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Bily New BN

Languages L
Importance of physical exercise.

It is estimated that exercise is one of the

most necessary and important elements to
lead a healthy lifestyle, which is also
complemented with the consumption of
healthy foods and limiting the consumption
of harmful substances such as tobacco or

Exercise is important and central so that the

person can lead a healthy life and avoid
different types of diseases, from small flu to
serious complications such as a heart attack.

On the other hand, exercise, while anyone should do some type of physical activity, is especially
recommended for those who must lose weight. The benefit of the exercise is that today there are
endless possibilities through which a person can perform physical activity, whether in individual
or group activities, routine or recreational, concentration or relaxation, for various ages and for
various capacities or needs.

The benefits of being able to perform physical exercise on a daily basis are related not only to
improving a person's physical appearance but also to exercising muscles and joints by maintaining
and improving what is known as physical fitness, tolerance to being able to perform some effort
without perceiving pains or being able to have greater resistance to the fatigue of performing this
task, as reducing the times necessary for the recovery and regeneration of the tissues.

“It is considered that exercise not only

contributes to a healthy life at a physical level but
also at an emotional and mental step by raising
the levels of self-esteem and positive attitude”

The periodic performance of physical activities improves health, with benefits ranging from the
better functioning of the Circulatory System as well as the prevention of diseases related to its
counterpart, Obesity and Eating Disorders, proving that although physical exercise increases the
appetite, is beneficial for the Metabolism and Digestion to be able to burn the reserves that the
organism accumulates.

We have a great number of options to carry out these activities, from daily walk, to being able to
attend Gymnasiums where we have the technology in order to have the highest possible
performance, as well as the performance of sports activities that will allow us to exercise our body

Embracing time when studying English.

Bily New BN
L anguages L
at the same time that we have fun together with our friends or family
in case of practicing any

Embracing time when studying English.

Bily New BN
LanguagesNeither … nor. L
Se emplea a en la oración para expresar la idea de ni…ni,
expresando exclusión de los sujetos u objetos
mencionados en la oración.
1. I’m neither tall nor small.
2. She is neither young nor old.
3. We neither rich nor por.
4. Neither Billy nor Felix like watching TV.
5. Neither my parent nor yours live in US.

To feel like + gerund (ing).

Significa: sentir deseo de, siempre debe ir seguido de in
verbo en gerundio.
1. I feel like going out to night.
2. She feel like going to the beach.
3. I feel like having an ice cream.
4. He doesn’t feel like going to work, he would prefer to stay at home.
5. I don’t feel like eating now, I would continuous studying for one more hour.

Cuando se usa en oraciones interrogativas significa:
Alguna vez (normalmente usamos ever con oraciones
interrogativas con el presente perfecto).
1. Have you ever gone to United States?
2. Have you ever been here before?
3. Have you ever studied English before?
4. Have they ever had problems with you?
5. Has she ever kissed you?
6. Have you ever thought to get married with me?

Ever también significa nunca cuando lo usamos en oraciones negativas, normalmente al final de

1. You haven’t arrived on time ever.

2. He doesn’t do his homework ever.
3. They won’t do that ever.
4. She hasn’t done the homework ever.
En oraciones afirmativas, después de superlativos / only, para hacer más énfasis en la oración.
1. This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever visited.
2. Dominican Republic is the only country I have ever been.
3. You’re the greatest girl I’ve ever known.
4. She’s the only girl I’ve ever kissed.

Embracing time when studying English.

Bily New BN

1. Enough 16. At last 31. Advertisement

2. To relax 17. To forget 32. To wonder
3. To guess 18. I would rather 33. Law
4. To thank 19. I’d prefer 34. Expectation
5. To attend 20. To feel like 35. Whatever
6. On credit 21. To go to bed 36. To expect
7. Is that all? 22. Rate 37. Gain
8. Kids 23. Ventilated 38. As long as
9. Supermerket 24. Receipt 39. Guarantee
10. To sit together 25. By the way 40. prophecy
11. You’re kidding 26. To get along 41. confidently
12. To believe 27. To run away 42. properly
13. To show 28. To iron 43. achievement
14. Sure 29. Anywhere 44. goals
15. Computer 30. To flunk 45. To lead
Reading Time


This law states that: "Whatever you expect, if you wait for it, it becomes a
prophecy itself” You don’t get what you want in life, but what you expect. We can never
rise above the expectations of ourselves. And the good news is that you can build your
own expectations.

The rule is that we should always expect the best. Expect some gain from all your
experiences, and some lesson from all your problems or difficulties. You must hope
confidently that everything that is happening is part of a vast universal plan that will
lead you to success. You must expect that every person and everything as long as it
contains something of value in one way or another can help you.

To properly use this law, you must expect to be a happy, healthy and successful
person. Expect to be popular, persuasive and effective. Expect to get the things you
want and achieve the results you have proposed. This attitude of “positive expectations”
based on firm faith in your success will virtually guarantee you the achievement of your

What’s your answer?

Why should we always expect the best? What the

importance of: “positive expectations”?

Embracing time when studying English.

Bily New BN
Renting an apartment

Rosy: Billy you’ve got a beautiful apartment, it’s big enough and well ventilated, the balcony is
large, it’s quite place in the middle of nature, the room are beautiful and the ocean view is
wonderful. I’s like to live in a place like this. How much rent do you pay?
Billy: I pay $ 6,000. It’s a quiet and nice place, the rate is a little high but it’s comfortable, I like
Rosy: aren’t there problem with water and electricity?
Billy: not, there aren’t problem at all. The building also has an elevator.
Rosy: can I get an apartment near here?
Billy: yes, you can get it right here in this building.
Rosy: is it possible to contact the owner today?
Bily: yes, she’s here right now. Would you like me to call her now?
Rosy: yes please, I’d love it.
Bily: hello Marlen! How are you doing?
Marlen: hello Bily, I hadn’t seen you for a long time. Were you out of the city?
Bily: I’ve always been here but I’ve been very busy witting a new book for a new languages
Marlen: that’s very interesting, I wish you success!
Billy: Marlen this is Rosy my good friend.
Marlen: it’s a pleasure to meet you Rosy.
Rosy: the pleasure is mine, I’m also glad to meet you Marlen.
Bily: Marlen, my friend Rosy is interesting in some information about the apartment you’ve left.
Marlen: please follow me, come to my office. Please have a sit. What kind of apartment would
you like to rent?
Rosy: I just want an apartment like my friend one. Do you have anyone left?
Marlen: I have another one just like his but it will be ready in two week.
Rosy: it’s ok. I’m not rushed. What’s the monthly rate?
Marlen: it’s $ 6,000, with a starter payment of $ 10,000.
Rosy: that too expensive for me.
Marlen: not Rosy, I’m giving you my best apartment.
Rosy: all right Marlen I’ll take it. Should I pay now?
Marlen: well that’s up to you, if you want you can pay half in advance.
Rosy: yes please, here is the money.
Marlen: here is you receipt.
Rosy: bye Marlen, if God willing I’ll see you in two week.
Marlen: good bye Rosy, take care.

Embracing time when studying English.

Bily New BN

1. Quickly 16. Brochures 31. To belong

2. Purse 17. Healthily 32. Dance group
3. Finally 18. Insurance 33. To earn
4. Jewelry 19. Plans 34. Energy
5. Traffic 20. Benefit 35. To cut
6. Ticket 21. Law salary 36. To laughed
7. You’re right 22. Hight salary 37. Where from?
8. Loan 23. Medical care 38. Besides
9. To replace 24. Prescription 39. To recommend
10. Owner 25. Point 40. Bridge
11. To cover 26. To consider 41. To mix up
12. Where to? 27. To accept 42. Driving license
13. When for? 28. Program 43. To hurt
14. What for? 29. To check 44. Infection
15. To advice 30. Payment 45. Independence
Let’s go fishing
Last weekend Charles and bob went fishing with their
fathers. They went to a lake in the mountains. It’s one
of the largest city in the area. They fished all day on
Saturday. They only caught a few fish. Then on
Saturday they got up very early. They fished all
morning and they caught lot of fish. They caught more
fish on Sunday than they did on Saturday. Charles’s
father caught the most fish. Bob caught the biggest fish
and Charles caught the smallest one. Bob didn’t catch
as many fish as Charles.

In the afternoon they went swimming in the lake. It was a very warm day, but the water was cold.
Later in the afternoon they drove home, that night they ate the fish for dinner.

Answer these Questions

1. What did Charles and bob do last weekend?
2. Where did they go?
3. Did they go to a very small lake?
4. What did they do on Saturday?
5. Did they catch a lot of fish?
6. Did they get up late on Sunday?
7. What did they do all morning?
8. Did they catch as many fish on Sunday as they did on Saturday?
9. Who caught the most fish?
10. Who caught the biggest fish?
11. Who caught the smallest?
12. Who caught more fish?
13. What did they do in the afternoon?
14. What kind of day was it?
15. Was the water hot or cold?
16. When did they drive home?

Embracing time when studying English.

Bily New BN
A pleasant evening
Lucy Reynoso is a new secretary in a Company in New York city, she doesn’t have many
Friends there yet because she’s just arrived there from Boston city but new she’s met Daniel,
he’s a young lawyer of the Company, a Thursday evening, not long time ago Lucy was sat in her
apartment, she was reading a book when repandly the phone rang.

Lucy: hello.
Daniel: hello I’m Daniel. Do you remember me?
sometime I stop at your desk in your office.
Lucy: yes of course I remember you. How are
Daniel: oh, I’m fine. I’d like to know if you have
plans for Saturday night.
Lucy: not, nothing special.
Daniel: do you like dancing?
Lucy: I love it.
Daniel: an excellent dance group from Mexico
is coming here now and I have two ticket for Saturday night. Would you like to go with me?
Lucy: I’d like a lot. I’ve listened they are wonderful dancers.
Daniel: good! the party starts at 8:00 pm but I think I’d better come go for you at 7:30 pm.
Lucy: yes, I think so. The traffic may be heavy at that hour.
Daniel: I think we’d better take a taxi, then I won’t have to park.
Lucy: fine! We must prepare all the program at work before going there. Mustn’t we?
Daniel: I’ll prepare all about it.
Lucy: all right, see you on Saturday night, good bye.
Daniel: good bye and take care Lucy.

Lucy was very happy, this would be her first most important invitation after she moved to New
York so, she thought she must get a new dress for it. That’s why next day after her lunch she
bought a new one she like it, then on Thursday she thought she’d better buy a new pair of shoes.
She found one quickly at an apartment store, before she left the store she also bought a purse,
finally she decided she’d have some new jewelry too but it’d better not be very expensive. She had
spent a lot of money and she’d have to save for her food and her next month rent.

On Saturday night Daniel arrived as he said at 7:30 pm, he saw Lucy looked very attractive. They
son found a taxi and went right to the party. They hadn’t been there long when the music started
and so did the party.

The next two hours passed quickly, everyone in the party was dancing and having a good time,
Lucy and Daniel drank for a while and after that they decided to dance, during the time they were
dancing Daniel said: oh Lucy! You’re a great dancer so, she answered: when I was a Little girl I
took some dance lesson and a short time later I belonged to a dance group.

Do you do any dance now? Not much, I don’t have much time for it anymore, I earn my living
now, then Daniel said: I like dancing but I’ve never taken any dancing lesson because when I was
young my parent thought I should use my energy to cut the grass and work with them. Lucy
laughed, in a few minutes she looked at her watch, it’s late! She said, we must go now.
When they arrived at her apartment she thanked him for spending a funny night with her and he
told her “I hope to share another night with you son”.

Embracing time when studying English.

Bily New BN
Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting
of verb + adverb or verb + preposition. Think of
as you would any other English vocabulary. Study them as you come across them, rather than
trying to memorize many at once. Use the list below as a reference guide when you find an
expression that you don't recognize. The examples will help you understand the meanings.

If you think of each phrasal verb as a separate verb with a specific meaning, you will be able to
remember it more easily. Like many other verbs, phrasal verbs often have more than one meaning.
As well as learning their meanings, you need to learn how to use phrasal verbs properly. Some
phrasal verbs require a direct object (someone/something), while others do not. Some phrasal
verbs can be separated by the object, while others can not. Review the grammar lesson on phrasal
verbs from time to time so that you don't forget the rules!

1. Ask around: (ask many people the same question). Ex: I asked around but nobody has seen my
2. Break in: (force entry to a building). Ex: Somebody broke in last night and stole my TV.
3. Break up: (end a relationship). Ex: My boyfriend and I broke up before I moved to USA.
4. Break out: (escape). Ex. The prisoners broke out of jail when the guard weren’t looking.
5. Call back: (return a phone call). Ex. I’ll call you back tomorrow.
6. Check in: (arrive and register at a hotel or airport). Ex. We will get the hotel keys when we check
7. Come from: (originated in). Ex. Pizza come from Italy.
8. Eat out: (eat a restaurant). Ex. I don’t feel like cooking to night. Let’s eat out.
9. Fill in: (to write information in blanks). Ex. Please fill in the form with your name, address and
phone number.
10. Get along: (like each other). Ex. I was surprise how well my new girlfriend and my sister get
11. Get together: (meet). Ex. Let’s get together for a BBQ this weekend.
12. Get up: (get out of bed). I got up early today to study for my exam difficult.
13. Give up: (stop trying). Ex. My math homework was too so I gave up.
14. Look into: (investigate). the police will look into your case.
15. Mix up: (confuse two or more things). Ex. I mixed up the twins’ name again.
16. Work out: (be successful). Ex. Our project worked out well.
17. To think over: (consider). Ex. I’ll have to think over this job offer before I make my final
18. Make up: (invent, lie about something). Ex. Josie made up a story about why we got late.
19. Grow up: (become an adult). Ex. When jack grows up he wants to be a fireman.
20. Look after: (take care of). Ex. I have to look after my sick grandmother.
21. Look over: (check, review). Ex. Please go over your answers before you give me the text.
22. Go ahead: (start). Ex. Please go ahead and eat before the food get cold.
23. Go after: (follow someone). Ex. My brother went after the thief in his car.
24. Check out: (leave a hotel). Ex. You have to check out of the hotel before 11:00 am.
25. Check out: (look at carefully). Ex. The company check out all new employees.

Embracing time when studying English.

Bily New BN

1. Over there 16. To employee 31. Movies

2. How nice 17. Seller 32. Music
3. That’s great 18. Sale woman 33. Clothing
4. Of course 19. Sale man 34. To celebrate
5. Tourism 20. To miss 35. Co-worker
6. Ice cream 21. Right there 36. Golden
7. Ice cream shop 22. To let 37. Bridge
8. Cream 23. To go up 38. Tower
9. Ice 24. To go down 39. To believe
10. One more time 25. To go ahead 40. In fact
11. To sow 26. To trust 41. Failure
12. To harvest 27. What a small Word 42. Stroke
13. To start 28. Whose 43. Whether
14. To stay 29. A guide tour 44. Instead of
15. Employee 30. Electronics 45. To crash
Reading Time


Some people believe that luck is an important factor in the success. In fact, the failures
people almost always attribute their inability to achieve a goal to bad luck. They say:
“Successful people are simply those who had a stroke of luck”. The fact is, because of the
mental laws that govern the human universe, in fact, luck does not exist. Everything
happens for a reason, whether you know it or not. Instead of luck, what does exist is the
law of probabilities.

The theory of probability, taught in the faculties of Business Administration of most

universities, goes back 300 years ago. It postulates that there is always some probability
that something will happen. There is a probability that an airplane crash. There is a
probability that I will be one hundred years old. There is another one that makes you rich.
All finance, economics, business, life insurance and all kinds of science are based on the law
of probability.

This theory also stipulates that probabilities can be calculated with great accuracy using
proven mathematical techniques.

What’s your answer?

Do you agree with that: “Successful people are simply those who had a stroke of

How can our actions influence the probabilities of success?

Embracing time when studying English.

Bily New BN
The golden gate bridges.

If we were asked: what the most

recognized engineering works in the
world? probably the Golden Gate
Bridge would be one of the first
answers that would appear through
our mind. Today, it is the second
longest suspension bridge in the
United States and the ninth in the
world, which connects the city of
San Francisco with Marin County.

The Golden Gate Bridge was the longest spanning bridge in the country until 1964, occupying the
second place after the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in New York was completed. Also, the bridge
suspension towers were the highest in the world until 1998. The name of the bridge was officially
announced at the Golden Gate Bridge & Highway District Act, after its approval by the state
legislature in 1923. However, Definitive permission for the construction of the bridge was not
granted by the War Department until 1930.

The construction of the bridge was completed in April 1937 by a total investment of
approximately 35 million dollars of the time, opening to the circulation of vehicles on May 28th,
1937. It had such popular expectation that approximately 200,000 people crossed the bridge First
day of its inauguration.

Finally, the Golden Gate was painted with

orange color, chosen based on its suitability to
nature and also for its clear visibility to the ships
that transit through its waters. The bridge has
two suspension cables that support the structure
with a total weight close to 60,000 tons, which
pass over the towers and end in huge blocks of
cement, stone and iron, with an impressive
diameter of 93 centimeters and a length of 2,550
meters. Each of these, is composed of 27,572 interlaced cables, which allows to stand a tension of
up to 100,000 tons with total security.

A Sad Fact: The attraction of the suicides by the Golden Gate is such that many make a long
journey there for on it, end their lives. The first suicide occurred within 10 weeks of opening the
bridge, in 1937. Since then there have been 7 intent to build a dissuasive barrier on the bridge.
Costs and design have been debated, but deaths have continued. There are 1,218 suicides recorded,
possibly there have been many more.
Finally, it should be noted that the bridge was subjected to a seismic reinforcement, divided in two
phases between 1997 and 2008. The first phase, from 1997 to 2002, involved the modernization of
the structure close to Marin, while the second phase, 2002 To 2008, focused on strengthening the
structure on the San Francisco side and the Fort Point Arch.

Embracing time when studying English.

Bily New BN
To have just + past participle.
Significa: acabar de; terminar de…

1. I’ve just arrived so, don’t ask me any money.

2. I’ve just seen your mother and she told me that you weren’t at home yesterday.
3. She’s just talked to her boyfriend.
4. They’ve just arrived here, which mean that they came late.

Ought to.
Significa: deber, para indicar obligación.

1. You ought to obey you parents.
2. She ought to pay that bill.
3. Citizen ought to respect the law.
4. I ought to visit my mother tonight.

Because of.
Se usa para indicar causa o motivo.

1. Because of coming late, you’re not in the list.

2. Because of the traffic, I couldn’t arrive on time.
3. We couldn’t finish because of rain.
4. My sister didn’t attend his invitation because of work.
5. He has just died because of sickness.

American idioms
 Don’t count your chicken before you catch it. This
phrase has nothing to do with chicken. It simply
means don’t be confident or sure in anything until it
happens. Example: you may think you have that job,
but don’t count you chicken before you catch it.
 Fish out of water. When someone says that they feel
like a “fish out of water”, it means that they feel uncomfortable. Probably mean that they are in
a situation which they are very unfamiliar with, or one that is very new.
 Got off on the wrong foot. If you’ve just begun something, and it went badly, you have ‘got off
on the wrong foot’. This can apply to a project, meeting someone new, or anything that you’ve
just started.
 How do you like those apples? This is one of those idioms that always make me laugh. It’s
used sarcastically to say: how do you like that? Also, you can use this phrase to presume, you
can say: ‘I told you my baseball team will win! How do like those apples?’
 Light on your feet. If someone tells you that you are ‘light on your feet’ it’s a compliment! It
means that you are quick and agile; you move around easily.
 Like two peas in a pod. If two things are ‘like two peas in a pod’, it means that they are very

Embracing time when studying English.

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