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1 - FUNCTIONAL 1/10 Categorie SALE ROOM 404 ERROR when tried to be accessed after

enter in another categorie. Only open if you click directly from home page.

2 - FUNCTIONAL 2/10 Contact Us page in the bottom of Home Page 404 ERROR

3 - FUNCTIONAL 3/10 Returns page in the bottom of Home Page 404 ERROR

4 - CONTENT When access one of the navigation tab categories, there is no button
for back to Home page

5 - CONTENT When you try to select your country while adding a new adress, seems
like the options are sorted in alphabetical order, but there is some countries in
wrong places.

6 - CONTENT --On adding or editing a new adress, when you leave the state/province
input blank, shows an error message saying that a "region" is required, instead of
a state/province

7 - CONTENT - 2/2 Even when i am already logged in, the "sign in or create an
account" still visible, but when i click the page changes to My account page.

8 - FUNCTIONAL 4/10 When in the checkout page, when you select the shipping address
or try to add a custom address, the message "There are no shipping methods
available, try different address" remains,
and the "proceed" buttom still gray.

9 - FUNCTIONAL 5/10 There is some products that in his page says "in stock", but
when i tried to add to my cart pops up an alert saying "Sorry, the product is out
of stock" or "The product is not available". like: and ------

10 - FUNCTIONAL 6/10 In categories navigation tabs, there is some products that

the image don't load. like: ---- ----

11 - FUNCTIONAL 7/10 The filters in the pages, don't work well with the promotion
values, because they are considering only the original prices

12 - FUNCTIONAL 8/10 The "FORGOT PASSWORD" function is not sending the email to
set a new one.

13 - CONTENT In the "Sign in to you account" window, the phrase "Don't have an
account?" was written with "`" instead of "'"

14 - FUNCTIONAL On the home page, there is background images that are not loading.

15 - CONTENT On the home page the button "Sign up and Receive" is not redirecting

15.5 - CONTENT On the home page the button "Sophie's Gift Guide" is not

16 - FUNCTIONAL 9/10 On the home page 404 ERROR on click the button "Bed and Bath"

17 - --- When you try to search a product in the "Search tab", only open a quick

18 - CROSS DEVICE 2/2 On PC, the filter of the categories pages is not showing the
"Position: Descending", only the "Ascending", Mobile is normal.

19 - CONTENT - 1/2 On the page "Terms and Conditions", the texts are in "lorem"

20 - CONTENT - On the bottom of the page in the section "ABOUT US", there is no
content in the page "About"

21 - CONTENT On the bottom of the page in the section "ABOUT US", there is no
content in the page "Trade Enquiries"

22 - FUNCTIONAL 10/10 On the bottom of the page in the section "CONTACT", when
click at "COMPANY NAME" returns an error 404

22.5 - FUNCTIONAL On the bottom of the page in the section "CONTACT", when click
at "Street" returns an error 404

22.6 - FUNCTIONAL On the bottom of the page in the section "CONTACT", when click
at "City, Postal code" returns an error 404

23 - VISUAL - 1/2 The background image from "Shop Cutrely" and "Shop Portmerion"
buttons are not positioned well, when increase the width of screen the images is
unalign with the borders

24 - CROSS BROWSER On Firefox PC, the filter on categories pages do not show all
the options correctly

25 - CROSS DEVICE 1/2 In mobile, when you click in the bag, the preview cart
window doesn't open, you move to the cart page.

26 - CROSS BROWSER 1/2 On Chrome, the scroll bar is not appearing

27 - ---FUNCTIONAL On "My account" page, there is a tab named "Wish list", but the
products pages have no way to add the product to the Wish list

28 - VISUAL 2/2 In the Footer of home page, the titles of columns "CUSTOMER CARE",
"ABOUT US" and "CONTACT" are misaligned horizontally

29 - CROSS DEVICE On the PC, the home page has three blue buttons in the top of
page, but when you are on mobile, they disappear

30 - CROSS BROWSER On Iphone's Safari, the product page has a layout problem on
the input quantity box.

31 - PERFORMANCE 1/2 On the "Catalog-request" page, if you click on the "send

catalogue request" button leaving the inputs blank, the page enters in "LOADING"
mode and you can only click on the header categories

32 - VISUAL On the main page, Absence of focus effect on the main button in the
top of the page "Set to celebrate"

33 - +++++++CROSS BROWSER On PC's Safari, when you click to view the product page
you get a 404 ERROR



1 - FUNCTIONAL 1/10 Categorie SALE ROOM 404 ERROR when tried to be accessed after
enter in another categorie. Only open if you click directly from home page.

2 - FUNCTIONAL 2/10 Contact Us page in the bottom of Home Page 404 ERROR

3 - FUNCTIONAL 3/10 Returns page in the bottom of Home Page 404 ERROR

4 - FUNCTIONAL 4/10 When in the checkout page, when you select the shipping
address or try to add a custom address, the message "There are no shipping methods
available, try different address" remains,
and the "proceed" buttom still gray.

5 - FUNCTIONAL 5/10 There is some products that in his page says "in stock", but
when i tried to add to my cart pops up an alert saying "Sorry, the product is out
of stock" or "The product is not available". like: and ------

6 - --------FUNCTIONAL 6/10 In categories navigation tabs, there is some products

that the image don't load. like: ---- ----

7 - FUNCTIONAL 7/10 The filters in the pages, don't work well with the promotion
values, because they are considering only the original prices

8 - FUNCTIONAL 8/10 The "FORGOT PASSWORD" function is not sending the email to set
a new one.

9 - FUNCTIONAL 9/10 On the home page 404 ERROR on click the button "Bed and Bath"

10 -FUNCTIONAL 10/10 On the bottom of the page in the section "CONTACT", when
click at "COMPANY NAME" returns an error 404


1 - CONTENT - 1/2 On the page "Terms and Conditions", the texts are in "lorem"

2 - CONTENT - 2/2 On the bottom of the page in the section "ABOUT US", there is no
content in the page "About"


1 - VISUAL 1/2 The background image from "Shop Cutrely" and "Shop Portmerion"
buttons are not positioned well, when increase the width of screen the images is
unalign with the borders

2 - VISUAL 2/2 In the Footer of home page, the titles of columns "CUSTOMER CARE",
"ABOUT US" and "CONTACT" are misaligned horizontally


1 - ---------CROSS DEVICE 1/2 In mobile, when you click in the bag, the preview
cart window doesn't open, you move to the cart page.

2 - ---------CROSS DEVICE 2/2 On PC, the home page has three blue buttons in the
top of home page, but when you are on mobile, they disappear

3 - CROSS DEVICE On mobile, there is no option to remove the product to the cart

1 - CROSS BROWSER 1/2 On Chrome, the scroll bar is not appearing

2 - ------------CROSS BROWSER 2/2 On Iphone's Safari, the product page has a

layout problem on the input quantity box.


1 - -----------PERFORMANCE 1/2 On the "Catalog-request" page, if you click on the

"send catalogue request" button leaving the inputs blank, the page enters in
"LOADING" mode and you can only click on the header categories


**Subcategory Portmirion-Candles and Kitchen and Dinning - Kitchen Textiles

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