Cy Borg Minimal

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When the outcome of an action is uncertain FUMBLE (natural 1)

the player rolls a test against a Difficulty Attack (d6):
Rating (DR). To succeed roll a d20 ± your 1–3 Out of ammo
Ability Score with a result equal to or greater or drops weapon
than the DR. Creatures don’t use abilities, 4–5 Misfire/Broken weapon
6 Weapon explodes, PC takes d6 damage
they just roll a d20 against DR.
Defense: ×2 damage, armor is reduced 1 tier.
8 routine 14 difficult ARMOR PROTECTION
10 pretty simple 16 really hard When a PC wears armor and receives
12 NORMAL 18 should not be possible damage, roll a die depending on the armor
class and subtract the result from the damage.
COMBAT Higher Armor Tiers will increase the DR of
Players roll for both their attacks and Agility tests.
defenses. Enemies don’t roll dice in ARMOR TIERS
combat, but have a flat d20 roll for all else. 1 −d2
INITIATIVE 2 −d4 A_HST injector (in some cases)
Roll d6: 1-3 enemies goes first 4-6 PCs go 3 −d6 +2DR on Agility tests, A_HST injector
first. Agility + d6 for individual initiative. 4 −d8 +4DR on Agility tests (+2DR on
Defense), −2DR on Strength and Toughness
ATTACK ROLLS tests. Jump height and length ×4.
Test Strength DR12 to hit. Roll D8:
1–2 Unconscious d4 rounds, awake d4 HP.
SINGLE SHOT 3–4 Presence DR10 +1 per cybertech.
Test Presence DR12 to hit. Unconscious on success, Cy-rage on failure.
5–6 Unable to act for d4 rounds, then active
AUTOFIRE with d4 HP. Random body part is destroyed.
Test Agility DR12 to hit, Hits allow another 7 Hemorrhage, death in d2 hours unless
attack (to a maximum of three). treated. All tests are +4DR the first hour,
DRONE COMBAT +6DR the last hour.
Test Knowledge DR12 8. Dead*.
or flat d20 against DR12 CY-RAGE
DEFENSE Gain d8 HP. Attack random targets twice per
Test Agility DR 12. If you fail the enemy round with the most effective weapon.
hits you. Enemies attack once per round Attacks are DR10. Defense DR14. Ends when
unless noted otherwise. Battered, Dead or sedated.
The DR for attacks and defense are *DEAD
modified as with any test. 0 to −1 HP: if you have at least 1k¤ in your
bank account, you have a 50% chance of being
CRITICAL (natural 20)
saved by an Emergency Response Team.
Attack: Double damage &
Less HP than that: Add a zero to the bill for
armor/protection is reduced 1 tier.
each negative HP after −1. Spend d6 days in
Defense: PC gains a free attack. intensive care for each negative HP.
REST Suppressed NPCs test morale:
Short break heal d4 HP Success: They stand their ground and become
Eat, drink, sleep heal d6 HP
Starve: No healing when resting, lose d4 HP. the target of a DR10 autofire attack.
All tests are +2DR per restless day. Failure: Get out of the way; -4DR to defend
against their attack in the next round.
Count bullets: ENCUMBRANCE
Roll d8 (d6 if autofire) for each weapon fired. You can carry Strength+8 normal-sized items
1–3: empty mag. without a problem. After that when testing
Take a breather if there is time: Restore d4 HP Strength and Agility DR increases by 2
(from 12 to 14 etc.). It is impossible to carry
COVER more than twice Strength+8.
Taking cover reduces the chance of getting
hit by ranged attacks. Increase DR to hit a TIME
covered target, or lower DR to defend while A round is enough time to traverse a
covered: normal-sized room and either attack once,
Light cover ±2DR: office cubicle, car door, activate an App or use Nano.
hostage, explosive gas tank. Ten rounds make up about a minute.
Heavy cover ±4DR concrete wall,
cyberbike, Bulletproof glass, reactor. REACTIONS
When an attack misses a covered target: When meeting creatures whose reaction is
Heavy cover becomes light cover. uncertain, roll 2d6.
Light cover is destroyed. ● 2–3 Hostile
● 4–6 Angered
HITS ALWAYS HURT ● 7–8 Indifferent
Hits always deal a minimum of 1 damage ● 9–10 Curious
regardless of armor reduction or other ● 11–12 Asks for help
negative damage modifiers unless that
would bring a character down to 0 HP. MORALE
Roll for Morale if:
● The leader is killed,
Close range is arm’s length or less.
● Half the group is eliminated
Long range is farther than a room away.
● A single enemy has only 1/3 of its HP left
● +2DR when firing at close range.
● Autofire deals +2 damage at close range, If you roll greater than the creature’s
● -2 at long range. Morale value with 2d6 it is demoralized.
Roll d6 to see if the enemy (1-3) flees or (4-6)
AIMING surrenders.
Spend one round aiming at your target to
receive either -2DR to hit or +2 damage.
Spend a mag using an automatic weapon to
suppress up to d3 targets.
Suppressed PCs can either:
Get out of the way (running, hunkering, etc.),
adding +4DR to their next action.
Stand their ground and defend against
a DR14 autofire attack.
Every class gains a number of Glitches. If Test Presence DR12. Failure means the
you play without classes every character power doesn’t work and the user takes d2
begins with d2 Glitches. When depleted, damage. Each Nano-use increases the risk of
roll the class’ designated die and regain that fumble by 1 for the day.
many Glitches after resting at least six hours.
Use Glitches to: Infestations linked to a Nano power:
● deal maximum damage with one attack Trigger upon fumbling.
● reroll a dice roll (yours or someone else’s) Infestations not linked to a Nano power:
● lower damage dealt to you by d6 Trigger upon receiving 5+ damage from a
● neutralize a Crit or Fumble single attack and failing a DR10 Presence test.
● lower one test’s DR by -4 (before rolling) USE APP
Knowledge DR12 while jacked into a Deck
ADVANCEMENTS (+2DR on all non-App actions). Fumble
The Game Master decides when a character burns the App for the day and triggers a
should improve. It can be after completing a Backlash. Each App-use raises the risk of
mission or two, fulfilling set targets or getting fumble by 1 until the next day.
enough cash.
You can choose between gaining a FEAT NON-APP HACKING
or increasing HP & roll on the Findings Time-consuming downtime activity requires
table below. Abilities will change at both a cyberdeck. Test Knowledge to break into a
options. 3 Feats maximum (if they survive so data node. Failure means you are discovered.
long at all) Fumbling triggers a Backlash.
Roll 6d10. If the result is equal to or greater ▸ Bio/ID scanners
than your current maximum HP, increase it
by d6. ▸ DNA bombs
▸ Faceblocks
YOU FIND (D6) ▸ Fake IDs
▸ Grappling-hook crossbows
You find: Roll d8
0–3 Nothing ▸ Lockpicks (electronic locks)
4 3d6×10¤ on an untraceable credchip ▸ Noisemakers
5 A forgotten mag & a random booster mod
6 A faintly glowing pebble that has a 20% ▸ Optic camo suits
chance of infecting you with a Nano power ▸ RFID/keycard skimmers
Ability Changes ▸ Scum explosives
Roll a d6 against every ability. Results equal ▸ Silencers
to or greater than the ability increase it by 1,
to a maximum of +6. Results below the ▸ Surveillance drone
ability decrease it by 1. Abilities from −3 to
+1 are always increased by 1 unless the d6
result is 1. The ability is then reduced by 1,
but never below -3.

Crush, lift, strike, grapple, melee attack
Sneak, dodge, drive, autofire, steal,
Snipe/shoot, use Nano, persuades
Resist poison/cold/heat, survive falling
Lore, science, use tech or App

Roll 3d6 to generate each Ability Score from

−3 to +3. Player Characters not created with
the optional classes can roll 4d6 and drop the
lowest die for two of their abilities. When the
character is later improved an ability can
never exceed +6 or −3.
Roll Result Ability Score
1–4 –3
5–6 –2
7–8 –1
9–12 ±0
13–14 +1
15–16 +2
17–20 +3

Hit Points (HP)

Begin with Toughness + d8
In the worst case 1 HP, but never less.

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