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1. How many sample data were used?

Answer: 12
2. How many customers wait between 45 and 50 seconds?
Answer: 3
3. How many customers wait between 50 and 55 seconds?
Answer: 6
4. How many customers wait between 55 and 60 seconds?
Answer: 7
5. How many customers wait between 60 and 65 seconds?
Answer: 10
6. How many customers wait between 65 and 70 seconds?
Answer: 2
7. Based on the histogram, what is the distribution shape of the given data?
Answer: non symmetric, bimodal
8. Does the histogram represent the correct set of data? Rationalize your answer.
Answer: I think its correct for it shows a 5 second interval from the data gathered from its
9. If you are going to conduct the same study, will you use a greater or lesser sample? Why?
Answer: I think I would use a lesser sample, because less is always more
10. In your perspective, what plausible conclusion can be deduced from the given data and

information? Rationalize your answer.

Answer: it concludes that the majority of the people that waits in line takes about 60 to 65
seconds to reach the counter

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