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Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257 – 276

Comparative human ventilatory adaptation to high altitude

Lorna G. Moore a,b,*
Women’s Health Research Center and the Cardio6ascular Pulmonary Research Lab (Campus Box B133),
Uni6ersity of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 4200 East Ninth A6enue, Den6er, CO 80262, USA
Department of Anthropology, Uni6ersity of Colorado at Den6er, Den6er, CO, USA

Accepted 3 April 2000


Studies of ventilatory response to high altitudes have occupied an important position in respiratory physiology.
This review summarizes recent studies in Tibetan high-altitude residents that collectively challenge the prior consensus
that lifelong high-altitude residents ventilate less than acclimatized newcomers do as the result of acquired ‘blunting’
of hypoxic ventilatory responsiveness. These studies indicate that Tibetans ventilate more than Andean high-altitude
natives residing at the same or similar altitudes (PETCO2 in Tibetans = 29.69 0.8 vs. Andeans = 31.091.0, P B 0.0002
at  4200 m), a difference which approximates the change that occurs between the time of acute hypoxic exposure
to once ventilatory acclimatization has been achieved. Tibetans ventilate as much as acclimatized newcomers whereas
Andeans ventilate less. However, the extent to which differences in hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) are
responsible is uncertain from existing data. Tibetans have an HVR as high as those of acclimatized newcomers
whereas Andeans generally do not, but HVR is not consistently greater in comparisons of Tibetan versus Andean
highland residents. Human and experimental animal studies demonstrate that inter-individual and genetic factors
affect acute HVR and likely modify acclimatization and hyperventilatory response to high altitude. But the
mechanisms responsible for ventilatory roll-off, hyperoxic hyperventilation, and acquired blunting of HVR are poorly
understood, especially as they pertain to high-altitude residents. Developmental factors affecting neonatal arterial
oxygenation are likely important and may vary between populations. Functional significance has been investigated
with respect to the occurrence of chronic mountain sickness and intrauterine growth restriction for which, in both
cases, low HVR seems disadvantageous. Additional studies are needed to address the various components of
ventilatory control in native Tibetan, Andean and other lifelong high-altitude residents to decide the factors
responsible for blunting HVR and diminishing ventilation in some native high-altitude residents. © 2000 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Adaptation, high altitude; High altitude, ventilatory acclimatization; Hypoxia, ventilatory response; Mammals, humans

1. Introduction

Studies of ventilatory adaptation to high alti-

* Tel.: +1-303-3154480; fax: + 1-303-3154871. tude occupy an important position in respiratory
E-mail address: (L.G. Moore). physiology, with much of the history and central

0034-5687/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 4 - 5 6 8 7 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 3 3 - X
258 L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276

concepts of the field having emerged in the setting some degree of genetic control for the trait in
of high-altitude. Fortunately, this topic was well question.
reviewed in the 1980s (Dempsey and Forster,
1982; Weil, 1986). In the intervening years, several
investigative teams have undertaken studies that 2. Review by geographic region
address population variation in the effects of
lifelong hypoxia on ventilatory and other O2 2.1. South American Andes
transport responses. These collectively challenge
the prior consensus that lifelong high-altitude res- More than 40 years ago, Chiodi (1957) ob-
idents ventilate less than acclimatized newcomers served that high-altitude natives had lower levels
do as the result of acquired ‘blunting’ of hypoxic of ventilation (higher PETCO2 at a given PETO2)
ventilatory response. The purpose of this review is than acclimatized newcomers. Subsequent An-
to summarize these recent studies in the light of dean studies confirmed this impression, demon-
prior investigations. strating a range of PETCO2 values but ones that
Some 140 million persons live at high altitude were generally above that predicted by the ‘after
( \ 2500 m, 8250 ft) worldwide (Moore et al., acclimatization’ Rahn–Otis curve (Table 1, Fig.
1998b) but nearly all investigations have been 1). Such observations were consistent with those
concentrated in three world regions — the South in persons with cyanotic congenital heart disease
American Andes, the Asian Himalayas, and the (Lahiri, 1968), supporting exaggerated hypoxia as
North American Rocky Mountains. This review the likely cause of the relative hypoventilation.
will, therefore, be organized by geographic region, These observations were followed quickly by
distinguishing between the results of older (pre- studies of ventilatory control. Several different
1980) and more recent (1980 to present) investiga- measures of hypoxic response were employed;
tions. Next, the possible physiologic and genetic namely, relief of hypoxia with acute hyperoxia,
mechanisms which might underlie population dif- effect of acute hypoxia on the hypercapnic hyper-
ferences in ventilation, hypoxic and hypercapnic ventilatory response, and the effect of acute hy-
ventilatory response will be considered. Finally, poxia alone. The results showed uniformly low
functional implications of this inter-populational ventilatory response. For example, relief of hy-
variation and areas for future investigation will be poxia with acute hyperoxia lowered ventilation
suggested. one-third as much in male lifelong residents of
At the outset, some clarification of terminology 4300 m (Cerro de Pasco, Peru) as in acclimatized
is in order. High altitude refers to altitudes above newcomers (Severinghaus et al., 1966; Sørensen,
2500 m (8250 ft) as this is where arterial O2 and Severinghaus, 1968a). Essentially similar ob-
saturation (SaO2) falls in most persons. Ventila- servations were made in Bolivian female high-alti-
tory acclimatization is defined as a time-depen- tude natives (Cudkowicz et al., 1972). Likewise,
dent rise in ventilation which overcomes the the ventilatory response to acute hypoxia and the
inhibitory effects of hypocapnic alkalosis, result- effect of hypoxia on the hypercapnic response
ing in a fall in end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2) at a given were diminished in Peruvian natives of 4540 m
PETO2. Ventilatory acclimatization as well as other when compared with acclimatized newcomers
traits characterizing persons at high altitude are (Lahiri et al., 1969a). A blunted response was
physiological responses. Whether such physiologi- specific for hypoxia since the hyperventilatory re-
cal responses are also adaptations depends on sponse to hypercapnia was similar in high-altitude
whether they contribute to the ability of the or- natives and acclimatized newcomers. LeFrançois
ganism to live and reproduce in a given environ- et al. (1968) aptly described the state-of-knowl-
ment (Dobzhansky, 1968). The distinction is edge when he wrote: ‘‘the points for the alveolar
important as it is only responses with adaptive values of natives are located on a line between the
benefit that will be preserved in a population as a acute and acclimatized Rahn and Otis curves…the
result of natural selection, assuming that there is relative decrease in alveolar ventilation of natives
L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276 259

can be explained by a diminution of ventilatory recent reports, the PETCO2 is about 3 mmHg
O2 drive’’. higher than acclimatized persons’ at a given
Recent studies by Santaloya, Beall, and our PETCO2 (Fig. 1). Recent studies also support a low
group support the earlier assertion that Andean chemosensory response. Using a progressive, iso-
natives hypoventilate relative to acclimatized new- capnic hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) test,
comers. Averaging data from the earlier and more we found low but variable HVR in lifelong young
Table 1
Ventilatory values for Tibetans, Andean and Colorado high-altitude nativesa


Ge et al., 1994 2500 M 25b – – – 142 925 –
Hackett et al., 1980 2800 M 25 – 29 90.9 – 65 912 –
Lahiri, 1968 3350 M 3 58.6 32.1 – – –
Zhuang et al., 1993 3658 M 27 66 9 0 32 91 89.3 9 0.3 121 917 1.44 90.12
Beall et al., 1997 3800 M 88 – 29.7 9 0.5 88.5 9 0.4c 165 915 –
Huang et al., 1984b 3890 M 20 49.9 30.7 9 1.9 83.1 91.6 – –
Lahiri, 1968 3960 M 3 55.9 29.6 – – –
Hackett et al., 1980 4243 M 8 – – 8890.7 – –
Ge et al., 1994 4350 M 25b – – – 82 9 5 –
Curran et al., 1995 4400 M 20 69 91 33 9 1 88 90.5c 67 9 17 0.63 9 0.12
Lahiri, 1968 4880 M 4 48.7 28 9 0.6 – – –
Huang et al., 1981 5000 M 91 49.9 9 0.4 25.2 9 0.3 – – –
Moore et al., in press 3658 F 13 69 9 1 31 91 88.8 90.5 39 98 0.96 90.1
Beall et al., 1997 3800 F 122 – 29.2 9 0.5 89.3 9 0.3c 125 910 –
Mean (n) 4203 – (478) 55.9 90.5 29.690.8 87.8 90.6 101 9 14 1.0 9 0.1

Cudkowicz et al., 1972 3600 M 14 59.9 90.5 33.2 90.6 – – –
LeFrançois et al., 1968 3660 M 46 56 90.5 31 9 0.5 – – –
Beall et al., 1997 3800 M 232 – 33.8 90.3 92.2 90.2c 80 9 5 –
Chiodi, 1957 3990 M 5 48.1 91.7 34.7 90.9 86.9 90.3 – –
Moore( unpublised results) 4300 M 10 60 9 1 31 9 1 86.4 9 0.6 98 926 1.06 9 0.28
Severinghaus et al., 1966 4330 M 5 49.7 91.4 31.9 90.7 81.2 91.4 – –
Banchero et al., 1966 4540 M 35 42 90.7 30 90.4 – – –
Hurtado, 1964 4540 M 40 50.5 90.7 29.1 90.5 81 90.5 – –
Lahiri, 1968 4545 M 6 49.8 90.8 31.9 90.5 – – –
Cudkowicz et al., 1972 3600 F 10 57.1 90.8 36.3 90.9 – – –
Beall et al., 1997 3800 F 212 – 34 9 0.3 91.2 9 0.2c 68 935 –
Moore (unpublished results) 4300 F 21 58 91 31 91 82.9 9 1.2 23 98 1.12 90.17
Mean (n) 4216 – (636) 53.1 9 0.9 32.3 90.6 86.0 9 0.6 67 918 1.1 90.2

Weil et al., 1971 3100 M 8 – – – 25 9 5.6 1.53 9 0.19
Moore (unpublished results) 3100 F 9 669 2 309 1 91.4 90.6 236 9 21 2.16 9 0.18
Mean (n) 3100 – (17) – – – 130 9 13 1.8 9 0.2

Abbreviations (units): alt, altitude (meters); sex, M (male) and F (female); n, sample size; PETO2, end-tidal PO2 (mmHg); PETCO2,
end-tidal PCO2 (mmHg); SaO2, arterial O2 saturation (%); HVR A, hypoxic ventilatory response A value (units); HCVR S,
hypercapnic ventilatory response, DV: E/DSaO2 (LBTPS/min/mmHg).
Estimated since no sample size was given.
Converted from DV: E/DSaO2 values using the relationship between DV: E/DSaO2 and HVR A observed in more than 100 persons
in our previous studies (Moore et al., 1984; Zhuang et al., 1993).
260 L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276

Fig. 1. Rahn – Otis diagram for regional comparisons of Andean and Tibetan alveolar ventilation, expressed as the PETCO2 at a given
PETO2. Values are averaged from those provided in Table 1. Andean and Tibetan average values, weighted by sample size and taking
the variation within each sample into account, differed significantly (P B0.0002, one-way ANOVA).

male and female adult residents of 4300 m in Cerro at high altitude was carried out by Mabel Purefoy
de Pasco, Peru (Table 1). A problem for our and Fitzgerald (Fitzgerald (1913, 1914)), a member of
virtually all other Andean studies is that samples the 1911 Anglo–American Pikes Peak Expedition.
were drawn from communities which were easily Her careful measurements in 174 persons from sea
accessed by road, railroad or airplane and in which level (NC, USA) to 3267 m (CO, USA) demon-
there had been interbreeding (genetic admixture) strated that high-altitude inhabitants breathed
with Europeans or other groups. As will be re- more than low-altitude residents. Her subjects were
turned to below, if HVR differences between likely to have been migrants to high altitude and
groups are influenced by genetic factors, variable of primarily European population ancestry, al-
degrees of admixture with lowland groups might be though information about place of origin was not
a source of variation for HVR. In part to address provided. She noted that hyperventilation was
this concern, Beall et al. (1997) measured HVR in present whether persons were male or female,
large, essentially random samples comprising young or old. It was these observations that, many
roughly half of all persons living in indigenous, years later, prompted Herman Rahn together with
rural communities in Bolivia where there had been Otis to develop the Rahn–Otis diagram (Fig. 1) for
little mining or other economic activity likely to documenting the existence of ventilatory acclima-
increase admixture with lowland groups (Table 1). tization (Rahn, personal communication, 1989).
Using a hypercapnic, progressive hypoxic HVR Weil et al. (1971) at the University of Colorado
test, they reported DV: E/DSaO2 values averaging made the first measurements of HVR in
− 0.4590.02 and − 0.37 90.01 in adult men and lifelong residents of Leadville, CO (3100 m) using
women, respectively, with remarkably little age-re- a progressive, isocapnic test. When studied within
lated variability. Thus, overall, the results from the
a few days of descent to 1600 m, the lifelong male
recent as well as the older literature demonstrate a
residents had a lower HVR and lower hypercapnic
lack of hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity.
ventilatory response (HCVR) than shorter-
term residents of 3100 m or permanent residents
2.2. North American Rocky Mountains of lower altitude (Table 1). Women are similar
insofar as lifelong female residents of 3100 m have
The first systematic study of permanent residents lower ventilation and SaO2 than acclimatized new-
L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276 261

comers and tend to have lower HVR (Table 2). duration of high-altitude exposure compared with
The women were studied at their altitude of resi- the male residents.
dence, unlike the men, and at a somewhat lower
PETCO2. The only borderline statistical significance 2.3. Asian Himalayas
in HVR between the native and newcomer women
was probably due to their younger age and lesser Lahiri et al. (1967) undertook a series of inves-
tigations in Sherpa lifelong high-altitude residents
in the 1960s and 1970s. While they noted a
Table 2 PETCO2 ‘‘low (28 mmHg) by standards found in
Comparison of ventilatory characteristics in native and new- Andean subjects’’ at 4880 m, they concluded in
comer female residents of Leadville, CO, USA (alt 3100 m,
mean9 S.E.M.)a
subsequent studies that Sherpas ventilated less
than acclimatized lowlanders (Table 1) and had
Native Newcomer P value an HVR that was only one-third that of acclima-
(Sample size) (9) (9) tized lowlanders (Lahiri, 1984). More recent stud-
ies find that Sherpas or Tibetans ventilate as
Age (years) 29 9 2 309 1 NS
Height (cm) 158 93 163 9 2 NS
much as acclimatized lowlanders. Ventilation in
Weight (kg) 68 96 619 2 NS Sherpas at 4243 m was as great as that observed
Cycle phase 5 4 NS in acclimatized westerners or greater when consid-
(c ered in relation to body size (Hackett et al., 1980).
follicular) Lifelong Tibetan male residents of 3658 m had
V: O2 0.212 90.020 0.21790.005 NS
higher minute ventilation and similar SaO2,
V: E 7.98 90.68 9.279 0.38 B0.05 PETCO2 and PETCO2 when compared with acclima-
(LBTPS/min) tized Han (ethnic Chinese) (Table 1) (Zhuang et
f (breaths/min) 11.7 9 0.6 14.191.2 B0.05 al., 1993). Female Tibetans also ventilate as much
VT (ml BTPS) 0.70 9 0.08 0.6990.05 NS as acclimatized Han newcomers at 3658 m
PETO2 (mmHg) 66.5 9 1.6 69.491.5 NS
PaO2 (mmHg) 57.8 9 1.9 62.992.0 NSb
(Moore et al., in press). Low PETCO2 values were
PETCO2 29.7 91.4 26.79 1.1 B0.05 likewise seen in large numbers of Tibetan men
(mmHg) and women lifelong residents of 3800 m (Beall et
PaCO2 (mmHg) 27.8 9 1.0 26.1 91.0 NS al., 1997). As a result, average Sherpa or Tibetan
SaO2 (%) 91.4 9 0.6 92.6 90.4 B0.05 values are closer to and, in fact, on the acclima-
Hemoglobin 15.7 9 0.6 14.69 0.6 NS
tized newcomer Rahn–Otis curve (Fig. 1) when
HVR A value 70 9 15 1099 26 NSb compared with Andean values.
(units) Consistent with the Tibetans’ maintenance of
PETCO2 30.1 9 1.3 27.79 1.1 NSb high ventilation, lifelong male Tibetans have
(mmHg) HVR A values that are at least as great as those
HCVR S value 1.57 90.16 1.92 9 0.37 NS
x-intercept 27.9 9 0.8 25.6 9 1.4 NSb
of acclimatized newcomers, greater than those of
(mmHg) child-migrants to high altitude, and within the
Gravidity (no. 3.0 90.5 3.190.7 NS range of normal sea-level values using the pro-
pregnancies) gressive isocapnic HVR test (Zhuang et al., 1993)
Parity (no. live 2.6 90.3 2.790.3 NS or a progressive hypoxia+hypercapnia test (Beall
Previous infant 2839 9160 30489202 NS
et al., 1997). In this latter study, Beall reported
birth wt. (g) DV: E/DSaO2 values of −0.9390.09 and − 0.709
Gestational age 39.3 9 0.7 39.29 0.7 NS 0.05 for Tibetan men and women; for comparabil-
(weeks) ity, these have been converted to A values in
Table 1. HCVR were also greater in the Tibetans
Abbreviations and units: V: O2 = O2 consumption; V: E =
ventilation; f = frequency; VT = tidal volume; PaO2 = arterial
than Han (Zhuang et al., 1993). The similarity
PO2; PaCO2 =arterial PCO2; see abbreviations for Table 1. between the Tibetans’ maintenance of ventilation
NS, not significant; 0.05BPB0.10. and HVR is consistent with carotid body weight
262 L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276

data in small numbers of subjects. Weights more The only substantive discrepancy is that Santo-
than doubled in high-altitude compared with sea- laya et al. (1989) concluded that Sherpa were like
level Han, an increase that was similar to that Andean adult high-altitude natives insofar as both
which has previously been reported in native An- hypoventilated relative to acclimatized newcom-
dean highlanders (Quechua) (Arias-Stella, 1969). ers. The lack of PETO2 in some of these studies
Tibetan carotid bodies weighed less than Han and prevents their inclusion in Table 1 but the PETCO2
were within the normal sea-level range (Tu and value of 29.39 1.1 mmHg reported for Sherpas at
Wu, 1997).  3800 m and 28.390.3 for Sherpas at  4800 m
is similar to that seen in the more recent studies.
2.4. Comparison of Andean and Tibetan These values are also below the Andeans’ whether
high-altitude nati6es studied by the same (Milledge and Lahiri, 1967;
Lahiri et al., 1967; Lahiri, 1968; Santolaya et al.,
The information acquired in the last 20 years 1989) or different groups (Table 1). The kinds of
permits comparisons to be drawn regarding the acclimatized newcomers with whom the natives
level of resting ventilation and hypoxic ventilatory are being compared likely contributes to differ-
sensitivity in substantial numbers of Andean and ences in interpretation. In the pre-1980 reports,
Tibetan lifelong high-altitude residents. Unfortu- acclimatized newcomers were usually moun-
nately, the lower altitudes and smaller sample taineering expedition members with exposures to
sizes of the North American studies limit the very high altitudes, whereas the more recent stud-
extent to which they can be included in this ies and the South American reports sampled more
comparison. sedentary persons. Since ventilation varies among
acclimatized newcomers (Reeves et al., 1993) and
2.4.1. Ventilation at least some elite mountaineers have particularly
Tibetans ventilate more than Andean lifelong brisk ventilatory responses (Schoene et al., 1984),
high-altitude residents, having a lower PETCO2 at a it is possible that the apparent hypoventilation
similar PETO2 (Fig. 1). The Tibetans’ higher venti- among the Sherpa was a function of being com-
lation is supported by comparisons between each pared with the mountaineers. Smaller sample sizes
group and acclimatized newcomers as well as by in the earlier than later reports may also have
direct comparisons. Whereas Andeans generally contributed to the differences in interpretation. In
ventilate less, Tibetans breathe as much as accli- any event, the data on resting ventilation taken
matized newcomers. Our studies of the two groups together (Fig. 1, Table 1) indicate that Tibetan
at differing elevations ((Zhuang et al., 1993) and (including Sherpa) natives of high altitude venti-
the values in Table 1) and Beall’s studies of late more than their Andean counterparts.
Tibetans and Andeans at the same altitude also
support higher ventilation in Tibetans than An- 2.4.2. HVR
deans (Beall et al., 1997). Surprisingly, Beall et al. It is less clear whether Tibetans have a higher
reported lower SaO2 in the Tibetans than Andeans HVR than Andeans. Comparisons of Tibetans
at  3800 m. However, lower SaO2 is not apparent and Andeans at the same altitude (Beall et al.,
in the results averaged across all studies (Table 1). 1997) and between each group and acclimatized
Considering the length of time and numbers of newcomers (Severinghaus et al., 1966; Hackett et
investigative teams involved, the ventilatory stud- al., 1980; Zamudio et al., 1993; Zhuang et al.,
ies in the Tibetans than Andeans are remarkably 1993) suggest that Tibetans have higher values.
consistent. This is likely due to the fact that However, the Tibetan HVR averaged across all
arterial or, in these healthy persons, PETCO2 can be studies does not differ from Andean values (Fig.
used to measure alveolar ventilation per unit CO2 2), nor do values differ in our comparisons of the
production. Conveniently, this not only eliminates two groups ((Zamudio et al., 1993; Zhuang et al.,
differences due to dead space ventilation, but it 1993) and the Zhuang, Curran and Moore values
also adjusts for differences in body size. in Table 1) or in the pre-1980 reports. Likewise
L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276 263

Fig. 2. Average hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) A and hypercapnic ventilatory response (HCVR) S values for Andeans and
Tibetans as summarized in Table 1. The altitudes at which the studies were performed were similar. Whether or not the comparisons
are weighted by sample size, neither the HVR A nor the HCVR S value differs between the two groups (P =0.44 and P =0.83,

HCVR does not differ between Tibetans and An- closely controlled. Since it is not possible to com-
deans, when all data or that acquired by a single bine summary measures from fundamentally dif-
investigative team are compared (Fig. 2). ferent techniques, only studies in which HVR A
The inconsistent nature of the comparisons of values could be calculated are included in Table 1.
Tibetan versus Andean HVR is likely due to the We chose the A value because, unlike the DV: E/
variety of measures used for measuring HVR. DSaO2 index of HVR, the A value uses the stimu-
Unlike the similarity in methods for measuring lus acting on the carotid body, PO2, as the
ventilation, the kinds of HVR tests differ independent variable. In our experience, the A
markedly. Pre-1980 studies in Sherpa and Andean value test also provides a more even distribution
highlanders used the hypoxia-induced change in of x-axis values. HVR A tests similar to that
the hypercapnic hyperventilatory response, the introduced by Weil et al. (1971) were employed by
transient N2, or transient O2 tests (Severinghaus et Hackett et al. (1980), Zhuang et al. (1993) and
al., 1966; LeFrançois et al., 1968; Lahiri, 1984). Curran et al. (1995), with Zhuang and Curran
These are tests of shorter duration than those beginning with ambient air rather than a sea-level
used after 1980. Shorter tests were used in order equivalent gas mixture in order to avoid hyper-
to confine the stimulus to the carotid body and to oxic hyperventilation and consequent hypocapnia
avoid the ventilatory ‘roll-off’ (see below) that (see below). However, the progressive hypoxic test
occurs with longer hypoxic exposure. More recent used by Beall et al. (1997) began with an inspired
studies, however, have shown that the roll-off gas concentration of 5% CO2 in room air. Because
does not occur within the 5 – 7 min of hypoxia this combines hypoxic with hypercapnic stimuli,
required to complete the progressive hypoxic test results are difficult to interpret (Read et al., 1977;
(Huang et al., 1984a). However, it remains possi- Robbins and Zhang, 1999). For this reason,
ble that these shorter tests were measuring a Mahutte and Rebuck (1978) subsequently
different phase of the acute HVR than the pro- modified this technique by holding PETCO2 con-
gressive hypoxic test. An advantage for the longer stant at the hypercapnic value for 6 min to stabi-
tests is that more ventilatory measurements can be lize the CO2 drive before initiating the hypoxia.
obtained, the magnitude of hypoxic stimulus stan- Of importance is the observation of Lahiri et al.
dardized among subjects, and isocapnia more (1969b) that hypercapnia 2 mmHg above the eu-
264 L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276

capnic PETCO2 profoundly depressed HVR in non-respiratory protein involving a flavoheme

lifelong Andean high-altitude residents, whereas it protein in the plasma membrane which functions
magnified HVR in acclimatized newcomers. This like a NADPH oxidase (Zhu and Bunn, 1999).
likely explains why Beall found a lower HVR in That the Tibetans’ pattern of hypoxic responsive-
Andeans than Tibetans whereas the other studies ness varies among different organ systems is of
did not. If true, this suggests the intriguing possi- interest in this regard. Tibetans lack a pronounced
bility that Tibetans, Andeans, and acclimatized pulmonary hypoxic vasoconstrictor response
newcomers may differ with respect to the depres- (Groves et al., 1993) or an exaggerated erythro-
sant effect of PETCO2 on HVR; this is a possibility poietic response (Winslow et al., 1989; Beall et al.,
worthy of further investigation. Differences in the 1998) such as seen in other high-altitude groups,
duration of hypoxic testing might also be impor- yet retain carotid body chemosensory response.
tant. Sugimori et al. (1996) found that test dura- This heterogeneity in O2 responsiveness among
tion effects HVR differently in high versus low tissues does not support the idea of a body-wide
responders, with a fast (3 – 5 min) test underesti- O2 sensor. However, it is also possible that this
mating HVR in high responders and overestimat- heterogeneity results from factors other than tis-
ing it in low responders. sue-specific differences in O2 sensing (e.g. lesser
At present, it is not possible to resolve whether degrees of hypoxic stimulation, increased produc-
HVR is higher in Tibetan than Andean high-alti- tion of pulmonary vasodilators).
tude natives. Careful testing using measures with Whatever mechanisms are responsible for O2
similar specificity for hypoxic chemosensory re- sensing, the chain of events leading to a rise in
sponsiveness is needed in representative samples
ventilation is thought to entail an increase in
of men and women living at the same or across a
intracellular Ca2 + in the type I (glomus) cell of
similar range of elevations. As returned to below,
the carotid body, cytosolic release of dopamine,
additional studies should be included in order to
increased firing of afferent fibers, greater signal
examine the various components of the time-de-
transduction to the central nervous system, aug-
pendent ventilatory response to hypoxia.
mented central nervous system translation of the
increased carotid body neural output into phrenic
3. Cellular and genetic mechanisms nerve activity, and a consequent rise in ventilation
(Fig. 3). These events are influenced by the dura-
In recent years, evidence has accumulated from tion of hypoxia as well as by prior hypoxic expo-
experimental animal studies regarding the cellular sure. At least six phases of the ventilatory
mechanisms by which hypoxia invokes a ventila- response to hypoxia can be recognized: (1) the
tory response. An important question has been acute HVR occurring within the first minutes of
the identity of the O2 sensor in the carotid body hypoxia, (2) a ventilatory decline or ‘roll-off’ after
as well as in other cells with O2 sensitivity, such as 10 min of hypoxia, (3) a subsequent rise over
erythropoietic and pulmonary vascular cells. days or ‘ventilatory acclimatization’, (4) stabiliza-
Among the candidates for the O2 sensor are a tion of the longer-term response or ‘hyperventila-
voltage-dependent K+ channel, a protein in the tion’, (5) loss of ventilatory sensitivity with
plasma membrane closely associated with a K+ prolonged hypoxia (‘blunting’), and (6) possible
channel, mitochondrial calcium loss, and/or the reversal of a ‘blunted’ HVR with prolonged nor-
mitochondrial cytochrome aa3 complex (López- moxia. Because this time-dependent chain of
Barneo et al., 1993). Unknown is whether there is events has been well-reviewed elsewhere (see Pow-
a common mechanism for O2 sensing in each type ell, this journal), the purpose here will be to
of cell or whether mechanisms vary by organ or determine what, if any, evidence implicates one or
tissue. Because respiratory chain proteins are not more of these steps in the higher ventilation and
required for O2 sensing in the erythropoietin sys- possibly greater HVR observed in lifelong Tibetan
tem, some have argued in favor of a body-wide, than Andean residents of high altitude.
L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276 265

3.1. Acute HVR lation after acclimatization (Reeves et al., 1993).

While it is unknown whether variation in acclima-
Acute HVR varies broadly among healthy per- tization response is genetic, Beall found that HVR
sons, spanning a 7-fold range in A values (Hirsh- exhibited significant heritability (i.e. the propor-
man et al., 1975). This is largely due to inter- tion of variance attributable to genetic factors) in
rather than intrasubject variability. Twin studies Andean and Tibetan high-altitude natives. Be-
in humans and comparisons of inbred rodent cause heritability was greater in Tibetans than
strains suggest that genetic factors are involved Andeans (34 vs. 22%), the authors concluded that
(Collins et al., 1978; Kawakami et al., 1982). The there was greater opportunity for natural selection
variation in magnitude and pattern of breathing to act in the Tibetans (Beall et al., 1997). How-
responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia among ever, the interpretation of heritability is difficult at
mice strains suggests that different genetic best. Strictly speaking, heritability should not be
mechanisms affect the hypoxic and hypercapnic compared from one population to another, since
drives (Tankersley et al., 1994). Consistent it is a ratio that only applies to the group in which
with genetic factors acting at the level of the it was calculated (Falconer, 1960). In addition,
carotid body, rat strains with diminished ventila- heritability cannot be equated with genetic con-
tory sensitivity to hypoxia exhibit decreased trol. For example, if all members of a population
carotid sinus nerve activity during hypoxic chal- have the same genetic variant (e.g. blood group
lenge (Weil et al., 1998). Their excised superfused O), heritability will be zero because there is no
carotid bodies have correspondingly low peak cy- genetic variation. Thus, the significant (but mod-
tosolic calcium responses to hypoxia (Weil et al., est) difference in heritability between Andeans
1998). and Tibetans may mean that the two groups differ
Inter-individual differences in HVR at sea level in terms of the particular genes or degrees of
influence ventilatory acclimatization to high alti- genetic control. But it might also mean that the
tude in men (Reeves et al., 1993) and women genes influencing HVR have become fixed in the
(Muza et al., in press). Specifically, HVR at sea- Andeans, or that environmental variance is
level accounted for 42% of the variation in venti- greater in the Andeans.

Fig. 3. Major steps in sensory transduction in the carotid body. CNS, central nervous system. Reprinted with permission from
(López-Barneo et al., 1993).
266 L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276

Curran et al. (1997) used an alternate approach 3.2. Ventilatory roll-off

for examining the influence of genetic factors on
HVR and ventilation at high altitude; The acute HVR is transitory. In low-altitude
namely comparing the offspring of Tibetan residents, a peak response occurs within 5–7 min,
and Han parents with each parental pop- after which ventilation rolls-off to levels that are
ulation. She found that the Tibetan-Han  20% above pre-hypoxic values under isocapnic
were like Tibetans in terms of their ventilation hypoxic conditions, but near normoxic values if
but resembled Han with respect to HVR. Not PETCO2 is allowed to fall (poikilocapnia) (Huang
only were the Tibetan-Han HVR A values similar et al., 1984a). Unknown is whether a roll-off
but, like the Han, their HVR decreased with occurs after acclimatization and/or varies among
increasing duration of high-altitude residence. lifelong high-altitude residents. In anesthetized
This suggests that different genetic factors influ- cats, the roll-off appears due to central nervous
ence ventilation and HVR in these highland resi- system influences likely involving activation of
dents. central dopaminergic receptors, since it was abol-
While these studies support genetic influences ished by the central dopaminergic receptor antag-
for ventilation and HVR in high-altitude popula- onist haloperidol (Tatsumi et al., 1992).
tions, no candidate genes have emerged. An inher-
3.3. Ventilatory acclimatization
ent difficulty is that the genes need first to be
identified before, logically, the search for poly-
As has been reviewed elsewhere, the carotid
morphisms (i.e. genetic variants present at a fre-
body plays a crucial role in mediating the acclima-
quency greater than that expected by mutation
tization response to hypoxia (Bisgaard, this jour-
alone) can be conducted. Experience with other
nal). Recent studies in cats support the possibility
respiratory-related conditions (e.g. asthma,
that decreased endogenous dopamine activity is
Liggett, 1997) suggests that, with time and given
involved (Tatsumi et al., 1995). However, no re-
the variability within the human genome, poly-
duction in endogenous dopamine activity oc-
morphisms will be found. Plausible genes are
curred after 8 h of isocapnic hypoxia in humans
those involved in regulation of the dopaminergic
(Pedersen et al., 1999) but the time period may
or catecholaminergic pathways and/or one or
not have been sufficient, since longer periods are
more of the many genes implicated in oxygen
required for acclimatization to occur.
sensing (Zhu and Bunn, 1999). Preliminary char-
acterization of genetic variation has begun in 3.4. Hyper6entilation
various high-altitude populations (Torroni et al.,
1994; Rupert et al., 1999a,b) but has not revealed, As described above, the extent to which high-al-
to date, significant associations with HVR. titude residents hyperventilate varies between as
In summary, genetic factors likely influence well as within populations. While persons or
acute HVR in high- and low-altitude residents but groups who hyperventilate generally have a higher
the nature of the involvement is probably com- HVR, it is unclear whether variation in HVR can
plex. Several genes are usually implicated when account for interindividual variation in ventilation
traits, such as HVR, aggregate in families but not and SaO2. In data which we have collected in
as simple Mendelian traits. In addition, gene by Tibetan or Andean men and women, variation in
environment interactions and developmental fac- HVR (or HCVR) was unrelated to PETCO2, PETO2
tors, themselves subject to genetic influences, may or SaO2 within each group or the two groups
be important and may act in ways that differ combined, even though lower PETCO2 was associ-
between populations (Sing et al., 1996). Further, ated with higher PETO2 and SaO2 as expected.
as suggested by Curran’s studies and returned to Beall et al. (1997) observed similar results in
below, variation in HVR may not be able to Tibetans and Andeans. Clearly, the level of venti-
account for differences in ventilation between lation at high altitude is influenced by more than
groups. the acute HVR.
L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276 267

from 8 h after birth to 50 years, Lahiri (1980)

demonstrated that hypoxic responsiveness was ab-
sent 5 days after birth but had developed by 8–10
years. This was true whether subjects lived at low
(Tacna, 800 m) or high (Puno, 3850 m) altitude in
Peru (Fig. 4). Thereafter, HVR was progressively
lost at high altitude, whereas it remained essen-
tially unchanged at low altitude. Byrne-Quinn et
al. (1972) and Weil et al. (1971) reported similar
findings at 3100 m in Colorado, demonstrating a
normal HVR in 9–10 year olds that was absent in
older, lifelong residents. In contrast, Beall et al.
(1997) found no age-associated change in HVR in
Andean highlanders from age 13 to 94. Beall and
Fig. 4. Ventilatory sensitivity to acute decrease in arterial O2 Lahiri both studied large numbers of persons
saturation in subjects of various age groups at 800 m and 3850 living at essentially the same altitudes. The kinds
m in Peru. Reprinted with permission from Lahiri (1980). of tests varied, with Lahiri using the transient N2
test and Beall a 2–3 min hypercapnia+ progres-
It has long been recognized that sea-level equiv- sive hypoxia test. As mentioned above, the hyper-
alent gas mixtures prompt an increase in ventila- capnia present in Beall’s testing conditions may
tion among Andeans, Tibetans or Sherpas, have depressed HVR to the extent that it was not
whereas a decrease occurs in acclimatized new- possible to detect an age-related blunting.
comers (Severinghaus et al., 1966; Lahiri et al., The question arises as to whether Tibetans also
1969a; Hackett et al., 1980; Zhuang et al., 1993). acquire a blunted HVR. The higher HVR in
The magnitude of hyperoxic hyperventilation Tibetans than acclimatized newcomers, particu-
varies among highlanders in ways not clearly re- larly when duration of high-altitude residence is
lated to their acute HVR (Zhuang et al., 1993; taken into account (Zhuang et al., 1993), and the
Curran et al., 1995), although persons with higher HVR seen in Tibetans than Andeans in
chronic mountain sickness (CMS) who have an some studies (Beall et al., 1997) suggest that Ti-
extremely low HVR have even greater hyperoxic betans are resistant to acquired blunting. How-
hyperventilation than normal highlanders (Sever- ever, Hackett et al. (1980) found an association
inghaus et al., 1966; Sun et al., 1990). It has been between HVR and cumulative high-altitude expo-
hypothesized that hyperoxic hyperventilation is sure among Sherpa, and Curran et al. (1995)
due to the central depressant effects of hypoxia found an age-associated decline in HVR in Ti-
which are normally masked by peripheral stimula- betans native to 4400 m. Therefore, while further
tory influences. But hyperoxia continued to stimu- study is warranted, it appears that at least some
late ventilation in highland natives even after 10 degree of blunting occurs among Tibetans.
months at sea level (Lahiri et al., 1969a). A de- An intriguing possibility is suggested by Okubo
crease in cerebral blood flow leading to acidifica- and Mortola who showed, in rats, that neonatal
tion of central chemoreceptors, via the Haldane hypoxia decreased HVR at adulthood (Table 3).
effect, also has been hypothesized (Lahiri et al., Other studies have since confirmed that hypoxia
1969a), but this has not, to our knowledge, been as well as hyperoxia early in infancy influence the
tested. maturation of carotid chemoreceptor hypoxic re-
sponse (Ling et al., 1996; Matsuoka et al., 1999).
3.5. Acquired blunting of HVR A possible mechanism might involve the reduc-
tion or loss of charybdotoxin-sensitive K+ chan-
The ventilatory response to hypoxia is develop- nels. Carotid body glomus cells from rats which
mentally regulated. In 359 subjects ranging in age had been born and raised in an hypoxic environ-
268 L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276

ment had reduced K+ (but not Ca2 + ) current rado newborns. Perhaps maternal ability to sus-
density and failed to depolarize with acute hy- tain uteroplacental O2 supply and fetal growth, or
poxia or to be inhibited by charybdotoxin, unlike neonatal ability to maintain ventilation and SaO2
cells from normoxic animals (Wyatt et al., 1995). aids the Tibetans in the acquisition of a normal
Further studies are required to characterize the HVR. More detailed studies of developmental
kinds of K+ channels involved and the factors regulation of HVR in both the Andean and Ti-
influencing their developmental expression. Stud- betan high-altitude populations are clearly
ies are also required to address the relationship required.
between alterations in K+ channels and down-
stream events, such as neurotransmitter release 3.6. Re6ersal of a ‘blunted’ HVR with prolonged
and firing of afferent fibers (Fig. 3). Recent work normoxia
by Tatsumi et al. (1992) has shown that peripheral
Early reports indicated that Andean high-alti-
dopaminergic blockade (by domperidone) raised
tude natives after 2–16 years residence at sea level
carotid sinus nerve and ventilatory responses to
had a lower HVR than controls who were born
hypoxia, suggesting that normally, there was do-
and raised at sea level (Sørensen and Severing-
paminergic depression of carotid body hypoxic
haus, 1968b). Milledge and Lahiri (1967) and
sensitivity. Decreased central nervous system
Lahiri et al. (1969a) found that a blunted HVR
translation by other, non-dopaminergic mecha-
was not reversed after 6 weeks of low-altitude
nisms also appeared involved, since domperidone residence at sea level. This lack of reversibility
did not fully restore neural or ventilatory respon- contrasts with the restoration of a normal HVR
siveness to control levels. that occurs in persons with cyanotic congenital
Some evidence exists to support the possibility heart disease undergoing corrective surgery at an
that developmental factors may contribute to the early age (Monge, 1948). Recent studies in large
higher HVR seen in Tibetans than Han high-alti- numbers of randomly-selected high-altitude na-
tude natives or those who migrated as children tives who had lived for more than 5 years at sea
(Zhuang et al., 1993). Niermeyer et al. (1995) level indicate no difference in HVR when com-
found that Tibetan babies maintained higher SaO2 pared with lifetime sea-level residents of the same
during early infancy (0 – 4 months of age) and had population ancestry (Vargas et al., 1998). Differ-
less variation among behavioral states (awake, ences in technique might be involved; the earlier
feeding, quiet sleep, active sleep) than Han babies studies examined the effect of acute hypoxia on
born at the same altitude. The SaO2 values in the hypercapnic response whereas the more recent
Tibetans at 3658 m were stable and as high as or study entailed breathing progressively hypoxic gas
higher than those of Colorado babies at 3100 m mixtures, each for less than 1 min duration, with
(Niermeyer et al., 1993), whereas Han values fell variable inspired CO2 concentrations in order to
precipitously from 0 to 4 months of age. Tibetan maintain isocapnia. To our knowledge, no data
babies also weighed more at birth than the Han exist concerning HVR in Tibetans or Sherpa after
and more, in relation to altitude, than the Colo- prolonged residence at low altitude.

Table 3
Ventilatory and cardiovascular characteristics of rats exposed to hypoxia (10% FIO2) for 6 days following birth and studied 7 weeks
later as adults (Okubo and Mortola, 1990)

Controls Neonatal hypoxia P value

Resting ventilation (ml/kg) 738 9140 903 9223 B0.05

HVR (% D) 179 937 143 928 B0.05
Mean arterial blood pressure (mmHg) 106 910 114 919 B0.05
Right ventricular/total heart wt. (%) 19.3 92.1 21.9 9 2.0 B0.05
L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276 269

4. Functional implications Plateau for at least 25 000 years (Zhimin, 1982;

Chang, 1992). More extensive archaeological in-
There has been considerable debate as to the vestigations have been carried out in the Andes.
functional consequences of the low HVR charac- The oldest sites are dated at 11 000–13 000 years
teristic of at least Andean and North American ago and provide evidence of frequent contact
high-altitude natives. During short-term high-alti- between highland and coastal regions (Sandweiss
tude exposure, a higher HVR has been linked to et al., 1998), suggesting human occupation of the
protection from high-altitude pulmonary edema Andes for as long as 13 000 years. Shorter periods
(Hackett et al., 1988) and a better chance of of high-altitude residence characterize the Eu-
summitting very high peaks (Schoene et al., 1984). ropean and Han populations. Europeans do not
But Lahiri (1984) and others have hypothesized reside permanently at high altitudes today, al-
that a low HVR might be beneficial for longer- though the presence of 5000 year old human
term high-altitude adaptation. The reasoning here remains at 3200 m (Seidler et al., 1992) suggests
is that the reduced work of breathing and lesser that they have been high-altitude visitors for a
sensation of dyspnea in persons with a lower long time. Europeans have lived at high altitudes
HVR would represent an energy-conserving adap- for as long as 400 years in South America and 150
tation, if compensated for by alterations in other years in North America. Han have lived at high
steps of O2 transport and/or utilization (e.g. in- altitude for the shortest period of time, having
creased lung diffusing capacity, better distribution moved there within the past several generations.
of blood flow, and/or improved tissue O2 utiliza- Not only is the duration of high-altitude resi-
tion). Hochachka et al. (1991) and Hochachka dence likely to differ but other evolutionary forces
(1998) have shown an increased metabolic effi- are also likely to have varied among these groups.
ciency (i.e. an improved ATP yield of per mole of Important in this regard is genetic drift (i.e. the
carbon fuel utilized) in skeletal muscle of effect of small population size which limits genetic
Quechua and Sherpa. However, based on differ- variability) and gene flow (i.e. the effect of inter-
ences in ventilation and perhaps HVR between breeding or the movement of genes from one
these two groups, such an energy-conserving population to another). Genetic drift is likely to
adaptation would be anticipated in Quechua but have limited genetic variability among the early
not Sherpa. migrants to the Americas, given their small num-
The probable duration of high-altitude resi- bers and the loss of large ( 95%, Cook, 1981)
dence for the Andean and Tibetan populations is numbers of indigenous Andean residents at the
relevant for assessing the functional implications time of European Conquest. The ensuing oppor-
of their ventilatory characteristics since longer- tunities for interbreeding could also have resulted
resident groups would be expected to have had in the transfer of European or other genes to the
more opportunity to achieve a superior level of Andean population. The Andean topography also
adaptation by natural selection. As we have ar- facilitates ready access to low-altitude regions.
gued elsewhere (Moore et al., 1998b), Tibetans are Compared with Andeans, the Tibetan gene pool is
likely to have lived at high altitude longer than less likely to have been constricted by small num-
Andeans. This is based on paleontological, ar- bers of initial migrants and/or severe population
chaeological and historical evidence. Hominids decline. Tibetans may also have been subject to
(i.e. the family into which Homo sapiens and less genetic admixture with lowland groups, given
ancestral forms are placed) have lived in close their geographically and historically more remote
proximity to the Tibetan Plateau for more than 1 location, although this is changing today with air
million years (Denell et al., 1988; Huang et al., travel and the influx of large numbers of Han
1995). Upper Paleolithic stone tool assemblages migrants.
consistent with materials found elsewhere dated at Two kinds of studies have been conducted
25 000–50 000 years old, and more recent materi- which address the functional implications of HVR
als, support human occupation of the Tibetan in high-altitude residents; namely, those ones con-
270 L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276

Fig. 5. Geographic variation in chronic mountain sickness (CMS) prevalence. Tibetan residents of high altitude, whether male or
female, have lower prevalence than Han or Peruvians. Reprinted with permission from (Moore et al., 1998a).

cerned with CMS and others with intrauterine and the Han values not distinguishably different
growth restriction (IUGR). from the Peruvian values. However, more explicit
comparisons of CMS prevalence based on com-
4.1. CMS mon criteria and longitudinal studies of
hemoglobin (or hematocrit), ventilation and HVR
More than 30 years ago, Severinghaus et al. are needed (Moore et al., 1998a).
(1966) remarked that ‘‘desensitization of the pe- The control of breathing and brain O2 delivery
ripheral chemoreceptors may be etiologic in during sleep likely contribute to the occurrence of
CMS’’. Persons with CMS have lower levels of CMS. Kryger et al. (1978a) found that persons
ventilation and a greatly diminished HVR com- with CMS and healthy age-matched controls had
pared with normal residents of high altitude. a similarly low HVR, but CMS patients more
LeFrançois et al. (1968) observed that two to frequently exhibited irregular breathing and desat-
three breaths of N2 had no effect in persons with uration during sleep. Treatment with medrox-
CMS whereas it raised ventilation 33% in yprogesterone acetate (MPA, a synthetic
healthy high-altitude natives and more than dou- progestin) raised daytime ventilation, decreased
bled it in acclimatized newcomers. The hypoventi- nocturnal SaO2, and lowered hemoglobin, but did
lation and exaggerated hypoxemia of CMS not raise HVR during wakefulness (Kryger et al.,
stimulate erythropoiesis. But while a low HVR is 1978b). It is likely that progestin acts as a ventila-
likely permissive, it is not a sufficient cause of tory stimulant during sleep. In surgically post-
CMS since healthy persons can also have a low menopausal women, progestin and estrogen
HVR (Kryger et al., 1978a; Sun et al., 1996). decreased the frequency of sleep-disordered
There are geographic differences in the preva- breathing (Pickett et al., 1989). Hormonal changes
lence of CMS that generally parallel the regional associated with the menopause increase the occur-
differences in ventilation and perhaps HVR, as rence of CMS, as judged by hemoglobin levels
summarized above. Tibetan compared with Han and symptomatology (Leon-Velarde et al., 1997).
or Andean residents of similar altitudes have a Other determinants of tissue O2 delivery, namely
markedly lower CMS prevalence (Fig. 5). The brain blood flow and glucose metabolism, may
same criteria for CMS were used in the Tibetan also influence susceptibility to CMS. We found
and Han studies. Whereas slightly different, gen- that CMS patients in Tibet had more frequent
der-specific criteria were used in the Andean stud- episodes of sleep-disordered breathing and hy-
ies, the hemoglobin or hematocrit values used to poventilation than controls and, as a result, had
define CMS were in the same range. Hence, it is much lower levels arterial O2 content during the
likely that Tibetan prevalence is genuinely lower night (Sun et al., 1996). In addition to their lower
L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276 271

HVR, the CMS patients had a diminished internal 4.2. IUGR

carotid artery blood flow response to the hypoxia
and hypercapnia occurring during episodes of IUGR has been well-described at high altitude,
sleep-disordered breathing. This suggested that resulting in lower birth weights for infants of the
brain O2 delivery was compromised, not only as a same gestational age when compared with low-al-
result of poor oxygenation but also because of titude newborns. Some years ago, we asked if a
poor cerebral blood flow. Differences in brain woman’s ventilatory response to pregnancy influ-
glucose metabolism may also be present. Using enced her infant’s birth weight. We found that
positron emission tomography, Hochachka et al. pregnant women residing at high altitude in Colo-
(1996) have shown that Andean natives rado and Peru increased their ventilation, like
(Quechua) have modest hypometabolism in most women at low altitude, but the increase raised
brain regions whereas Sherpa had levels which SaO2 at higher elevations (Moore et al., 1982). The
were essentially the same as those of low-altitude rise in ventilation was due largely to increases in
residents. Acclimatized European or North Amer- HVR (Moore et al., 1986) due, in turn, to the
ican newcomers exposed to much higher altitudes stimulatory effects of progestin, estrogen and
and intensive exercise had a third pattern, charac- higher metabolic rate (Regensteiner et al., 1989).
terized by hypometabolism in some regions and The hormones acted peripherally as well as cen-
hypermetabolism in others (Hochachka et al., trally to raise carotid body neural output response
1999). Better maintenance of cerebral blood flow to hypoxia and its central translation, thereby
and/or conserved brain glucose metabolism could increasing ventilation (Hannhart et al., 1989,
be protective against CMS in Tibetan highlanders. 1990). The women with the greatest increase in
Further assessment of the determinants of brain ventilation and HVR gave birth to heavier birth
O2 delivery will be important for determining weight babies.
factors increasing susceptibility to CMS, a serious More recently, we have observed that not only
health problem likely affecting 6 million persons did ventilation during pregnancy relate to infant
worldwide (Moore et al., 1998a). birth weight but also the mother’s resting ventila-
tion correlated closely with the birth weight of her
infant born  2 years previously (Fig. 6). Thus
constitutional factors influencing ventilation in
highland residents as well as the ventilatory re-
sponse to pregnancy may influence IUGR. Since
IUGR increases mortality risk during early in-
fancy, factors that raise ventilation and HVR
appear to have adaptive value in high-altitude

5. Conclusions and future directions

In summary, recent as well as older studies of

lifelong high-altitude residents demonstrate that
Tibetans ventilate more than Andean high-alti-
tude natives at the same or similar altitudes.
Tibetans ventilate like acclimatized newcomers
whereas Andeans generally breathe less than accli-
Fig. 6. In native residents of Leadville, CO (3100 m), resting
ventilation measured 1 – 2 years postpartum, correlates closely
matized newcomers. Existing data are unclear as
with birth weight of the infant born previously to the women to whether HVR differs between these groups.
while living at that altitude. Tibetans have an HVR as high as that of acclima-
272 L.G. Moore / Respiration Physiology 121 (2000) 257–276

tized newcomers whereas Andeans do not, but Acknowledgements

HVR is not consistently greater in Tibetan than
Andean residents. Inter-individual and popula- Many persons helped in the conduct of our
tion-specific genetic factors affect acute HVR and studies, including Tarshi Droma, Robert F.
likely modify acclimatization and the hyperventi- Grover, Shao-Yung Huang, Robert E. and
latory response to high altitude. But other factors Rosann G. McCullough, Carlos Monge, Susan
contribute importantly to the level of ventilation Niermeyer, John T. Reeves, Shinfu Sun, John V.
attained after prolonged high-altitude residence. Weil, Stacy Zamudio, and Jianguo Zhuang.
Factors such as the ventilatory roll-off following Koichiro Tatsumi generously provided advice
the acute HVR and the stimulatory effect of during the preparation of this article. Studies by
hyperoxia require further study. Blunting or loss our group were supported, in part by NIH
of HVR with prolonged high-altitude residence HL14985, HD000681, HL 60131; NSF BNS-
has been demonstrated in Andean as well as 8903554; and US Army contract DAMD 17-87-C-
Tibetan high-altitude residents, although its mech- 7202. David Young generously conducted the
anisms remain poorly understood. Developmental statistical test in Fig. 1.
factors, particularly those effecting neonatal arte-
rial oxygenation are likely important. Existing
data suggest that a low HVR is permissive for the
development of CMS and serves to augment the References
degree of IUGR among high-altitude residents.
Arias-Stella, J., 1969. Human carotid body at high altitude.
Future studies are needed to test explicit hy- Am. J. Pathol. 55, 82a.
potheses concerning each of the several compo- Banchero, N., Sime, F., Penaloza, D., Cruz, J., Gamboa, R.,
nents of the ventilatory response to hypoxia in Marticorena, E., 1966. Pulmonary pressure, cardiac output
high-altitude populations. For example, it is not and arterial oxygen saturation during exercise at high
known whether the ventilatory roll-off with pro- altitude and at sea level. Circulation 33, 249 – 262.
Beall, C.M., Strohl, K.P., Blangero, J., Williams-Blangero, S.,
longed hypoxia is diminished in Tibetans com- Almasy, L.A., Decker, M.J., Worthman, C.M., Goldstein,
pared with Andeans. Longitudinal studies of M.C., Vargas, E., Villena, M., Soria, R., Alarcon, A.M.,
ventilatory control in humans or experimental Gonzales, C., 1997. Ventilation and hypoxic ventilatory
animals that were hypoxic as neonates will also be response of Tibetan and Aymara high altitude natives. Am.
J. Phys. Anthropol. 104, 427 – 447.
useful, particularly in relation to maladaptive syn-
Beall, C.M., Brittenham, G.M., Strohl, K.P., Blangero, J.,
dromes such as CMS. Systematic sampling, rather Williams-Blangero, S., Goldstein, M.C., Decker, M.J.,
than simply convenience samples, is required to Vargas, E., Villena, M., Soria, R., Alarcon, A.M., Gonza-
permit meaningful population comparisons. In les, C., 1998. Hemoglobin concentration of high-altitude
conjunction with such physiological studies, more Tibetans and Bolivian Aymara. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol.
106, 385 – 400.
molecular approaches are required for determina-
Byrne-Quinn, E., Sodal, I.E., Weil, J.V., 1972. Hypoxic and
tion of the source(s) of populational differences hypercapnic ventilatory drives in children native to high
and the processes by which natural selection and altitude. J. Appl. Physiol. 32, 44 – 46.
other evolutionary forces may be involved. Exper- Chang, K.C., 1992. China. In: Ehrich, R.W. (Ed.), Chronolo-
imental animal studies using, for example rodent gies in Old World Archaeology. University of Chicago
Press, Chicago, IL.
strains with genetic differences in ventilatory re-
Chiodi, H., 1957. Respiratory adaptations to chronic high
sponse, and techniques such as subtractive hy- altitude hypoxia. J. Appl. Physiol. 10, 81 – 87.
bridization, differential display or gene chip Collins, D.D., Scoggin, C.H., Zwillich, C.W., Weil, J.V., 1978.
technology will aid in identifying candidate gene Hereditary aspects of decreased hypoxic response. J. Clin.
regions. Comparison of carotid body ultrastruc- Invest. 62, 105 – 110.
Cook, N.D., 1981. Demographic Collapse, Indian Peru, 1520 –
ture and gene expression in species with and
1620. Cambridge University Press, New York.
without blunted HVR (e.g. yaks and llamas, see Cudkowicz, L., Spielvogel, H., Zubieta, G., 1972. Respiratory
Kobayashi et al. (1998) and Wu et al. (1998)) may studies in women at high altitude (3600 m or 12 200 ft and
also prove useful. 5200 m or 17 200 ft). Respiration 29, 393 – 426.
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