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Wioorish American Consulates Moorish Worldwide Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Exhalting the 1781 Constitution for the United States of America and the Binding Treaties Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Boy Islam and Peace, Tom Wolf, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, Office of the Governor, 508 Main Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120, Phone: (717-787-2500), Fax (717) 772-8284; Robert Torres, ACTING SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, 302 North Office Building, 401 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120, Phone: (717) 787-6458, Fax: (717) 787-1734; Katayoun Copeland, PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Delaware County Courthouse, 201 West Front Street, Media Pa 19063, (610) 891-4168; Email: Lawrence F. Stengel, CHIEF UNITED STAETS DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, 14613 U.S. Courthouse, Reading Chambers, The Madison Building, 400 Washington Street, Suite 201, Reading, PA 19601, Phone: (610) 320-5004; Joe Torsella, STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA TRESURER, 129 Finance Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120, Phone: (717) 787-2465 Email: news(patreasury.sov; Thomas Gross, EXECUTIVE DIREECTOR, PENNSYLVANIA CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCIATION, 3905 N. Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110, Phone: (717) 236-1059, Fax: (717) 236-0226, Email:,; Eric Papenfuse, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF HARRISBURG PENNSYLVANIA, MLK Jr. City Government Center, 10 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg, PA 17101, (717) 255-3040, Email:; MG David P. Glaser, Provost Marshal General of the United States Army, 2800 Army Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia 20310-2800, Phone: (703) 614-3309, Fax: (571) 305-4151, Email: usarmy.pentagon, hqda-pmg.; Notice to Principle is Notice te Agent and Notice te Agent is Notice to Principle J Gm Sharon Tracey Gale Bey, and on behalf of and with the Moors of the Republic, I am hereby informing all ‘Elected Officials’ of our support of the promotion of diversity and our commitment to increasing safety and security for all American citizens. Enclosed herein is some information as well as an introduction about who we are, who our Prophet, Noble Drew Ali (El Hajj Sheriff Abdul Ali) is and what Ministry work we are ordained and ‘Commissioned to perform by the Aboriginal Indigenous People and the Moorish National Federal Republic Government. To include a copy of letter sent from our Consular Generals of the Moorish American Consulate to your Federal Government pursuant to the documents enclosed herein. It is asad weakness in us after all, to oppose fellowmen for their religious beliefs, and if there are angels who record the sorrows of men as well as their sins, they certainly know ow many and deep are the useless sorrows that spring forth from such opposition. Possibly, love and time will cancel our ancient hatreds in this regard and prove that in ‘mankind, tolerance is better than unwarranted opposition. -El Haij Sheriff Abdul Ali UPLIFTING FALLEN HUMANITY - ¢/o 602 Vandever Avenue, Wilmington, Delaware 19802 Moorish American Consulates Moorish Worldwide Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Exhalting the 1781 Constitution for the United States of America and the Binding Treaties Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Bey Issued by my ‘Hand and ‘Seal on the, 14" day of ‘Jupiter in the month of ‘Jumada al-thani in the year of 1439 [/4" of June 2018 Christian Calendar Year.| For the Record, On The Record and Let the Record Show Moorish American Regional Lead C& jortheastern Republic ALL RIGHT RESERVED AND RETAINED [Certitien Mail Aumber via Binited States Postal Serbice: 7015 0640 0003 4323 1737; 7015 0640 0003 4323 1744; 7015 0640 0003 4323 1768; 7015 0640 0003 43231775; 7015 0640 0003 4323 1782; 7015 0640 0003 4323 1799; 7015 0640 0003 4323 1805; 7015 0640 0003 4323 1751 Bomestic Return Receipt: 9590 9402 2436 6249 8603 92; 9590 9402 2436 6249 8604 08; 9590 9402 2436 6249 8604 15; 9500 9402 2436 6249 8604 39; 0590 9402 2436 6240 8604 46; 9590 9402 2436 6249 8604 53; 9590 9402 2436 6249 8603 85; 9590 9402 2436 6249 8604 22 UPLIFTING FALLEN HUMANITY - c/o 602 Vandever Avenue, wilmington, Delaware 19802 Moorish American Consulates Moorish Worldwide Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Exhalting the 1781 Constitution for the United States of America and the Binding Treaties Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Bey This document expresses the background and lawful footing for the existence of the Moorish American Consulate and its Judicial Body. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Moors are historically known as “The Revealers of the Light’. We are mostly known for educating many Civilizations and paving the way for Europe's Renaissance and Enlightenment. Out of Moorish innovation ‘and science came algebra, arithmetic, compasses and tools of navigation, astronomy and cosmology, in fact it was Benjamin Banneker Bey, a Moor and master astrologer and master of metrology who is responsible for surveying the original borders ofthe federal district of the United States in 1791. Banneker Bey's duties ‘on the survey consisted primarily of making astronomical observations. Our mastery of pens and printing promoted library studies and scholarship; our advances in medicine and the comprehension of how disease an be healed through plants and other medicinal herbs helped rid Europe of the black The Black Plague, was one of the most devastating pandemics in European history. It resulted in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people in Furasia and peaked in Europe from circa 10! ~ 134 century. It ‘was our ancestors, the Moors, who helped cleanse Europe from devastating disease and brought her into the modem era Moorish culture has given the world elegant architecture, mosques, churches, temples, universities and pyramids. We are known for our poetry and music. One of the words renowned poets, William Shakespeare, is known to have studied atthe feet of Moorish poets and play writers. The Moorish Universities established in Al-Andalusia (Spain) during Moorish administration were the center for learning for centuries and from these universities, such as Oxford University, came the world’s most famous African, European and Asian scholars, doctors, philosophers, statesmen, poets, artists, painters, lawyers, politicians, authors and men of letters. Jt was our Sultan, his Imperial Majesty, Muhammed Ibn Abdullah, who in 1786-1787 with the Treaty of Peace and Friendship, recognized the United States as a Nation-State and established trade agreements solidifying a firm recognition of your consuls to be on the same standing as other nations of the earth. On December 1* 1789, your founding father, George Washington, thanked our Sultan for the friendship and favor our Empire showed towards your newly established nation, strugeling to establish itself in commerce «and gaining recognition from the world asa nation of people. It was our Sultan, Muhammed Ibn Abdullah ‘who wrote to the governor and Bashaws of Tunis and Tripoli encouraging them to end hostile dispositions towards the United States. Approximately 9 (nine) Quasi-municipal-corporations recognize the Moors as indigenous to the Americas within the De Facto UNITED STATES. Such as The Municipal City of Trenton New Jersey. Whose North ‘Ward Councilwoman, Marge Caldwell-Wilson, issued a resolution titled “Recognizing Moorish American Week”, from January 8% ~ 15% 2012. In this resolution, she not only recognized us Moorish Americans as indigenous to the Americas, but also recognized our Prophet, Drew Ali. Bom Timothy Drew, January 8° 1886 in the state of North Carolina, at the age of 16, Drew traveled to Egypt, destined to become the first Patriot ofthe fallen Moors here in America, branded ‘Negro’, ‘Black’, Indian’ and ‘Colored’, Timothy Drew was anointed as ‘El Hajj Sharif Abdul Ali? by the heads of Egypt and the Holy City of Mecca to return to Morocco the United States) as the Last Prophet in this era of time and Founding Father of the newly risen nation of Moorish Americans. While on his missionary work to uplift fallen humanity, he established “The Old Canaanite Temple’ in Newark, New Jersey in 1913, asa civic organization to bring the fallen Moorish Nationals and other American citizens back into the constitutional fold of government. He taught those things necessary to encourage our people to become better citizens, to obtain respect for law and have a greater comprehension of governmental principles. El Halj Sheriff Abdul Ali then established the Moorish Holy Temple of Seience in 1925. The Moorish Holy, Temple of Science then adopted “The Moorish Science Temple of America’ as its Corporate name, fled in the State of Illinois, Cook County recorder of deeds, No. 10105905, Form No 1099, on the 20! day of July Page 1 of 6 UPLIFITNG FALLEN HUMANITY ‘wow. — c/o 602 Vandever Avenue, Wilmington, Delaware 19802 Moorish Worldwide Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Exhalting the 1781 Constitution for the United States of America and the Binding Treaties Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Bey 1928. Within the divine constitution and by-laws of the Moorish Science Temple of America, our Prophet, being a Theocratic Constitutional Monarch, sent by the Great-Universal-God-Allah to redeem my people from mental slavery and constitutional psychopathic inferiority, granted Grand Sheiks and Governors the power to create and enforce law. ‘The title ‘Bey’ within Moorish customs, is a Governor, in harmony with the science of the zodiac. We, the ‘Moors of this Republic; The united States of America; have an obligation to our Prophet, Nation and other ‘American citizens to continue the great Missionary work of El Hajj Sheriff Abdul Ali ‘movement amongst other things, is to bring our people back into the constitutional fold of government, as stated by our Noble Prophet in his Divine Warning for the Nations: The citizens ofall ree national governments according to their national constitution are all of one family bearing one free national name. Those who fail to recognize the free national name of their constitutional government are classes as undesirables and are subject to all inferior names and abuses and mistreatment that the citizens care to bestow upon them. And it is a sin for any group of people to violate the national constitutional laws of a free national government and cling to the names and the principles that delude to slavery. 1, the Prophet, was prepared by the Great God Allah to warn my people to repent from their sinful ways and go back to that state of mind to their forefathers’ Divine and national principles that they will be law abiders and receive their divine right as citizens, according to the free national constitution that was prepared forall free national beings. They are to claim their own free national name and religion. There is but one issue for them to be recognized by this government and of the earth and it comes only through the conmection of the Moorish Divine National Movement, which is incorporated in this government and recognized by all other nations ofthe world. And through it they and their children can ‘receive their Divine rights, unmolested by other citizens that they can cast afree national ballot at the polls under the free national constitution ofthe States Government and not under a granted privilege as has been the existing condition for many generations You who doubt whether I, the Prophet, and my principles are right for the redemption of my people, go to those that know law, in the City Hall and among the officials in your government and ask them under an intelligent tone, and they will be glad to render you a favorable réply, for they are glad to see me bring you ‘out of darkness into light. Money doesn't make the man, it is free national standards and power that makes a man and a nation. The wealth of all national governments, gold and silver and commerce belong to the citizens alone and without your national citizenship by name and principles, you have no true wealth, and Tam hereby calling on all true citizens that stand for a National Free Government, and the enforcement of the constitution to help me in my great missionary work because I need all support from all true American citizens of the United States of America, Help me to save my people who have fallen from the constitutional laws of government. Lam depending on your support to get them back to the constitutional fold again that they will learn to love instead of hate, and will live according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice, ‘supporting our free national constitution of the United States of America. Love my people and I desire their unity and mine back to their own National and Divine standard because day by day they have been violating the national and constitutional laws of their government by claiming names and principles that are unconstitutional. If Italians, Greeks, English, Chinese, Japanese, Turks, and Arabians are forced o proclaim their free national name and religion before the constitutional government of the United States of America, it is no more than right that the law should be enforced upon all other American citizens alike. In all other governments when a man is born and raised there and asked for his national descent name and if he fails to give it, he is misused, imprisoned, or exiled. Any group of people ‘that fai to answer up to the constitutional standards of law by name and principles, because to be a citizen of any government you must claim your national descent name. Because they place their trust upon issue and names formed by their forefathers. ‘The word Negro deludes in the Latin language to the word nigger: the same as the word “colored” deludes 10 anything that is painted, varnished and dyed. And every nation must bear a national descent name of their forefathers, because honoring thy fathers and they mothers, your days will be lengthened upon this earth. These names have never been recognized by any true American citizen of this day. Through your free national name, you are known and recognized by all nations of the earth that are recognized by said national government in which they live. The 14th and 15th Amendments brought the North and South in tit, placing the Southerners who were at that time without power, with the constitutional body of power. And at that time, 1865, the free national constitutional law that was enforced since 1774 declared all men equal and free, and ifall men are declared by the free national constitution to be free and equal since that Page 2 of 6 UPLIFITNG FALLEN HUMANITY ‘www. — c/o 602 Vandever Avenue, Wilmington, Delaware 19802 Moorish American Consulates Moorish Worldwide Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Exhalting the 1781 Constitution for the United States of America and the Binding Treaties Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Bey constitution has never been changed, there is no need forthe application of the 14th and 15th Amendments {or the salvation of our people and citizens. So, there isn't but one supreme issue for my people to use to redeem that which was lost, and that is through ‘the above statements, Then the lion and the lamb can lie down together in yonder hills. And neither will be harmed, because Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice willbe reigning in this land. In those days the United States will be one of the greatest civilized and prosperous governments of the world, but ifthe above principles are not carried out by the citizens and my people in tis government, the worst is yet to come, because the Great God of the Universe is not pleased with the works that are being performed in North America by my people and this great sin must be removed from the land to save it from enormous earthquakes, diseases, etc... LAWFUL FOUNDATION FOR THE MOORISH AMERICAN CONSULATE ‘The United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous people Article 1 Indigenous peoples have the right othe full enjoyment, as collective or as individuals, of all human rights ‘and fundamental freedoms as recognized in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights4 and international human rights law; Article 2 Indigenous peoples and individuals are free and equal to all other peoples and individuals and have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination, in the exercise of their rights, in particular that based on their indigenous origin or identity Article 3 Indigenous peoples have the right to selfdetermination. By virtue ofthat right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. Article 4 Indigenous peoples, in exercising their right to sel-determination, have the right to autonomy or self government in matters relating to their internal and local affairs, as well as ways and means for financing their ‘autonomous funetions Article 6 Every indigenous individual has the right to a nationality Article 10 Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories. No relocation shall tke place without the free, prior and informed consent ofthe indigenous peoples concemed and after agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of return, Article 15 1. Indigenous peoples have the right tothe dignity and diversity oftheir cultures, traditions, histories and aspirations which shall be appropriately reflected in education and public information. 2. States shall take effective ‘measures, in consultation and cooperation with the indigenous peoples concerned, to combat prejudice and eliminate discrimination and to promote tolerance, understanding and good relations among indigenous peoples and all other segments of society. Article 19 States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own, representative institutions in order to obtain their free, prior and informed consent before adopting and implementing legislative or administrative measures that may affect them, Article 37 |. Indigenous peoples have the right tothe recognition, observance and enforcement of treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements concluded with States or their successors and to have States honour and respect, such treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements. 2. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as diminishing or eliminating the rights of indigenous peoples contained in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Article 14 - Notification to the authorities of the consular distiet ‘As soon as the head of a consular post is admitted even provisionally to the exercise of his functions, the receiving State shall immediately notify the competent authorities of the consular district. It shall also ensure that the necessary ‘measures are taken to enable the head ofa consular post to carry out the duties of his office and to have the benefit of the provisions ofthe present Convention Page 3 of 6 UPLIFITNG FALLEN HUMANITY. ‘ ~ c/o 602 Vandever Avenue, Wilmington, Delaware 19802 = Woorish American Consulates _ Moorish Worldwide Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Exhalting the 1781 Constitution Sor the United States of America and the Binding Treaties Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Bey Ail 27 Peto msl premses and achive and of hints of the sending Satin xeon (a) the receiving State shal, even in case of armed conflict, respect and protect the consular premises, together with the property ofthe consular post and the consular archives: (b) the sending State may entrust the custody of the consular premises, together with the property contained therein and the consular archives, toa third State acceptable tothe receiving State: (6) the sending State may entrust the protection ofits interests and those ofits nationals to a third State acceptable to the receiving State AM le 30 Accommodation 1. The receiving State shall ether facilitate the acquisition on its territory, in accordance with its laws and reputations, by the sending State of premises nevessary for its consular post or assist the latter in obtaining accommodation in some other way. 2.1tshall also, where necessary, assist the consular postin obtaining suitable accommodation for its members. Article 31 Inviolability ofthe consular premise |.Consular premises shall be inviolable to the extent provided in this article. 2.The authorities ofthe receiving State shall not enter that part of the consular premises which is used exclusively for the purpose of the work of the consular post except with the consent ofthe head of the consular post or of his designee ‘or of the head of the diplomatic mission of the sending State. The consent of the head of the consular post may, however, be assumed in case of fire or other disaster requiring prompt protective action. “Article 32 Exemption from taxation of consular premises 1.Consular premises and the residence of the career head of consular post of which the sending State or any person acting on its behalf is the owner or lessee shall be exempt from all national, regional oF municipal dues and taxes ‘whatsoever, other than such as represent payment for specific services rendered, Article 38 Freedom of communication [The receiving State shall permit and protect freedom of communication on the part ofthe consular post forall official purposes. In communicating with the Government, the diplomatic missions and other consular posts, wherever situated, ofthe sending State, the consular post may employ all appropriate means, including diplomatic or consular couriers, diplomatic oF consular bags and messages in code or cipher. However, the consular post may install and use ‘wireless transmitter only with the consent of the receiving State. 2.The official correspondence of the consular post shall be inviolable, Official correspondence means all correspondence relating to the consular post and its functions. 3.The consular bag shall be neither opened nor detained. Nevertheles, ifthe competent authorities of the receiving State have serious reason to believe thatthe bag contains something other than the correspondence, documents or anicles referred to in paragraph 4 of this article, they may request that the bag be opened in their presence by an ‘authorized representative of the sending Stat. I this request is refused by the authorities of the sending State, the bag shall be returned to its place of origi. 44-The packages constituting the consular bag shall bear visible external marks of their character and may contain only official correspondence and documents or articles intended exclusively for official use. ‘The consular courier shall he provided with an official document indicating his status and the number of packages ‘constituting the consular bag. Except with the consent of the receiving State he shall be neither a national of the receiving State, nor. unless he is @ national of the sending State, a permanent resident of the receiving State. In the performance of his functions he shall be protected by the receiving State. He shall enjoy personal inviolabilty and shall not be liable to any form of arest or detention. 6.The sending State, its diplomatic missions and its consular posts may designate consular couriers ad hoe. In such ‘eases the provisions of paragraph 5 of this article shall also apply except thatthe immunities therein mentioned shall ‘cease to apply when such a courier has delivered to the consignee the consular bag in his charge. 7.A consular bag may be entrusted to the captain ofa ship or ofa commercial aircraft scheduled to land at an authorized port of entry. He shall be provided with an official document indicating the numberof packages constituting the bag, Page 4 of 6 UPLIFITNG FALLEN HUMANITY ‘www. — ‘lo 602 Vandever Avenue, Wilmington, Delaware 19802 Moorish American Consulates Moorish Worldwide Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Exhalting the 1781 Constitution Sor the United States of America and the Binding Treaties Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Bey but he shall not be considered to be a consular courier. By arrangement with the appropriate local authorities, the consular post may send one ofits members to take possession of the bag directly and frely from the captain of the ship or of the aireraf Article 36 Communication and contact with nationals ofthe sending State |.With« view to facilitating the exercise of consular functions relating to nationals of the sending State: () consular officers shall be free to communicate with nationals of the sending State and to have access to them, Nationals ofthe sending State shall have the same freedom with respect to communication with and access to consular officers ofthe sending State; (b) ifhe so requests, the competent authorities ofthe receiving State shall, without delay, inform the consular post of ‘the sending State if, within its consular district, a national ofthat State is arrested or committed to prison or to custody ‘pending trial or is detained in any other manner. Any communication addressed to the consular post by the person arrested, in prison, custody or detention shal be forwarded by the said authorities without delay. The said authorities shall inform the person concerned without delay of his rights under this subparagraph; (c) consular officers shall have the righ to visita national of the sending State whois i prison, custody or detention, to converse and correspond with him and to arrange for hs legal representation. They shall also have the right to visit any national ofthe sending State who is in prison, custody or detention in their district in pursuance ofa judgement. Nevertheless, consular officers shall refrain from taking action on behalf of a national who is in prison, custody or

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