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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty / of the SHS WITH CP GARCIA ES /

(formerly in Sta.Ana ES) / Sales Street, Davao City

In Partial of the Requirements for the subject / Inquiries, Investigations, and




MARCH 2023



Saba banana, a popular fruit crop grown in Southeast Asia, is an economical

source of a variety of beneficial agents. This study examined the variations in total

phenolic, flavonoid, and antioxidant activities of five maturity stages of Saba banana

and their changes during simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion as affected by

varying structural compositions (Reginio et al., 2020).

A banana-peel patty is a great healthy alternative to the usual hamburger patties

made of meat. Bananas have a lot of health benefits. It contributes to heart health, for it

contains potassium and mineral electrolytes that keep the heart beating. In addition, it

contributes to digestion and weight loss because it is rich in fiber and vitamin B6, which

also help against diabetes. Moreover, it contains vitamin A, which is good for one’s

vision, and calcium for the bones (Szalay, 2017). Furthermore, banana peel shows

great potential to be developed into a beneficial, functional foods and nutraceuticals

(Zaini et al., 2022).

The Philippines produces an average of 7.5 million metric tons of bananas every

year. In 2018, 52% of the total banana production was exported, 27% of which was from

Saba, leaving 48% of the total banana production domestically. However, tons of

banana peels were left and thrown away, adding to the waste that causes. Pollution in
the country. Converting the banana peels into products not only reduces the food

wastes annually in the country, but it also has relevance economically (De Vera, 2020).

The researchers conducted this study to make banana peel as an alternative of

meats. Moreover, the researchers believed that the production of this ensures that what

people think is inedible can be greatly beneficial. The aim of this study was to utilize

banana peel in patty production.

One of the traits of Filipinos are experimenting food like using. vegetables as an

alternative for meat. Like mushrooms that are already known as an alternative for meat

although it is not packed with protein but it is proven to be a good substitute for meat.

One of the examples is the burger mushroom where many already patronize it. On our

topic, we the researcher think of other alternative food that will benefit others especially

with health matters. Upon discussing, we come up with the idea of using banana peel

as a patty. Patties are usually made by meat but there are already some alternatives

and we believe banana peel can be a good substitute for meat.

Banana peel has the potential to be use into functional food because it is

historically consumed as food and medicine in some regions in the world. According to

an article in science direct, entitled "Banana peels as a bioactive ingredient and its

potential in the food industry", the incorporation of banana peel into food products

enhanced the nutritional content, particularly the dietary fiber and phenolic content. It

has been demonstrated that banana peel reduces lipid oxidation, particularly in meat-

based products. From this article, banana peel shows great potential as an alternative

for functional food as long as it is consumed with safety measures for human. With the

right amount usage of banana peel, the researchers create patties that can be beneficial
to other especially when it comes to health matters because it was meatless. It will

benefit a lot because low budget will only be used in this research.

The main ingredient that was in this study was the Banana Peel. Usually, Patty is known

for burger that is made out of different meats but in our study, we're going to make a

Patty that is made out of banana peel.

Theory Based

Theory Base
  Bananas are very important for our health. The forthright consummate of banana

fruits can progress into possession of bellitude that is indubitably exemplary to an

exemplary tiptop latitude of exclamation. This is due to the undisputed facts that prove

that eating bananas is healthy, as has been established by many scientific authors,

except one. In the past there have been two main theories about bananas. One is that

they are good for you because they are delicious (Smith 1932a), and the other is that

they are bad for you because they are yellow (S. Jones 1954). Moreover, there is

another theory that bananas are good for you because they are yellow (Chomsky et al.

1967). . George W. Tsay thus proposes a new theory (2001), which is that you should

eat bananas because they are good for your health. The fact that they are yellow is not

germane to the discussion whatsoever; indeed, discussing color when health is our

primary concern here demonstrates a distressing lack of concern among my colleagues

with the welfare of our people today

Usually, Patty is known for
burger that is made out of
different meats but in
our study, we’re going to make
a Patty that is made out of
banana peel.
The main ingredient that was
in this study was the Banana
Usually, Patty is known for
burger that is made out of
different meats but in
our study, we’re going to make
a Patty that is made out of
banana peel.
Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework on which the study stands and, on what various products we

can produce using Peel of sab-a Banana as a burger patty. This framework assumes

the development of burger patty using banana peel.

●The Independent Variable manifest the development of the burger patty.

●The Dependent Variable manifest only sab-a banana peel as a burger patty.




Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the study

Statement of the Problem

Generally the study aims to determine the level of acceptability of banana peel burger
patty as alternative to commercial burger aims to answer the specific questions.

1. What is the level of acceptability of banana peel burger patty in terms of?
1.1 Aroma
1.2 Color
1.3 Taste
This the ingredients Separate the peel
our burger patty from the banana
made in saba
1.5 Texture pulp.
banana peel.

2. Is there a significance difference on the commercial burger patty in terms oos their
aroma, color, taste, texture, and appearance?


. Ha: There is a significant relationship between development of burger patty from Saba

banana peel.

patty in terms of aroma,

color, taste, after-taste,
There is no significant
difference on the acceptability
of banana peel
patty in terms of aroma,
color, taste, after
Significant of the Study

The study will be beneficial to the following:

Students – They would gain idea about the benefits of consuming healthy

products especially the represented banana peel patty.

Community - This study will provide the community who view banana peel as

inedible an adequate understanding of the utilization of banana.

Researchers. The researchers would gain new ideas and understand the idea

behind of the study in order to procedure unfamiliar product.

Future researchers. This study can serve as a related literature for future

researchers who plan to explore the same topic which is to produce new product that is

helpful to the people.

Scope and Limitations

This research study focuses in the development of sab-a banana peel as a burger
patty, since it is most usually used at cuisines and it find an alternative for meat but it's
more organic and nutrition. The target respondents are the grade 12 cookery student in
Carlos P. Garcia

Definition of Terms

Banana peel. It refers to a thick yellow or green covering of a banana

Patty. It refers to an amount of ground food such as beef formed into a flat round



This chapter presents the methodologies that will be used by the researchers to aid the
problem. It includes research design, research instruments, sampling design,
respondents, data gathering and data analysis.

Research Design

This study utilized experimental research to determine the development level of

burger patties using by Saba-a banana peel. Among the respondents, there were
differences as to appearance, color, texture, aroma, and taste. Experimental design is
the process of carrying out research in an objective and controlled fashion so that
precision is maximized and specific conclusions can be drawn regarding a hypothesis
statement (Bell, 2009). In Doctoral Journey, 2021 Experimental quantitative research
design utilizes the scientific approach. It establishes procedures that allow the
researcher to test a hypothesis and systematically and scientifically study causal
relationships among the development of burger patty from Saba banana peel.


Wash the banana

peelings and put
After we boiled and
them into a pot and
This the ingredients once it cooled, we
Separate the peel boil until soft. Be
of our burger patty put in food processor
from the banana careful not to
made in sab-a so that’s we reach
pulp. overcook the
Mix in garlic, onion, Put some of flour
bread crumbs, and and after that get 8-10 pieces sab-a
one large egg. Mix about 1/4 cup of the peeling
until fully mixture and shape And this is the result
4 cloves garlic
incorporated. Season into a ball using your of our experiment.
with ground black hands carefully 1 red onion
pepper and salt. Mix flatten it into a patty
well. shape. Black pepper 1

1/2 cups bread


1 piece egg salt

cooking oil for frying


The respondents of this study will be the Grade 12 Cookery students in Carlos P.
Garcia Senior High School. A total of 88 respondents were asked to witness the
development of burger patty from Saba banana peel in terms of appearance, color,
texture, aroma, and taste.

Sampling Design

Simple random sampling will be used to select the respondents to validate the
outcome of this study. The sample was selected from the Grade 12 students and there
are 1500 population of Grade 12 students in Carlos P. Garcia Senior High School.

Research Instrument
The instruments will use in the research study were survey forms (checklists and
rankings of levels of satisfaction) to gather the needed data. Moreover, the purpose of
this study is to evaluate how satisfied or dissatisfied the respondent is in terms of color,
appearance, texture, aroma, and taste. The researcher will provide a survey
questionnaire to the respondents to gather data. In choosing this, the researcher
created a table with 6 columns, each answerable by only a check mark: Very Satisfied,
Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied, and Very Dissatisfied.

The Development of the Burger Patty from Saba-A Banana Peel


: Strand:

Burger Patty Very Satisfied neutral Dissatisfied Very

Satisfied satisfied Dissatisfied

Data Gathering

The researchers first recognize the sources of data for the study. A permission
letter was secured by the researchers to conduct the study and needed to be signed by
Dr. Helen G. Reyno, principal of Carlos P. Garcia Senior High School. The researchers
present a sample survey questionnaire to the research adviser. After being approved, it
was then distributed to the selected respondents among the senior high school TVL-
Cookery students from Section Bechamel and Hollandaise. Next, the researchers will
gather data from the responses of the respondents. Lastly, the data will be tabulated for
data interpretation.
Data Analysis

The development of using Saba banana peels as burger patties by converting

them allows for the evaluation of the rating of the appearance, taste, texture, and color
of the Saba banana peel. And we have respondents at Carlos P. Garcia Senior High
School who can give their answer as to what the taste of the burger patties that we
made is, and we can also know if the students at Carlos P. Garcia like the taste of our
burger patties because they are made from Saba-a-baba peel. There are eighty-eight
(88) respondents after tallying and getting the mean of the total scores. To determine
the development of burger patty from Saba banana peel weighted mean was used. A
weighted mean is a kind of average. Instead of each data point contributing equally to
the final mean, some contribute more weight than others (Andale, 2014).

Formula: x̅= ∑[(f)(w)]/n

x̅= weighted mean
F = frequencies to the given
W = weights
n =total number of respondents

Weighted mean

4.20- 5.00

3.40- 4.19

2.60- 3.39

1.80- 2.59
1.00- 1.79


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