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Bily New Languages BN


1. Mysterious 21. While 41. Hot soup

2. Comfortable 22. To kick 42. A few
3. Barter 23. To climb 43. Several
4. Gentleman 24. To turn 44. To share
5. Adventure 25. Wild 45. Sure
6. Anything else 26. To drop 46. Insurance
7. Over 27. Storm 47. Anything
8. Wall 28. Electricity 48. Any more
9. Light 29. Lamp 49. Someone
10. Lighter 30. Strange 50. Only
11. Ball 31. To find out 51. Nothing
12. Flashlight 32. To shout 52. No body
13. Light bulb 33. To fix 53. Enough
14. To smoke 34. Outside 54. Meat
15. Noise 35. To plant 55. To solve
16. Zoo 36. Grass 56. Box
17. Candle 37. Yard 57. Seashell
18. Behind 38. Flowers 58. Island
19. To touch 39. Short walk 59. Bag
20. Retired 40. Lunch time 60. Glass

1. I’m going to climb on that tree.
2. What a beautiful adventure we had I would like to have it again.
3. We have to plant some flowers on the grass.
4. I like to go to the zoo to watch the monkey eating banana.
5. This place is very noise, I don’t like that.
6. He is the one and only who is able to do it.
7. If you smoke you will die faster.
8. Don’t go outside it’s raining a lot.
9. Let’s take this short walk is easier to go home.
10. My boss was nice, but he didn’t like flowers.
11. She is going to plant grass with him.
12. Don’t go outside, there is a big storm.
13. He kicked over the wall.
14. How noisy this street is!
15. There is nobody fixing the lamp.
16. I hadn’t saw a too wild lion.
17. Sometime you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
18. If I have loved you for a thousand years, I will love you for a thousand more.
19. Why do people build zoo if animal deserve to be free?

First Lesson.
Bily New Languages BN
20. Electricity have been one of men’s greatest invents.

First Lesson.
Bily New Languages BN

A mysterious neighbor
When I was 10 years old, I lived in Philadelphia, it was a comfortable neighborhood and I
knew everybody on the street, except for the man at number 19, my mother said he was English
gentleman retired from a life of adventure, but she didn’t tell me anything else about him, and we
never went near his house. Until one day, while, when I was playing soccer on the street with
some friends, I kicked the ball into the old man’s yard. I looked over the wall, but I didn’t see
anybody, I decided to climb over the wall and get the ball when I was picking the ball up, I heard a
noise behind me, I turned away and I saw an old man with long, wild, white hair smiling of me, I
dropped the ball and ran. Later at night I told to my mother I can still remember the conversation
we had.


1. Do you know all your neighbors?
2. Do you have any mysterious neighbors?
1. He was the only child on the street.
2. The boy took the ball home.
3. The boy talked to the man.

Are you looking for a new place to spend your

This is my third vacation in Dominican Republic. They’re
always fun (but it depends a lot on the family). The first
year I stayed with a great guy from Puerto Plata Who took
me all over the country. Last year was a bit difficult, I was
with a girl who didn’t like the same things I did.
This year will be great. So, I love Dominican Republic,
the only problem is that sometimes I get home sick, but I
think it’s just matter of the weather.

First Lesson.
Bily New Languages BN

First Lesson.
Bily New Languages BN
Regular Verbs.
Los verbos regulares son aquellos que forman su pasado simple y
participio agregándole el sufijo D o ED, al final del verbo, y la terminación en la pronunciación es T.
Presente. Pasado simple Pas. Participio.
To live Lived Lived
To love Loved Loved
To dance Danced Danced

Los verbos regulares que cuando forman su pasado simple y participio terminan en TED o DED, su
terminación se debe pronunciar como en español.
To want Wanted Wanted
To need Needed Needed
To rest Rested Rested

Irregular Verbs.

Los verbos irregulares son aquellos que forman su pasado simple y

participio de formas distintas.
To go Went Gone
To eat Ate Eaten
To give Gave Given

Simple Past: El pasado simple de los verbos regulares como irregulares en ingles solo se utiliza
para afirmar, ya que para interrogar usamos DID y para negar usamos DIDN’T, más el verbo que
sigue en presente.
1. Did she love me? 1. Did they eat rice?
2. She didn’t love me. 2. They didn’t eat rice.
3. She loved me. 3. They ate rice.

Usamos el pasado simple:

 Para acciones que iniciaron y terminaron en el pasado:

Keila finished high school last year.
 Para acciones que iniciaron en un tiempo específico del pasado:
He arrived here at 7 o’clock.
 Hábitos o costumbres del pasado:
My brother always spent his vacation with our grandparents.

Algunas expresiones usadas con el pasado simple: yesterday, yesterday morning, last
night (week), two weeks (days, months) ago, etc. in 1997, etc.

First Lesson. 5
Bily New Languages BN
Regular list of verbs


To talk Talked Talked
To cook Cooked Cooked
To paint Painted Painted
To like Liked Liked
To wash Washed Washed
To love Loved Loved
To want Wanted Wanted
To live Lived Lived
To dance Danced Danced
To rest Rested Rested
To study Studied Studied
To call Called Called
To die Died Died
To agree Agreed Agreed
To hate Hated Hated
To play Played Played
To brush Brushed Brushed
To divorce Divorced Divorced
To need Needed Needed
To travel Traveled Traveled
To wish Wished Wished
To rent Rented Rented
To answer Answered Answered
To smoke Smoked Smoked
To work Worked Worked
To blame Blamed Blamed
To convince Convinced Convinced
To invite Invited Invited
To learn Learned Learned
To listen Listened Listened
Some sentences using the verbs.
1. She didn’t want to start studying English.
2. He answered the true when you asked him.
3. My father worked here one year ago, but now he doesn’t.
4. We studied together when we were children.
5. She danced the whole night, but she did not want to dance with you.
6. She didn’t invite me to her house but I went anyway.
7. He did not convince me, I know he was lying.

First Lesson. 6
Bily New Languages BN
Estas palabras poseen el mismo significado AUN-TODAVIA, pero poseen
uso diferente.

STILL: se usa en oraciones afirmativas e interrogativa, normalmente posee un uso intercalado en

la oración.
1. She is still working because she needs to make money.
2. Are you still living in your father’s house?
3. I’m still studying English here.

YET: Se usa en oraciones negativas, normalmente se usa al final de la oración.

1. I don’t speak good English yet.
2. She is not working here yet.
3. They don’t have a house yet.

LUIS: Hey Johanna did you study for the text?

JOHANNA: I’m still studying, I don’t finish yet.
LUIS: So, I studied yesterday but I’m not ready yet, what are you going to do after school?
JOHANNA: I don’t have any idea.
LUIS: My family will go to the beach the whole day; would you like to go with us?
JOHANNA: Of course, I would. And what are they going to do there?
LUIS: Is my father’s birthday, and also my mother’s family will be there.

First Lesson.
Bily New Languages BN
Irregular list of verbs


To be Was / Were Been
To give Gave Given
To go Went Gone
To get Got Gotten
To forget Forgot Forgotten
To eat Ate Eaten
To become Became Become
To leave Left Left
To begin Began Begun
To bring Brought Brought
To choose Chose Chosen
To come Came Come
To pay Paid Paid
To meet Met Met
To drink Drank Drunk
To drive Drove Driven
To feed Fed Fed
To fight Fought Fought
To have Had Had
To know Knew Known
To buy Bought Bought
To understand Understood Understood
To tell Told Told
To say Said Said
To fly Flown Flown
To keep Kept Kept
To hit Hit Hit
To spend Spent Spent
To shake Shook Shaken
To win Won Won
Some sentences using the verbs.
1. I didn’t go to school yesterday.
2. I went to school yesterday.
3. Did you go to school yesterday?
4. She spent her summer vacation in Santiago.
5. She didn’t spend her summer vacation in Santiago.
6. Did she spend her summer vacation in Santiago?
7. I met different people here.

First Lesson.
Bily New Languages BN
Estos verbos tienen el mismo significado DECIR, pero poseen uso
TO TELL: Se usa cuando se refiere a alguien en específico es decir hay un complemento directo.
Did she tell you anything about me?
They told me the truth.

TO SAY: Se usa cuando no se refiere a alguien en específico, no hay un complemento directo.

They said, they are on the beach right
now. I say, you are my best friend.


Significan: ENTRE.

BETWEEN: Se usa para referirse a, entre dos cosas, personas o grupo.

Santiago is between la Vega and Puerto
Plata. Between you and me everything is fair.

AMONG: Se utiliza para referirse a, entre varias cosas, personas o grupo.

That’s among all of us.
When I was studying I was always among the best students.

The auxiliary MUST.

Significa DEBER, y se utiliza para indicar necesidad o probabilidad. Must
debe ir seguido de un verbo en infinitivo sin la partícula TO.
1. She must eat before going to school.
2. I must go to see my mother.
3. They must live far.
4. He must be a good English teacher.
5. We must study English to get a good job.

Usamos MUST:

 Para indicar obligación o deber: You must return the books to the library.
 Para expresar probabilidad: It must be three o’clock.
 Para indicar necesidad: She must eat vegetable to get thin.
 Para expresar prohibición: You must not (mustn’t) drink and drive.
 Para indicar necesidad: She must eat vegetable to get thin.

First Lesson.
Bily New Languages BN
Present Perfect.
Este tempo indica una acción que el sujeto ha realizado en el pasado y que
probablemente se extiende hasta el presente, se forma con el verbo TO
HAVE (haber) más un verbo en pasado participio.

Conjugación del verbo TO HAVE (haber) en presente.

I have I have not Have I? Have not = Haven’t
You have You have not Have you? Has not = Hasn’t
He has He has not Has he?
She has She have not Has she?
It has It has not Has it?
We have We have not Have we?
They have They have not Have they?

1. I have gone there twice.

2. She has never come here.
3. They haven’t bought the car.
4. Have you study French before?
5. We have worked in that enterprise.

Usamos el presente perfecto:

 Para hablar de una acción que inicio en el pasado y se extiende hasta el presente:
- He has worked at this company for five years.
 Para hablar de una acción pasada que tiene un resultado visible en el presente:
- He has been sick, he is still at the hospital.
 Para hablar de una acción que sucedió en cierto tiempo del pasado, aunque no se sabe
exactamente cuándo.
- I have saw him here. (When? We don’t know)
 Al referirse a una experiencia pasada:
- Have you ever been at the cable car?

How + Adjetive.
Expresa una admiración.

1. How important the English is!

2. How nice the weather is!
3. How beautiful your girlfriend is!
4. How shy she is!
5. How rich the president is!
6. How easy the English is!

First Lesson.
Bily New Languages BN
Indefinites Pronouns.
Son los que no determinan con exactitud a la persona o cosa a la que se
1. No body 14. Usually 27. Other
2. No one 15. Often 28. Another
3. None 16. Never 29. One another
4. Such as 17. All 30. The other
5. Neither 18. Several 31. Any
6. Either 19. Some 32. Any one
7. Both 20. A few 33. Any body
8. One 21. Much 34. Any thing
9. Ones 22. Many 35. Every one
10. Each one 23. Too much 36. Something
11. Each other 24. Too many 37. Some one
12. Always 25. So much 38. Some body
13. Perhaps 26. So many 39. What else?

1. I don’t drink too much coffee.
2. There are too many people at the park.
3. She doesn’t want to eat anything.
4. I’m going to rest for a few minutes.
5. Give me another one please.


There is still hope.
Don’t pay attention to what the people say.
Don’t stop.
Never gives up try your best.
I have done it again my will.

Money is not what it was.

Have you ever exchange a candy for a magazine? Or a CD for a computer game? That was
how people bought things in the past, before money was invented. If you had meat and your friend
has corn, you gave you friend a little meat and he or she gave you a few ears of corn. This system
was called barter. But there was a problem, if your friend already has enough meat, you didn’t get
any corn. To solve the problem, people invented money.
At first a lot of deferments things were used as money, in ancient Egypt workers were paid
with seashells and, on some pacific island the feathers of a colorful bird were used as money. Thing
were bought and sold with rice in chine and with corn in America.
Even in twentieth century strange objects were used as money in some parts of the world but today
people use dollars, euro, pesos, etc. when they go shopping. But you can still use barter to get what
you want from your friends.

Answer: what’s barter? What was the problems with barter? How did people solve the problem?

First Lesson.
Bily New Languages BN

Practice: Money

First Lesson.
Bily New Languages BN

1. Grade 15. Bacon 29. Every fifteen days

2. Guitar 16. Sausage 30. Monthly
3. To sing 17. Tea 31. Annual
4. To go swimming 18. Sugar 32. Tradition
5. To go cycling 19. Cornflakes 33. New Year’s Eve
6. Baseball 20.A little 34. Valentine’s day
7. E-mails 21. To sleep 35. Mother’s Day
8. Art 22. Over eat 36. Father’s Day
9. Weight 23. Silly 37. To take a photo
10. To ask 24. Jelly 38. Event
11. Cup 25. On top 39. To save(money)
12. Butter 26. Vitamins 40. Web side
13. Salt 27. Medicine 41. Internet
14. Syrup 28. Weekly 42. Computer

Meeting new friends
Hi my name is Diarize, I’m American, I’m 9th,
I’m 14 years old, I love all king of music. I play the
guitar and I can sing. My favorite instrument is the
guitar. I also love going out with my friends to the
movies, I like swimming, cycling and animals. I don’t
like getting up early. What about you? Please write me
and tell me.

I’m Helena, I love writing e-mails it’s a great

way to meet people, I’m from England, I like
art a lot, I really like reading and listening
music, I have a cat, his name is Furry, he is
my favorite animal. I love swimming too.



EX: I like playing baseball. I don’t like getting up early.

Second Lesson.

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