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fellow colleagues,

I glad to hear from you, even if it’s online. I welcome you to my short talk,
where I’m going to present the Kickfair Project.
Firstly, what is Kickfair? Kickfair is a project that shows shows the imperative
role of a sport, Football as a medium for cultural exchange between young
students, of different nationalities, therefore the solidification of cultural
awareness. More then a globalising project Kickfair is also a Project of
individual Growth.
This Project and therefore soccer has an impact ion everyone and it isn’t
limited by age, gender, social background, cultural affiliation or nationality.
Everyone can take part and learn from it. The human being is Kickfair focus
point, and learning by experiencing is their spirit. Working in Group, Follow
rules , deal with los and Win, respect one another and acknowledge their
progress and worth. All this aspects are made by Kickfair to a common goal,
that they achieve trough projects based on soccer. Learning in the field! Sound
good right? All this important Aspect joined by heavy field like the political
Learning, the human rights, our Worth and Problem solving are all thought by
playing soccer, that’s the only way, that they are given the chance to take their
evolution in their own hands and build on their own their passions and beliefs.
Learning together and from one another… This has as a result the Learning of
key competences for example flexibility, independence, Trust. Im foreground
of this project stands the Discovery, the Experience and the Development from
Strengths and Talents. Adding to this knowledge, they become citizens of the
world, by expanding their cultural awareness. This enriches every individual. In
a unique way.

Concluding the jointly developed wisdom flows back into the respective
projects and gives important impetus for local development, expanding their
competences and providing new perspectives.

I would be contented if you joined this network of international Partners that

works with Kickfair.
If you have any questions you can ask in a moment
I hope you liked the essence of this project.

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