֹוד ו ֵַתלֶׁד בִ לְהָ ה ִשפְ חַ ת‬ 7 And Bilhah Rachel's handmaid
conceived again, and bore Jacob a
:‫ָרחֵ ל בֵ ן שֵ נִי ְל ַי ֲעקֹב‬ second son.
‫ֹלהים‬ ִ ֱ‫ח וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר ָרחֵ ל נַפְ תּולֵי א‬ 8 And Rachel said: 'With mighty
wrestlings have I wrestled with my
‫ ָי ֹכל ְִתי‬-‫אֲ ח ִֹתי גַם‬-‫נִפְ ַתל ְִתי עִ ם‬ sister, and have prevailed.' And she
:‫ו ִַת ְק ָרא ְשמֹו נַפְ ָתלִי‬ called his name Naphtali.
‫ט ו ֵַת ֶׁרא ל ֵָאה כִ י עָ ְמדָ ה ִמלֶׁדֶׁ ת‬ 9 When Leah saw that she had left off
bearing, she took Zilpah her
‫זִ ְלפָה ִשפְ חָ ָתּה ו ִַת ֵתן‬-‫ו ִַת ַקח ֶׁאת‬ handmaid, and gave her to Jacob to
:‫א ָֹתּה ְל ַי ֲעקֹב ל ְִאשָ ה‬ wife.
‫י ו ֵַתלֶׁד זִ ְלפָה ִשפְ חַ ת ל ֵָאה‬ 10 And Zilpah Leah's handmaid bore
Jacob a son.
:‫ְל ַי ֲעקֹב בֵ ן‬
)‫יא וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר ל ֵָאה בגד (בָ א גָד‬ 11 And Leah said: 'Fortune is come!'
And she called his name Gad.
:‫ ְשמֹו גָד‬-‫ו ִַת ְק ָרא ֶׁאת‬
‫יב ו ֵַתלֶׁד זִ ְלפָה ִשפְ חַ ת ל ֵָאה בֵ ן‬ 12 And Zilpah Leah's handmaid bore
Jacob a second son.
:‫שֵ נִי ְל ַי ֲעקֹב‬
‫יג וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר ל ֵָאה בְ ָא ְש ִרי כִ י‬ 13 And Leah said: 'Happy am I! for
the daughters will call me happy.'
‫ ְשמֹו‬-‫ִא ְשרּונִי בָ נֹות ו ִַת ְק ָרא ֶׁאת‬ And she called his name Asher.
:‫ָאשֵ ר‬
-‫יד ַו ֵילְֶׁך ְראּובֵ ן בִ ימֵ י ְקצִ יר‬ 14 And Reuben went in the days of
wheat harvest, and found mandrakes
‫ִח ִטים ַוי ְִמצָ א דּודָ ִאים בַ שָ דֶׁ ה‬ in the field, and brought them unto
‫ל ֵָאה ִאּמֹו‬-‫ַויָבֵ א א ָֹתם ֶׁאל‬ his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to
‫נָא‬-‫ל ֵָאה ְתנִי‬-‫וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר ָרחֵ ל ֶׁאל‬ Leah: 'Give me, I pray thee, of thy
son's mandrakes.'
:‫לִי ִמדּודָ ֵאי בְ נְֵך‬
‫טו וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר לָּה הַ ְמעַ ט ַק ְח ֵתְך‬ 15 And she said unto her: 'Is it a
small matter that thou hast taken
-‫ישי וְ ל ַָקחַ ת גַם ֶׁאת‬ ִ ‫ ִא‬-‫ֶׁאת‬ away my husband? and wouldest
‫דּודָ ֵאי בְ ִני וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר ָרחֵ ל ָלכֵן‬ thou take away my son's mandrakes
‫י ְִשכַב עִ ּמָ ְך הַ ַל ְילָה ַתחַ ת דּודָ ֵאי‬ also?' And Rachel said: 'Therefore he
shall lie with thee to-night for thy
:‫בְ נְֵך‬ son's mandrakes.'
‫הַ שָ דֶׁ ה בָ עֶׁ ֶׁרב‬-‫טז ַויָב ֹא ַי ֲעקֹב ִמן‬ 16 And Jacob came from the field in
the evening, and Leah went out to
‫ו ֵַתצֵ א ל ֵָאה ל ְִק ָראתֹו וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר‬ meet him, and said: 'Thou must come
‫ֵאלַי ָתבֹוא כִ י שָ כֹר ְשכ ְַר ִתיך‬ in unto me; for I have surely hired
‫בְ דּודָ ֵאי בְ נִי ַוי ְִשכַב עִ ּמָ ּה בַ ַל ְילָה‬ thee with my son's mandrakes.' And
he lay with her that night.
‫ל ֵָאה‬-‫ֹלהים ֶׁאל‬ ִ ֱ‫יז ַוי ְִשמַ ע א‬ 17 And God hearkened unto Leah,
and she conceived, and bore Jacob a
:‫ישי‬ ִ ‫ו ַַתהַ ר ו ֵַתלֶׁד ְל ַי ֲעקֹב בֵ ן חֲ ִמ‬ fifth son.
‫ֹלהים‬ ִ ֱ‫יח וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר ל ֵָאה נ ַָתן א‬ 18 And Leah said: 'God hath given
me my hire, because I gave my
‫נ ַָת ִתי ִשפְ חָ ִתי‬-‫ְשכ ִָרי אֲ שֶׁ ר‬ handmaid to my husband. And she
:‫ישי ו ִַת ְק ָרא ְשמֹו יִשָ שכָר‬ ִ ‫ל ְִא‬ called his name Issachar.
-‫יט ו ַַתהַ ר עֹוד ל ֵָאה ו ֵַתלֶׁד בֵ ן‬ 19 And Leah conceived again, and
bore a sixth son to Jacob.
:‫ִש ִשי ְל ַי ֲעקֹב‬
‫ֹלהים‬ ִ ֱ‫כ וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר ל ֵָאה זְ בָ דַ נִי א‬ 20 And Leah said: 'God hath
endowed me with a good dowry;
‫א ִֹתי זֵבֶׁ ד טֹוב הַ פַעַ ם יִזְ בְ ֵלנִי‬ now will my husband dwell with me,
‫ ָיל ְַד ִתי לֹו ִששָ ה בָ נִים‬-‫ישי כִ י‬ ִ ‫ִא‬ because I have borne him six sons.'
:‫ ְשמֹו זְ בֻּלּון‬-‫ו ִַת ְק ָרא ֶׁאת‬ And she called his name Zebulun.

‫כא וְ ַאחַ ר ָילְדָ ה בַ ת ו ִַת ְק ָרא‬ 21 And afterwards she bore a

daughter, and called her name Dinah.
:‫ ְשמָ ּה ִדינָה‬-‫ֶׁאת‬
‫ ָרחֵ ל‬-‫ֹלהים ֶׁאת‬ ִ ֱ‫כב ַויִזְ כֹר א‬ 22 And God remembered Rachel, and
God hearkened to her, and opened
‫ֹלהים ַויִפְ ַתח‬ ִ ֱ‫ַוי ְִשמַ ע ֵאלֶׁיהָ א‬ her womb.
:‫ ַר ְחמָ ּה‬-‫ֶׁאת‬
‫כג ו ַַתהַ ר ו ֵַתלֶׁד בֵ ן וַת ֹאמֶׁ ר ָאסַ ף‬ 23 And she conceived, and bore a
son, and said: 'God hath taken away
:‫חֶׁ ְרפ ִָתי‬-‫ֹלהים ֶׁאת‬ ִ ֱ‫א‬ my reproach.'
‫ ְשמֹו יֹוסֵ ף‬-‫כד ו ִַת ְק ָרא ֶׁאת‬ 24 And she called his name Joseph,
saying: 'The LORD add to me
:‫לֵאמֹר יֹסֵ ף יְהוָה לִי בֵ ן ַאחֵ ר‬ another son.'
Deuteronomy Chapter 21 ‫ְּדבָ ִׁרים‬
‫ ִת ְהיֶׁין ָ ל ְִאיש ְש ֵתי נ ִָשים‬-‫טו כִ י‬ 15 If a man have two wives, the one
beloved, and the other hated, and
‫נּואה‬ָ ‫הָ ַאחַ ת אֲ הּובָ ה וְ הָ ַאחַ ת ְש‬ they have borne him children, both
‫לֹו בָ נִים הָ אֲ הּובָ ה‬-‫וְ ָילְדּו‬ the beloved and the hated; and if the
‫נּואה וְ הָ יָה הַ בֵ ן הַ בְ כֹר‬
ָ ‫וְ הַ ְש‬ first-born son be hers that was hated;
ָ ‫ל ְַשנ‬
‫בָ נָיו‬-‫טז וְ הָ יָה בְ יֹום הַ נ ְִחילֹו ֶׁאת‬ 16 then it shall be, in the day that he
causeth his sons to inherit that which
‫י ְִהיֶׁה לֹו ל ֹא יּוכַל‬-‫ֵאת אֲ שֶׁ ר‬ he hath, that he may not make the son
‫פְ נֵי‬-‫הָ אֲ הּובָ ה עַ ל‬-‫בֶׁ ן‬-‫לְבַ כֵר ֶׁאת‬ of the beloved the first-born before
:‫נּואה הַ בְ כֹר‬ ָ ‫הַ ְש‬-‫בֶׁ ן‬ the son of the hated, who is the first-
ָ ‫הַ ְש‬-‫הַ בְ כֹר בֶׁ ן‬-‫יז כִ י ֶׁאת‬ 17 but he shall acknowledge the first-
born, the son of the hated, by giving
‫יַכִ יר ל ֶָׁתת לֹו פִ י ְש ַניִם בְ כֹל‬ him a double portion of all that he
ִ ‫הּוא ֵר‬-‫יִּמָ צֵ א לֹו כִ י‬-‫אֲ שֶׁ ר‬ hath; for he is the first-fruits of his
}‫ {ס‬:‫אֹנֹו לֹו ִמ ְשפַט הַ בְ כ ָֹרה‬ strength, the right of the first-born is
his. {S}
Hibba Yethera to Devarim 21:15

‫ שלא‬,‫ ותדע‬,‫ כשתהיינה לו שתי נשים אזי בהכרח תהיה האחת אהובה והאחת שנואה‬.‫כי תהיין לאיש שתי נשים‬
)‫ וכן בבראשית (כט‬,‫ שנואה בהשוואה לאהובה ולא שנואה ממש‬.‫נאמר כי תהיינה לאיש אשה אהובה ואשה שנואה‬
‫ ואם לא היה מתחתן עם רחל היתה לאה אהובה אלא ששנואה‬,‫ויאהב גם את רחל מלאה פי' שאהב גם את לאה‬
.‫לאה לעומת רחל‬

‘When a man has two wives’: when he has two wives then perforce they become ‘one loved
and one hated’—but know that it doesn’t say ‘when a man has a beloved wife and a hated
wife.’ ‘Hated’ is in comparison to the beloved, not literally hated; and so too in Bereshith [it
is written] ‘and he loved Rachel also, more than Leah’: the explanation [is that] he also
loved Leah—and were he not marrying Rachel Leah would be beloved—but that Leah was
hated as compared to Rachel.

Or haḤayyim to Devarim 21:15

‫ כי ה' יראה בנשברי לב‬,‫ על דרך אומרו וירא ה' כי שנואה לאה‬,‫ אמר הכתוב בדרך ודאית‬.'‫והיה הבן הבכור וגו‬

"and the firstborn son is [from the hated wife]." The Torah does not describe this as
merely a possibility but assumes as a fact that the firstborn son from these two marriages will
be that of the wife who is hated. It is similar to Genesis 29:31 where the Torah told us that
God opened Leah's womb because she was hated by her husband. God always looks out for
those who suffer from a broken heart.
Deuteronomy Chapter 4 ‫ְּדבָ ִׁרים‬
‫מא ָאז יַבְ ִדיל מֹשֶׁ ה שָ ֹלש עָ ִרים‬ 41 Then Moses separated three cities
beyond the Jordan toward the
:‫בְ עֵ בֶׁ ר הַ י ְַרדֵ ן ִמזְ ְרחָ ה שָ מֶׁ ש‬ sunrising;
‫מב ָלנֻּס שָ ּמָ ה רֹוצֵ חַ אֲ שֶׁ ר י ְִרצַ ח‬ 42 that the manslayer might flee
thither, that slayeth his neighbour
-‫דַ עַ ת וְ הּוא ל ֹא‬-‫ ֵרעֵ הּו בִ בְ לִי‬-‫ֶׁאת‬ unawares, and hated him not in time
-‫שנֵא לֹו ִמ ְתמֹל ִש ְלשֹם וְ נָס ֶׁאל‬ ֹ past; and that fleeing unto one of
:‫הֶׁ עָ ִרים הָ ֵאל וָחָ י‬-‫ַאחַ ת ִמן‬ these cities he might live:

Numbers Chapter 35 ‫בְּ ִׁמ ְּדבַּ ר‬

:‫מֹשֶׁ ה לֵאמֹר‬-‫ט ַויְדַ בֵ ר יְהוָה ֶׁאל‬ 9 And the LORD spoke unto Moses,
‫בְ נֵי י ְִש ָר ֵאל וְ ָאמַ ְר ָת‬-‫י דַ בֵ ר ֶׁאל‬ 10 'Speak unto the children of Israel,
and say unto them: When ye pass
-‫אֲ לֵהֶׁ ם כִ י ַא ֶׁתם עֹבְ ִרים ֶׁאת‬ over the Jordan into the land of
:‫הַ י ְַרדֵ ן ַא ְרצָ ה כְ נָעַ ן‬ Canaan,
‫יתם ָלכֶׁם עָ ִרים עָ ֵרי‬ ֶׁ ‫יא וְ ִה ְק ִר‬ 11 then ye shall appoint you cities to
be cities of refuge for you, that the
‫ִמ ְקלָט ִת ְהיֶׁינָה ָלכֶׁם וְ נָס שָ ּמָ ה‬ manslayer that killeth any person
:‫ ֶׁנפֶׁש בִ ְש ָגגָה‬-‫רֹצֵ חַ מַ כֵה‬ through error may flee thither.
‫יב וְ הָ יּו ָלכֶׁם הֶׁ עָ ִרים ל ְִמ ְקלָט‬ 12 And the cities shall be unto you
for refuge from the avenger, that the
-‫ִמג ֵֹאל וְ ל ֹא יָמּות הָ רֹצֵ חַ עַ ד‬ manslayer die not, until he stand
:‫עָ ְמדֹו לִפְ נֵי הָ עֵ דָ ה ל ִַּמ ְשפָט‬ before the congregation for
‫עָ ֵרי‬-‫יג וְ הֶׁ עָ ִרים אֲ שֶׁ ר ִת ֵתנּו שֵ ש‬ 13 And as to the cities which ye shall
give, there shall be for you six cities
:‫ִמ ְקלָט ִת ְהיֶׁינָה ָלכֶׁם‬ of refuge.
‫יד ֵאת ְשֹלש הֶׁ עָ ִרים ִת ְתנּו מֵ עֵ בֶׁ ר‬ 14 Ye shall give three cities beyond
the Jordan, and three cities shall ye
‫ַלי ְַרדֵ ן וְ ֵאת ְשֹלש הֶׁ עָ ִרים ִת ְתנּו‬ give in the land of Canaan; they shall
:‫בְ ֶׁא ֶׁרץ כְ נָעַ ן עָ ֵרי ִמ ְקלָט ִת ְהיֶׁינָה‬ be cities of refuge.
‫טו לִבְ נֵי י ְִש ָר ֵאל וְ ַלגֵר וְ לַתֹושָ ב‬ 15 For the children of Israel, and for
the stranger and for the settler among
‫הֶׁ עָ ִרים‬-‫בְ תֹוכָם ִת ְהיֶׁינָה שֵ ש‬ them, shall these six cities be for
refuge, that every one that killeth any
-‫הָ ֵאלֶׁה ל ְִמ ְק ָלט לָנּוס שָ ּמָ ה כָל‬ person through error may flee
:‫ ֶׁנפֶׁש בִ ְש ָגגָה‬-‫מַ כֵה‬
‫בִ כְ לִי בַ ְרזֶׁל ִהכָהּו ַו ָימֹת‬-‫טז וְ ִאם‬ 16 But if he smote him with an
instrument of iron, so that he died, he
: ַ‫רֹצֵ חַ הּוא מֹות יּומַ ת הָ רֹצֵ ח‬ is a murderer; the murderer shall
surely be put to death.
‫יָמּות בָ ּה‬-‫יז וְ ִאם בְ ֶׁאבֶׁ ן יָד אֲ שֶׁ ר‬ 17 And if he smote him with a stone
in the hand, whereby a man may die,
‫ִהכָהּו ַו ָימֹת רֹצֵ חַ הּוא מֹות‬ and he died, he is a murderer; the
: ַ‫יּומַ ת הָ רֹצֵ ח‬ murderer shall surely be put to death.
‫יָמּות‬-‫יָד אֲ שֶׁ ר‬-‫יח אֹו בִ כְ לִי עֵ ץ‬ 18 Or if he smote him with a weapon
of wood in the hand, whereby a man
‫בֹו ִהכָהּו ַו ָימֹת רֹצֵ חַ הּוא מֹות‬ may die, and he died, he is a
: ַ‫יּומַ ת הָ רֹצֵ ח‬ murderer; the murderer shall surely
be put to death.
-‫יט ג ֵֹאל הַ דָ ם הּוא י ִָמית ֶׁאת‬ 19 The avenger of blood shall
himself put the murderer to death;
:‫בֹו הּוא י ְִמ ֶׁתנּו‬-‫הָ רֹצֵ חַ בְ פִ גְ עֹו‬ when he meeteth him, he shall put
him to death.
-‫בְ ִשנ ְָאה י ְֶׁה ֳּדפֶׁנּו אֹו‬-‫כ וְ ִאם‬ 20 And if he thrust him of hatred, or
hurled at him any thing, lying in
:‫ִה ְשלִיְך עָ לָיו בִ צְ ִדיָה ַו ָימֹת‬ wait, so that he died;
‫כא אֹו בְ ֵאיבָ ה ִהכָהּו בְ יָדֹו ַו ָימֹת‬ 21 or in enmity smote him with his
hand, that he died; he that smote him
‫יּומַ ת הַ ּמַ כֶׁה רֹצֵ חַ הּוא‬-‫מֹות‬ shall surely be put to death: he is a
ַ‫הָ רֹצֵ ח‬-‫ג ֵֹאל הַ דָ ם י ִָמית ֶׁאת‬ murderer; the avenger of blood shall
:‫בֹו‬-‫בְ פִ גְ עֹו‬ put the murderer to death when he
meeteth him.
‫ ֵאיבָ ה הֲ דָ פֹו‬-‫בְ פ ֶַׁתע בְ ל ֹא‬-‫כב וְ ִאם‬ 22 But if he thrust him suddenly
without enmity, or hurled upon him
‫כְ לִי בְ ל ֹא‬-‫ ִה ְשלִיְך עָ לָיו כָל‬-‫אֹו‬ any thing without lying in wait,
:‫צְ ִדיָה‬
‫יָמּות בָ ּה‬-‫ ֶׁאבֶׁ ן אֲ שֶׁ ר‬-‫כג אֹו בְ כָל‬ 23 or with any stone, whereby a man
may die, seeing him not, and cast it
‫בְ ל ֹא ְראֹות ַו ַיפֵל עָ לָיו ַו ָימֹת‬ upon him, so that he died, and he was
‫אֹויֵב לֹו וְ ל ֹא ְמבַ ֵקש‬-‫וְ הּוא ל ֹא‬ not his enemy, neither sought his
:‫ָרעָ תֹו‬ harm;

‫כד וְ שָ פְ טּו הָ עֵ דָ ה בֵ ין הַ ּמַ כֶׁה‬ 24 then the congregation shall judge

between the smiter and the avenger
‫ּובֵ ין ג ֵֹאל הַ דָ ם עַ ל הַ ִּמ ְשפ ִָטים‬ of blood according to these
:‫הָ ֵאלֶׁה‬ ordinances;
ַ‫הָ רֹצֵ ח‬-‫כה וְ ִהצִ ילּו הָ עֵ דָ ה ֶׁאת‬ 25 and the congregation shall deliver
the manslayer out of the hand of the
‫ִמיַד ג ֵֹאל הַ דָ ם וְ הֵ ִשיבּו אֹתֹו‬ avenger of blood, and the
‫נָס‬-‫עִ יר ִמ ְקלָטֹו אֲ שֶׁ ר‬-‫הָ עֵ דָ ה ֶׁאל‬ congregation shall restore him to his
‫מֹות הַ ֹכהֵ ן‬-‫שָ ּמָ ה וְ יָשַ ב בָ ּה עַ ד‬ city of refuge, whither he was fled;
and he shall dwell therein until the
‫מָ שַ ח אֹתֹו בְ שֶׁ מֶׁ ן‬-‫הַ ָגדֹל אֲ שֶׁ ר‬ death of the high priest, who was
:‫הַ קֹדֶׁ ש‬ anointed with the holy oil.

TB Sanhedrin 27b

‫יִׂש ָראֵ ל עַל‬

ְ ‫ ל ֹּא נֶחְ ְׁשדּו‬,‫ אָ ְמרּו לֹו‬.‫ כָל ׁשֶ ל ֹּא דִ בֶ ר עִ ּמֹו ְׁשֹלׁשָ ה י ִָמים בְ אֵ יבָ ה‬,‫ ׂשֹונֵא‬.‫ׁשּוׁשבִ ינֹו‬
ְ ‫ זֶה‬,‫ אֹוהֵ ב‬.‫הָ אֹוהֵ ב וְ הַ ּׂשֹונֵא‬

[Mishna:] Rabbi Yehuda says: One who loves or one who hates one of the litigants is also
disqualified from testimony. With regard to one who loves one of the litigants, this is
referring to his groomsman. One who hates is referring to anyone who, out of enmity, did
not speak with the litigant for three days. The Rabbis said to Rabbi Yehuda: The Jewish
people are not suspected of bearing false witness due to love or hate.



‫ ת"ר והוא לא אויב לו יעידנו ולא מבקש רעתו ידיננו‬:'‫השונא כל שלא דבר כו‬

The mishna teaches: One who hates the litigant is referring to anyone who, out of enmity,
did not speak with the litigant for three days. The Sages taught in a baraita: This halakha is
derived from the verse: “And he was not his enemy, neither sought his harm” (Numbers
35:23), that one about whom it can be stated: “And he was not his enemy,” can testify
about him. And one who “neither sought his harm” can judge him.
Bonus: a few questions….

Genesis Chapter 49 ‫אשית‬

ִׁ ‫בְּ ֵר‬
‫בָ נָיו וַי ֹאמֶׁ ר‬-‫א ַוי ְִק ָרא ַי ֲעקֹב ֶׁאל‬ 1 And Jacob called unto his sons, and
said: 'Gather yourselves together,
-‫הֵ ָא ְספּו וְ ַאגִ ידָ ה ָלכֶׁם ֵאת אֲ שֶׁ ר‬ that I may tell you that which shall
:‫י ְִק ָרא ֶׁא ְתכֶׁם בְ ַאחֲ ִרית הַ י ִָמים‬ befall you in the end of days.
‫ב ִה ָקבְ צּו וְ ִש ְמעּו בְ נֵי ַי ֲעקֹב‬ 2 Assemble yourselves, and hear, ye
sons of Jacob; and hearken unto
:‫י ְִש ָר ֵאל אֲ בִ יכֶׁם‬-‫וְ ִש ְמעּו ֶׁאל‬ Israel your father.
‫ג ְראּובֵ ן בְ כ ִֹרי ַא ָתה כ ִֹחי‬ 3 Reuben, thou art my first-born, my
might, and the first-fruits of my
‫אשית אֹונִי י ֶֶׁׁתר ְש ֵאת וְ י ֶֶׁׁתר‬ ִ ‫וְ ֵר‬ strength; the excellency of dignity,
:‫עָ ז‬ and the excellency of power.
ָ ‫תֹותר כִ י עָ ל‬ ַ -‫ד פַחַ ז כַּמַ יִם ַאל‬ 4 Unstable as water, have not thou
the excellency; because thou wentest
‫ִמ ְשכְ בֵ י ָאבִ יך ָאז ִח ַלל ְָת יְצּועִ י‬ up to thy father's bed; then defiledst
}‫ {פ‬:‫עָ לָה‬ thou it--he went up to my couch. {P}

Rash”i to Bereshith 49:3

:)‫ ׁשֶ ל ֹּא ָראָ ה קֶ ִרי ִמיָמָ יו (בראשית רבה‬,‫הִ יא טִ פָה ִראׁשֹונָה‬. ‫וראשית אוני‬

THE BEGINNING OF MY VIGOR — That is the first drop [of semen], as he had not
experienced a seminal emission from all of his days [until that time] (Genesis Rabbah 98:4).

TB Yevamoth 34a

‫אֵ ין ִאשָ ה ִמ ְתעַבֶ ֶרת בְ בִ יאָ ה ִראׁשֹונָה‬

A woman does not become pregnant from her first sexual act.

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