Character Analysis

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In this scene, I am delivering bad news to a parent and discussing the best way for both the
parent and child (who is dying) on what to do and how to cope. In everyday life delivering
bad news is one of the most difficult tasks a doctor may face in their career. So, to take this
into my role I need to have a great deal of empathy, compassion, and communication skills
to ensure it comes across as though the parent is receiving the news in a way that is both
informative and supportive.

The character I played was honest and transparent. The parent has the right to know the
truth about everything that is going on, so the character must be clear and direct when
communicating. This will help the parent process the information and make informed
decisions based on what is being told.

This character is empathetic and compassionate. He doesn’t know how the parent is going
to react and could display a range of emotions, including fear, sadness, and anger. As this
character is empathetic and compassionate, he can alleviate some of these emotions and
provide support.

This character is also supportive and offers resources to the parent. This doctor can connect
the patient with resources to ensure they have all the support they need to cope with the
news and to help deal with what is to happen next. However, in this instant, the character
tries to stay professional but still shows support. This is because he tries to detach himself
and has no emotional involvement with the parent, to keep his job and life separate.

My character is a young man with a calm and reassuring demeanour. He has a kind face with
deep-set eyes, and his hair is slick back and clean. He stands at an average height, and his
build is lean and athletic. He is always impeccably dressed in a white lab coat, with a
stethoscope around his neck, with a pen and clipboard in hand at all times.

Due to his young age and different views on the world, my character is much more
compassionate that the other doctor shown on stage. This means that patients trust him
implicitly, and he has a reputation for being an excellent listener who takes his time to
understand each of his patients.

My character is a man of few words, but when he speaks, his words are chosen carefully and
meaningfully. He has a way of making patients feel at ease and allowing them to feel heard.
His calm and reassuring demeanour is particularly valuable when delivering bad news, as he
can provide support and guidance to all.

Pet Project
In this scene, I am defending a poorly treated hamster. The first thing that comes to mind
about my character is that they have a deep sense of compassion and empathy. My
character can put himself into the shoes of the hamster and experience the fear and anxiety
that it is experiencing. They see the hamster as a living creature with its thoughts and
feelings, rather than simply an object or piece of evidence.

Another thing my character possesses is a strong sense of justice. My character believes that
all living creatures, regardless of their size or species, have a right to be treated with dignity
and respect. He is willing to fight for this principle, even in the face of opposition or
scepticism from others.

My character also possesses a high degree of persistence and determination. He is willing to

put in the time and effort necessary to build a strong case, even if it means going up against
powerful opponents or navigating complex legal systems. He is willing to do whatever it
takes to ensure that the hamster is protected, and justice is served. He works alongside his
other prosecutor to bounce off their arguments and build a stronger case.

My character is seen as a highly intelligent and driven individual who is passionate about
upholding the law and seeking justice for victims of crime. He is someone who has a strong
sense of responsibility and a deep commitment to their work.

He wears formal business attire which is best described as a suit and tie. The colours are
conservative and muted, typically navy, black, or grey. This choice of clothing shows that my
character is serious and is a professional individual who takes their work seriously. This also
displays a sense of authority and respectability, which is important in their role as a
representative of the government.

The clothing is also well-tailored and of high quality, which further reinforces his image as a
successful and competent character. His clothing is neat and clean, with no visible signs of
wear or damage, which reflects his attention to detail and commitment to professionalism
he has.

Kiss Me 1
When it comes to dating apps, there are a few internal attributes that a person may look for
in a potential match. These attributes can vary from person to person, but my character
possesses the most favourable attributes, including charm, confidence, and humour, causing
him to be right-swiped.

On a dating app, people put a great deal into presenting themselves in a way that is
attractive and engaging to potential matches. My character has tried to present himself as
the “best version of himself”. As profile pictures are the first thing seen on dating apps, my
character has tried to show that he is cool and laid back, with a carefree attitude.

In this scene, my character has no lines, so I interpreted this as he doesn’t have a bio on this
dating app. Normally people use a bio to present themselves in a positive light, highlighting
their hobbies and interests, as well as their personality traits and values. Because my
character has no bio, this further enhances his carefree attitude and lack of need to put
himself out there as he is already seen as cool.

My character has a certain aura or energy that is appealing to others. This manifests in a
variety of ways, but my character displays confidence, charisma, and a sense of individuality
which makes him stand out amongst the others and makes him chosen above the rest. My
character can be seen as easy to connect with and he has a natural magnetism that draws
people in.

My character has a good sense of style, with his clothes being fashionable, but with a unique
twist that sets him apart from the crowd. He also has a certain level of nonchalance, which
can be seen as appealing to others, especially those who swipe right.

Kiss Me 2
My character is nervous as they want to make a good impression. During the date, they are
eager to share their interests and learn about their date’s hobbies and passions. He is
talkative and asks a lot of questions to get to know his date better. He wants to learn about
their background, life, and family. Ultimately at the end of the night, he wants to end the
date with a kiss. As they are in a movie theatre he is seen as annoying and loud as he talks
over the film trying to persuade his date that it is a good idea for them to kiss.

My character uses his charm to try and sway his date but also comes across as over-
intelligent and overbearing and he starts using knowledgeable terminology in attempts to
receive a kiss. However, when told to be quiet, he learns to read the room and be more
thoughtful, and considerate.

In terms of dress, my character dresses in casual attire that corresponds with his style. He
chooses an outfit that makes him feel confident and comfortable, but at the same time, he
dresses to impress.

Stan- careless, in detention, student, troublemaker, no respect or care for authority, no

priority for school- seen in behaviour
In this scene, I am a troublemaker in detention who has a love for Eminem. My character
experiences a range of attributes that impacts their behaviour and outlook on the situation.

My character is a troublemaker who has a sense of rebellion. He identifies with Eminem’s

lyrics and sees himself as an outsider who doesn’t fit in with the mainstream, which is why
he is in detention. This sense of rebellion makes it difficult for him to conform to rules and
expectations, ending him up in detention.

Eminems music is also a source of inspiration for my character. He finds comfort and
motivation in the lyrics, which helps him get through the long process of being in detention
and cures the boredom. It can also be said that his music can be a powerful tool for self-
expression and self-reflection, which can be particularly valuable for my character as he
struggles with behaviour and following rules.

As well as this, my character also finds a sense of community and belonging. He finds other
people in detention that also have a shared interest for Eminem’s music which helps my
character for new relationships with others, supporting his emotional well-being.

Kiss Me 3- charismatic, considerate, playful with the idea of the kiss, loving and caring,
connected to the girl, broken barrier of physical touch

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