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English Class

temas Mi self
1) sugerencias con My name is Wilken
should manuel Aquino, I am from
why don't you dominican republic, I am
could fiveteen years old, I live
with my dad wilbis, my
mom isabel end brother
2) how much y how many abel.
I like to play video games
and music and talk with
3) The routines my friends,
I don't like dirt.

4) there is y el there are

1) sugerencias con
why don't you

Should se utiliza para recomendar hacer algo y para afirmar si

nos parece que algo es como debería ser o no.

Podemos usar Should para expresa un consejo o una


• sugerencias con
why don't you

Why don't
Should could

1) you should eat 1) Why are not we 1) I could watch

something going to eat movies

2) you should drink 2) Why don't we

2) I could go eat
water play video games
2)how much and how many

how much se usa con cosas incontables y how many

con cosas contables.
Ejemplos: “How much money do you have?” (¿Cuánto
dinero tienes?)
“How many friends do you have?” (¿Cuántos amigos

Se utilizan para preguntar por cantidades de

algo. Si se trata de sustantivos contables, se
aplica How many. Si se trata de sustantivos
incontables, se usa How much.

how much
how many

1) How much milk does 1) How much milk do I

the recipe call for? have to buy?

2) How much milk do 2) How many people will

you buy every day? come?

3) The routines
Las rutinas: son Costumbres o hábitos adquirido de
hacer algo de un modo determinado, que no
requiere tener que reflexionar o decidir.


1) I get up at 7:00 am to 2) I eat dinner at 7:00

have breakfast every day pm every day

3) I eat lunch at
4) I go to sleep at
12:10 p.m.
11:30 p.m.

4) there is y el there
Utilizamos “there is” y “there are” para expresar la
existencia de algo, tal y como se hace en español
con el verbo “haber” en situaciones como esta:
There's somebody at the door.

Ejemplos de there
is and there are

there is there are

1) There aren't any books
1) There is an apple in on the table.
the basket

2) There aren't any leaves

2) There is some
in the yard.
milk in the fridge

3) There aren't any good

3) There are five
movies in the theater.
books on the desk 5

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