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Work Log#1

The kickoff meeting Mr. Wood gave I found to be very productive. The meeting gave me
a better idea of what the senior project is all about and what I need to do in order to
succeed. The examples displayed sparked a few ideas of what I want to do for my
project. Before the meeting I had no idea what I wanted to do, but after I had a pretty
good idea. I did get a little nervous because I didn't know who I could ask to be my
mentor, yet I knew that I could eventually find somebody and I had a few options. I have
a few connections with the athletic team at Cal as well as my grandmother who was a
dietitian. Both would be great options and could provide me with all the information I
could need. The writing and processing of my letter of intent went pretty smoothly,
thankfully it passed on the first try. Other than the process of finding a mentor there
aren't any major hiccups in my project. I would assume even the mentor part won't be
terribly difficult, I just need to make sure I make the right decision when picking an

Work Log #2 February 1st, 2023

For my commitment board I am planning on making it look like a football field with a
track too. I am going to glue red felt that is cut out to the same dimensions as the board,
to the board then a smaller piece of green felt on top and in the middle of the red felt.
Then I am going to paint white little hash marks and the track lanes as well. For the
corners of the board I am going to put green pieces of felt cut out to make the track look
more round. I have yet to start working on it, however I don´t think it will take that much
time, I just have to make a quick run to the dollar store and pick up the materials then
go home and put everything together. I have also not contacted anybody to be my
mentor but considering my grandmother because she was a dietitian. I was also
considering using my connections with Cal to see if I could contact their athletic
dietitians. My research is going pretty well, I have found a lot of resourceful sites that I
will definitely use in the future.

Work Log #3 February 6th, 2023

Getting my letter of intent back wasn't super helpful because I didn't get many useful
comments as to what I could change or improve, however that was okay because I
guess that means that there really isn't anything I need to change and its good enough.
I've looked at a few other people's letters of intent and the comments left by Mrs. O'Neil
on what they need to change and I think their final product would look something similar
to mine. I just completed my commitment board last night which ended up taking a
painful 2 hours but was definitely more enjoyable than writing an essay or doing math
homework. I decided to go for a football field look with turf in the middle surrounded by a
track. I found all the supplies at Michaels which had everything, even little fruits and
vegetables that I could add to it to make it look just a little better. I haven't started
working on the presentation part of it yet though. I also haven't found a mentor yet, but I
do know a few people I could ask. The project so far is going pretty smoothly so getting
a mentor right now is not high on my priority list.

Work Log #4 February 16, 2023

Super stoked to have finished the commitment board and the presentation. The board
looked turned out exactly how I thought it would, with the turf and the track around it. I
got lots of compliments on it. The only thing I wish to have made a little better was the
turf part of it. The grass I bought at the craft store wasn't exactly flat and had a lot of
uneven spots on it which made it pretty difficult to cut and glue to size. It was also pretty
hard to get the track lanes painted accurately because I had to free hand paint them.
Other than those two parts of the project, it all went pretty smoothly and I am pretty
happy with how it turned out. I definitely could have put in more effort into making it look
cleaner, but I was limited on time and I figured I ought to start working on the
presentation part of it. The presentation writing part was somewhat easy, the prompts
were kind of vague which was good and bad, good because it gave me the ability to
write a lot and not really have any limit to my thoughts, and bad because I wasn't sure
what I was writing was gonna meet Mrs. O'Neil's grading requirements. The day of the
presentations I signed up to go second (I would have gone first but it was taken) so I
could get it over with and not stress about it the whole class. I was kind of nervous, but
public speaking is something I really want to improve on, so I took this as a challenge to
not just meet the grading requirements, but exceed my public speaking standards as
well. I think I spoke too fast and may have been short on the time requirement and I
definitely didn't review my speech well enough because I kept finding my self looking at
my card, but other than that I think it went okay.

Work Log #5
At this point in the project I have been heavily focusing on research. So far, the
research is progressing well, and I have made significant strides in understanding the
role of nutrition in athletic performance. One of the key findings I've have discovered is
the importance of adequate protein intake for athletes. I found that consuming enough
protein can help to promote muscle growth and recovery, which is crucial for athletes
looking to improve their performance. Additionally, I've also explored the role of
carbohydrates in athletic performance. Research has shown that consuming the right
amount and type of carbohydrates can help to provide energy for athletes during
exercise, leading to improved endurance and performance. I have also delved into the
impact of micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals on athletic performance. My
findings indicate that these nutrients are essential for overall health and can help to
support immune function, reduce inflammation, and aid in muscle recovery.

Work Log #6 3/6/23

Senior project is going alright for me at the moment. I completed my draft of 10
interview questions and found a person to interview. Last week I emailed the athletic
dietitians at Cal and they were happy to setup an interview with me. First interview is
scheduled for next Wednesday the 8th, over the phone. I am excited for the interview
because I will get first hand responses on the questions I have been researching and I
can use that information in my essay as well. Speaking of the essay, I am almost done
with the outline, I just need to find four quotes for the last two body paragraphs. I also
have the last portion of the first 2 body paragraphs I still need to fill out with the
information from my interview. After the outline is completed I don't think writing the
actual essay will be that difficult or time consuming. The bulk of the essay has already
been completed in the outline, I just need to put everything together and make it
transition smoothly, and not sound robotic. Once all the body paragraphs and the thesis
statement are completed I'll finish with the conclusion which I think will be the easiest.

Work Log #7 3/7/23

The biggest struggle for me so far has been managing my time with this project. My first
semester wasn't very good (grade wise) so this semester I am trying to make an
academic comeback, which involves turning in all my assignments on time or early if
possible, getting an A minimum on all tests and not falling asleep in class. This affects
the senior project because every one of my classes also assign homework and tests
and whatnot, yet the senior project heavily outweighs my other classes in importance
and in work so I have to prioritize English. Thankfully the other teachers are pretty
understanding because they know that we need to complete the senior project in order
to graduate. Other than the time management aspect of it, everything else has gone
well. I've gotten most of the essay completed, my interview scheduled, the next thing I
need to do is find a concrete mentor. My first interview is tomorrow

Work Log #8 3/14/23

I completed the essay outline last week which was a huge help and gave me confidence
for writing my first essay draft. The outline took about 3 or 4 hours to complete which
was a bit longer than I thought but that's 3 or 4 less hours less work on my actual essay.
The outline has all the sources for each body paragraph, and an analysis for each
source. When it comes time to actually write the essay, all I really have left to write are
transitions between quotes and minute conclusions for each body paragraph.
Depending on how the flow of the essay goes I may have to swap out some of the
quotes. I will most likely swap them with the research notes quotes. My plan for writing
the essay is to work slow but efficient. I won't have more than an hour a day to work on
it so I won't be able to get it all done the day before. I will try and tackle a body
paragraph per day, during the 2 weeks before the due date. I will probably take some
time out of my computer science class to work on it too. I have to stay on task and not
fall out of schedule because If I miss a day then I will have to write 2 body paragraphs in
1 day and that will take a long time.

Work Log #9 3/20/23

Essay is due tonight and I am feeling really good about it. I have the bulk of the essay
completed and all I really have left is the work cited and color coding my citations. This
shouldn't take longer than 30 minutes so I can definitely get that done between school
and swim. My plan of working slowly but efficiently worked very well and I managed to
stay on task though the 2 weeks we were given to complete the essay. Working slowly
was not only effective in completing the entire draft within the time frame, but also
allowed for creativity within each body paragraph. Normally when I write an essay I do it
all in 1 sitting and the body paragraphs get progressively worse because my attention
span wares out and I stop caring. When I take a day between paragraphs it refreshes
my mind and I can complete each paragraph as if it were the first

Work Log #10 3/24/23

I have yet to conduct interview #2, my respondent hasn't emailed me back yet. My
mother recommend this lady, she used to work with my mom and had a degree in
nutrition. I was struggling to find somebody to interview until my mom recommended
this lady, yet she hasn't responded to my email in 10 days. With her degree in nutrition
she was a really good candidate, it is unfortunate that I am now back to square 1, still
looking for somebody to interview. People with nutrition degrees are really rare, an
average of 4.6% of graduates study nutrition, according to a study from 2020. Hopefully
I can find somebody soon because I really do not want my English grade to tank. Apart
from the second interview, I still need to start the project portion of the project. The
cookbook. I haven't checked many cook book sites to see the creation format. I hope
that there are some recent sites that are up to date with modern software so that it
becomes fairly easy to upload pictures and recipes and whatnot.Physical cookbooks are
pretty rare nowadays too because most recipes can simply be found online. I need five
more words.
Work Log #11 3/12/23
I am still working on critiquing my essay so that it looks good enough to send over to my
mentor. The correction suggestions that my English teacher made were super helpful
and made my essay look and sound more professional. One of the suggestions she
made was to introduce the person you interviewed earlier in the essay rather than right
before the quote I pulled from the interview. Practice presentations have been booked, I
requested to go on the first day so that I could get that over with as soon as possible. I
am still not sure how I will be structuring my presentation yet but I know that I will be
offering food to the people listening. I am probably going to do my custom recipe of
chocolate rice cakes with peanut butter and honey and hand them out to everybody in
the room. I also have to conduct my second interview, which I haven't done. I am not
sure who to ask, I am thinking about maybe asking m swim coach if he has any
references he could give me. I would imagine he has a lot of people somewhat involved
with nutrition given he is a professional swimming coach. I also have yet to start reading
this book we are supposed to because it looks dumb.

Work Log #12 April 25, 2023

I turned in my essay yesterday and I feel really confident about how it ended up. Mrs.
O'Neil said my essay sounded a little unprofessional and could use an improvement on
the vocabulary side of the essay. So I went over it and tried to change as many words
as I could to make it sound more studious. Other than the vocab my essay was
generally correct, with the formatting and spelling for the most part right. Before turning
it in I read it to my dad and he gave me a lot of suggestions to do revolving around the
vocabulary. I was glad he looked over it because he fixed really rather weaker parts of
the essay. Overall the content was adequate. My mentor critique also went well, my
mentor gave me only a few suggestions to change, which I had actually already done
after reading over the rough draft a few more times. My project is moving along really
well, I've already out in 2 of the 30 recipes into my cookbook and the site I am using is
really easy to figure out. I should be completed with the project portion in about 2 weeks
and Ill have it shipped a few days before its due.
Work Log# 13 May 1, 2023
My essay has yet to be graded, I am really anxious to see what I got. It makes sense
that it is taking so long to grade because the English teachers have a lot of really long
essays to grade. Other than me being nervous about the grade, I am pretty happy that
the essay is pretty much all over with, that is unless I have to do a rewrite. That would
be really unfortunate. My project is going along really well, I've gotten a lot of the recipes
added to the cookbook and I'm nearing the finish line there. This past weekend I did my
community service portion of the project, I set up a snack bar for my swim meet.
Managing the snack bar while also swimming in the meet was pretty difficult but I
managed, and also won all my events that day. I would say that my timeline for
complete the senior project as a whole is looking really good and I should be done with
everything a little before the due date. The biggest pain that I am dealing with right now
is the presentation part of the project. An 8 minute presentation is way too long and
people will lose attention after the third minute, but its whatever. It is going to be difficult
to complete that because I have NCS the weekend before I am presenting. But non the
less we will power through.

Work Log #14 May 17, 2023

Everything is going pretty smoothly right now. I presented my practice presentation last
week so I can get a head start on working on the actual presentation with beneficial
feedback. However the feedback I got was what was expected, people said I talked too
fast and didn't really look up from my notes. I didn't really rehearse the presentation
because I had a lot of other things to do and this was only a practice presentation. On
the final presentation I will rehearse it a lot more and carry less cards so I won't be
looking at the cards the whole time. Also no the final presentation I will bring in an item
from my cookbook that I have been making for the judges. I figured that might help my
grade a bit of the presentation doesn't go as planned. Of the 30 items I have in my
cookbook I think the easiest to do are the protein muffins. They are wrapped individually
and taste relatively good. My goal for the next few days is to clean up my website a bit,
practice my presentation, print out my cookbook because the shipment got delayed,
study for my stat final, get an Olympic trials cut, and not fail any of my other classes.

Work Log #15 May 17, 2023

Creating an athletic nutrition cookbook is an exciting and important process. It involves

gathering and organizing recipes that provide the right balance of nutrients to fuel
athletes' bodies for optimal performance. The first step is to research and consult with
nutrition experts to understand the specific dietary needs of athletes. This helps in
developing recipes that cater to different sports and individual requirements. Next, a
variety of delicious and nutritious recipes are selected, keeping in mind the diverse
preferences and dietary restrictions of athletes. The recipes are then tested and
modified to ensure they meet the nutritional guidelines. Detailed instructions and
measurements are included to make the recipes easy to follow. Lastly, the cookbook is
designed with appealing visuals and informative content to engage athletes and make
the information easily accessible. The final product is a comprehensive athletic nutrition
cookbook that provides athletes with the knowledge and inspiration to fuel their bodies
for peak performance.

Work Log #16 May 17, 2023

The process of creating an athletic nutrition cookbook also involves collaboration with
athletes and professional chefs. Athletes' input is crucial as they can provide valuable
insights into their specific nutritional needs and tastes. Their feedback is incorporated
during the recipe development and testing phase. Professional chefs lend their
expertise in creating flavorful meals that are both nutritious and appetizing.
Collaboration with photographers and food stylists is essential to capture visually
appealing images of the prepared dishes. These images are included in the cookbook
to inspire athletes and enhance their understanding of portion sizes and presentation.
Overall, the collaborative effort ensures that the athletic nutrition cookbook is a
comprehensive resource that meets the needs of athletes, combining scientific
knowledge with culinary expertise.
Work Log #17 May 18, 2023
Creating an athletic nutrition cookbook also involves careful consideration of the
available resources and budget. The ingredients used in the recipes should be easily
accessible to athletes, and the costs involved should be reasonable. Recipe
modifications may be necessary to accommodate budget constraints without
compromising the nutritional value. Furthermore, the cookbook may include tips on
meal planning and grocery shopping to assist athletes in making informed choices
within their means. The layout and design of the cookbook should also be cost-effective
without compromising its usability and attractiveness. Balancing resources and budget
ensures that the athletic nutrition cookbook remains accessible to athletes from various
backgrounds and supports their journey towards improved performance and well-being.

Work Log #18 May, 18, 2023

Making Google Slides on athletic nutrition can be challenging. It involves gathering
reliable information from various sources and condensing complex concepts into simple
and understandable language. Researching trustworthy sources takes time and effort to
ensure accurate content. Presenting the information in a clear and concise manner can
be difficult, especially when dealing with scientific terms and complicated ideas.
Organizing the slides in a logical and coherent way requires careful planning and
structuring. Additionally, creating visually appealing slides that engage the audience is
crucial. Balancing the need for informative content and visual appeal can pose a
challenge. Despite these struggles, creating Google Slides on athletic nutrition is
important for educating and informing athletes about the significance of proper nutrition
and helping them make informed choices to enhance their performance and overall

Work Log #19, May 19, 2023

Creating a presentation about athletic nutrition is an important way to educate and
inform athletes about the significance of proper nutrition. The first step is to research
and gather relevant information on different aspects of athletic nutrition, such as
macronutrients, micronutrients, hydration, and timing of meals. This information forms
the foundation of the presentation. Next, the content is organized in a logical and
engaging manner, with clear sections and subheadings. Visual aids like charts, graphs,
and images are incorporated to enhance understanding and retention of the information.
The language used in the presentation is simple and concise, ensuring that the
audience can easily grasp the concepts. Additionally, real-life examples and success
stories of athletes who have benefited from proper nutrition are included to inspire and
motivate the audience.

Work Log #20 May 19, 2023

When creating a presentation about athletic nutrition, it's important to consider the target
audience. The presentation may be tailored for a specific sport, age group, or level of
athletic ability. Adapting the content to the audience's needs helps to make the
information more relatable and applicable to their specific situations. The presentation
may also include interactive elements, such as quizzes or group activities, to actively
engage the audience and promote participation. Moreover, providing practical tips and
actionable steps for incorporating good nutrition practices into their daily lives is
essential. The presentation concludes with a summary and a question-and-answer
session to address any doubts or concerns. Creating a well-structured and audience-
focused presentation ensures that athletes

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