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Written Report

My group explored the theme of "Abuse" and investigated topics such as the effects of

psychological abuse on adolescents, racial abuse in the Caribbean, sexual abuse among teenagers

in Jamaica, and the impact of child abuse in Jamaica. We brainstormed, discussed, and

conducted research to select three artifacts that relate to our theme. These were the article

"Health Affairs Front” by Mary Findling, the poem "I am not a child 2" by Kelsey Brewski, and

the picture "Forced".

We analyzed the literary devices and tone used in each artifact and selected them based on their

relevance to the theme. In "I am not a child 2", the author uses imagery and flashbacks to convey

the abuse experienced by a young child, and the poem evokes sorrow, fear, and hope. "Heatlh

Affairs Forfront" discusses the challenges faced by asians as due to the covid-19 outbreak, the

article uses fear and gives off a tense mood as the statistics show a high number of asians being

abuse without having anything to do with the pandemic . The picture "Forced" creates a tense

and fearful mood, depicting a woman being pinned against her will and her hand tensing in


Our group's discussions and analysis allowed us to express our thoughts on abuse through

different perspectives and artistic forms.

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