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The Scramble of africa:(1880s)

-The Scramble of Africa is when European countries brought nearly all of the
African continent under their control as part of their separate empires.

-1914, the only countries that were do not controlled by europeans was Liberia
and Ethiopia

-In the 1870s Africans controlled 90 percent of Africa.

-All the coast was controlled by the europeans. This began to change with the
missionaries, explorers and traders that reported the riches raw materials in the
interior of Africa

-the global powers such us great britain,spain, france,etc began to claim the lands
in this areas

-Europeans began to construct railroads and steamships on the rivers in africa.

they began to control the trades and began to conquer the governments. Some
African groups began to fight for their lands. such as the Ashanti , Fulani,
Tuareg. where the france forces won the fight

-Was an exception in the north of Africa, Italy was defeated in Ethiopia in 1896.
but later they took their land

-The global powers put limits without taking in consideration the ethnic groups
and the kingdoms. and they do not know too much from the people they

-Africa was completely changed by the europeans, new diseases,wars,etc. the

africans were trying to restore their economy and stable the countries for many
The British Empire:
-The British empire includes the territory of the United Kingdom. This started
with possession of trading posts established by england. between 16 and 18
-In 1913, the British empire controlled 412 millions of people and 23% of the
population of the world.

-In 1920, The british empire controlled the 24% of the land of the world

-“the empire on which the sun never sets”. at least one territory sun was shining.

-During the age of discovery in 15 and 16 centuries, Spain and Portugal began
the exploration of the globe. England, France and the Netherlands began to
establish colonies over America and Asia

-Wars between 17 and 18 centuries with the netherlands and france

-Left England as the largest empire.

-The independence of thirteen colonies in north america in 1783 after the

american war caused the British Empire the loss of the oldest colonies.

-Their attention went for asia, africa and pacific

-After the defeat of the Napoleonic wars in (1792–1815), Britain transformed into
the principal naval and imperial power of the 19 century. Britain's dominance
was called Pax Britannica (British Peace),(1815–1914). the british empire got the
control of global control.

-19 century, the industrial revolution began to transform Britain. was called as
the “workshop of the world”

-The British empire expanded to India and Africa, and controlled the economies
of some regions of Asia and Latin america.

-20 century, germany and united states began to challeng the britain economy
lead, and the military and economy tensions were causes of the world war 1

-This conflict was a very financial, military and economic war. After WW1, the
British empire made their greatest expansion.
Antecedents and causes of WW1:
-Imperialism: a country that takes over new lands or countries and makes them
subject to their rule. For example , the British Empire from the 1800 to 1900s.

-Alliances: agreement between two or more countries to help each other if it is

needed. When countries sign alliances, these countries are called allies. So many
allies between 17889 and 1914. This was important because they can't declare
war if one of their allies declare first.

-Militarism: army and military very present in the government

-Nationalism: a strong supporter of the rights and interests of one country.

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand:

Franz Ferdinand was aged 51 years , the heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire.
He was married to Sofia. he was unpopular because when he takes control he will
make changes.
Franz visit Sarajvo, capital of Bosnia herzegovina, to make a control of Austro
hungarian troops at 28 june of 1914. he will take a luxury car up to the city hall.

-the first two terrorists didn't throw their bombs because the streets were so
crowded and cars travelled quite fast.}
-the third, Cabrinovic, threw a bomb but this one did not kill him, 20 attendants
were injured.
-After the city hall Franz insisted on visiting the injured people to the hospital.
-the driver turned in the wrong direction and there was Gavrilo Princip, he
shooted Franz and his wife killing them at that moment.

All this terrorist were part of black hand.

Gavrilo was not executed, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He died in 1918

Austria -serbia
Russia - austria

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