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Archives for the ‘Expressions’ Category Enter keyword to search

Bare or Bear With Me?

Hot Takes and Spit Takes
Idioms and Expressions That Refer to Eating
70 “Home” Idioms and Expressions
5 Derogatory Adjectives Derived from Words for Medical Conditions
Slang Words Ending in “O”
20 Archetypes for People Based on Names
45 Idioms with “Roll”
What Is the Meaning of “Hack?”
Many Ways to Break
Misuse of “Comic Relief”
ICYMI, in Case You Missed It
Oppose and Opposed To
50 Idioms with Single, Double, and Triple
25 Pairs of Compound Nouns and Verb Phrases Ending in “Out”
25 Idiomatic Phrases That Include Single Initials
“Claiming To Be” and “Stating That”
Kinds of Consequences
80 Idioms with the Word Time Categories
30 Baseball Idioms
Four Common Idioms from Shakespeare Business Writing Book Reviews
55 Boxing Idioms
Bullets, Silver and Magical Mistakes Expressions
100 Idioms About Numbers
45 Idioms About the Number One Fiction Writing Freelance Writing
90 Idioms About Tools
General Grammar
The Meaning of “To a T”
25 Idioms with Clean
Grammar 101 Misused Words
No End and To No End
Grounded and Ten Other Idioms with Ground Punctuation Spelling
All About Zero
Toll, Knell, and Tocsin Style Vocabulary
Without Let
Inundating and Drowning Writing Basics Usage Review
Sort and Out of Sorts
Writing Quizzes
If You Don’t Know Jack, You’re a Jackwagon
“Confused With” and “Confused About”
“Familiarize with” and “Habituate to”
50 Idioms About Roads and Paths
The Meanings and Origins of Common Greetings and Pleasantries
Horseracing Idioms in Politics
Idioms About Distance
Tent Poles and Tentpoles
Impede and Impinge
Wishing You Well
Hitting the Nail on the Head
The Most Unkindest Cut of All
On Behalf Of vs. In Behalf Of
Take o
In and Of Itself
Chances Fat and Slim
Skid Row
Fingers and Fingering
Graduating FROM High School and College
“As Well As” Does Not Mean “And”
At The Age That
Mea Culpa
To Relish Memories or To Revel In Them?
Doing Penance
Center Around and Centre Round
Buck Naked and Butt Naked
Cost-E ective vs. Cost-E cient
Diluting the Bucket List
Give It Up vs. Applaud
Precursor To vs. Precursor Of
In Case Of and In the Event Of
Lord of the Manor
Holing Up
Not That Big of a Deal
From Memory and By Heart
8 Expressions with the Word Quick
Vis-à-vis Has More Than One Use
Jiggery-pokery and Pure Applesauce
Chalk It Up
Raining Death and Destruction
Prop, Props, and Props To
Having a Fit
Running the Gamut and Running the Gauntlet
Tracking an Odd Construction in the Media
Copying Files On, To, or Onto
Five Ways to Look Up
Brave New World
Hanks of Hair and Gobbets of Flesh
“In Absentia” Used As An Adjective
Mistakes With Regard
Belt Idioms
“Comprised of” Revisited
Sleight of Hand
To Curry Favor
High-stepping Stepchildren
Inning, Innings, and the Seventh-Inning Stretch
Picking Nits, Not Nicks
Uneasy vs. Uneased
To Go Haywire
Femme Fatales and Film Noirs
Prepositions to Die With
Shore It Up
Bail Out vs. Bale Out
Lagging Behind
Jury-rigged vs. Jerry-rigged
A Ways To Go
A Law Unto Themselves
Nobody Makes “Bad Progress”
The King is Dead. Long Live the King!
Two Inverted Idioms
Contrast and Stand in Contrast To
The Ubiquitous Butt
Yellow Card
Six Idioms with Dozen
Just Deserts vs. Just Desserts
Rope-a-Dope and International A airs
For Some Reason
Get Ahold Of
Carriage Trade
At the End of the Day
Get Your Goat
Euphemisms for Job Loss
Trademarked Words
Spaying and Neutering
At a Crossroads
11 Circle Expressions
Take in Stride
Five Misspelled Idioms
Mutually Exclusive
Every Other
For Sale vs. On Sale
Ever Since and Every Sense of the Word
A Cause for Concern
Facing the Worst
With All Due Respect
Awe and Awesome
To Do vs. To Make
Phrasal Verbs with Stand
Hobbling and Cobbling
Out of Pocket and Singing in Tune
By the way vs. As a matter of fact
Beans and More Beans
Blah, Blah, Blah
At Your Disposal
Food Idioms
The Indispensable ‘Get’
In Whom Do We Trust?
By the Same Token
Disappointed + Preposition
Boots and Booty
The Many Meanings of Make
What Can I Do You For?
An Elephant of a Di erent Color
Sands and Hands of Time
Comes to Bear
Expressions with Turn
Auspices and Guises
Come to Pass
In Regards To
Ludicrous vs Ridiculous
Prepositions That Follow the Verb Alert
Transitive Twist on “Agree”
Try to vs. Try and
Personal and Personally
Taken Aback
Wayside and Waste Side
Boy Oh Boy
Study, Learn, and Read
For Free and Other Pleonastic Expressions
Idioms with Compare
Oblivious to or of?
Et cetera, Re, and Sic
Come With
The New, Delightful Use of Because
Prepositions with Enamored
Escape Velocity
Congratulations on or for?
Fishy Expressions
At Whose Earliest Convenience?
Bootstraps and Bootstrapping
Unlike No Other
Hue and Cry
Lo and Behold!
Prepositional Idioms with “of”
The Many Uses of John
Six Shades of True
The Many Uses of “Best”
Old Guard and Young Turks
Based On vs. Based Around
75 Idioms and Expressions That Include “Break”
Coup d’Etat and Coup de Grace
40 Idioms with First
The Fifth Estate
30 Idioms About Common Shapes
16 Substitutes for “Because” or “Because Of”
50 Plain-Language Substitutions for Wordy Phrases
Should You Angle for Anglo-Saxon, or Enlighten with Latin?
50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and Fingers
15 Names and Descriptions of E ects
30 More Nautical Expressions
50 Idioms About Meat and Dairy Products
25 Idioms About Bread and Dessert
The Meanings of “Like”
Alternative Meanings for Names of Sense Organs
10 Colloquial Terms and Their Meanings
10 Varieties of Linguistic Siamese Twins
The Purposes of “Per”
Idioms Referring to Colors of the Rainbow
15 Reduplicative Doublets
13 Theatrical Terms in Popular Usage
Treatment of Words That Include “Self”
10 Metals and Minerals for Metaphors
It’s Acceptable to Use (Some) Contractions
11 Forms of Word Patronage to Forgo
The Ups and Downs of “Left” and “Right”
Placeholder Names
The Story Behind Words for Hair Color
40 French Expressions “En Tout”
50 Handy Expressions About Hands
10 Intensi ers You Should Really, Absolutely Avoid
20 Synonyms for “Expert”
10 Demographic Names and Expressions
12 Misunderstood and Misquoted Shakespearean Expressions
7 Expressions and Ideas About Elephants
10 Terms for the Common People
The Ins and Outs of “High” and “Low”
The Old News About the Oxymoron
5 Slang Words That May Never Be Legit
10 Terms of Gender Identity
225 Foreign Phrases to Inspire You
The Other N-Words
The Indispensable Interjection “Oh”
150 Foreign Expressions to Inspire You
Nylon Stockings and Denier Spam
The Shelf Lives of Expressions and Slang
25 Words and Their Prepositional Pals
Are Anti-Semitic Arabs Self-Haters?
5 Fixes for Pop-Culture Pile-Ups
I Said Jerry Rig
“Because Of” and “Due To”
Kiss Anyone, Just Not the Gunner’s Daughter
A Little Fox Never Hurt Anyone
A Besetting Sin
This is so gay!
Peace of Mind and A Piece of One’s Mind
Heart-rending and Gut-wrenching
Types of Ignorance
“Quit” as Predicate Adjective
“Ma’am” and Regional Colonialism
Irish Potatoes and Pennsylvania Dutch
“To Tide You Over”
The Ambiguity of “Afraid”
“Near East” vs “Middle East”
Compare and Contrast
Life Passed Me By
Empathy “With” or Empathy “For”?
Albatross and Alcatraz Island
Overwhelm and Underwhelm
Spitting Image
Bob’s Your Uncle!
Hear, Hear!
One Fell Swoop
Lucky Expressions
“Have” vs “Having” in Certain Expressions
“Make Peace With” and “Come to Terms With”
100% Will Su ce
I Pity the Full!
Made With Scratch?
This Sink Needs Fixed
“Based in” and “based out of”
The Quasi-adjective “Couple”
Excited ABOUT, not “for”
Hale and Haul
Ipso Facto and Other “Factos”
Sources of Titles Drawn from Shakespeare
Book Titles from Shakespeare
3 Common Latin Expressions
Excuse me!
What Does “to bring to bear” Mean?
Everybody Speaks Hamlet
Opinion of, Opinion on, Opinion about
Take An Example
Weltering in Gore
“Homing In” and Plain “Honing”
“One-O ” is not a New Expression
What does “in camera” Mean?
“Hell-bent” and “Hell-for-leather”
Post, Entry or Article?
What’s the Time?
The Line is for the Toe
Motherland or Fatherland?
“Human Readers” A Tautology?
“Completed Suicide”
Waiting with Bated Breath
Happy Yuletide!
Tomayto or Tomahto?
Hey You!
Thou lily-liver’d boy!
Best Foot Forward
Verbi cation at Work
Hamstrings and Hamstringing
Curating the Web
“In” and “On” with Time Expressions
Hypercorrecting A Well-known Phrase
Calloused or Callused?
Parsons Chairs and Parsons
Cat ghts and Dog ghts
Here I thought “Nimrod” was a compliment!
Illegal Aliens and Illegal Immigrants
Meddling with Mettle
Foo Fighters and UFOs
“Loath” and “Loathe”
Time, Gentlemen, Please!
Nothing Wrong with “went missing”
It’s Greeking to Me
Needing to do A Few Things
The Post O ce is Kitty-corner to the Court House
Brainstorms, Turning to Showers
The Devil, Part Two
Making a Mountain Out of a Molehill
That Dark Type is Called “Boldface”
Coming Down the Pike
“Pomp and Ceremony” or “Pomp and Circumstance?”
First Come, First Served
“Wracking” or “Racking” Your Brain?
Does Web Usage Matter?
Free Rein or Free Reign?
Rule of Thumb
The Humble Foot
Airplane Ears
Without Cease
Let’s Party!
Laurels and What One Does With Them
The Cat’s Pajamas
Speak of the Devil!
Hurrah for the Lowly BUG
How Can a War Be “Civil”?
Not Good or No Good?
Eating Humble Pie
A Harrowing Use of “Harry”
The Many Faces of “Run”
That Elusive Will o’ the Wisp
Mmmm, You Dirty Rat!
In the Long Tail
More Than One Meaning for “Poke”
O Captain, My Captain!
Hey Clyde, Who’s That Harvey?
Banished Words of 2009
Can “blarney” be “in ne fettle”?
Passing the Buck Slip
I Got the Blues
Some “All” Words and Expressions
The Changing Pronunciation of “Leisure”
We’re in the Pink
“Colloquial” Does Not Have to Equate with “Ignorant”
Hoist With His Own Petard
Autumn or Fall?
Know Your Eschatology
Dirt and Filth
Cockney Rhyming Slang
Some Hairy Expressions
Cut To The Chase
Everybody Must Make Up Their Own Mind About “Their”
When Did “Pimp” Become a Positive Term?
Pander Code
Nonstandard Usage Detracts from Novel
If You Can Keep Your Head…
Even, Yet, and Still
Blowing The Ga
The Vicissitudes of the Latin Plural in English
Few vs. Several
What’s a Male Mistress?
Euphemism and Euphuism
A Slip Of The Lip
Found Any Eggcorns Lately?
Speaking Of Eponyms
Caesar, Kaiser, and Czar
Politicians and Humpty Dumpty
Usage That Provokes “Blackboard Moments”
Multiple Plurals, Multiple Meanings
Ten Yiddish Expressions You Should Know
Better Use “Redneck” with Care
Skin And Bones
“Black Friday”: An Unfortunate Expression
Gods and Ducks – Get It Right
Dear Sir
Is it Libel, or is it Slander?
Numerical Expressions
Hang, Hung, Hanged
Don’t Be Vexed by Vexillology
“Pushing Up Daisies” and Other Euphemisms for Death
No More Used Cars
Latin Words and Expressions: All You Need to Know
“Could Care Less” versus “Couldn’t Care Less”
6 Foreign Expressions You Should Know
Let the Word Do the Work

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