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(LGB 40503)







For marine applications, the cross compound double reduction steam turbine was a popular
choice because it was more compact, taking up less space in the ships engine-room. It also
had the advantage of a built-in astern turbine giving easier astern movement, with up to 50%
astern output power as that of the ahead turbine.

First open all the turbine-casing and main steam-line drain valves and ensure that all the
steam control valves at the manoeuvring station and around the turbine are closed. All bled
steam-line drain valves should be opened. Start the lubricating oil pump and see that the oil is
flowing freely to each bearing and gear sprayer, venting off air if necessary and check that
the gravity tank is overflowing.

Obtain clearance from the bridge to turn the shaft. Engage the turning gear and rotate the
turbines in each direction.Start the sea water circulating pump for the main condenser. Then
start the condensate extraction pump with the air ejector recirculation valve wide open.

Open the manoeuvring valve bypass or 'warming through' valve, if fitted. This allows a small
quantity of steam to pass through the turbine and heat it. Raising a small vacuum in the
condenser will assist this warming through. The turbines should be continuously turned with
the turning gear until a temperature of about 75°C is reached at the LP turbine inlet after
about one hour. The expansion arrangements on the turbine to allow freedom of movement
should be checked.

Gland sealing steam should now be partially opened up and the vacuum increased. The
turning gear should now be disengaged.

Short blasts of steam are now admitted to the turbine through the main valve to spin the
propeller about one revolution. This should be repeated about every three to five minutes for
a period of 15 to 30 minutes. The vacuum can now be raised to its operational value and also
the gland steam pressure. The turbines are now ready for use. While waiting for the first
movements from the bridge, and between movements, the turbine must be turned ahead once
every five minutes by steam blasts. If there is any delay gland steam and the vacuum should
be reduced.


The propulsion demands of large merchant vessels can be covered using a single slow-speed,
direct-drive Diesel engine. This type of engine can burn very low quality fuel, such as HFO,
more easily than medium-speed Diesel engines because the physical space and time available
to combustion are significantly larger. Slowspeed engines are usually built with a smaller
number of cylinders and, in consequence, a smaller number of moving parts, increasing thus
the reliability of

The main parts of the engine are:

• Bedplate and crankcase: The bedplate supports the engine and ensures alignment of the
shaft. The crankcase provides housing for the crankshaft. In large engines the crankcase and
bedplate come in one piece.

• Crankshaft and flywheel: The crankshaft is one of the heaviest and costliest components of
large marine engines. The flywheel ensures attenuation of the vibrations introduced by the
discrete firings in each cylinder.

• Engine body: This part of the engine provides mechanical support for the engine cylinders
and ensures the mechanical robustness and flexibility of the engine structure. Account is also
taken that human access to the inner parts of the engine remains possible.

• Cylinder blocks and liners: In large marine diesels each cylinder is contained in it’s own
separate cylinder block.

• Pistons and connecting rods: Pistons consist of the piston crown, the piston rings and the
piston rod. Their role is to deliver mechanical power

The Marine Diesel Propulsion

To the crankshaft to which they are connected through the connecting rods.

• Cylinder heads and exhaust valves: The cylinder heads secure the top of the combustion
chamber and provide mechanical support for two other engine components, namely the
exhaust valves and the fuel injectors.

• Camshaft(s): The camshaft is one of the most critical engine parts because it ensures timing
of exhaust valves opening/closure, as well as fuel injection.

• Fuelling system: This is comprised of the high-pressure fuel pumps, the high-pressure
pipelines and the fuel injectors (there can be more than one for each cylinder). Diesel engines
used for ship propulsion are tuned in order to operate nearsteady-state on a well-defined
operating curve, the so called “fouled-hull” or propeller curve


A nuclear-powered ship is constructed with the nuclear power plant inside a section of the
ship cded the reactor compartment. The components of the nuclear power plant include a
high-strength steel reactor vessel, heat exchanger(s) (steam generator), and associated piping,
pumps, and valves. Each reactor plant contains over 100 tons of lead shielding, part of which
is made radioactive by contact with radioactive material or by neutron activation of
impurities in the lead.

The propulsion plant of a nuclear-powered ship or submarine uses a nuclear reactor to

generate heat. The heat comes from the fissioning of nuclear fuel contained within the
reactor. Since the fisioning process also produces radiation, shields are placed around the
reactor so that the crew is protected.

The nuclear propulsion plant uses a pressurized water reactor design which has two basic
systems - a primary system and a secondary system. The primary system circulates ordinary
water and consists of the reactor, piping loops, pumps and steam generators. The heat
produced in the reactor is transferred to the water under high pressure so it does not boil. This
water is pumped through the steam generators and back into the reactor for re-heating.

In the steam generators, the heat from the water in the primary system is transferred to the
secondary system to create steam. The secondary system is isolated from the primary system
so that the water in the two systems does not intermix.

In the secondary system, the steam flows from the steam generators to drive the turbine
generators, which supply the ship with electricity, and to the main propulsion turbines, which
drive the propeller. After passing through the turbines, the steam is condensed into water
which is fed back to the steam generators by the feed pumps. Thus, both the primary and
secondary systems are closed systems where water is recirculated and renewed.

A large motivating factor in nuclear power generation is the concept of re-usable energy
prompting an almost self-sustaining system.
The energy generating house or propulsion plant of a nuclear powered ship utilizes a nuclear
reactor to generate heat. The heat is generated within the nuclear reactor as a result of the
fissioning of the nuclear fuel. Lead shields are placed around the reactor as a preventive
measure against the radiation produced from the fissioning process
nuclear propulsion plant operates as a pressurized water reactor design containing both a
primary and secondary system.
Primary system: This is where water is circulated through the reactor, piping loops, pumps
and steam generators. As the heat transferred from the reactor to the water is done at such a
high pressure, it does not boil. Instead, the water is pumped from the steam generator back to
the reactor for re-heating.

Secondary system: Steam which is produced at the steam generators supply the energy
required to drive the turbine generators. The turbine generators then cause the propeller to
rotate thereby causing thrust and a forward motion to the ship. Turbine generators are also
utilized in supplying the ship with electricity. Once the steam has passed through the turbines,
it is cooled and condensed into water and then fed back to the steam generators by the feed
As can be noted, both the primary and secondary systems involve the recirculation and
renewal of water.
It should also be noted that these processes take place in a completely closed system. This
ensures the safety of the onboard workers as well as any potential expulsion of radiated
nuclear energy to nearby components and parts of the ship


A two-stroke, or two-cycle, engine is a type of internal combustion engine which completes

a power cycle with two strokes (up and down movements) of the piston during only one
crankshaft revolution. This is in contrast to a "four-stroke engine", which requires four
strokes of the piston to complete a power cycle. In a two-stroke engine, the end of the
combustion stroke and the beginning of the compression stroke happen simultaneously, with
the intake and exhaust (or scavenging) functions occurring at the same time.

Two-stroke engines often have a high power-to-weight ratio, usually in a narrow range of
rotational speeds called the "power band". Compared to four-stroke engines, two-stroke
engines have a greatly reduced number of moving parts, and so can be more compact and
significantly lighter.

The two-stroke cycle

1. Top dead center (TDC)

2. Bottom dead center (BDC)

A: Intake/scavenging
B: Exhaust
C: Compression
D: Expansion (power)
• A: Intake/scavenging

The fuel/air mixture is first drawn into the crankcase by the vacuum that is created during
the upward stroke of the piston.
The illustrated engine features a poppet intake valve; however, many engines use a rotary
value incorporated into the crankshaft.

• B: Exhaust

Toward the end of the stroke, the piston exposes the intake port, allowing the compressed
fuel/air mixture in the crankcase to escape around the piston into the main cylinder.
This expels the exhaust gasses out the exhaust port, usually located on the opposite side
of the cylinder. Unfortunately, some of the fresh fuel mixture is usually expelled as well.

• C: Compression

The piston then rises, driven by flywheel momentum, and compresses the fuel mixture.
(At the same time, another intake stroke is happening beneath the piston).

• D: Expansion (power)
At the top of the stroke, the spark plug ignites the fuel mixture.
The burning fuel expands, driving the piston downward, to complete the cycle. (At the
same time, another crankcase compression stroke is happening beneath the piston.)

1.) Suction Stroke
2.) Compression Stroke
3.) Power Stroke
4.) Exhaust Stroke

Suction Stroke

The first stroke is suction stroke. In this stroke, the

piston moves from TDC (Top Dead Centre) to the BDC( Bottom Dead Centre), which are
the two extreme most positions of the piston. When the piston moves from TDC to BDC the
inlet valve opens through which fresh charge (atmospheric air + petrol) is sucked in.

Compression Stroke

The second stroke is the compression stroke in which the piston moves from BDC to TDC.
When the piston moves from BDC to TDC the inlet valve closes and the charge
is compressed thereby increasing its temperature. When compared to petrol engine the
temperature and pressure developed inside the cylinder block is much higher. To withstand
the high temperature-pressure the diesel engine is bulky and heavier than petrol engine.

Power Stroke

The third stroke is the power stroke which is the most important stroke in which the piston
moves from TDC to BDC. After the compression stroke the piston is at TDC and this when
fuel injector injects or sprays diesel inside the cylinder block and the temperature-pressure
inside the cylinder block has already risen to great extent during compression which is
enough to ignite the fuel (no need of spark plug). Hence combustion takes place inside the
cylinder block and displaces the piston from TDC to BDC. The main power of the engine is
generated from this stroke. Some amount of power is stored the flywheel to execute the other
three strokes and the rest of the power is used to drive the wheels of the car. The inlet and the
exhaust valves remain closed.

Exhaust Stroke

The fourth stroke is the exhaust stroke in which the piston moves from BDC to TDC. The hot
and the fumes which are generated from combustion of the charge are pushed out through the
exhaust valve which opens when the piston moves from BDC to TDC.

4) Write a descriptive technical essay of about 1000 words on marine steam turbine
propulsion systems and its ancillary systems. Substantiate your essay with
relevant diagram or captions.

For marine applications, the cross compound double reduction steam turbine
was a popular choice because it was more compact, taking up less space in the ships
engine-room. It also had the advantage of a built-in astern turbine giving easier astern
movement, with up to 50% astern output power as that of the ahead turbine. Marine
steam turbine engines have largely been replaced by the more economical marine two
stroke diesel engine, mainly for commercial reasons as the diesel engine is much more
economical. Notwithstanding this there are still a few about, running like clockwork-
their one big selling point along with reliability, little maintenance, and high speed
pushing large cruisers and battleships along at forty knots, but they are very thirsty.
The ship's main propulsion turbines are designed to efficiently convert the thermal
energy of steam into useful mechanical energy to propel the ship through the water.
As work is extracted from steam its pressure decreases. The high pressure turbine is
designed to efficiently extract work out of the high pressure steam as it initially enters
the main propulsion turbines. The low pressure turbine is designed to efficiently
extract work out of steam which is exhausting out of the high pressure turbine at a
lower pressure.
The propulsion turbines are designed to operate at high speeds. If the ship's
propellers were to operate at such a high speed, cavitation around the propeller would
occur and the ship would make little progress through the water. To allow both the
turbine and the propeller to operate at their most efficient speeds, a main engine
reduction gear is used to reduce the high rpms of the main propulsion turbines into a
lower rpm for the main shaft. The water drum is located at the bottom of the boiler
below the main generating bank and acts as a lower reservoir of water for distribution
to the main generating bank. Also, this large drum serves as a collection point for
solids (sludge) that precipitate to the bottom that are removed by bottom blow-down.
The fuel oil service system provides the required amount of fuel oil to the boiler for
operation. Its design allows operators to recirculate fuel for system testing and boiler
light-off, redirect contaminated fuel, adjust for abnormalities in system pressure, and
to quickly secure the system in case of a fuel leak or a casualty.

Main propulsion boilers provide steam to the main propulsion turbines and
auxiliary services in order to supply all shipboard steam systems in accordance with
demand. It is designated as a D-type boiler because of the relative positions of the
drums and side header which form the letter D. All D-type boilers are designated as
uncontrolled superheat boilers because all the steam generated by the boiler must pass
through the super-heater. Super-heater outlet temperature is a result of the combustion
gas flow in proportion to the total amount of steam flow through all ranges (0 -
120%). The design characteristics ensure that the temperature will stabilize at set
The combustion air system draws air from the outside atmosphere and directs
it to the boiler to facilitate combustion. The proper amount of air to fuel is critical for
the complete combustion of fuel. Too much or too little combustion air causes exhaust
gases to become excessively white or black; situations that bring unique hazards to
plant operation. The fireroom watch team must be able to monitor the exhaust gases
to help maintain a clear smoke free stack. Smoke indicators and periscopes are
installed to allow monitoring of the stack gases leaving the boiler. The smoke
indicator is an electro-mechanical device and the periscope is an optical device. All
ships have periscopes and many have electro-mechanical smoke indicators or stack
gas analyzers. These devices are located above the economizer at the base of the stack
so that combustion gases leaving the boiler must pass through its line of sight or the
sensing element. From monitoring the stack gases, the combustion process can be
adjusted for maximum efficiency or a casualty situation can be detected.
Automatic Boiler Controls (ABCs) are used extensively on modern surface
ships to control the operation of the boiler and its auxiliaries under all load conditions
from minimum to 120 percent. The ABCs include the various sub-systems necessary
in maintaining both combustion rate and sufficient feed water supply to answer all

steaming requirements within allowable tolerances. The major piece of equipment
which must be placed in operation in order to get the ship underway is the main
engine. This requires placing the main condenser in operation and then testing and
warming the main engine. If another boiler is needed to get underway, it should be lit-
off early enough to ensure that it is on the line and the plant is stable prior to
stationing the sea and anchor detail.
Before lighting fires in a boiler, there are several systems that must be checked
and aligned so that electricity, atomizing air, combustion air, and fuel are available at
the firing aisle. Power is needed for the electric forced draft blower, fuel oil service
pump, and low pressure air compressor (LPAC). Low pressure air is required for
automatic boiler control (ABC) systems and for fuel atomization. In addition, the
boiler must have the proper level of water in the steam drum for light-off and the feed
system must be tested for proper operation in preparation for supplying feed water to
the boiler after light-off. The following sections proceed step by step in the alignment
and testing of these systems and ultimately for igniting the torch and establishing
controlled combustion in the furnace.
With manual control of surface blowdown, there is no way to determine the concentration of
dissolved solids in the boiler water, nor the optimal blowdown rate. Operators do not know
when to blow down the boiler, or for how long. An automatic blowdown-control system
optimizes surface-blowdown rates by regulating the volume of water discharged from the
boiler in relation to the concentration of dissolved solids present. Automatic surface-
blowdown control systems maintain water chemistry within acceptable limits, while
minimizing blowdown and reducing energy losses. Both the high pressure and low pressure
steam turbines have glands at each end which stop the steam from escaping into the engine-
room from the high pressure stage and which stop the loss of condenser vacuum through the
low pressure stage. These glands are known as labyrinth type and, as the name suggests, are
made up of a series of three rings and are supplied with two different pressures, which
effectively seals both turbines shafts and end covers, with the supplied steam exiting to the
gland cooler.

5) Explain 5 types of control and safety systems of a diesel propulsion systems.

Propulsion (Main Engine) and Power (AuxiliaryEngines) Monitoring & Control

➢ Monitoring and control of the ships propulsion and power is essential for its
efficiency and safety and there are many systems and parameters to consider
like: fuel consumption, combustion temperature, engine temperature, diesel
engine safety and start/stop, generator voltage and frequency control, generator
load in KW and %, load control, torque, heavy consumers logic, control of
diesel electric propulsion, thrusters monitoring and control etc..

Auxiliary Machinery Monitoring and Control

➢ Auxiliary machinery monitoring and control covers several systems like: main
sea & fresh water cooling system – pumps, system pressure, temp. etc., Potable
and fresh water control, Air compressors, Bilge & sludge control – Tank level,
pumps, Fuel oil system – Tank levels, temp., viscosity, flow, purifiers, heaters
etc., Other cooling systems, Boiler/steam system – pumps, valves, pressure
temp. etc., Air Conditioning, ballast water treatment, exhaust gas treatment

Cargo & Ballast Monitoring & Control

➢ For safe on and off loading of cargo, especially on tankers, this process is
closely monitored and many times incorporates functions like: Level gauging,
Control of cargo pumps, Valve control, Ballast & ballast pump control, Heeling
control, Remote monitoring of temperature, pressure, and flow.

Condition based monitoring

➢ In order to further improve the ships efficiency many equipment manufacturers
are looking into feeding the main control and monitoring system with
opportunities for condition based monitoring. This would further improve the
possibilities of preventing breakdowns on board.

Automatic shutdown of propulsion and auxiliary machinery.

➢ Safety devices are to not cause complete engine shut-down without prior
warning, except in cases where there is a risk of complete breakdown or
explosion. Such safety devices should be capable of being tested. Safety
systems are to be designed as far as practicable to be independent of the alarm
and control system and their power supply, such that a failure or malfunction in
these systems will not prevent the safety system from operating. Safety systems
including their power supply should be separate for each propulsion unit.




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