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By 2028 a world class Army that is a source of national pride




Camp Lt Tito B Abat, Manaoag, Pangasinan G AR

Name: _____________________________________ Date: ____________
ROTC Unit: _________________________________ Score: ___________

Directions: Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer to the questions.

1. Refers to human behavior where morality is the practical activity.

a. Moral b. Personality c. Formation
2. Describe the theoritical, systematic, and rational reflection upon that human behavior.
a. Values b. Moral c. Ethic
3. You linked to believe beliefs, attitudes, and guide human behavior.
a. Values b. Desiciveness c. Courage
4. Is a process of consciously improving oneself in various aspects of his or her life.
a. Self b. Self Development c. Development
5. Is the process by which people give moral values to each other.
a. Values Education b. Education c. Knowledge
6. Justice, fainess and concern for others.
a. Pakikipagkapwa Tao b. Pakikipag Kamay c. Pakikibaka
7.It is establised as the first globsal intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender
equality and the empowerment of women.
a. Status of women b. Commission c. The Commission on the Status of women (CSW)
8. “ The state recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and shall ensure the fundamental equality before
the law of women and men”
a. The 1987 Constitution b. The 1985 Constitution c. The 1988 Constitution
9. It is concerned with differentiating people based on biological attributes.
a. Sex b. Gender c. Roles
10. Is an umbrella term for any harm that is prepared against a perons’s will as a result of power inequities based
on gender roles.
a. Violence b. Based Violence c. Gender Based Violence (GBV)
11. He was the philosopher who state this “ Avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak”
a. San Tzu b. San Tse c. San Tsu
12. Napoleon Banaparte is also known as:
a. Le Petit Caporal b. Le Petit Corporal c. Le Petit Caporals
13. Led by Peter and Hermit and finally arrived at jerusalim in the summer of 1099and captured the city after six
weeks of fighting.
a.First Crusade b. Second Crusade c. Third Crusade
14. Under the roman republic the army was made up only of citizens who owed land. Were simply raised as a
levy also known as legion. Legion are farmers and they had to pay for their own ar5ms and aemaments.
a. Army Evolution b. Army c. Evolution
15. Behind rocks and bushes when they fought, and were used to harass the enemy line infantry as well as to
screen their own.
a. Light Infantry b. Infantry c. Light
16. The roman empire was the greatest colonial empire of ancient times.
a. Ancient Colonialism b. Colonialism c. Ancient
17. At the turn of century, armies all over the world beganadopting the regimental system.
a. History Background b. History c. Backgorund
18. Rifles and automatic rifles not used in making stacks.
a. Loose Pieces b. Pieces c. Proficiency
19. The distance measured from heel to heel between the feet of an individual.
a. Step b. Stepping c. Step one
20. Angle between 0 and 45 degrees. (Right/Left Obligue. March is at an angle of 45 degrees)
a. Angle b. Circle c. Obligue(Lihis)
21. Is a written communication which conveys information and ideas to the reader or addressee.
a. Instruction b. Literate c. Correspondence
22. Figures cited in a letter must be factual.
a. Actual b. Acts c. Accuracy
23. A letter must command respect and should reflect authority.
Honor. Patriotism. Duty.
By 2028 a world class Army that is a source of national pride

a. Rights b. Dignity c. Morale

24. Should be Dignified, Direct and Accurate, Nicknames should be avoided. The tone should be dignified and
a. Styles Accurate b. Style c. Styling
25. Stated as briefly as possible.
a. Subject b. Reception c. Domination
26. What categories of Classified Message are not belong?.
a. Legitimate b. Top Secret c. Secret
27. It is the immediate care given to vistims of accidents before medical workers.
a. Aid b. First Aid c. First Aider
28. A care for oneself.
a. Self Aid b. Aid Self c. Aid First
29. A person who give first aid.
a. Aid b. First Aider c. Aider
30. A potentially fatal viral infection of the nervous system, spread in the saliva of infected animals.
a. Aid b. Hepatitis B or C Vineses c. B or C Vineses
31. Its is a type of jellyfish and well-kown (or its painful and powerful sting).
a. Power b. Man of Power c. Portugees man-of-power
32. It is find in tropical and subtropical marine regions.
a. Urchins b. Sea Urchins c. Urchins Sea
33. It is often feeding in shallow water and not aggressive by nature.
a. Stinggrays b. Stingray c. Stings
34.A_______is often not serious injury, but it can be very frightening.
a. Snake Bites b. Bee Bites c. Dog Bites
35. Any subtances (Solid) that is harmful to the body when injected, or absorbed through the poison.
a. Soning b. Poison c. Poisoning
36. It person taking or giving a substance with the intention causing harm, swade and assualt.
a. Intentional Poisoning b. Poison c. Poisoning
37. If the person taking or giving a subtance and not mean to cause harm.
a. Poisoning b. Unintentional Poisoning c. Poisons
38. It is the ability or willingness to follow a leader.
a. Followership b. Followers c. Follows
39. It means approaching subjects, situations, and problems with thoughtful.
a. Critics b. Critical c. Critical Thinking
40. It doesn’t consider possibilities beyond what he or she is told, does not contributed, and accepts the idea
without assesing or evaluating them.
a. Uncritics b. Uncritical c. Uncritical Thinking
41. An independent, critical thinker but is passive in the organization.
a. Critic Follower b. Alienated Follower c. Conformist Follower
42. The conformist participates actively in the organization but does not use critical thinking skills in his or her
task behavior.
a. Critic Follower b. Passive Follower c. Conformist Follower
43. They are both critical independent thinker and active participation.
a. Effective Follower b. Effects c. Critical Thinking Follower
44. Exhibits neither critical, independent thinking nor active participation.
a. Effective Follower b. Passive Follower c. Critical Thinking Follower
45. They want their leaders to be honest , forward-thinking, inspiring , and competent.
a. Effective Follower b. Passive Follower c. Followers
46. This are the accepted practices through continued usage that take the force effect of the common law.
a. Customs b. Effects c. Critical Thinking Follower
47. This are the inherited priciples, standards and practices that serve as guides for an individual or a group.
a. Inherited b. Traditions c. Traditional
48. It represents a long and honorable of deveotion to duty in the service of ones country.
a. Militar Uniform b. Uniform c. Military Uniform
49. The highest award for courage under fire.
a. Medal of Loyalty b. Medal of Valor c. Medal of honesty
50. As a dedicated public servant, deep sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice.
a. Tradition of Valor b. Tradition of Honor c. Tradition of Duty

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

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